335 research outputs found

    Lymphocyte Commitment and Ikaros Transcription Factors

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    Abstrak: Upaya pencegahan penularan covid-19 sampai saat ini di negara-negara dunia masih diupayakan termasuk Indonesia. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaturan tentang pembatasan hak larangan mudik di masa pandemi covid-19. Beberapa Kebijakan Pemerintah mengenai larangan mudik sudah dituangkan didalam pengaturan, namun pada sisi lain terdapat kebijakan kontroversial yaitu kebijakan tempat wisata yang tetap dibuka dan kebijakan larangan mudik. Kedua kebijakan tersebut menimbulkan kontradiksi pandangan masyarakat juga kepada penerapan sanksi bagi yang melanggar larangan mudik. Dalam rangka upaya pencegahan covid-19 kebijakan pemerintah seharusnya lebih mengedepankan kepentingan penanggulangan covid-19 secara menyeluruh dan memberikan kompensasi kepada masyarakat guna tercapai kepentingan masyarat luas. Hasil yang telah dicapai dari pengabdian ini adalah mahasiswa mengetahui langkah yang tepat jika terdapat dua kebijakan yang kontradiksi tersebut dan memahami tujuan kebijakan sebagai upaya penanggulangan covid-19Abstract:  COVID-19 are still being pursued in countries around the world, including Indonesia. This service find out and analyze the regulations regarding restrictions on the right to travel home during the covid-19 pandemic. Several government policies regarding the homecoming ban have been stated in the regulation, but on the other hand there are controversial policies, namely the policy of tourist attractions that are still open and the policy of prohibiting going home. The two policies lead to contradictory views of the community as well as to the application of sanctions for those who violate the homecoming ban. In the context of efforts to prevent COVID-19, government policies should prioritize the interests of overcoming COVID-19 as a whole and provide compensation to the community in order to achieve the interests of the wider community. The results that have been achieved from this service are that students know the right steps if there are two contradictory policies and understand the purpose of the policy as an effort to overcome COVID-1


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    Tema ovog završnog rada je kinesko shui mo slikarstvo čiji su predstavnici bili kineski intelektualci ili literati. To su bili učeni ljudi koji nisu živjeli tradicionalan život, već su život podredili prirodi, glazbi, poeziji i kaligrafiji. Kao i njihov stil života, tako i stil slikanja nije bio tradicionalan. Oni su težili prikazu emocija svojim slikama, prikazu svoje duše, te su željeli da i promatrač kroz sliku osjeti ono što su i oni osjećali dok su je stvarali. Slikarstvo koje je bilo cijenjeno diljem Kine i dan danas uživa popularnost, kako u Kini, tako i u cijelome svijetu inspirirajući generacije novih umjetnika. Ovaj rad će vas upoznati i s kineskom haute couture dizajnericom Guo Pei koja je svjetsku slavu stekla 2015. godine na modnom događaju Met Gali čija je tema bila inspirirana Kinom. Shui mo slikarstvo je bila moja inspiracija da na svoj način likovno interpretiram rad Guo Pei.The subject of this thesis is the Chinese shui mo painting whose representatives were Chinese intellectuals or literati. These were learned people who did not live a traditional life, but their life was subordinated to nature, music, poetry and calligraphy. Like the lifestyle their style of painting was not traditional. They sought to show their emotions with their paintings, depicting their soul, and they wanted the observer through the picture to feel what they felt as painting it. The painting that has been appreciated all over China today is enjoying popularity, both in China and worldwide, inspiring generations of new artists. This work will introduce you to the Chinese haute couture designer Guo Pei, who gained worldwide glory in 2015 at the fashion event Met Gala whose theme was inspired by China. Shui mo painting was my inspiration to artically interpret the work of Guo Pei in my own way

    No evidence of immediate fitness benefits of within-season divorce in monogamous birds

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    Individuals of socially monogamous species can correct for suboptimal partnerships via two secondary mating strategies: divorce and extra-pair mating, with the former potentially providing both genetic and social benefits. Divorcing between breeding seasons has been shown to be generally adaptive behaviour across monogamous birds. Interestingly, some pairs also divorce during the breeding season, when constraints on finding a new partner are stronger. Despite being important for a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of social monogamy, whether within-season divorce is adaptive and how it relates to extra-pair mating remains unknown. Here, we meta-analysed 90 effect sizes on within-season divorce and breeding success, extracted from 31 studies on 24 species. We found no evidence that within-season divorce is adaptive for breeding success. However, the large heterogeneity of effect sizes and strong phylogenetic signal suggest social and environmental factors—which have rarely been considered in empirical studies—may play an important role in explaining variation among populations and species. Furthermore, we found no evidence that within-season divorce and extra-pair mating are complementary strategies. We discuss our findings within the current evidence of the adaptiveness of secondary mating strategies and their interplay that ultimately shapes the evolution of social monogamy

