419 research outputs found

    A 43-Nucleotide RNACis-Acting Element Governs the Site-Specific Formation of the 3′ End of a Poxvirus Late mRNA

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    AbstractThe 3′ ends of late mRNAs of theatigene, encoding the major component of the A-type inclusions, are generated by endoribonucleolytic cleavage at a specific site in the primary transcript [Antczaket al.,(1992),Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA89, 12033–12037]. In this study, sequence analysis of cDNAs of the 3′ ends ofatimRNAs showed these mRNAs are 3′ polyadenylated at the RNA cleavage site. This suggests thatatimRNA 3′ end formation involves cleavage of a late transcript, with subsequent 3′ polyadenylation of the 5′ cleavage product. The RNAcis-acting element, the AX element, directing orientation-dependent formation of these mRNA 3′ ends, was mapped to a 345-bpAluI–XbaI fragment. Deletion analyses of this fragment showed that the boundaries of the AX element are within −5 and +38 of the RNA cleavage site. Scanning mutagenesis showed that the AX element contains at least two subelements: subelement I, 5′-UUUAU↓CCGAUAAUUC-3′, containing the cleavage site (↓), separated from the downstream subelement II, 5′-AAUUUCGGAUUUGAAUGC-3′, by a 10-nucleotide region, whose composition may be altered without effect on RNA 3′ end formation. These features, which differ from those of other elements controlling RNA processing, suggest that the AX element is a component of a novel mechanism of RNA 3′ end formation

    Ocena czynności życia codziennego u pacjentów po operacji guza mózgu

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    Introduction. Functional fitness enables satisfying and performing basic everyday needs in a safe and independent way. Its assessment is currently the basic component of the overall assessment of the patient.Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the functional capacity of patients after brain tumor surgery. The analysis included selected factors that may affect patient’s performance after the surgery.Material and Methods. The study included 165 patients of neurosurgical wards hospitalized for a brain tumor. Surgeries were performed in all of them — and consisted in partial or complete removal of the pathological mass by craniotomy. Patient’s functional assessment on the day of admission and on the discharge day was analyzed with the use of FCS, KPS, BI, FIR, GOS scales.Results. The largest number of respondents on the day of admission were patients in the first group according to FCS scale — independent — 138 respondents (83.6%). None of the patients qualified for group IV with total dependence. In turn, on the day of discharge, the percentage of respondents qualified to group I was 127 people (77.0%), whereas 1 person became completely dependent. Similar results were obtained in other measuring tools. The observed differences in each of the tests carried out did not turn out to be statistically significant. On KPS, BI and GOS scales, the age turned out to be statistically significant at p=0.000. On the other hand, on FCS, KPS and GOS scales, the state of consciousness was also statistically significant at p=0.000.Conclusions. Most of the respondents show very good functional capacity both on the day of admission and on the day of discharge. However, patients scored slightly better on the day of admission to the ward. Such factors as age and consciousness before surgery significantly affect patient’s functional capacity on the day of discharge. (JNNN 2018;7(3):111–117)Wstęp. Sprawność czynnościowa (funkcjonalna) umożliwia zaspokajanie i wykonywanie podstawowych potrzeb dnia codziennego w sposób bezpieczny, samodzielny. Jej ocena stanowi w chwili obecnej podstawowy komponent całościowej oceny pacjenta.Cel. Celem pracy była ocena wydolności czynnościowej pacjentów po operacji guza mózgu. Analizie poddano wybrane czynniki mogące mieć wpływ na wydolność czynnościową pacjenta po zabiegu operacyjnym.Materiał i metody. W badaniu uczestniczyło 165 pacjentów oddziałów neurochirurgii hospitalizowanych z powodu guza mózgu. U wszystkich został wykonany zabieg operacyjny — polegający na częściowym lub doszczętnym usunięciu masy patologicznej drogą kraniotomii. Analizie poddano ocenę czynnościową pacjenta w dniu przyjęcia oraz w dniu wypisu za pomocą skali FCS, KPS, BI, FIR, GOS.Wyniki. Najwięcej badanych w dniu przyjęcia, to pacjenci będący w I grupie według skali FCS — niezależni — 138 osób (83,6%). Żaden pacjent nie został zakwalifikowany do grupy IV o całkowitej zależności. Z kolei w dniu wypisu odsetek respondentów zakwalifikowanych do grupy I wyniósł 127 osób (77,0%), natomiast jedna osoba stała się całkowicie zależna. Podobne wyniki zostały uzyskane w pozostałych narzędziach pomiarowych. Zaobserwowane różnice w każdym z przeprowadzonych testów nie okazały się istotne statystycznie. W skali KPS, BI oraz GOS wiek okazał się istotny statystycznie na poziomie p=0,000. Z kolei w skali FCS, KPS oraz GOS stan przytomności także okazał się istotny statystycznie na poziomie p=0,000.Wnioski. Większość badanych zarówno w dniu przyjęcia, jak i w dniu wypisu wykazuje bardzo dobrą wydolność funkcjonalną. Jednak nieznacznie lepszą ocenę czynnościową uzyskali pacjenci w dniu przyjęcia na oddział. Czynniki takie jak wiek oraz przytomność przed zabiegiem operacyjnym istotnie wpływają na wydolność funkcjonalną chorego w dniu wypisu. (PNN 2018;7(3):111–117

