311 research outputs found

    Lowest altitudinal and fourth known record for Ninia pavimentata (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Honduras

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    We found a subadult female of N. pavimentata in a rocky layer of a dry streambed bordered by Tropical Moist Forest (Holdrige, 1967), at a temperature of 24° C. The specimen was found in habitat not known to be associated with this species, namely Evergreen Tropical Broad-leaved Lowland Forest.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Lowest altitudinal and fourth known record for Ninia pavimentata (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Honduras

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    We found a subadult female of N. pavimentata in a rocky layer of a dry streambed bordered by Tropical Moist Forest (Holdrige, 1967), at a temperature of 24° C. The specimen was found in habitat not known to be associated with this species, namely Evergreen Tropical Broad-leaved Lowland Forest.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Lowest altitudinal and fourth known record for Ninia pavimentata (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Honduras

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    We found a subadult female of N. pavimentata in a rocky layer of a dry streambed bordered by Tropical Moist Forest (Holdrige, 1967), at a temperature of 24° C. The specimen was found in habitat not known to be associated with this species, namely Evergreen Tropical Broad-leaved Lowland Forest.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Analysis of expert players’ training process: Validation of tools

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue la creación y validación de una batería de instrumentos de medición (ATPEP), compuesta por dos entrevistas y una escala, para identificar y analizar el proceso de formación en jugadores expertos de deportes colectivos. La batería de instrumentos se ha elaborado siguiendo un procedimiento ecléctico (inductivo y deductivo). En el proceso de validación se utilizó el peritaje de expertos con 11 jueces, calculando la validez de contenido mediante la obtención del coeficiente V de Aiken. Las dimensiones abordadas en las entrevista y en la escala fueron: contexto social, contexto deportivo, habilidades interindividuales, habilidades intraindividuales, táctica, técnica, condición física y antropometría. Solamente 2 de los 132 ítems evaluados obtuvieron valores de V lo suficientemente bajos como para ser eliminados. La propuesta final de la batería de instrumentos ATPEP se ha elaborado teniendo en cuenta las valoraciones cualitativas y cuantitativas de los expertosThe aim of this study was to create and validate a string of measurement tools (ATPEP), composed of two interviews and one scale, in order to identify and analyze expert team players’ training process. This string of tools has been elaborated using an eclectic procedure (inductive and deductive).11 experts judges led the validation process, and calculating content validity by obtaining Aiken´s V coefficient. The discussed dimensions in both the interviews and the scale were the following: social context, sport context, inter-individual abilities, intra-individual abilities, tactic, technique, fitness and anthropometry. Only 2 out of the 132 evaluated items obtained V values low enough to be removed. Finally, the ATPEP battery instruments were elaborated taking into account quantitative and qualitative experts’ assessments.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente subvencionado por la Ayuda a los Grupos de Investigación (GR10120) del Gobierno de Extremadura (Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación); con la aportación de la Unión Europea a través de los Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regiona

    School Dropout by Gender in the European Union: Evidence from Spain

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    The aim of this paper is double, to describe the scope of high school dropout in Spain in comparative terms with Europe and to provide empirical evidence about its main determinants from a gender perspective. Using data from the Eurostat LFS for 1996-2009, the study makes evident a singularity for Spain: the important gender disparity at school. The multivariate statistical analysis shows that for females the academic performance, father’s nationality and mother’s educational level are the most determining factors in their education demand decisions. For males, father’s occupation and labour market conditions are the most significant influences

    Are Eye Movements and EEG on the Same Page?: A Coregistration Study on Parafoveal Preview and Lexical Frequency

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    published Online: September 15, 2022Readers extract visual and linguistic information not only from fixated words but also upcoming parafoveal words to introduce new input efficiently into the language processing pipeline. The lexical frequency of upcoming words and similarity with subsequent foveal information both influence the amount of time people spend once they fixate the word foveally. However, it is unclear from eye movements alone the extent to which parafoveal word processing, and the integration of that word with foveally obtained information, continues after saccade plans have been initiated. To investigate the underlying neural processes involved in word recognition after saccade planning, we coregistered electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye movements during a gaze-contingent display change paradigm. We orthogonally manipulated the frequency of the parafoveal and foveal words and measured fixation related potentials (FRPs) upon foveal fixation. Eye movements showed primarily an effect of preview frequency, suggesting that saccade planning is based on the familiarity of the parafoveal input. FRPs, on the other hand, demonstrated a disruption in downstream processing when parafoveal and foveal input differed, but only when the parafoveal word was high frequency. These findings demonstrate that lexical processing continues after the eyes have moved away from a word and that eye movements and FRPs provide distinct but complementary accounts about oculomotor behavior and neural processing that cannot be obtained from either method in isolation. Furthermore, these findings put constraints on models of reading by suggesting that lexical processes that occur before an eye movement program is initiated are qualitatively different from those that occur afterward.This study was partially funded by the Spanish government (FPIMINECO Predoctoral Grant BES-2017-081797) and the society of Spanish scientists in United States (ECUSA; Fostering Grads mentorship program). Data from this study have been presented at the 2021 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting and a departmental colloquium in the Department of Psychology at the University of South Florida. The data that support the findings of this study, the full sentence stimuli, and the code used for analyses, are available at https://osf.io/jkhvw/

    Estudio taxonómico de Mus spretus Lataste, 1883 del norte de Marruecos

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    An empirical assessment of logistics/supply chain management in two Latin American countries

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    The Bowersox Daugherty (1987) logistics strategy typology (Process Strategy, Market Strategy, and Information Strategy) is an important conceptual framework for studying logistics/supply chain management strategy and its role on logistics/supply chain management outcomes. The purpose of this research is to empirically apply the typology in Peru and compare the findings with the previous research conducted in Guatemala. The three Bowersox/Daugherty dimensions are used to define the construct Overall Logistic Strategy (OLS), and then, the OLS was used to measure Organizational Competitiveness (COMP) through two intervening variables LCE (Logistics Coordination Effectiveness) and CSC (Customer Service Commitment). The results indicate that generally the logistics strategy in Peru is fundamentally similar to Guatemala’s. In other words, the direction of the relationships among the conceptualized constructs tested in the SEM model was significant and explained a sizable variation in COMP in both countries. This provided additional support for the robustness of the structural model in different cultural environments. However, some differences are apparent. First, the importance of the three independent variables and three dependent variables appear to be greater to the Peruvian respondents than Guatemalan respondents. Second, on closer inspection Peruvian logistics data indicates relatively greater emphasis on information, coordination, customer service, and relatively less emphasis on cost efficiency, than Guatemalan managers. Managerial insights and suggestions for future research and discussed

    Influence of formal and non-formal learning

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Since coaches play an important role in the development of athletes, the process and mechanisms used by Special Olympics Portugal to develop coaches’ skills are worthy of research. In this context, the study aims to identify the training paths and profiles of the Special Olympics Portugal coach. It also aims to analyze the relationship between formal and non-formal learning in the profile and training of this type of coach. The research is descriptive and transversal regarding Special Olympics Portugal coaches, with the participation of 50 subjects. Two questionnaires were used, the Coaches’ Training Profile Questionnaire to determine the training routes, and the Coaches’ Orientation Questionnaire. The results show that the Special Olympics Portugal coaches have an academic background and a somewhat critical profile. It is imperative to build formal and non-formal learning contexts that focus on the theme of adapted sports, in order to allow the training of more qualified coaches, who are consequently more effective in their interventions with this type of athlete.publishersversionpublishe