1,960 research outputs found

    Low-Reynolds-number rising of a bubble near a free surface at vanishing Bond number

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    International audienceThis work considers a nearly-spherical bubble and a nearly-flat free surface interacting under buoyancy at vanishing Bond number Bo. For each perturbed surface, the deviation from the unperturbed shape is asymptotically obtained at leading order on Bo. The task appeals to the normal traction exerted on the unperturbed surface by the Stokes flow due to a spherical bubble translating toward a flat free surface. The free surface problem is then found to be well-posed and to admit a solution in closed form when gravity is still present in the linear differential equation governing the perturbed profile through a term proportional to Bo. In contrast, the bubble problem amazingly turns out to be over-determined. It however becomes well-posed if the requirement of horizontal tangent planes at the perturbed bubble north and south poles is discarded or if the term proportional to \Bo is omitted. Both previous approaches turn out to predict for small Bond number quite close solutions except in the very vicinity of the bubble poles. The numerical solution of the proposed asymptotic analysis shows, in the overlapping range Bo=O(0.1) and for both the bubble and the free surface perturbed shapes, a good agreement with a quite different boundary element approach developed in [Phys. Fluids 23, 092102 (2011)]. It also provides approximated bubble and free surface shapes whose sensitivity to the bubble location is examined

    Characterisation of mutants influencing epigenetic gene silencing in the mouse

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    The field of epigenetics emerged primarily from studies in Drosophila, and is now being studied intensively by mammalian biologists. In order to increase our knowledge of epigenetic gene control in the mouse, I have studied modifiers of epigenetic gene silencing. My main method of investigation involved the characterisation of mutants from a sensitised ENU mutagenesis screen performed previously in our laboratory. The screen was carried out in an FVB/NJ strain carrying a variegating GFP transgene expressed in erythrocytes. To date we have recovered 12 dominant (D) and seven recessive (R) mutant mouse lines from this screen that display altered transgene expression. We have named these Mommes (Modifiers of murine metastable epialleles). I investigated the phenotype and attempted to identify the underlying causative mutation of two of these Momme mutants. MommeD6 is a semi-dominant, homozygous lethal mutation that acts as a suppressor of variegation with respect to the GFP transgene. This mutation has a large effect on the level of expression of the transgene in expressing cells, but little effect on the percentage of cells expressing the transgene. MommeD6 is linked to a 2.5 Mbp interval on chromosome 14. MommeD9 is a semi-dominant, homozygous lethal mutation that acts as an enhancer of variegation with respect to the GFP transgene. Mutants have a tendency to become obese as they age, show abnormal haematology profiles, and females develop infertility. MommeD9 is linked to a 17.4 Mbp region on chromosome 7. I produced and studied a strain carrying the same GFP transgene but in a new strain background, C57BL/6J. This strain provided an opportunity to look for strain-specific modifiers of expression of the GFP transgene. Several regions were mapped to chromosomal locations. Further work will be needed to identify the genes involved. This mouse will be useful in future mutagenesis screens of this type

    Interaction gestuelle Ă  une main avec un smartphone : retours utilisateurs et application aux picophones

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    This paper presents a one-handed gesture command for the interaction with a picophone and any mobile device. We present an algorithm of 3D gesture recognition based on the filtering of accelerometer data. An experiment is detailed which shown the robustness of the gesture detection as well as the interest of such a one-handed command. At last, we report an application of this work with a picophone

    Interaction avec un picoprojecteur : État de l'art et analyse des attentes des utilisateurs

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    4 pagesNational audienceUn picoprojecteur est un vidéoprojecteur portatif aux dimensions réduites. On appelle également picophone, un smartphone qui intÚgre un tel dispositif. Encore trÚs peu diffusé, ce nouveau dispositif interactif mobile est commercialisé depuis 2 ans. Cet article dresse un état de l'art des recherches actuellement menées sur le sujet, puis présente les attentes d'un panel de 50 utilisateurs potentiels

    Une ethnographie de la relation d'aide : de la ruse Ă  la fiction, comment concilier protection et autonomie, rapport de recherche pour la MiRe (DREES):Rapport de recherche pour la MiRe (DREES)

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    Ce rapport propose une description et une analyse de l’activitĂ© d’aide Ă  domicile. L’enquĂȘte a portĂ© sur le rĂ©seau des proches, aidants et soignants, intervenant auprĂšs de personnes atteintes de troubles psychiques et cognitifs. Les aides visent Ă  assurer le bien‐ĂȘtre des personnes en apportant soins et assistance. Mais ce souci ne suffit pas Ă  caractĂ©riser leur activitĂ© : Ă  chaque instant, les aides doivent composer entre des aspirations contradictoires, comme la protection et l’autonomie, et assumer des prises de risque. Nous n’opposons pas leur activitĂ© rĂ©elle Ă  des principes abstraits, nous faisons au contraire l’hypothĂšse que ce sont les pratiques des aides qui peu Ă  peu, Ă  partir des situations d’épreuve, donnent un sens concret Ă  de telles notions. En trouvant des façons de les composer, elles montrent que leur mise en oeuvre est possible. Selon une mĂ©thode ethnographique, nous avons suivi treize cas, entre six et dix-huit mois, choisis dans trois services d’aide Ă  domicile contrastĂ©s, en mettant l’accent sur les moments d’épreuve, qui montrent en permanence ces compromis obligĂ©s de l’action en situation : problĂšmes d’hygiĂšne, de mĂ©dicaments, de clĂ©s, risque de chute, dĂ©cision de placement, relation Ă  la famille, etc. Le principal rendu de notre recherche est la mise en rĂ©cit de ces treize expĂ©riences collectives. Comment faire faire quelque chose Ă  des personnes qui ne l’ont pas demandĂ© ou n’en voient pas l’intĂ©rĂȘt ? À condition d’en restituer aussi la valeur positive, deux notions ambiguĂ«s, la ruse et la fiction, aident Ă  mieux comprendre l’expĂ©rience du domicile, et les compĂ©tences des personnels et des proches. L’aide est installation incertaine d’une relation, d’un espace commun. Instaurer cette fiction partagĂ©e fait en partie porter par l’aidant Ă  la place de l’aidĂ© son exigence d’autonomie : traiter en ĂȘtre autonome la personne fragilisĂ©e, c’est faire persister ce qui n’est plus tout Ă  fait lĂ . Curieuse autonomie, par procuration, qui doit ĂȘtre supposĂ©e et supportĂ©e par les autres pour exister. C’est tout l’enjeu Ă©thique, politique et social de la relation d’aide : l’invention d’une autonomie Ă©largie au collectif

    SystÚme interactif de détection de comportements dynamiques anormaux

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    International audienceCet article présente une approche d'identification des comportements anormaux dans le cadre de la surveillance maritime. AprÚs avoir rappelé les problÚmes de surcharge cognitive qui se posent aux opérateurs du contrÎle maritime, l'article présente le processus que les contrÎleurs mettent en oeuvre pour analyser une situation. Il détaille ensuite les approches d'identification existantes avant de proposer une démarche originale qui inclut l'humain dans le processus d'aide à la détection de situations anormales

    Bin Packing with Fragmentable Items: Presentation and Approximations

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    15 pagesWe consider a variant of the Bin Packing Problem dealing with fragmentable items. Given a fixed number of bins, the objective is to put all the items into the bins by splitting them in a minimum number of fragments. This problem is useful for modeling splittable resource allocation. In this paper we introduce the problem and its complexity then we present a 6/5 approximation algorithm for a special case in which all bins have the same capacities
