263 research outputs found

    Redes neurais artificiais e computação evolucionária aplicados em modelagem de um turbo-gerador

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    This paper evaluates the application of the computational intelligence methodologies in a nonlinear process identification. The different intelligent methodologies utilized are evolutionary computation (hybrid genetic algorithms with simulated annealing) and artificial neural networks (feedforward and recurrent topologies). The simulations are realized in the identification of a turbogenerator mathematical model through a step signal, pseudo-random binary sequence, and white noise excitation signals. The performance of the techniques are presented and discussed.Eje: Workshop sobre Aspectos Teoricos de la Inteligencia ArtificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Computação evolucionária em identificação e controle de processos: fundamentos, análise e aplicações

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    In this paper several evolutionary computation paradigms in process identification and control are utilized. The following methodologies are addressed: i) genetic algorithms (with floating point representation), ii) hybrid algorithms composed by genetic algorithms with simulated annealing, and iii) evolution strategies (without and with self-adaptation mechanisms). Experiments in identification were conducted in mono-tank level and temperature processes. Experimental tests in control are conducted in order to find the design parameter of the PID control when controlling a non-linear level process, composed of coupled twin-tanks, which are submitted to reference change and load disturbance, and steering a trailer truck while backing up to a loading dock.Eje: Workshop sobre Aspectos Teoricos de la Inteligencia ArtificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Computação evolucionária em identificação e controle de processos: fundamentos, análise e aplicações

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    In this paper several evolutionary computation paradigms in process identification and control are utilized. The following methodologies are addressed: i) genetic algorithms (with floating point representation), ii) hybrid algorithms composed by genetic algorithms with simulated annealing, and iii) evolution strategies (without and with self-adaptation mechanisms). Experiments in identification were conducted in mono-tank level and temperature processes. Experimental tests in control are conducted in order to find the design parameter of the PID control when controlling a non-linear level process, composed of coupled twin-tanks, which are submitted to reference change and load disturbance, and steering a trailer truck while backing up to a loading dock.Eje: Workshop sobre Aspectos Teoricos de la Inteligencia ArtificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Redes neurais artificiais e computação evolucionária aplicados em modelagem de um turbo-gerador

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    This paper evaluates the application of the computational intelligence methodologies in a nonlinear process identification. The different intelligent methodologies utilized are evolutionary computation (hybrid genetic algorithms with simulated annealing) and artificial neural networks (feedforward and recurrent topologies). The simulations are realized in the identification of a turbogenerator mathematical model through a step signal, pseudo-random binary sequence, and white noise excitation signals. The performance of the techniques are presented and discussed.Eje: Workshop sobre Aspectos Teoricos de la Inteligencia ArtificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Interest rate risk measurement in Brazilian sovereign markets

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    Os mercados emergentes de renda fixa são alternativas interessantes para investimentos. Devido ao elevado nível de incerteza existente em tais mercados, a mensuração dos riscos de mercado de uma carteira de investimentos é fundamental para que se evite um nível elevado de perdas. Uma das medidas de risco de mercado mais utilizadas é o Value at Risk, baseado na distribuição de probabilidades de perdas-ganhos da carteira sob análise. A estimação desta distribuição requer, no entanto, a estimação prévia da distribuição de pro-babilidades das variações da estrutura a termo da taxa de juros. Uma possibilidade interessante para a estimação de tal distribuição é efetuar uma decomposição da função de spread da estrutura a termo em uma combinação linear de Polinômios de Legendre. Exemplos numéricos do mercado internacional de títulos soberanos brasileiros são apresentados para ilustrar o uso prático desta nova metodologia.Fixed income emerging markets are an interesting investment alternative. Measuring market risks is mandatory in order to avoid unexpected huge losses. The most used market risk measure is the Value at Risk, based on the profit-loss probability distribution of the portfolio under consideration. Estimating this probability distribution requires the prior estimation of the probability distribution of term structures of interest rates. An interesting possibility is to estimate term structures using a decomposition of the spread function into a linear combination of Legendre polynomials. Numerical examples from the Brazilian sovereign fixed income international market illustrate the practical use of the methodology

