158 research outputs found

    Apports d’une approche combinant mesures in situ et télédétection optique pour le suivi des glaciers de montagne : cas des Andes tropicales et des Alpes occidentales

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    L’étude des processus glaciaires nécessite un suivi de terrain pour comprendre les interactions entre les glaciers et leur environnement à des échelles fines de temps et d’espace. Un petit nombre de glaciers de référence est instrumenté dans différentes régions climatiques à l’échelle mondiale, permettant un suivi de leur bilan de masse et dans certains cas de leur bilan d’énergie de surface. Cependant, ce petit nombre constitue un obstacle à la connaissance de la relation entre les changements climatiques et l’évolution des glaciers à l’échelle d’un massif ou d’une région climatique. Il en est de même pour la quantification de la contribution des glaciers aux ressources en eau et au fonctionnement des bassins versants de haute altitude. Ainsi, aboutir à une prise en compte des processus et des changements glaciaires à l’échelle régionale nécessite un changement d’approche, et la télédétection s’avère être l’outil le plus approprié. Ce suivi à plusieurs niveaux est la stratégie mise en œuvre par le SO/SOERE GLACIOCLIM (INSU, IRD, OSUG, AllEnvi) et s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie de surveillance établie internationalement par le Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (IUGG/IACS).Les résultats récents obtenus dans les Andes tropicales et Alpes occidentales montrent les avantages à combiner les informations recueillies à partir de «glaciers de référence» et celles obtenues par télédétection à l'échelle du massif, afin de mieux comprendre les causes de l’accélération de la diminution des glaciers au cours des dernières décennies. Ceci a notamment été rendu possible par le développement d’une méthode permettant de quantifier le bilan de masse annuel d’un glacier à partir de sa ligne d’équilibre mesurée par télédétection.Enfin, la question du devenir des glaciers de montagne sera discutée. Simuler l’évolution à venir des glaciers nécessite de connaitre les épaisseurs de glace pour l’ensemble du glacier, de simuler les bilans de masse pour les années/décennies futures, et de prendre en compte la dynamique d’écoulement du glacier. Nous verrons quel est l’état des connaissances et des développements méthodologiques pour ces trois pré-requis indispensables, et comment les limites actuelles peuvent être outrepassées afin d’améliorer les estimations du devenir des glaciers de montagne

    Mass balance and area changes of glaciers in the Cordillera Real and Tres Cruces, Bolivia, between 2000 and 2016

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    Climate change has led to a significant shrinkage of glaciers in the Tropical Andes during the last decades. Recent multi-temporal quantifications of ice mass loss at mountain range to regional scale are missing. However, this is fundamental information for future water resource planning and glacier change projections. In this study, we measure temporally consistent glacier area changes and geodetic mass balances throughout the Bolivian Cordillera Real and Tres Cruces based on multi-sensor remote-sensing data. By analyzing multi-spectral satellite images and interferometric SAR data, a glacier recession of 81 ± 18 km2 (29%; 5.1 ± 1.1 km2 a−1), a geodetic mass balance of −403 ± 78 kg m−2 a−1 and a total ice mass loss of 1.8 ± 0.5 Gt is derived for 2000–2016. In the period 2013–2016, ice mass loss was 21% above the average rate. A retreat rate of 15 ± 5 km2 a−1 and a mass budget of −487 ± 349 kg m−2 a−1 are found in this more recent period. These higher change rates can be attributed to the strong El Niño event in 2015/16. The analyses of individual glacier changes and topographic variables confirmed the dependency of the mass budget and glacier recession on glacier aspect and median elevation

    Toward an imminent extinction of Colombian glaciers?

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    This study documents the current state of glacier coverage in the Colombian Andes, the glacier shrinkage over the twentieth century and discusses indication of their disappearance in the coming decades. Satellite images have been used to update the glacier inventory of Colombia reflecting an overall glacier extent of about 42.4 ± 0.71 km2 in 2016 distributed in four glacierized mountain ranges. Combining these data with older inventories, we show that the current extent is 36% less than in the mid-1990s, 62% less than in the mid-twentieth century and almost 90% less than the Little Ice Age maximum extent. Focusing on Nevado Santa Isabel (Los Nevados National Park), aerial photographs from 1987 and 2005 combined with a terrestrial LiDAR survey show that the mass loss of the former ice cap, which is nowadays parceled into several small glaciers, was about −2.5 m w.e. yr−1 during the last three decades. Radar measurements performed on one of the remnant glaciers, La Conejeras glacier, show that the ice thickness is limited (about 22 m in average in 2014) and that with such a mass loss rate, the glacier should disappear in the coming years. Considering their imbalance with the current climate conditions, their limited altitudinal extent and reduced accumulation areas, and in view of temperature increase expected in future climate scenarios, most of the Colombian glaciers will likely disappear in the coming decades. Only the largest ones located on the highest summits will probably persist until the second half of the twenty-first century although very reducedThis study was conducted in the context of the project Capacity Building and Twinning for Climate Observing Systems (CATCOS) supported by the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss [contract no. 7F-08114.1], between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and MeteoSwiss, by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). This work was also supported by SNO GLACIOCLIM; LMI GREAT ICE (IRD); Labex OSUG@2020, Investissements d’avenir: [Grant Number ANR10 LABX56]. M. Ménégoz is supported by the project VOLCADEC funded by the Spanish programme Retos (MINECO/FEDER, ref. CGL2015–70177-R).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Ecosystem sentinels for climate change? Evidence of wetland cover changes over the last 30 years in the tropical Andes

