520 research outputs found

    CO2 als escorxadors

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    L'atordiment previ dels animals en escorxadors abans del sacrifici no només és una realitat legislativa, és també una voluntat general d'aconseguir rebaixar el patiment o l'estrès de l'animal. En el cas de l'espècie porcina, l'exposició al diòxid de carboni (CO2 ) és un dels mètodes més utilitzats donat que presenta una sèrie de beneficis en comparació amb l'atordiment elèctric, com ara la possibilitat de poder realitzar-ho en grups, no haver de subjectar al porc o l'obtenció d'una carn de millor qualitat. L'efecte d'aquest gas -amb una concentració d'entre el 80% i el 90%- sobre l'organisme consisteix en una depressió de l'activitat nerviosa de l'animal, derivant en una pèrdua de consciència i en una reducció del seu patiment. Per comprovar-ho en laboratori, existeixen tota una sèrie de mètodes que analitzen diferents nivells d'activitat cerebral que ajuden a valorar l'estat de consciència del porc abans, durant i després de l'exposició. L'article següent aprofundeix en els resultats de la investigació.El aturdimiento previo de los animales en mataderos antes del sacrificio no sólo es una realidad legislativa, es también una voluntad general de conseguir rebajar el padecimiento o el estrés del animal. En el caso de la especie porcina, la exposición al dióxido de carbono (CO2 ) es uno de los métodos más utilizados dado que presenta una serie de beneficios en comparación con el aturdimiento eléctrico, como la posibilidad de poder realizarlo en grupos, no tener que sujetar al cerdo o la obtención de una carne de mejor calidad. El efecto de este gas -con una concentración de entre el 80% y el 90%- sobre el organismo consiste en una depresión de la actividad nerviosa del animal, derivando en una pérdida de conciencia y en una reducción de su padecimiento. Para comprobarlo en laboratorio, existen toda serie de métodos que analizan diferentes niveles de actividad cerebral que ayudan a valorar el estado de conciencia del cerdo antes, durante y después de la exposición. El siguiente artículo profundiza en los resultados de la investigación

    Welfare of ducks, geese and quail on farm

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    This Scientific Opinion concerns the welfare of Domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus),Muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata domesticus) and their hybrids (Mule ducks), Domestic geese (Anseranser f. domesticus) and Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) in relation to the rearing of breeders, birdsfor meat, Muscovy and Mule ducks and Domestic geese for foie gras and layer Japanese quail for eggproduction. The most common husbandry systems (HSs) in the European Union are described for eachanimal species and category. The following welfare consequences are described and assessed for eachspecies: restriction of movement, injuries (bone lesions including fractures and dislocations, soft tissuelesions and integument damage and locomotory disorders including lameness), group stress, inabilityto perform comfort behaviour, inability to perform exploratory or foraging behaviour and inability toexpress maternal behaviour (related to prelaying and nesting behaviours). Animal-based measuresrelevant for the assessment of these welfare consequences were identified and described. The relevanthazards leading to the welfare consequences in the different HSs were identified. Specific factors suchas space allowance (including minimum enclosure area and height) per bird, group size,floor quality,characteristics of nesting facilities and enrichment provided (including access to water to fulfilbiological needs) were assessed in relation to the welfare consequences and, recommendations onhow to prevent the welfare consequences were provided in a quantitative or qualitative way

    Should animal welfare regulations be more restrictive? A case study in eight European Union Countries

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    Intensive animal production systems are compromising current animal welfare standards. European societies’ growing concerns regarding how animals are raised have resulted in continuous European Union (EU) policy reforms that have banned certain intensive farming methods. We investigated whether EU respondents, differentiated by their roles as citizens and consumers, believe that the current regulations on animal welfare should be more restrictive. Data were collected using a survey approach implemented in eight European countries (Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, and Sweden) with a sample of 3860 respondents with approximately 240 respondents organized by group and country. The results show that women citizens are more concerned with animal welfare and are prone to accept more restrictive regulations. Respondents from Northern European countries (Poland and Sweden) are willing to accept regulations that are more restrictive than the current minimum standards than respondents from southern countries (Spain and Italy). Our results suggest that increasing knowledge of animal welfare is related to effective information campaigns that use the Internet to endorse the current animal welfare legislation.Postprint (updated version

