175 research outputs found

    Cognitive Health of Nonagenarians in Southern Italy: A Descriptive Analysis from a Cross-Sectional, Home-Based Pilot Study of Exceptional Longevity (Cilento Initiative on Aging Outcomes Or CIAO).

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    Background: Nonagenarians and centenarians (NCs) are an extremely fragile population, particularly in regard to their physical and cognitive function. The aim of this study was to define the neurocognitive profiles among 29 NCs and their 49 younger cohabitants aged 50-75 years from The Cilento Initiative on Aging Outcomes (CIAO) Pilot study in the South of Italy that had provided initial hypotheses regarding positive psychological traits related to exceptional longevity. Methods: During the home visits, lifestyle information with specific questionnaires, functional autonomy and the neuropsychological Mini Mental Scale Examination (MMSE), and the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive (ADAS-Cog) scale were obtained by qualified study personnel. The total blood oxidative capacity was also determined by testing the reactive derivative of oxygen metabolites (d-ROM) and by the Biological Antioxidant Potential (BAP). In all individuals, the APOE genotype determination was also performed. Results: All the subjects in both groups showed high adherence to the Mediterranean Diet. None of the NCs had severe cognitive impairment, and a very low incidence of dementia was found. The data obtained on the Activities ed Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADL-IADL) scale showed that the majority of NCs (16/29) were autonomous in daily life activities. The comparative assessment of NCs and cohabitants showed no significant differences in the laboratory assessment of oxidative stress and APOE genotype. Conclusion: In the Cilento Region of Southern Italy, NCs seemed to have good cognitive status when compared to younger cohabitants aging 50-65 years without significant differences in oxidative stress markers or APOE genotype. These results might be related to optimal adherence to the Mediterranean diet, although other lifestyle factors and positive personality traits may also contribute to their healthy aging. Further studies on a larger population should be performed to confirm the results of this pilot study

    Human glutathione transferase T2-2 discloses some evolutionary strategies for optimization of the catalytic activity of glutathione transferases.

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    Steady state, pre-steady state kinetic experiments, and site-directed mutagenesis have been used to dissect the catalytic mechanism of human glutathione transferase T2-2 with 1-menaphthyl sulfate as co-substrate. This enzyme is close to the ancestral precursor of the more recently evolved glutathione transferases belonging to Alpha, Pi, and Mu classes. The enzyme displays a random kinetic mechanism with very low k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m)((GSH)) values and with a rate-limiting step identified as the product release. The chemical step, which is fast and causes product accumulation before the steady state catalysis, strictly depends on the deprotonation of the bound GSH. Replacement of Arg-107 with Ala dramatically affects the fast phase, indicating that this residue is crucial both in the activation and orientation of GSH in the ternary complex. All pre-steady state and steady state kinetic data were convincingly fit to a kinetic mechanism that reflects a quite primordial catalytic efficiency of this enzyme. It involves two slowly interconverting or not interconverting enzyme populations (or active sites of the dimeric enzyme) both able to bind and activate GSH and strongly inhibited by the product. Only one population or subunit is catalytically competent. The proposed mechanism accounts for the apparent half-site behavior of this enzyme and for the apparent negative cooperativity observed under steady state conditions. These findings also suggest some evolutionary strategies in the glutathione transferase family that have been adopted for the optimization of the catalytic activity, which are mainly based on an increased flexibility of critical protein segments and on an optimal orientation of the substrate

    Navigating the contradiction: balancing patient care and caregiver protection. From heroes to victims

