6 research outputs found

    Morfološke značajke oporavka jetrenog parenhima nakon eksperimentalno izazvanog oštećenja

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    The aim of the study was to investigate morphological traits of hepatic parenchymal tissue repair in response to injury using the conventional technique (closure) and an innovation method (such as hemostatic medication swab packing and modified batching). The experimental study was carried out on laboratory rats of the Winzar breed using light microscopy, standard stains for micropreparations, and morphometry. Histopathologic examination of micropreparations stained by standard methods revealed pronounced dystrophic processes in hepatocytes located near the necrotic zone (albuminous and hydropic degeneration and chromatin fragmentation in the nuclei). Morphometric studies showed a significant decrease (p<0.001) in almost all indicators of the size of cells and nuclei both near necrosis and distant from it on day 28 of the experiment in the experimental group in comparison to the control group. The results obtained pointed to more intense repair processes when applying the innovation method.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati morfološke značajke oporavka parenhimnog tkiva jetre u odgovoru na oštećenje primjenom konvencionalne tehnike (zatvaranje) i inovacijske metode (kao što je oblaganje gazom natopljenom hemostatskim lijekom i modificiran batching). Ovo eksperimentalno istraživanje provedeno je na laboratorijskim Winzar štakorima primjenom svjetlosne mikroskopije, standardnih boja za mikropreparate i morfometrije. Histopatološka analiza mikropreparata obojenih standardnim metodama pokazala je znatne distrofične procese u hepatocitima blizu nekrotične zone (albuminozna i hidropična degeneracija, fragmentacija kromatina u jezgrama). Morformetrijska ispitivanja pokazala su značajno smanjenje (p<0,001) svih pokazatelja veličine stanica i jezgara kako blizu nekroze tako i dalje od nje 28. dana eksperimenta u eksperimentalnoj skupini u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na intenzivnije procese oporavka kad je primijenjena inovacijska metoda

    Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Incidence in the Female Population from the Bryansk Region Living in Conditions of Chemical, Radioactive and Combined Environmental Contamination (2000&ndash;2020)

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    At the end of 36 years after the Chernobyl disaster, about 5 million people still live in the radioactively contaminated territories of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and the density of radioactive contamination by Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 will remain radiologically significant for decades. We assessed cervical and endometrial cancer primary incidence (new cases) in the female population from the Bryansk region living in conditions of chemical, radioactive, and combined environmental contamination for 2000&ndash;2020. We found a significant increase in the long-term trend in the primary incidence of cervical and endometrial cancer in all the studied groups, regardless of the environmental conditions of residence (p &lt; 0.00001). We did not find statistically significant differences in the incidence of cervical and endometrial cancer in women, regardless of the level of chemical, radioactive, and combined environmental contamination. However, women living in environmentally unfavorable areas (in total, in the territories of chemical, radioactive, and combined contamination) are statistically significantly more likely to develop endometrial cancer in terms of relative risk compared to environmentally safe (control) areas (RR 1.17 (1.08&ndash;1.27)). No such pattern was found for cervix cancer. It should be noted, since environmentally safe (control) areas have a certain level of contamination (albeit low), RR is underestimated

    Screening of anti-inflammatory activity of 4.5-dihydroisoxazol-5-carboxamide (PAR-2 inhibitors) based on formaldehyde oedema model among white lab rats

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RА) is an immune-inflammatory disease intrinsic to up to 1.0% of the world’s population. Standard drugs for RA therapy are basic medications, glucocorticoids and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, which often only ease or hinder the course of disease, not curing the patient completely. Also, on the average 20-50 % of patients are unresponsive to treatment, allergic to the prescribed drugs or find them ineffective. That is why medications with a different mechanism of action are being widely researched, some of them being antagonists of proteinase-activated receptors (PAR-2). Materials and Methods: The inflammatory process was reproduced by injecting a 2% solution of neutral formalin in a volume of 0.1 mL under the aponeurosis of the posterior left foot. A total of 84 white rats were used in the experiment. Diclofenac sodium was administered as a reference drug. Results and Discussion: An experiment on researching the impact of 5 samples of derivatives of 4.5-dihydroisoxazol-5-carboxamide on formalin oedema development among rats showed that the compound R001, compared with other substances studied, differs in the late onset of the therapeutic effect when ingested; the restoration of the foot volume to the initial level occurs only after the introduction of R005, R004 and R002. R005 to a greater extent than other compounds prevents the development of edema and has greater therapeutic efficacy than diclofenac sodium both with intragastric administration and subcutaneous injection. Conclusion: All five compounds in question showed anti-inflammatory activity, with the spectrum not so unequivocal both in qualitative and quantitative values