    Stunning pigs with different gas mixtures : Aversion in pigs

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    The objective of this study was to assess the aversion to exposure of 90% argon, 70% N2/30% CO2 and 85% N2/15% CO 2 by volume in atmospheric air in 24 halothane-free slaughter-weight pigs using aversion learning techniques and behavioural studies in an experimental slaughterhouse. Pigs were subjected to the treatments individually during 2 separate trials of 12 animals each. The time of exposure to the gases was 46 and 32 s, respectively. When the pit contained any of the 3 gas mixtures, the time taken to cross the raceway and enter the cradle (TCREC) increased compared with the training sessions (atmospheric air). The incidence of pigs showing retreat and escape attempts and gasps and the number of times that this behaviour was performed was lower in 90% argon than in the gas mixtures with N2 and CO2. On the other hand, the time to loss of posture was lower with 70% N2/30% CO2 than with argon. The second exposure to all gas mixtures was more aversive than the first and the loss of posture also occurred earlier in the second exposure. In conclusion, pigs showed more aversion to gas mixtures with N2 and either 15% or 30% CO 2 by volume than 90% argon by volume

    Animal Welfare and Meat Quality Assessment in Gas Stunning during Commercial Slaughter of Pigs Using Hypercapnic-Hypoxia (20% CO2 2% O-2) Compared to Acute Hypercapnia (90% CO2 in Air)

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    Simple Summary Animals must be stunned before slaughter to avoid fear, pain, and distress. In pigs, the most extensively used method is exposure to hypercapnia (high (>80%) concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2)). However, it produces irritation of the mucosa and a sense of breathlessness, reducing the welfare before slaughter. We investigated whether using hypercapnic-hypoxia (20% CO2 and less than 2% O-2) reduced aversion and discomfort compared to hypercapnia, and whether the quality of the stunning was adequate, meaning that no animals regain conscious after stunning. Moreover, we compared the impact of both stunning gases for meat and carcass quality. Our results suggest that both gases provoked aversion and discomfort, but these were lower in pigs stunned with the N-2 mixture compared to high CO2. On the other hand, the stun quality of the N-2 mixture was poorer than high CO2 stunning, given that more animals regained consciousness before sticking with the N-2 gas mixture. The stunning quality of the N-2 mixture, however, was improved when oxygen concentration was below 2%. Meat quality was slightly poorer in N-2 stunning compared to high CO2, with a higher percentage of carcasses showing pale, soft, and exudative pork.This study assessed aversion, stunning effectiveness, and product quality of nitrogen and carbon dioxide (CO2) mixtures used for stunning pigs. A total of 1852 slaughter pigs divided into two similar batches was assessed during routine slaughter in a Swedish commercial abattoir using either hypercapnic-hypoxia (20% CO2 and less than 2% O-2; 20C2O) or hypercapnia (90% CO2; 90C) gas mixtures. Behavioral indicators of aversion and discomfort were recorded. After exposure, the stunning quality was assessed through brainstem reflexes. After slaughter, the pH and electric conductivity of carcasses were assessed to estimate the incidence of pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) pork, and the presence of ecchymosis were inspected. Compared to 90C, pigs exposed to 20C2O showed a later (p < 0.05) onset of behaviors indicative of aversion, and a lower (p < 0.01) incidence of breathlessness. However, unconsciousness (i.e., losing posture) appeared earlier (p < 0.01) in 90C compared to 20C2O. In 90C, all (100%) pigs were adequately stunned, whereas in 20C2O a 7.4% of pigs showed signs of poor stunning, especially when oxygen concentrations were >2% (p < 0.001). The percentage of PSE carcasses was higher (p < 0.01) in 20C2O than 90C. In conclusion, compared to 90C, 20C2O reduced aversion and discomfort but showed lower stun effectiveness, especially when O-2 was above 2%, and a slightly poorer pork quality

    Analisis y diseño de un software para optimizar el registro y digitalizacion de historias clinicas en una entidad de salud privada- Lima, 2022

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    EL presente trabajo de investigación consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema móvil para sistema operativo Android que permita automatizar el registro de fichas médicas realizada por los médicos en las atenciones a domicilio y la generación del formato digital del mismo, con el fin de agilizar y evitar trabajos manuales por parte del área operativa. Para el análisis y diseño del software, se recaudó información de las unidades de negocio de la empresa para establecer los distintos procesos y formatos. En el desarrollo del software se utilizó la metodología RUP (Proceso unificado Racional). Esta investigación permite concluir que, con el uso de las herramientas disponibles en la actualidad para el desarrollo de software tales como Visual Studio, SQL Server y JAVA podremos diseñar aplicativos que permitan el registro, control y visualización de fichas medicas permitiendo conocer los datos del mismo de manera inmediata.The present research work consists of the development of a mobile system for the Android operating system that allows to automate the registration of medical records made by doctors in home care and the generation of the digital format of the same in order to speed up and avoid work manuals by the operational area. For the analysis and design of the software, information was collected from the business units of the company to establish the different processes and formats. In the development of the software, the RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology was adopted. This research allows us to conclude that, with the use of currently available tools for software development such as Visual Studio, SQL Server and JAVA, we will be able to design applications that allow the registration, control and visualization of medical records, allowing us to know the data of the same. immediately
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