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    The COVID emergency has accelerated professional and organizational transformations, prompting a re-signification of activity systems, routines, professional visions, concrete daily operations. An unforeseen scenario emerges, highlighting elements of uncertainty, fatigue, and discomfort, linked, on the one hand, to the challenge raised towards the professional identities of the various players, called to deal with the new organizational constraints, to reposition themselves in changing contexts. On the other hand, the challenge refers to the possibility to achieve a good balance between offering services aimed at the promotion and protection of health and, at the same time, to guarantee working safety and security conditions, in increasingly complex contexts in which tensions and contradictions coexist with reduction of resources and requests for more effective services. At risk is the possibility to cope with increasing situations of social conflicts (i.e. the no vax manifestations) and events such as those related to the aggressiveness of patients, the verbal and often physical aggression against the health professionals, exposed to the temptation to abandon work and devote oneself to something else. Tackling with patients taken in charge by the Services and with characteristics of aggressive behavior, decidedly above the sustainability thresholds (death threats; screams and insults; raids on the service; stalking; shadowing of operators, ... with situations of requesting emergency intervention by the police, which could only be limited to a light intervention in the absence of an explicit complaint against the person), generates understandable fears and dynamics of avoidance/expulsion. These are, more and more (even though not exclusively) at the basis of resignations and retirement from work. This is in evident contrast with the mission of the health service and therefore with the identification of personnel with the aim of taking care of every user with a need. Hence a situation of impasse (disenchantment/impotence/give up/avoidance), having to deal with balancing the threshold of the limit(boundary) and the limit(boundary) of the threshold, defining conditions of survival, of joint elaboration, of collective action agreed. The possibility of conceiving oneself as an emancipatory limit(boundary), avoiding fantasies of ‘expulsive killerage’ and ‘regulatory stiffening’, relies on a collective system alliance, capable of considering both realistic fears with respect to personal safety to be protected, and the elaboration of one's own defensive dynamics in the face of exposure to external aggression. At stake is the lacerating dilemma between the identification with a service that must take charge of the needs (whatever they may be) of a user/patient and, at the same time, with the need to protect one's own and others' (other patients) safety conditions to be able to fulfill the professional task to which one is called

    GSTB1-1 from Proteus mirabilis: a snapshot of an enzyme in the evolutionary pathway from a redox enzyme to a conjugating enzyme.

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    The native form of the bacterial glutathione transferase B1-1 (EC ) is characterized by one glutathione (GSH) molecule covalently linked to Cys-10. This peculiar disulfide, only found in the Beta and Omega class glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) but absent in all other GSTs, prompts questions about its role and how GSH can be activated and utilized in the reaction normally performed by GSTs. Stopped-flow and spectroscopic experiments suggest that, in the native enzyme (GSTB1-1ox), a second GSH molecule is present, albeit transiently, in the active site. This second GSH binds to the enzyme through a bimolecular interaction followed by a fast thiol-disulfide exchange with the covalently bound GSH. The apparent pK(a) of the non-covalently bound GSH is lowered from 9.0 to 6.4 +/- 0.2 in similar fashion to other GSTs. The reduced form of GSTB1-1 (GSTB1-1red) binds GSH 100-fold faster and also induces a more active deprotonation of the substrate with an apparent pK(a) of 5.2 +/- 0.1. Apparently, the absence of the mixed disulfide does not affect k(cat) and K(m) values in the GST conjugation activity, which is rate-limited by the chemical step both in GSTB1-1red and in GSTB1-1ox. However, GSTB1-1ox follows a steady-state random sequential mechanism whereas a rapid-equilibrium random sequential mechanism is adopted by GSTB1-1red. Remarkably, GSTB1-1ox and GSTB1-1red are equally able to catalyze a glutaredoxin-like catalysis using cysteine S-sulfate and hydroxyethyl disulfide as substrates. Cys-10 is an essential residue in this redox activity, and its replacement by alanine abolishes this enzymatic activity completely. It appears that GSTB1-1 behaves like an "intermediate enzyme" between the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase and the GST superfamilies

    Co-Transplantation of endothelial progenitor cells and pancreatic islets to induce long-lasting normoglycemia in streptozotocin-treated diabetic rats

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    Graft vascularization is a crucial step to obtain stable normoglycemia in pancreatic islet transplantation. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to neoangiogenesis and to the revascularization process during ischaemic events and play a key role in the response to pancreatic islet injury. In this work we co-transplanted EPCs and islets in the portal vein of chemically-induced diabetic rats to restore islet vascularization and to improve graft survival. Syngenic islets were transplanted, either alone or with EPCs derived from green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic rats, into the portal vein of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Blood glucose levels were monitored and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests were performed. Real time-PCR was carried out to evaluate the gene expression of angiogenic factors. Diabetic-induced rats showed long-lasting (6 months) normoglycemia upon co-transplantation of syngenic islets and EPCs. After 3–5 days from transplantation, hyperglycaemic levels dropped to normal values and lasted unmodified as long as they were checked. Further, glucose tolerance tests revealed the animals' ability to produce insulin on-demand as indexed by a prompt response in blood glucose clearance. Graft neovascularization was evaluated by immunohistochemistry: for the first time the measure of endothelial thickness revealed a donor-EPC-related neovascularization supporting viable islets up to six months after transplant. Our results highlight the importance of a newly formed viable vascular network together with pancreatic islets to provide de novo adequate supply in order to obtain enduring normoglycemia and prevent diabetes-related long-term health hazards

