105 research outputs found


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os aspectos relevantes e pertinentes ao Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais – REUNI, que vêm sendo discutidos em documentos oficiais e artigos científicos durante o período de 2007 a 2010 Para tanto, pesquisou-se documentos disponíveis em sítios governamentais, tais como do Planalto, da Presidência, do Ministério da Educação e artigos científicos encontrados em diferentes sítios de busca, tais como: Scielo, Google Acadêmico e Domínio Público. Ademais, também foram pesquisadas revistas da área de Administração e de Educação, como: Revista Lua Nova, RAE, RAC, entre outras. Os documentos oficiais proporcionaram a contextualização das reformas da educação superior, principalmente no que se refere ao REUNI. Em relação às produções científicas, o estudo mostra certa desconfiança por parte dos pesquisadores em relação ao REUNI, em virtude da dificuldade relacionada ao financiamento da estrutura operacional e administrativa nas universidades em detrimento da manutenção da qualidade de ensino e da pesquisa e dos serviços de extensão; bem como a insuficiência de trabalhos científicos sobre o tema devido à sua recente implantação

    O Marupá Como Essência Papeleira De Reflorestamento

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    The Pulp and Paper Department of the INPA (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia) has undertaken to realize a systematic study on Brazilian hardwoods from the Amazon region and selecting the best ones for further research. The first one in this series is Marupa (Simaruba amara - Aubl.) and was done by INPA's Pulp and Paper Department's technicians at the Laboratories of the Cellulose Division of the Centre Technique Forestier (Nogent Sur Marne - France) in a technical cooperation program. Data on the chemical pulping are given and also on trials with high yield pulps by the soda and the neutral sulphite precesses. Marupa is concluded to be an interesting papermaking species for reforestation.", 'enA Seção de Celulose e Papel do INPA, vem procedendo sistematicamente estudos com madeiras nativas Amazônicas selecionadas entre aquelas que apresentarem melhores características papeleiras. O primeiro estudo realizado desta série é o Marupá, (Simaruba amara-Aubl) realizado em cooperação com o Centre Technique Forestier Tropical (Nogent-Sur-Marne-França). Foi estudada a possibilidade de utilização desta essência na fabricação de pasta química e de pasta a alto rendimento. Analisando estes numerosos ensaios, pode-se chegar à conclusão que o Marupá constitui uma matéria prima interessante, como uma eventual essência papeleira de reflorestamento

    Biological and physicochemical stability of ceftazidime and aminophylline on glucose parenteral solution

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    Ceftazidima é um antimicrobiano administrado por via parenteral, que apresenta amplo espectro de ação, principalmente contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa. O tempo em que a concentração sérica de ceftazidima permanece acima da concentração mínima inibitória (MIC) é um importante parâmetro farmacodinâmico para a determinação da eficácia antimicrobiana e pode ser potencializado através da utilização de infusão contínua em soluções parenterais (PS). Este artigo visa a avaliar a estabilidade da ceftazidima em solução de glicose 5%, na presença e na ausência do fármaco aminofilina, através de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência HPLC e MIC durante o período de 24 horas. Os microorganismos selecionados para a determinação do MIC foram Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Os ensaios em cromatógrafo líquido confirmaram a estabilidade dos fármacos ceftazidima e aminofilina quando são individualmente associados em PS, enquanto os valores de MIC ficaram maiores que os valores encontrados na literatura. Quando ambos os fármacos foram associados na mesma solução parenteral a concentração de ceftazidima obtida por HPLC diminuiu 25% depois de 24 horas. Os valores de MIC mostraram maior decaimento da atividade antimicrobiana neste mesmo período e também valores de MIC alterados nas soluções preparadas no tempo zero, decaimento este que não foi detectado em HPLC. Os resultados indicaram incompatibilidade na associação dos fármacos em PS, enfatizando a importância dos resultados de MIC para interações de fármacos.Ceftazidime is a broad spectrum antibiotic administered mainly by the parenteral route, and it is especially effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The period of time in which serum levels exceed the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) is an important pharmacodynamic parameter for its efficacy. One of the forms to extend this period is to administer the antibiotic by continuous infusion, after prior dilution in a Parenteral Solution (PS). The present work assessed the stability of ceftazidime in 5% glucose PS for 24 hours, combined or not with aminophylline, through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The physicochemical evaluation was accompanied by in vitro antimicrobial activity compared MIC test in the 24-hour period. Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the microorganisms chosen for the MIC comparison. The HPLC analysis confirmed ceftazidime and aminophylline individual stability on PS, while the MIC values were slightly higher than the mean described in the literature. When both drugs were associated in the same PS, the ceftazidime concentration by HPLC decreased 25% after 24 hours. Not only did the MIC values show high loss of antibiotic activity within the same period, but also altered MIC values immediately after the preparation, which was not detected by HPLC. Our results indicate that this drug combination is not compatible, even if used right away, and that PS might not be the best vehicle for ceftazidime, emphasizing the importance of the MIC evaluation for drug interactions