    A Systems Biology Approach Reveals a Calcium-Dependent Mechanism for Basal Toxicity in Daphnia magna.

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Environmental Science & Technology, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.The expanding diversity and ever increasing amounts of man-made chemicals discharged to the environment pose largely unknown hazards to ecosystem and human health. The concept of adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) emerged as a comprehensive framework for risk assessment. However, the limited mechanistic information available for most chemicals and a lack of biological pathway annotation in many species represent significant challenges to effective implementation of this approach. Here, a systems level, multistep modeling strategy demonstrates how to integrate information on chemical structure with mechanistic insight from genomic studies, and phenotypic effects to define a putative adverse outcome pathway. Results indicated that transcriptional changes indicative of intracellular calcium mobilization were significantly overrepresented in Daphnia magna (DM) exposed to sublethal doses of presumed narcotic chemicals with log Kow ≥ 1.8. Treatment of DM with a calcium ATPase pump inhibitor substantially recapitulated the common transcriptional changes. We hypothesize that calcium mobilization is a potential key molecular initiating event in DM basal (narcosis) toxicity. Heart beat rate analysis and metabolome analysis indicated sublethal effects consistent with perturbations of calcium preceding overt acute toxicity. Together, the results indicate that altered calcium homeostasis may be a key early event in basal toxicity or narcosis induced by lipophilic compounds

    Evolution of Th2 responses : Characterization of IL-4/13 in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) and studies of expression and biological activity

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    Acknowledgements This research was funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) of the European Union (Grant Agreement 311993 TARGETFISH). T.W. received funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland). MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference number HR09011) and contributing institutions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A longitudinal study of the faecal microbiome and metabolome of periparturient mares

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    Periparturient mares are at increased risk of colic including large colon volvulus, which has a high mortality rate. Alterations in colonic microbiota related to either physiological or management changes, or both, that occur at this time have been suggested as potential causes for increased colic risk in this population of horses. Although the effect of management changes on the horse faecal microbiota has been investigated, limited work has been conducted to investigate changes in faecal microbiota structure and function in the periparturient period. The objectives of the current study were to investigate temporal stability of the faecal microbiota and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of the faecal metabolome in periparturient mares

    Controlled clinical trials in cancer pain. How controlled should they be? A qualitative systematic review

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    This qualitative systematic review of the clinical methodology used in randomised, controlled trials of oral opioids (morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone) for cancer pain underlines the difficulties of good pain research in palliative care. The current literature lacks placebo-controlled superiority trials. Recommendations for future research are discussed