98 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Coin Recognition System for Mobile Devices with Deep Learning

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    This paper examines the application of a deep learning approach to automatic coin recognition, via a mobile device and client-server architecture. We show that a convolutional neural network is effective for coin identification. During the training phase, we determine the optimum size of the training dataset necessary to achieve high classification accuracy with low variance. In addition, we propose a client-server architecture that enables a user to identify coins by photographing it with a smartphone. The image provided by the user is matched with the neural network on a remote server. A high correlation suggests that the image is a match. The application is a first step towards the automatic identification of coins and may help coin experts in their study of coins and reduce the associated expense of numismatic applications

    fe analysis of low density hemp epoxy composites produced by a new continuous process

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    Abstract This paper aims to present a new grid composite structure obtained by stacking hemp fabric layers impregnated by resin using a new continuous process. Both the process feasibility and the mechanical properties of the obtained specimens were investigated in terms of tensile and flexural response. In addition, the effect of the superimposition error of the layers, that can affect the density and the mechanical properties of the produced bio-composites, was studied both experimentally and numerically by finite element models (FEM). The results showed that the process is able to produce low density composites possessing interesting specific mechanical properties with a good level of repeatability

    CFRPs drilling: comparison among holes produced by different drilling strategies

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    Abstract The drilling process of CFRPs is the most commonly employed machining operation owing to the need for joining these structures. However, these materials are prone to delaminate during the process and the presence of these defects can be a cause of rejection of these components. Therefore, this paper aims on the study of alternative drilling strategies such as: the orbital and a new drilling strategy (called circular drilling) to reduce the delaminations extension. Holes 8 mm in diameter were obtained by using different drilling strategies and cutting conditions and their influence on the cutting forces and delamination factor was studied

    Pilot Scale Evaluation of Wild Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains in Aglianico

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    In winemaking, the influence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains on the aromatic components of wine is well recognized on a laboratory scale, but few studies deal with the comparison of numerous strains on a pilot scale fermentation. In this scenario, the present work aimed to validate the fermentative behavior of seven wild S. cerevisiae strains on pilot-scale fermentations to evaluate their impact on the aromatic profiles of the resulting wines. The strains, isolated from grapes of different Italian regional varieties, were tested in pilot-scale fermentation trials performed in the cellar in 1 hL of Aglianico grape must. Then, wines were analyzed for their microbiological cell loads, main chemical parameters of enological interest (ethanol, total sugars, fructose, glucose, total and volatile acidity, malic and lactic acids) and volatile aroma profiles by GC/MS/SPME. Seventy-six volatile compounds belonging to six different classes (esters, alcohols, terpenes, aldehydes, acids, and ketones) were identified. The seven strains showed different trends and significant differences, and for each class of compounds, high-producing and low-producing strains were found. Since the present work was performed at a pilot-scale level, mimicking as much as possible real working conditions, the results obtained can be considered as a validation of the screened S. cerevisiae strains and a strategy to discriminate in real closed conditions strains able to impart desired wine sensory features

    Impiego dell'elettroforesicapillare per la caratterizzazione di microrganismi: l'analisi di ceppi di Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    La possibilità di analizzare e determinare microrganismi, quali batteri e lieviti, in maniera rapida e riproducibile, suscita notevole interesse scientifico data la loro versatilità nel campo della ricerca e dell’industria. Rispetto alle classiche tecniche impiegate in microbiologia, i metodi basati sull’elettroforesi capillare appaiono a tutt'oggi alquanto promettenti poiché in grado non solo di separare con elevata efficienza molecole, ma anche particelle colloidali e quindi cellule. In particolari condizioni, infatti, le cellule microbiche evidenziano in superficie una propria carica netta, grazie alla composizione della loro parete cellulare, e conseguentemente si comportano alla stregua dei colloidi [1,2] il ché rende possibile la loro analisi elettroforetica [2-4]. Nella presente attività di ricerca è stato messo a punto un originale metodo di analisi basato su elettroforesi capillare con rivelazione a diode array applicato alla caratterizzazione di ceppi di lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae. L'implementazione della metodica ha previsto l'ottimizzazione di una serie di parametri elettroforetici quali ad es. la viscosità del tampone di corsa, il volume di campione e l’intensità del campo elettrico applicato. Successivamente si è focalizzato l’interesse sullo studio del comportamento elettroforetico di diversi ceppi di Saccharomyces cerevisiae cresciuti in terreno liquido YPD (Yeast extract, Peptone, D-glucose). Lo studio ha evidenziato una variabilità significativa dei profili elettroforetici, imputata alle differenti velocità di crescita di ciascun ceppo. In particolare, la crescita del ceppo selvaggio 4LBI3 ha evidenziato, inoltre, che esiste una relazione tra il profilo elettroforetico e la fase di crescita in cui si trova la popolazione cellulare esaminata. L’analisi delle dimensioni cellulari mediante microscopia ottica ha evidenziato infine una correlazione tra il profilo elettroforetico del campione e l’effettiva eterogeneità dimensionale della popolazione cellulare analizzata. I risultati sperimentali ottenuti dimostrano la validità dell’elettroforesi capillare per lo studio delle dinamiche di crescita dei lieviti e ne incoraggiano una futura applicazione per analisi quantitative anche di altre specie microbiche. [1] Radko S.P., Chrambach A., Electrophoresis, (2002) 23: pp. 1957-1972 [2] Rodriguez M.A., Armstrong D.W., J. of Chromatography B, 800, 7 (2004). [3] Armstrong D.W., Girod L.H., Rodriguez M.A. et al., Analy. Chem., 74, 5523 (2002). [4] Armstrong D.W., Schulte G., Schneiderheinze J.M., Westenberg D.J., Anal. Chem., 71, 5465 (1999)

