634 research outputs found

    Ground State of the Hydrogen Atom via Dirac Equation in a Minimal Length Scenario

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    In this work we calculate the correction to the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom due to contributions arising from the presence of a minimal length. The minimal length scenario is introduced by means of modifying the Dirac equation through a deformed Heisenberg algebra (kempf algebra). With the introduction of the Coulomb potential in the new Dirac energy operator, we calculate the energy shift of the ground state of the hydrogen atom in first order of the parameter related to the minimal length via perturbation theory.Comment: 11 page

    A statistical approach to violin evaluation

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    Comparing violins requires competence and involves both subjective and objective evaluations. In this manuscript, vibration tests were performed on a set of 25 violins, both historical and new. The resulting bridge admittances were modeled in the low and mid-frequency ranges through a set of objective features. Once projected into the new representation, the bridge admittances of three historical violins made by Stradivari and a famous reproduction revealed high similarity. PCA highlighted the importance of signature mode frequencies, bridge hill behavior, and signature mode amplitudes in distinguishing different violins

    Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Interactions During Spontaneous and Controlled Breathing: Linear Parametric Analysis

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    In this work, we perform a linear parametric analysis of cardiorespiratory interactions in bivariate time series of heart period (HP) and respiration (RESP) measured in 19 healthy subjects during spontaneous breathing and controlled breathing at varying breathing frequency. The analysis is carried out computing measures of the total and causal interaction between HP and RESP variability in both time and frequency domains (low- and high-frequency, LF and HF). Results highlight strong cardiorespiratory interactions in the time domain and within the HF band that are not affected by the paced breathing condition. Interactions in the LF band are weaker and prevalent along the direction from HP to RESP, but result more influenced by the shift from spontaneous to controlled respiration

    Correlation of Early Outcomes and Intradiscal Interleukin-6 Expression in Lumbar Fusion Patients.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine if there is correlation between intradiscal levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and early outcome measures in patients undergoing lumbar fusion for painful disc degeneration. METHODS: Intervertebral disc tissue was separated into annulus fibrosus/nucleus pulposus and cultured separately in vitro in serum-free medium (Opti-MEM). Conditioned media was collected after 48 hours. The concentration of IL-6 was quantified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Pearson correlation coefficients quantified relationships between IL-6 levels and pre- and postoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) back pain and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), as well as change in VAS/ODI. RESULTS: Sixteen discs were harvested from 9 patients undergoing anterior lumbar interbody fusion (mean age, 47.4 years; range, 21-70 years). Mean preoperative and 6-month postoperative VAS were 8.1 and 3.7, respectively. Mean preoperative and postoperative ODI were 56.2 and 25.6, respectively. There were significant positive correlations between IL-6 expression and postoperative VAS (ρ = 0.38, p = 0.048) and ODI (ρ = 0.44, p = 0.02). No significant correlations were found between intradiscal IL-6 expression and preoperative VAS (ρ = -0.12, p = 0.54). Trends were seen associating IL-6 expression and change in VAS/ODI (ρ = -0.35 p = 0.067; ρ = -0.34, p = 0.08, respectively). A trend associated IL-6 and preoperative ODI (ρ = 0.36, p = 0.063). CONCLUSION: The direct association between IL-6 expression and VAS/ODI suggests patients with elevated intradiscal cytokine expression may have worse early outcomes than those with lower expression of IL-6 after surgery for symptomatic disc degeneration

    Density correlations in ultracold atomic Fermi gases

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    We investigate density fluctuations in a coherent ensemble of interacting fermionic atoms. Adapting the concept of full counting statistics, well-known from quantum optics and mesoscopic electron transport, we study second-order as well as higher-order correlators of density fluctuations. Using the mean-field BCS state to describe the whole interval between the BCS limit and the BEC limit, we obtain an exact expression for the cumulant-generating function of the density fluctuations of an atomic cloud. In the two-dimensional case, we obtain a closed analytical expression. Poissonian fluctuations of a molecular condensate on the BEC side are strongly suppressed on the BCS side. The size of the fluctuations in the BCS limit is a direct measure of the pairing potential. We also discuss the BEC-BCS crossover of the third cumulant and the temperature dependence of the second cumulant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. A. New calculation of the bin statistics of a free Bose gas; updated and extended bibliograph