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    While the impacts of climate change on individual species and communities have been well documented there is little evidence on climate-mediated changes for entire ecosystems. Pristine alpine environments can provide unique insights into natural, physical and ecological response to climate change yet broad scale and long-term studies on these potential ‘ecosystem sentinels’ are scarce. We addressed this issue by examining cover changes of 1689 high-elevation wetlands (temporarily or perennial water-saturated grounds) in the Bolivian Cordillera Real, a region that has experienced significant warming and glacier melting over the last 30 years. We combined high spatial resolution satellite images from PLEIADES with the long-term images archive from LANDSAT to 1) examine environmental factors (e.g., glacier cover, wetland and watershed size) that affected wetland cover changes, and 2) identify wetlands’ features that affect their vulnerability (using habitat drying as a proxy) in the face of climate change. Over the (1984–2011) period, our data showed an increasing trend in the mean wetland total area and number, mainly related to the appearance of wet grassland patches during the wetter years. Wetland cover also showed high inter-annual variability and their area for a given year was positively correlated to precipitation intensities in the three months prior to the image date. Also, round wetlands located in highly glacierized catchments were less prone to drying, while relatively small wetlands with irregularly shaped contours suffered the highest rates of drying over the last three decades. High Andean wetlands can therefore be considered as ecosystem sentinels for climate change, as they seem sensitive to glacier melting. Beyond the specific focus of this study, our work illustrates how satellite-based monitoring of ecosystem sentinels can help filling the lack of information on the ecological consequences of current and changing climate conditions, a common and crucial issue especially in less-develope

    Estimation of Glacier Thickness From Surface Mass Balance and Ice Flow Velocities: A Case Study on Argentière Glacier, France

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    Glacier thickness distribution is a prerequisite to simulate the future of glaciers. Inaccurate thicknesses may lead to significant uncertainties in the timing of future changes to glaciers and their consequences for water resources or sea level rise. Unfortunately, glacier thickness distribution is rarely measured and consequently has to be estimated. In this study, we present an approach developed on the well documented Argentière Glacier (French Alps) that uses surface mass balance (SMB) together with surface flow velocity data to quantify glacier thickness distribution over the entire surface of the glacier. We compare the results of our approach to those obtained applying Farinotti et al. (2009) approach. Our results show that glacier thickness distribution are significantly biased when the glacier SMB profile used to quantify the ice fluxes is not constrained with in situ measurements. We also show that even with SMB measurements available on the studied glacier, ice flux estimates can be inaccurate. This inability to correctly estimate ice fluxes from the apparent SMB may be due to the steady state assumption that is not respected from the available glacier surface topography data. Therefore, ice thickness measurements on few cross sections (four are used in this study) are required to constrain the ice flux estimates and lead to an overall agreement between the ice thickness estimations and measurements. Using our approach, the ice thicknesses only differ by 10% from observations in average, but can differ by up to 150 m (or 30%) locally. We also show that approaches that use the glacier surface slope can lead to large uncertainties given that the quantification of the slope is highly uncertain. The approach presented here does not pretend to be applied globally but rather as a tool to quantify ice thickness distribution over the entire surface of glaciers for which a few in situ surface mass balance and thickness data are available together with surface flow velocities that can be obtained for example from remote sensing

    Climate reconstruction of the Little Ice Age maximum extent of the tropical Zongo Glacier using a distributed energy balance model

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    This study assessed the climate conditions that caused the tropical Zongo Glacier (16° S, Bolivia) to reach its Little Ice Age (LIA) maximum extent in the late 17th century. We carried out sensitivity analyses of the annual surface mass balance to different physically coherent climate scenarios constrained by information taken from paleoclimate proxies and sensitivity studies of past glacier advances. These scenarios were constrained by a 1.1 K cooling and a 20% increase in annual precipitation compared to the current climate. Seasonal precipitation changes were constructed using shuffled input data for the model: measurements of air temperature and relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed, incoming short and longwave radiation fluxes, and assessed using a distributed energy balance model. They were considered plausible if conditions close to equilibrium glacier-wide mass balance were obtained. Results suggest that on top of a 1.1 K cooling and ∼{\sim }20% increase in annual precipitation, only two seasonal precipitation patterns allow LIA equilibrium: evenly distributed precipitation events across the year and an early wet season onset

    Climate reconstruction of the Little Ice Age maximum extent of the tropical Zongo Glacier using a distributed energy balance model

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    This study assessed the climate conditions that caused the tropical Zongo Glacier (16° S, Bolivia) to reach its Little Ice Age (LIA) maximum extent in the late 17th century. We carried out sensitivity analyses of the annual surface mass balance to different physically coherent climate scenarios constrained by information taken from paleoclimate proxies and sensitivity studies of past glacier advances. These scenarios were constrained by a 1.1 K cooling and a 20% increase in annual precipitation compared to the current climate. Seasonal precipitation changes were constructed using shuffled input data for the model: measurements of air temperature and relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed, incoming short and longwave radiation fluxes, and assessed using a distributed energy balance model. They were considered plausible if conditions close to equilibrium glacier-wide mass balance were obtained. Results suggest that on top of a 1.1 K cooling and ∼{\sim }20% increase in annual precipitation, only two seasonal precipitation patterns allow LIA equilibrium: evenly distributed precipitation events across the year and an early wet season onset
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