    Parental attitude about vaccination of their daughters against HPV to prevent cervical cancer

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    Objective: To evaluate public knowledge about HPV through opinion gathering and behavior analysis. Method: This is a transversal, exploratory, quantitative study involving individuals who are legal guardians of at least one daughter (under the age of 26 years and 11 months). We conducted 455 structured interviews with sociodemographic valid data, level of information, and opinion about vaccination against HPV. Results: Knowledge about the vaccine contemplated 79.3% of the sample, with 92.7% approval of the vaccination policy; knowledge about HPV is adequate mainly among women, Caucasian, residents of the central region, and inadequate knowledge is evident in poorer and unmarried populations. Conclusions: The sample agrees with the extension of the age range of the campaign for free distribution of the vaccine, coupled with education to improve knowledge on the effectiveness of vaccines in the underserved populations. However, we have concluded that in the age group proposed by the policy, 9 to 13 years old, parents should be responsible for the decision to vaccinate their daughters.Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de conhecimento sobre o papilomavírus humano (HPV) e obter opiniões e comportamentos sobre a vacinação. Método: Estudo transversal, exploratório e quantitativo, incluindo indivíduos que fossem responsáveis legais por pelo menos uma filha (com idade inferior a 26 anos e 11 meses). Realizaram-se 455 entrevistas estruturadas válidas com os dados sociodemográficos, nível de informação e opinião acerca do tema. Resultados: O conhecimento sobre a vacina contemplou 79,3% da amostra, com 92,7% de aprovação do programa; o conhecimento sobre o HPV é adequado, principalmente entre mulheres, de cor branca e residente na região central, mas é menor em pessoas com renda até dois salários mínimos e solteiras. Conclusões: A amostra concorda com a extensão da faixa etária da campanha, caso haja distribuição gratuita, bem como acredita na eficácia da vacina. Entretanto, acreditam que, na faixa etária proposta da campanha, de 9 a 13 anos, os pais deveriam ser os responsáveis pela decisão de vacinar suas filhas, não cabendo a elas ou aos órgãos de saúde essa escolha

    Viral contamination during sequential phacoemulsification surgeries in an experimental model

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    Purpose: To determine the incidence of Piry virus contamination among surgical instruments used with disposable accessories for phacoemulsification during sequential surgeries. Methods: An experimental model was created with 4 pigs' eyes that were contaminated with Piry virus and 4 pigs' eyes that were not contaminated. Phacoemulsification was performed on the eyes, alternating between the contaminated and non-contaminated eyes. From one surgery to another, the operating fields, gloves, scalpel, tweezers, needles, syringes, tips and bag collector from the phacoemulsification machine were exchanged; only the hand piece and the irrigation and aspiration systems were maintained. Results: In the collector bag, three samples from the contaminated eyes (3/4) were positive, and two samples from the non-contaminated (2/4) eyes were also positive; at the tip, one sample from the contaminated eyes (1/4) and two samples of the noncontaminated eyes (2/4) yielded positive results. In the irrigation system, one sample from a non-contaminated eye (1/4) was positive, and in the aspiration system, two samples from contaminated eyes (2/4) and two samples from non-contaminated eyes (2/4) were positive. In the gloves, the samples were positive in two samples from the non-contaminated eyes (2/4) and in two samples from the contaminated eyes (2/4). In the scalpel samples, three contaminated eyes (3/4) and none of the non-contaminated eyes (0/4) were positive; finally, two samples from the anterior chambers of the non-contaminated eyes gathered after surgery were positive. Conclusions: In two non-contaminated eyes, the presence of genetic material was detected after phacoemulsification surgery, demonstrating that the transmission of the genetic material of the Piry virus occurred at some point during the surgery on these non-contaminated eyes when the hand piece and irrigation and aspiration systems were reused between surgeries

    Classification of haematopoietic and lymphoid tumors: WHO, standardization of nomenclature in Portuguese, 4th edition