    Rastenje i diferencijacija alge Ulva rigida C. Agardh in vitro

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    The in vitro growth and differentiation of the alga Ulva rigida C. Agardh have been studied. Plants grown in enriched sea water (medium II and especially medium L) have a higher chlorophyll content and regularly release a large number of reproductive cells (in 10 days). This capability does not depend on the collecting season. It has been confirmed that axenic Viva cultures grown in solution degenerate. However, if the isolated germlings were grown on semi-solid media their differentiation sometimes took place. Attachment of the germlings to the fragment of the mother plant seems also to promote differentiation. It was found that Ulva rigida could better tolerate a lower salinity than a higher one.Istraženi su rastenje i mogućnost diferencijacije alge Ulva rigida C. Agardh u in vitro uvjetima. Najpovoljniji medij za rastenje alge je solima obogaćena morska voda (medij II i naročito medij L). Osim što Ulva u tim otopinama sadržava povećanu količinu klorofila, ona redovito nakon 10 dana oslobađa velik broj mladih klica. Stvaranje klica ne ovisi o godišnjem dobu, već isključivo o uzgojnoj podlozi. Potvrđeno je da u posve akseničnim uvjetima alga degenerira. Ipak, klice se ponekad diferenciraju u normalan talus, ako se uzgajaju na polukrutoj podlozi. Povezanost klica s talusom odrasle alge povoljno djeluje na rastenje i diferencijaciju. Ulva rigida je eurihalina, a bolje podnosi niži salinitet od višeg. Primijećeno je da rizoidi uzgojeni u kulturi izlučuju Na Cl te time vjerojatno vrše osmoregulaciju stanica

    Reverzibilna transformacija plastida u panaširanim listovima vrste Euonymus fortunei var. radicans

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    Istraženi su ultrastruktura, sadržaj pigmenata i fotosintetska aktivnost plastida panaširanih listova vrste Euonymus fortunei var. radicans. Normalni kloroplasti središnjih tamnozelenih dijelova lista imaju velika grana, mnogo klorofila i visoku fotosintetsku aktivnost. Rubni dijelovi lista, koji sadrže mutirane plastide, vrlo su osjetljivi na osvjetljenje, te mijenjaju boju ovisno o intenzitetu svjetlosti. Ako rastu u sjeni, oni su svjetlozeleni i sadrže kloroplaste s malo grana. Na jakoj sunčevoj svjetlosti ti rubni dijelovi požute, a u njihovim plastidima uz pojedinačne tilakoide pojavljuju se tubularni kompleksi, čaškasto svinuti svežnjevi tilakoida i »mostovi« među tilakoidima. Sadržaj klorofila i fotosintetska aktivnost, posebno žutih dijelova lista, vrlo su niski. Fotosintetska efikasnost (fotosintetska aktivnost izražena po jedinici klorofila), naprotiv, mnogo je viša nego u normalnim tamnozelenim dijelovima lista. Ako se listovi drže u sjeni, žuti dijelovi mogu ozelenjeti, te opet sadrže kloroplaste. Takvo svjetlozeleno tkivo može na suncu ponovno po- žutjeti, a plastidi u njima sadrže ponovno vrlo malo tilakoida. Komponente membrana, koje se iz bilo kojih razloga ne mogu ugraditi u tilakoide ili koje potječu od razgrađenih tilakoida, mogu se nagomilati u posebnim strukturama (prolamelarnim tjelešcima, tilakoiđnim tjelešcima, plastoglobulima). Te se strukture tijekom dalje diferencijacije plastida mogu po potrebi iskoristiti za izgradnju novih tilakoida

    Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) used by Garo tribe of Rongram block in West Garo Hills, Meghalaya

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    151-161The forests of Garo Hills, Meghalaya has a rich diversity of Non-timber forest products which contribute in different ways for the livelihood of the villagers. The objective of the study is to construct socio-economic profile and to document the available NTFPs in the study area. Present study was carried out in 12 villages of Rongram block in West Garo Hills district viz. Baljek agal, Dorenggre, Bolbokgre, Masumatagre, Waribok, Asanang, Tebronggre, Rombagre, Chibragre, Wakringtonggre, Chandigre and Sakalgre. Data were collected from randomly selected 288 households using pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. All the households from the 12 villages reported collection of NTFPs. A total of 50 plant species which belongs to 36 families and 50 genera were recorded. Maximum number of plants were recorded for fuelwood (25), followed by wild vegetables with 13 species, wild fruits and medicinal plants with 11 species each, fodder with 6 species, broom with 2 species and 1 species each for thatching and wrapping material. Other NTFPs like mushroom and honey were also collected by the villagers for their livelihood. The study reveals that the Garos are blessed with abundant natural resources of NTFPs with which they can develop their way of living mainly by fuelwood and honey business in a sustainable way

