3,129 research outputs found

    Water-pumping permanent magnet synchronous motor optimization based on customized torque-speed operating area and performance characteristics

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper presents a novel methodology for optimizing Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors for Water-Pumping applications. The algorithm is designed to start the optimization process from a predefined torque-speed area, its desired envelope, and the performance characteristics of the motor to be obtained after the optimization process, providing the information in an efficiency map, according to a predefined control strategy (MTPA, MTPV, etc.). This work also implements an image comparison technique based on the structural similarity index to evaluate the objective function.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Detection of inter-turn faults in multi-phase ferrite-PM assisted synchronous reluctance machine

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    Inter-turn winding faults in five-phase ferrite-permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motors (fPMa-SynRMs) can lead to catastrophic consequences if not detected in a timely manner, since they can quickly progress into more severe short-circuit faults, such as coil-to-coil, phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase faults. This paper analyzes the feasibility of detecting such harmful faults in their early stage, with only one short-circuited turn, since there is a lack of works related to this topic in multi-phase fPMa-SynRMs. Two methods are tested for this purpose, the analysis of the spectral content of the zero-sequence voltage component (ZSVC) and the analysis of the stator current spectra, also known as motor current signature analysis (MCSA), which is a well-known fault diagnosis method. This paper compares the performance and sensitivity of both methods under different operating conditions. It is proven that inter-turn faults can be detected in the early stage, with the ZSVC providing more sensitivity than the MCSA method. It is also proven that the working conditions have little effect on the sensitivity of both methods. To conclude, this paper proposes two inter-turn fault indicators and the threshold values to detect such faults in the early stage, which are calculated from the spectral information of the ZSVC and the line currentsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La capilla de los Vega en el monasterio de San Pedro de la Espina (siglos XV-XVII)

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    This article deals the study of the Grajal's funeral chapel in the cistercian abbey of La Espina (Valladolid), from a historical and artistic point of view, from the XVth century, when the chapel is founded, to the XVIIth century, when its funeral use seems to conclude. The development that we have expounded in this work can be considered as an ordinary behaviour among the noble spanish families in the Late Middle Ages.En este trabajo se aborda el estudio histórico y artístico de la capilla funeraria de los Señores de Grajal en el monasterio cisterciense de la Espina (Valladolid), desde su fundación en el siglo XV hasta que su utilización como lugar de enterramiento por dicha familia parece finalizar dos centurias más tarde. El proceso aquí expuesto puede tomarse como ejemplo del comportamiento de otras muchas familias nobiliarias durante la Baja Edad Media, preocupadas por la obtención de un lugar privilegiado de enterramiento

    Ysambart y la renovación del gótico final en Castilla: Palencia, la Capilla del Contador Saldaña en Tordesillas y Sevilla. Hipótesis para el debate

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    This article studies how Palencia and Tordesillas lead the gothic renovation in the Crown of Castile, before Burgos and Toledo, during the reign of Juan II (1406-54) with the new technical and sculpture language that stems from the Late Gothic imported from the north (France, Bourgogne, Flanders). We study the relationship between Luna’s family and the master Ysambart, who works first in Aragon (Lerida, Daroca and Zaragoza) before going to Castile (Palencia and Sevilla). We think Ysambart could work in Tordesillas too with the master Pedro Jalopa in the wonderful Saldaña’s funerary chapel, where Elvira Portocarrero, the first Alvaro de Luna’s wife, was buried. Later, Ysambart would go to Seville Cathedral and Jalopa went to the Toledo cathedral where he’ll be the master of the Don Alvaro de Luna’s Chapel.Este artículo presenta cómo Palencia y Tordesillas, con anterioridad a Burgos o Toledo, protagonizan la renovación del gótico final en Castilla en tiempos de Juan II (1406-54), con la llegada de las formas artísticas de Francia, Borgoña o Flandes. Estudiamos la relación existente entre la familia de los Luna y el maestro Ysambart, quien antes de venir a trabajar a Castilla (Palencia y Sevilla) lo encontramos en la Corona de Aragón (Lérida, Daroca y Zaragoza). Igualmente planteamos la hipótesis de que el maestro Ysambart pudo trabajar junto a Pedro Jalopa en la magnífica capilla funeraria de los Saldaña donde recibió sepultura la primera mujer de Don Alvaro de Luna, Elvira de Portocarrero. Posteriormente Ysambart acudiría a la Catedral de Sevilla y Jalopa a la de Toledo donde interviene en la capilla de Don Álvaro de Luna