    Selection of Optimal Process Parameters for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing

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    Abstract This paper is about the optimal selection of process parameters for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing technology, an emerging solution for additive production of metal parts. In particular, the selection of the process parameters is based on the evolution of the microstructure and on the mechanical properties of the final samples obtained through the successive deposition weld beads of a ER70S-6 steel, according to the AWS legislation. The feed rate and the heat input during the deposition of the weld beads have been varied, in order to understand how the temperature reached by the samples can affect the final product mechanical characteristics. The final cooling has been carried in calm air at room temperature and between the deposition of a weld bead and the following one it has been imposed a pause of 60s. The tests on mechanical properties carried out have been: A full experimental campaign that includes: macrographic observations, micrographic observations and Vickers microhardness. The analysis of these tests has highligthed that by varying the process parameters, the samples do not have substantial differences between them. Instead, a microstructure that evolves from pearlitic-ferritic grains until bainitic lamellae along the vertical direction of the samples has been observed by micrographic analysis and confirmed by microhardness measurements

    Child maltreatment and management of pediatric patients during COVID-19 pandemic: Knowledge, awareness, and attitudes among students of medicine and surgery. A survey-based analysis

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    Purpose of the studyTo assess perception, awareness, and attitudes regarding the medico-legal relevance of child maltreatment and management of pediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in a cohort of medicine and surgery students, with a particular focus on child safety and maltreatment. MethodsA cross-sectional, web-based survey was conducted through an anonymous questionnaire on the personal websites of Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore medical students. ResultsThe study included 1,166 participants, the majority of whom were experienced with child maltreatment and defensive medicine; only a small percentage was aware of the government's efforts to prevent child maltreatment and safeguard vaccination physicians. Moreover, there was no agreement on the use of telemedicine for non-serious pediatric patients or on the consequences it might have on their health. Finally, the detrimental impacts of lockdown on children's mental health are a major worry. ConclusionsKnowledge of these themes is mainly implemented by deepening these concepts during the undergraduate studies since a high level of knowledge on child maltreatment and on the management of COVID-19 pandemic was significantly associated with clinical years of course. Specific seminars analyzing telemedicine and legislative protections concerning minors and those concerning vaccination doctors should be included in the study plan to raise awareness these concepts

    Gestión de la empresa agropecuaria argentina. Registro de información, cálculo de indicadores y necesidades de capacitación

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    La gestión económica y la toma de decisiones constituyen procesos críticos que pueden definir el funcionamiento y las posibilidades de crecimiento y evolución de la empresa agropecuaria. En nuestro país, son escasos los relevamientos que muestran que información y capacitación tienen los actores del sector agropecuario para llevar adelante estos importantes procesos. Esta publicación brinda información de todas las regiones de Argentina, permite conocer qué uso hacen, tanto el productor como los asesores, de la información económica para la toma de decisiones. Indagando sobre el uso de registros, el cálculo de indicadores económicos y financieros, la consulta de informes y la realización de capacitaciones. La información aportada permite también relevar la frecuencia de cálculo de indicadores económicos y del uso de herramientas de gestión e información, detallando la participación del INTA en la oferta de información y de capacitaciones. Además, se identifican temas de interés para orientar la oferta de futuras capacitaciones relacionadas a la gestión empresarial y a la toma de decisiones sectoriales. Finalmente, se definen 4 grupos de similitud de los encuestados según sus características generales y hábitos de uso de información y de toma de capacitaciones. Estos grupos describen tendencias generales en el uso de la información que permiten orientar las acciones institucionales tanto de difusión general como en capacitaciones específicas.EEA BalcarceFil: Gastaldi, Laura Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; Argentina.Fil: Urcola, Hernán Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Villarreal, Patricia Liliana. Instituto Nacional Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; Argentina.Fil: Van Den Bosch, María Eugenia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; Argentina.Fil: Calvi, Mariana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mercedes; Argentina.Fil: Pérez, Gonzalo Antonio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Famaillá; Argentina.Fil: Capece, María Gabriela. Instituto Nacional Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Chilecito; Argentina.Fil: Cibils, Omar Andrés. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Cerro Azul; Argentina

    Preclinical toxicology and safety pharmacology of the first-in-class GADD45β/MKK7 inhibitor and clinical candidate, DTP3

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    Aberrant NF-κB activity drives oncogenesis and cell survival in multiple myeloma (MM) and many other cancers. However, despite an aggressive effort by the pharmaceutical industry over the past 30 years, no specific IκBα kinase (IKK)β/NF-κB inhibitor has been clinically approved, due to the multiple dose-limiting toxicities of conventional NF-κB-targeting drugs. To overcome this barrier to therapeutic NF-κB inhibition, we developed the first-in-class growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible (GADD45)β/mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MKK)7 inhibitor, DTP3, which targets an essential, cancer-selective cell-survival module downstream of the NF-κB pathway. As a result, DTP3 specifically kills MM cells, ex vivo and in vivo, ablating MM xenografts in mice, with no apparent adverse effects, nor evident toxicity to healthy cells. Here, we report the results from the preclinical regulatory pharmacodynamic (PD), safety pharmacology, pharmacokinetic (PK), and toxicology programmes of DTP3, leading to the approval for clinical trials in oncology. These results demonstrate that DTP3 combines on-target-selective pharmacology, therapeutic anticancer efficacy, favourable drug-like properties, long plasma half-life and good bioavailability, with no target-organs of toxicity and no adverse effects preclusive of its clinical development in oncology, upon daily repeat-dose administration in both rodent and non-rodent species. Our study underscores the clinical potential of DTP3 as a conceptually novel candidate therapeutic selectively blocking NF-κB survival signalling in MM and potentially other NF-κB-driven cancers
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