    Using Glycerol to Produce European Sea Bass Feed With Oleaginous Microbial Biomass: Effects on Growth Performance, Filet Fatty Acid Profile, and FADS2 Gene Expression

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    Using a circular economy concept, the present study investigated the use of crude glycerol, a primary by-product of biodiesel production, as a low-priced nutrient source for heterotrophic cultivation of the fungus-like protist Schizochytrium limacinum SR21 strain. The whole biomass of this oleaginous microorganism, rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and high-quality proteins, was then paired with a vegetable oil (VO) source and used to replace fish oil (FO) in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) feeds. Four nutritionally balanced diets were formulated: diet FO (a FO-based diet), diet VO + 0 (a VO-based diet without S. limacinum), and diets VO + 5 and VO + 10 that were VO-based feeds supplemented with 5 and 10% of S. limacinum, respectively. After a 3-month feeding trial, fish of all dietary groups tripled their initial weight, but growth and feeding efficiencies of D. labrax were not significantly different among treatments. Although the formulated diets were balanced for polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), fish fed with feeds containing either VO or VO plus 5 and 10% of S. limacinum biomass had significantly higher levels of PUFAs in the flesh than fish fed the FO-based diet. Values of health-related lipid indexes, such as atherogenicity index, thrombogenicity index, and flesh lipid quality as well as n-6/n-3 and PUFAs/SFAs ratios confirmed the high nutritional value of sea bass filet, thus representing a healthy product for human consumption. Although the PUFAs/SFAs ratio showed a significantly higher value in fish fed with VO-based diets supplemented with S. limacinum than in those fed with FO diet, suggesting a better filet quality, the n-6/n-3 ratio clearly indicated that filet quality of dietary group FO was best (value of 0.55) and that of group VO + 10 second best (value of 0.98). We also evaluated the nutritional regulation of 16-desaturase (or fads2) gene expression in European sea bass liver. European sea bass fed the VO + 0 diet had the highest number of mRNA copies for 16-desaturase (or fads2), fish fed with diet VO + 10 the lowest. Our study adds to the growing body of literature concerning the use of thraustochytrid biomass as a valid alternative to marine-derived raw materials for European sea bass feeds

    Quantum dots labelling allows detection of the homing of mesenchymal stem cells administered as immunomodulatory therapy in an experimental model of pancreatic islets transplantation

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    Cell transplantation is considered a promising therapeutic approach in several pathologies but still needs innovative and non-invasive imaging technologies to be validated. The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) attracts major interest in clinical transplantation thanks to their regenerative properties, low immunogenicity and ability to regulate immune responses. In several animal models, MSCs are used in co-transplantation with pancreatic islets (PIs) for the treatment of type I diabetes, supporting graft survival and prolonging normal glycaemia levels. In this study we investigated the homing of systemically administered MSCs in a rat model of pancreatic portal vein transplantation. MSCs labelled with quantum dots (Qdots) were systemically injected by tail vein and monitored by optical fluorescence imaging. The fluorescence signal of the liver in animals co-transplanted with MSCs and PIs was significantly higher than in control animals in which MSCs alone were transplanted. By using magnetic labelling of PIs, the homing of PIs into liver was independently confirmed. These results demonstrate that MSCs injected in peripheral blood vessels preferentially accumulate into liver when PIs are transplanted in the same organ. Moreover, we prove that bimodal MRI-fluorescence imaging allows specific monitoring of the fate of two types of cells

    Collective health research assessment : developing a tool to measure the impact of multistakeholder research initiatives

