116 research outputs found

    Magnocellular and parvocellular influences on reflexive attention

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    AbstractPrevious studies have provided conflicting evidence regarding whether the magnocellular (M) or parvocellular (P) visual pathway is primarily responsible for triggering involuntary orienting. Here, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) to provide new evidence that both the M and P pathways can trigger attentional capture and bias visual processing at multiple levels. Specifically, cued-location targets elicited enhanced activity, relative to uncued-location targets, at both early sensory processing levels (indexed by the P1 component) and later higher-order processing stages (as indexed by the P300 component). Furthermore, the present results show these effects of attentional capture were not contingent on the feature congruency between the cue and expected target, providing evidence that this biasing of visual processing was not dependant on top-down expectations or within-pathway priming

    Magnocellular and parvocellular influences on reflexive attention

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    There is currently disagreement in the visual attention literature regarding the stimulus features capable of triggering a reflexive shift of attention. One theory posits that features activating the magnocellular (M) visual stream, such as abruptly appearing objects with luminance contrast and low spatial frequencies, are responsible for activating the reflexive attention system (e.g. Steinman et al., 1997; Yantis and Egeth, 1997). However, recent experiments suggest stimuli activating the parvocellular (P) stream, such as isoluminant colors with high spatial frequencies, may be equally important for initiating reflexive shifts of attention (e.g. Lu, 2006; Yeshurun, 2004). Using behavioral and eventrelated potential (ERP) measures, we designed stimuli to stimulate either the M or P system to test whether the predominate activation of these systems trigger similar reflexive attention mechanisms, or if mechanisms of attentional capture are engaged differently depending on M or P activation. We predicted that similar attention effects would be observed if both pathways triggered automatic attentional orienting. However, if only magnocellular activation engages the reflexive attention system then we hypothesized that attention effects would only be seen when stimuli activated this system and not the P system. The present findings support the view that both systems are capable of triggering reflexive visual orienting. Specifically, reaction times (RTs) to target stimuli were speeded and the P1 and P300 components enhanced when spatially preceded by both M and P cues at short interstimulus intervals (ISI's), but these findings were characteristically different at long ISIs where inhibition of return (IOR) typically occurs. Further evidence supporting attention capture from M and P activation was evidenced by a greater negativity to uncued compared to cued trials at short ISIs, i.e. the IIN component. However, we also found evidence that M and P stimulation produced different effects depending on whether the target stimulus activated the M or P system. Together these results are consistent with the basic processing characteristics of the M and P pathways and show that activation either pathway can trigger a reflexive shift of visual attention


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    Recording synchronous data from EEG and eye-tracking provides a unique methodological approach for measuring the sensory and cognitive processes of overt visual search. Using this approach we obtained fixation related potentials (FRPs) during a guided visual search task specifically focusing on the lambda and P3 components. An outstanding question is whether the lambda and P3 FRP components are influenced by concurrent task demands. We addressed this question by obtaining simultaneous eye-movement and electroencephalographic (EEG) measures during a guided visual search task while parametrically modulating working memory load using an auditory N-back task. Participants performed the guided search task alone, while ignoring binaurally presented digits, or while using the auditory information in a 0, 1, or 2-back task. The results showed increased reaction time and decreased accuracy in both the visual search and N-back tasks as a function of auditory load. Moreover, high auditory task demands increased the P3 but not the lambda latency while the amplitude of both lambda and P3 was reduced during high auditory task demands. The results show that both early and late stages of visual processing indexed by FRPs are significantly affected by concurrent task demands imposed by auditory working memory

    During natural viewing, neural processing of visual targets continues throughout saccades

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    Relatively little is known about visual processing during free-viewing visual search in realistic dynamic environments. Free-viewing is characterized by frequent saccades. During saccades, visual processing is thought to be suppressed, yet we know that the presaccadic visual content can modulate postsaccadic processing. To better understand these processes in a realistic setting, we study here saccades and neural responses elicited by the appearance of visual targets in a realistic virtual environment. While subjects were being driven through a 3D virtual town, they were asked to discriminate between targets that appear on the road. Using a system identification approach, we separated overlapping and correlated activity evoked by visual targets, saccades, and button presses. We found that the presence of a target enhances early occipital as well as late frontocentral saccade-related responses. The earlier potential, shortly after 125 ms post-saccade onset, was enhanced for targets that appeared in the peripheral vision as compared to the central vision, suggesting that fast peripheral processing initiated before saccade onset. The later potential, at 195 ms post-saccade onset, was strongly modulated by the visibility of the target. Together these results suggest that, during natural viewing, neural processing of the presaccadic visual stimulus continues throughout the saccade, apparently unencumbered by saccadic suppression

    Organization theory and military metaphor: time for a reappraisal?