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    INTRODUCTION: The World Health Organization (WHO) classification of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue (4th edition, 2008) tumors constitutes an updated review of the 3rd edition published in 2001. The translation of the nomenclature used to describe the entities should be clear, precise and uniform so that clinicians, pathologists and researchers involved in the onco-hematopathological area may identify them accurately. OBJECTIVE: With this purpose, the authors present an updated proposal and a terminological standardization in Portuguese based on WHO/2008INTRODUÇÃO: A classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para os tumores do tecido hematopoético e linfoide (4ª edição, 2008) representa uma revisão atualização da 3ª edição publicada em 2001. A tradução da nomenclatura utilizada para identificar as entidades descritas deve ser clara, precisa e uniforme no sentido de reproduzir de forma correta as diversas entidades clinicopatológicas para clínicos, patologistas e pesquisadores envolvidos na área da onco-hematopatologia. OBJETIVO: Os autores apresentam uma proposta de atualização e padronização terminológica em língua portuguesa, com base na OMS/2008Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de PatologiaUSP Faculdade de Odontologia Departamento de PatologiaHospital do Câncer A. C. Camargo Departamento de Anatomia PatológicaUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Departamento de PatologiaUniversidade Estadual de Campinas Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Departamento de Anatomia PatológicaFMUSP Hospital das ClínicasHospital Israelita Albert Einstein Setor de Citogenética Laboratório ClínicoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Fleury Medicina Diagnóstica Laboratório de CitogenéticaSanta Casa de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências MédicasFMUSP HC Divisão de Anatomia PatológicaUNIFESP Departamento de PatologiaFMUSP Instituto do CoraçãoFMUSP Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Departamento de PatologiaFleury Medicina DiagnósticaInstituto Adolfo LutzHospital Alemão Oswaldo CruzFCMSCSP Departamento de PatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de PatologiaSciEL

    Brazilian pediatric reference data for quantitative ultrasound of phalanges according to gender, age, height and weight

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    To establish normative data for phalangeal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) measures in Brazilian students. The sample was composed of 6870 students (3688 females and 3182 males), aged 6 to 17 years. The bone status parameter, Amplitude Dependent Speed of Sound (AD-SoS) was assessed by QUS of the phalanges using DBM Sonic BP (IGEA, Carpi, Italy) equipment. Skin color was obtained by self-evaluation. The LMS method was used to derive smoothed percentiles reference charts for AD-SoS according to sex, age, height and weight and to generate the L, M, and S parameters. Girls showed higher AD-SoS values than boys in the age groups 7-16 (p<0.001). There were no differences on AD-SoS Z-scores according to skin color. In both sexes, the obese group showed lower values of AD-SoS Z-scores compared with subjects classified as thin or normal weight. Age (r(2) = 0.48) and height (r(2) = 0.35) were independent predictors of AD-SoS in females and males, respectively. AD-SoS values in Brazilian children and adolescents were influenced by sex, age and weight status, but not by skin color. Our normative data could be used for monitoring AD-SoS in children or adolescents aged 6-17 years106CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informaçãosem informação2006/01978-0; 2011/23460-1; 2002/13021-1; 2012/16778-

    Classification of haematopoietic and lymphoid tumors: WHO, standardization of nomenclature in Portuguese, 4th edition

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    INTRODUCTION: The World Health Organization (WHO) classification of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue (4th edition, 2008) tumors constitutes an updated review of the 3rd edition published in 2001. The translation of the nomenclature used to describe the entities should be clear, precise and uniform so that clinicians, pathologists and researchers involved in the onco-hematopathological area may identify them accurately. OBJECTIVE: With this purpose, the authors present an updated proposal and a terminological standardization in Portuguese based on WHO/2008INTRODUÇÃO: A classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para os tumores do tecido hematopoético e linfoide (4ª edição, 2008) representa uma revisão atualização da 3ª edição publicada em 2001. A tradução da nomenclatura utilizada para identificar as entidades descritas deve ser clara, precisa e uniforme no sentido de reproduzir de forma correta as diversas entidades clinicopatológicas para clínicos, patologistas e pesquisadores envolvidos na área da onco-hematopatologia. OBJETIVO: Os autores apresentam uma proposta de atualização e padronização terminológica em língua portuguesa, com base na OMS/200864364