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    Background: The need to more collaboratively measure the impact of health research and to do so from multidimensional perspectives has been acknowledged. A scorecard was developed as part of the Collective Research Impact Framework (CRIF), to engage stakeholders in the assessment of the impacts of health research and innovations. The purpose of this study was to describe the developmental process of the MULTI-ACT Master Scorecard (MSC) and how it can be used as a workable tool for collectively assessing future responsible research and innovation measures. Methods: An extensive review of the health research impact literature and of multistakeholder initiatives resulted in a database of 1556 impact indicators. The MSC was then cocreated by engaging key stakeholders and conducting semi-structured interviews of experts in the field. Results: The MSC consists of five accountability dimensions: excellence, efficacy, economic, social and patient-reported outcomes. The tool contains 125 potential indicators, classified into 53 impact measurement aspects that are considered the most relevant topics for multistakeholder research and innovation initiatives when assessing their impact on the basis of their mission and their stakeholders’ interests. The scorecard allows the strategic management of multistakeholder research initiatives to demonstrate their impact on people and society. The value of the tool is that it is comprehensive, customizable and easy to use. Conclusions: The MSC is an example of how the views of society can be taken into account when research impacts are assessed in a more sustainable and balanced way. The engagement of patients and other stakeholders is an integral part of the CRIF, facilitating collaborative decision-making in the design of policies and research agendas. In policy making, the collective approach allows the evaluation perspective to be extended to the needs of society and towards responsible research and innovation. Multidimensionality makes research and innovations more responsive to systemic challenges, and developing more equitable and sustainable health services.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Immunomodulation in Allogeneic Heterotopic Heart-Lung Transplantation

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    Mesenchymal stem cells are able to differentiate in various cell lineages and they have shown immunomodulatory properties in vitro, altering the cytokine secretion profile of T helper, T effector and dendritic cells and stimulating natural killer cells towards an anti-inflammatory and tolerant phenotype. In vivo they prolong skin allograft survival and may decrease graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplants. In this work we studied the effects of mesenchymal stem cell treatment in an allogeneic heterotopic heart-lung transplant model. The following experimental groups were formed: A) Control B) Immunosuppressive therapy (Cyclosporine A) C) Mesenchymal stem-cell intravenous infusion D) Mesenchymal stem-cell infusion plus immunosuppressive treatment. The infusion of mesenchymal stem cells improved the mean graft survival up to 14.5±3.7 days with respect to the control group (3±0.6 days). Treatment with Cyclosporine A plus mesenchymal stem cells (group D) produced a mean survival time of 18.25±4.9 days, and was not significantly different to the results for group B (21.75±3.5 days). Furthermore, in the immunosuppressive treatment and the mesenchymal stem cell treatment, histological analysis revealed a reduction in the grade of rejection in heart and lung grafts. This decrease was most significant in group D. In conclusion, mesenchymal stem cells alone or in combination with Cyclosporine A were able to prolong graft survival time. These data suggest that, in vivo, mesenchymal stem cells retain their ability, already shown in vitro, to suppress lymphocyte activation and proliferation

    A 14-Year Italian Experience in DM2 Genetic Testing: Frequency and Distribution of Normal and Premutated CNBP Alleles

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 2 (DM2) is a multisystemic disorder caused by a (CCTG)n in intron 1 of the CNBP gene. The CCTG repeat tract is part of a complex (TG)v(TCTG)w(CCTG)x(NCTG)y(CCTG)z motif generally interrupted in CNBP healthy range alleles. Here we report our 14-year experience of DM2 postnatal genetic testing in a total of 570 individuals. The DM2 locus has been analyzed by a combination of SR-PCR, TP-PCR, LR-PCR, and Sanger sequencing of CNBP alleles. DM2 molecular diagnosis has been confirmed in 187/570 samples analyzed (32.8%) and is mainly associated with the presence of myotonia in patients. This set of CNBP alleles showed unimodal distribution with 25 different alleles ranging from 108 to 168 bp, in accordance with previous studies on European populations. The most frequent CNBP alleles consisted of 138, 134, 140, and 136 bps with an overall locus heterozygosity of 90%. Sequencing of 103 unexpanded CNBP alleles in DM2-positive patients revealed that (CCTG)5(NCTG)3(CCTG)7 and (CCTG)6(NCTG)3(CCTG)7 are the most common interruption motifs. We also characterized five CNBP premutated alleles with (CCTG)n repetitions from n = 36 to n = 53. However, the molecular and clinical consequences in our cohort of samples are not unequivocal. Data that emerged from this study are representative of the Italian population and are useful tools for National and European centers offering DM2 genetic testing and counseling
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