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    A ‘conventional’ use of military metaphor would use it to convey attributes such as hierarchical organization, vertical communication and limited autonomy. This is often used in contrast to a looser form of organization based on the metaphor of the network. However, this article argues that military practice is more complex, with examples of considerable autonomy within the constraints of central direction. It is suggested that not only might this be a more useful metaphor for many contemporary organizations, but also that simplistic uses of military metaphor divert our attention away from the functions that management hierarchies play. The discussion is embedded within a critical realist account of metaphor, arguing for both its value and the need for its further development

    The impact of seawater saturation state and bicarbonate ion concentration on calcification by new recruits of two Atlantic corals

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Coral Reefs 30 (2011): 321-328, doi:10.1007/s00338-010-0697-z.Rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 are changing the carbonate chemistry of the oceans, a process known as ocean acidification (OA). Absorption of this CO2 by the surface oceans is increasing the amount of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and bicarbonate ion (HCO3 -) available for marine calcification, yet is simultaneously lowering the seawater pH and carbonate ion concentration ([CO3 2-]), and thus the saturation state of seawater with respect to aragonite (Ωar). We investigated the relative importance of [HCO3 -] versus [CO3 2-] for early calcification by new recruits (primary polyps settled from zooxanthellate larvae) of two tropical coral species, Favia fragum and Porites astreoides. The polyps were reared over a range of Ωar values, which were manipulated by both acid-addition at constant pCO2 (decreased total [HCO3 -] and [CO3 2-]) and by pCO2 elevation at constant alkalinity (increased [HCO3 -], decreased [CO3 2-]). Calcification after two weeks was quantified by weighing the complete skeleton (corallite) accreted by each polyp over the course of the experiment. Both species exhibited the same negative response to decreasing [CO3 2-] whether Ωar was lowered by acid-addition or by pCO2 elevation - calcification did not follow total DIC or [HCO3 -]. Nevertheless, the calcification response to decreasing [CO3 2-] was non-linear. A statistically significant decrease in calcification was only detected between Ωar = < 2.5 and Ωar = 1.1 – 1.5, where calcification of new recruits was reduced by 22 – 37 % per 1.0 decrease in Ωar. Our results differ from many previous studies that report a linear coral calcification response to OA, and from those showing that calcification increases with increasing [HCO3 -]. Clearly, the coral calcification response to OA is variable and complex. A deeper understanding of the biomineralization mechanisms and environmental conditions underlying these 3 variable responses is needed to support informed predictions about future OA impacts on corals and coral reefs.This study was supported by NSF award 0648157 (Cohen and McCorkle), NSF 1041106 (Cohen, McCorkle), NSF 1041052 (de Putron), the VITA foundation (de Putron), WHOI Ocean Life Institute (Cohen), PEI and EEB Departments at Princeton University, Bill and Anne Charrier, and the Anthony B. Evnin, Dean’s Roundtable, and Edmund Hayes Sr. senior thesis funds (Dillon)

    The effect of target and non-target similarity on neural classification performance: a boost from confidence

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    Brain computer interaction (BCI) technologies have proven effective in utilizing single-trial classification algorithms to detect target images in rapid serial visualization presentation tasks. While many factors contribute to the accuracy of these algorithms, a critical aspect that is often overlooked concerns the feature similarity between target and non-target images. In most real-world environments there are likely to be many shared features between targets and non-targets resulting in similar neural activity between the two classes. It is unknown how current neural-based target classification algorithms perform when qualitatively similar target and non-target images are presented. This study address this question by comparing behavioral and neural classification performance across two conditions: first, when targets were the only infrequent stimulus presented amongst frequent background distracters; and second when targets were presented together with infrequent non-targets containing similar visual features to the targets. The resulting findings show that behavior is slower and less accurate when targets are presented together with similar non-targets; moreover, single-trial classification yielded high levels of misclassification when infrequent non-targets are included. Furthermore, we present an approach to mitigate the image misclassification. We use confidence measures to assess the quality of single-trial classification, and demonstrate that a system in which low confidence trials are reclassified through a secondary process can result in improved performance