    A bizarre foreign body in the appendix: A case report

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    Foreign bodies are rare causes of appendicitis and, in most cases, ingested foreign bodies pass through the alimentary tract asymptomatically. However, ingested foreign bodies may sometimes remain silent within the appendix for many years without an inflammatory response. Despite the fact that cases of foreign-body-induced appendicitis have been documented, sharp and pointed objects are more likely to cause perforations and abscesses, and present more rapidly after ingestion. Various materials, such as needles and drill bits, as well as organic matter, such as seeds, have been implicated as causes of acute appendicitis. Clinical presentation can vary from hours to years. Blunt foreign bodies are more likely to remain dormant for longer periods and cause appendicitis through obstruction of the appendiceal lumen. We herein describe a patient presenting with a foreign body in his appendix which had been swallowed 15 years previously. The contrast between the large size of the foreign body, the long clinical history without symptoms and the total absence of any histological inflammation was notable. We suggest that an elective laparoscopic appendectomy should be offered to such patients as a possible management optio

    Evidence of non-seed transmission of viruses in grapevine breeding material

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    The vertical transmission of viruses is an important phenomenon affecting a wide range of viruses and host plants. Nevertheless, the presence of virus in a seed does not always lead to seedling infection. In grapevine, seed transmission has been reported for many nepoviruses, but little is known about Leafroll, Rugose wood complex and Fleck diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to monitor the virological condition of seedlings obtained by crosses between infected parents, analyzing the sanitary status of seedlings after the transfer in experimental fields. It was observed that, although the viral state of parents was quite compromised, viruses were not detected in any of the 150 progeny plants, demonstrating that the main grapevine viruses are at low risk for seed transmission

    The genomic organisation of the tra/trd locus validates the peculiar characteristics of dromedary δ-chain expression

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    The role of γδ T cells in vertebrate immunity is still an unsolved puzzle. Species such as humans and mice display a low percentage of these T lymphocytes (i.e., “γδ low species”) with a restricted diversity of γδ T cell receptors (TR). Conversely, artiodactyl species (i.e., “γδ high species”) account for a high proportion of γδ T cells with large γ and δ chain repertoires. The genomic organisation of the TR γ (TRG) and δ (TRD) loci has been determined in sheep and cattle, noting that a wide number of germline genes that encode for γ and δ chains characterise their genomes. Taking advantage of the current improved version of the genome assembly, we have investigated the genomic structure and gene content of the dromedary TRD locus, which, as in the other mammalian species, is nested within the TR α (TRA) genes. The most remarkable finding was the identification of a very limited number of variable germline genes (TRDV) compared to sheep and cattle, which supports our previous expression analyses for which the somatic hypermutation mechanism is able to enlarge and diversify the primary repertoire of dromedary δ chains. Furthermore, the comparison between genomic and expressed sequences reveals that D genes, up to four incorporated in a transcript, greatly contribute to the increased diversity of the dromedary δ chain antigen binding-site

    A neural network-based method for spruce tonewood characterization

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    The acoustical properties of wood are primarily a function of its elastic properties. Numerical and analytical methods for wood material characterization are available, although they are either computationally demanding or not always valid. Therefore, an affordable and practical method with sufficient accuracy is missing. In this article, we present a neural network-based method to estimate the elastic properties of spruce thin plates. The method works by encoding information of both the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the system and using a neural network to find the best possible material parameters that reproduce the frequency response function. Our results show that data-driven techniques can speed up classic finite element model updating by several orders of magnitude and work as a proof of concept for a general neural network-based tool for the workshop. © 2023 Acoustical Society of America