    Autoestima y rendimiento académico matemático en las estudiantes del quinto grado del colegio “Juana Alarco de Dammert”, Lima, 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar la relación que existe entre autoestima y rendimiento académico matemático en las estudiantes del quinto grado del colegio “Juana Alarco de Dammert”, Lima, 2022. La metodología de investigación es de tipo básico de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no experimental de corte transversal y tipo correlacional; se empleó el método hipotético deductivo. Los resultados muestran un valor p de .830, el cual es mayor a .05, indicando que se rechaza la hipótesis de investigación y se concluye que no existe relación entre autoestima y rendimiento académico matemático en las estudiantes del quinto grado del colegio “Juana Alarco de Dammert”, Lima, 2022

    Rheological and microstructural study of concentrated sunflower oil in water emulsions stabilized by food proteins

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    Se ha realizado un estudio de la distribución del tamaño de gotas y de las propiedades viscoelásticas lineales de emulsio- nes concentradas de aceite en agua, estabilizadas con dife- rentes proteínas (cangrejo, gluten y soja). Los sistemas estu- diados siempre presentan un comportamiento típico de emulsiones altamente concentradas con un alto grado de flo- culación. Se ha observado que un incremento de la velocidad de agitación empleada durante la preparación o de la concen- tración de emulsionante dan lugar a un aumento de los módu- los viscoelásticos (G’ y G’’) y a una disminución del tamaño de gotas. Por tanto se produce un reforzamiento del entramado formado por asociación de las gotas de fase dispersa y como consecuencia, un aumento en la estabilidad de las emulsiones.Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) and linear viscoelastic properties of concentrated o/w emulsions stabilized by different proteins (crayfish, gluten and soybean) have been studied. A typical behaviour of highly concentrated emulsions with a high degree of flocculation has been found. An increase in energy input for the emulsification process or in emulsifier concentration leads to an increase in both viscoelastic moduli (G’, G’’) as well as to a decrease in droplet size. Thus, an enhancement of the entanglement network produced by association of protein molecules that are surrounding oil droplets or are present in the continuous phase takes place, leading to a significant improvement of emulsion stabilit

    Chronic administration of P2X7 receptor antagonist JNJ-47965567 delays disease onset and progression, and improves motor performance in ALS SOD1 (G93A) female mice

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    Neuroinflammation is one of the main physiopathological mechanisms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), produced by the chronic activation of microglia in the CNS. This process is triggered by the persistent activation of the ATP-gated P2X7 receptor (P2RX7, hereafter referred to as P2X7R). The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the chronic treatment with the P2X7R antagonist JNJ-47965567 in the development and progression of ALS in the SOD1 murine model. SOD1 mice were intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with either 30 mg/kg of JNJ-47965567 or vehicle 4 times per week, from pre-onset age (here, postnatal day 60; P60) until study endpoint. Body weight, motor coordination, phenotypic score, disease onset and survival were measured throughout the study, and compared between vehicle- and drug-injected groups. Treatment with the P2X7R antagonist JNJ-47965567 delayed disease onset, reduced body weight loss and improved motor coordination and phenotypic score in female SOD1 mice, although it did not increase lifespan. Interestingly, neither beneficial nor detrimental effects were observed in males in any of the analyzed parameters. Treatment did not affect motor neuron survival or ChAT, Iba-1 and P2X7R protein expression in endpoint individuals of mixed sexes. Overall, chronic administration of JNJ-47965567 for 4 times per week to SOD1 mice from pre-onset stage altered disease progression in female individuals while it did not have any effect in males. Our results suggest a partial, yet important, effect of P2X7R in the development and progression of ALS. G93A G93A G93A G93AThis project was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 766124; the Spanish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (SAF2016-78892R); and Fundación Teófilo Hernando