    Penerapan Pendekatan Whole Language Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Komponen Reading Aloud Dengan Media Cerita Bergambar

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    Abstract The background that prompted this research was that the whole language approach had not yet been implemented in learning the Indonesian language component reading aloud, shown by the lack of students' understanding of reading aloud, so that many students when asked to read in front of their friends were still embarrassed so the volume was not loud when reading. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the whole language approach in learning Indonesian with the reading aloud component in class I SDN 1 Protomulyo and to determine students' understanding of reading aloud. This type of research is using a qualitative descriptive approach with data processing and retrieval according to field facts. Data obtained from the results of interviews, observations, practice tests and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed and presented in a descriptive form. The subjects of this research were class I students at SDN 1 Protomulyo. The results of the study showed that by holding 3 meetings, the first meeting the researchers carried out reading aloud practice tests without applying the whole language approach in learning Indonesian with the reading aloud component. From the first meeting activities, there were still many students who could not read aloud. Whereas at the third meeting the researchers carried out practical tests by applying the whole language approach in learning Indonesian with the reading aloud component, many students had experienced improvements in reading aloud. Abstrak Latar belakang yang mendorong penelitian ini adalah belum diterapkannya pendekatan whole language dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia komponen reading aloud, ditunjukkan kurangnya pemahaman siswa tentang membaca nyaring, sehingga banyak siswa ketika disuruh membaca di depan temantemannya masih malu sehingga volume suaranya tidak nyaring ketika membaca. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan pendekatan whole language dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia komponen reading aloud pada kelas I SDN 1 Protomulyo dan untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa tentang reading aloud. Jenis penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengolahan dan pengambilan data sesuai dengan fakta lapangan. Data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi, tes praktik dan dokumentasi. Data diperoleh dianalisis dan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I SDN 1 Protomulyo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan dilakukannya 3 kali pertemuan, pertemuan pertama peneliti melaksanakan kegiatan tes praktik membaca nyaring tanpa menerapkan pendekatan whole language dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia komponen reading aloud. Dari kegiatan pertemuan pertama masih banyak siswa belum mampu membaca dengan nyaring. Sedangkan pada pertemuan ketiga peneliti melaksanakan tes praktik dengan penerapkan pendekatan whole language dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia komponen reading aloud, banyak siswa sudah mengalami peningkatan dalam membaca nyaring

    Placebo in the Treatment of Pain

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    Placebo is the use of the substance or procedure without specific activity for the condition that is trying to be healed. In medicine, benefits of placebo effect are used since 1985 and 1978 placebo effect was first scientifically confirmed. It was found that placebo induced analgesia depends on the release of endogenous opiates in the brain and that the placebo effect can be undone using the opiates antagonist naloxone. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed that placebo analgesia was obtained regarding the activation and increased functional relationship between ant. cingulate, prefrontal, orbitofrontal, and insular cortex, nucleus accumlens, amygdala, periaqueduktalne gray matter and spinal cord. Placebo also facilitates descending inhibition of nociceptive reflexes through periacvaeductal gray substance. Placebo effect can be achieved in several ways: by using pharmacological preparations or simulation of operating or other procedures. This phenomenon is associated with perception and expectation of the patient. To achieve the effect of placebo it is essential degree of the suggestions of the person who prescribe a placebo, and the degree of belief of the person receiving the placebo. Expected effect of placebo is to achieve the same effect as the right remedy. Achieved placebo effect depends on the way of presentation. If a substance is presented as harmful, it may cause harmful effects, called »nocebo« effect. Placebo effect is not equal in all patients, same as the real effect of the drug is not always equal in all patients. Application of placebo in terms of analgesia will cause a positive response in 35% of patients. Almost the same percentage (36%) of patients will respond to treatment with morphine in medium doses (6–8 mg). Therefore, one should remember that response to placebo does not mean that a person simulates the pain and then it is unethical to withhold the correct treatment especially in light of findings that the prefrontal cortex is activated expecting liberation of pain and how this action reduce activities in brain regions responsible for sensation of pain (thalamus, somatosensory cortex and other parts of the cortex). However, the use of placebos is ethically, legally and morally very dubious. The basis for the placebo effect is deception. It undermines honest relationship and trust between doctor and patient which is extremely important for successful treatment. Consciously giving placebos to patients for a condition that can be adequately treated, with prejudice the right of patients to the best care possible, opens up many bioethical issues. Despite all the current knowledge level, placebo effect remains still a scientific mystery