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    Our aim was to investigate which training load monitoring tools are used by sports coaches for people with disabilities. 17 coaches from different sports responded to an online questionnaire containing questions related to the training of participants, general concepts and training load monitoring systems. 91.7% of coaches indicated that they adjust training load in response to their monitoring session by modifying training intensity and duration. The main methods used were the subjective perception of exertion, number of weekly sessions and specific exercises. Reasons for using this control system were: Accompany performance improvements (91.7%), manage training load (83.3%) and reduce injuries (75.0%). We conclude that sports coaches for people with disabilities use methods that are easy to administer, efficient in terms of time, and provide immediate feedback to monitor training sessions.Nuestro objetivo fue investigar qué herramientas de monitorización de la carga de entrenamiento utilizan los entrenadores deportivos para personas con discapacidad. 17 entrenadores de diferentes deportes respondieron a un cuestionario en línea que contenía preguntas relacionadas con el entrenamiento de los participantes, conceptos generales y sistemas de monitoreo de carga de entrenamiento. El 91,7 % de los entrenadores indicaron que ajustan la carga de entrenamiento en respuesta a su sesión de seguimiento modificando la intensidad y la duración del entrenamiento. Los principales métodos utilizados fueron la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo, número de sesiones semanales y ejercicios específicos. Las razones para utilizar este sistema de control fueron: Acompañar mejoras en el rendimiento (91,7%), gestionar la carga de entrenamiento (83,3%) y reducir lesiones (75,0%). Concluimos que los entrenadores deportivos de personas con discapacidad utilizan métodos fáciles de administrar, eficientes en tiempo y que brindan retroalimentación inmediata para monitorear las sesiones de entrenamiento.Nosso objetivo foi investigar quais ferramentas de monitoramento da carga de treinamento são utilizadas por treinadores de esportes para pessoas com deficiência. Participaram 17 treinadores de diferentes modalidades esportivas que responderam a um questionário online contendo questões relacionadas a formação dos participantes, conceitos gerais e sistemas de monitoramento da carga de treinamento. A maioria dos treinadores (91,7%) dos treinadores indicou que ajusta a carga de treinamento em resposta à sua sessão de monitoramento modificando a intensidade e duração do treino. Os principais métodos utilizados foram a percepção subjetiva de esforço, número de sessões semanais e de exercícios específicos. As razões para utilizar este sistema de controle foram: Acompanhar as melhorias no desempenho (91,7%), gerenciar a carga de treinamento (83,3%) e reduzir lesões (75,0%). Concluímos que os treinadores de esportes para pessoas com deficiência utilizam métodos de fácil administração, eficiente em termos de tempo e de retorno de informações imediatas para monitorar as sessões de treino

    An exploratory study of short-term camping in Antarctica: Hormonal and mood states changes

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    Long-term Antarctic expedition’s studies indicated harmful or positive behavioral and psychophysiological adaptive changes that arise from adversities in isolated, confined, and extreme environments. Whereas most of the published studies focused on overwintering situations, most Brazilian Antarctic Program summer expeditions consist of short-term stays. We evaluated the influence of a permanence in Antarctic short-term (13-day) summer camp on the hormonal responses and mood states in eight volunteers. Data collection was carried out at the beginning (initial measure, days 3 to 5) and the end (final measurement, days 10 to 12) of the camping. Morning and evening samples of saliva were obtained to measure the testosterone and cortisol concentrations. Morning blood drops were used to determine thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) concentration. The volunteers also answered a mood states questionnaire. During the short-term camp, T4 (3.92 ± 0.75 vs 2.21 ± 0.71 μg.dL-1) and T4/TSH (3.16 ± 0.97 vs 1.79 ± 0.74 AU) reduced, without concomitant changes in TSH (1.28 ± 0.17 vs 1.30 ± 0.09 μU.mL-1), and salivary cortisol increased (2,392 ± 1,153 vs 4,440 ± 1,941 pg.mL-1) resulting in greater cortisol amplitude (calculated from the difference between morning and evening measurement, 1,400 ± 1,442 vs 3,230 ± 2,046). In men, testosterone increased as well (26.2 ± 12.5 vs 67.8 ± 45.8, all differences with P<0.05). There was a moderate effect in mood states evidenced by increased anger and fatigue, and reduced vigor. At the end of the camp, the change in cortisol correlated with anger, and the final cortisol values with anger and tension. We concluded that staying in a short-term summer camp in Antarctica induced endocrine and mood state changes, indicators of stress reaction

    A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of the BinLPT Workload-Aware Loop Scheduler

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    International audienceWorkload-aware loop schedulers were introduced to deliver better performance than classical loop scheduling strategies. However, they presented limitations such as inexible built-in workload estimators and suboptimal chunk scheduling. Targeting these challenges, we proposed previously a workload-aware scheduling strategy called BinLPT, which relies on three features: (i) user-supplied estimations of the workload of the loop; (ii) a greedy heuristic that adaptively partitions the iteration space in several chunks; and (iii) a scheduling scheme based on the Longest Processing Time (LPT) rule and on-demand technique. In this paper, we present two new contributions to the state-of-the-art. First, we introduce a multiloop support feature to BinLPT, which enables the reuse of estimations across loops. Based on this feature, we integrated BinLPT into a real-world elastodynamics application, and we evaluated it running on a supercomputer. Second, we present an evaluation of BinLPT using simulations as well as synthetic and application kernels. We carried out this analysis on a large-scale NUMA machine under a variety of workloads. Our results revealed that BinLPT is better at balancing the workloads of the loop iterations and this behavior improves as the algorithmic complexity of the loop increases. Overall, BinLPT delivers up to 37.15% and 9.11% better performance than well-known loop scheduling strategies, for the application kernels and the elastodynamics simulation, respectively

    Cerebral palsy aetiologic diagnosis

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    A retrospective study was carried on 35 cases with Cerebral Palsy, obtained at random, attended at the Hospital of Clinics of School Medicine of São Paulo University, Campus Ribeirão Preto, from 1982 to 1998, with the scope to verify the aetiologic factors. Among 25 patients with identified aetiology, the Congenital infections (36%) and hypoxic-schemic cerebral lesions (28%) were the major causes. These results could be used for regional strategies of deficiencies prevention. Comments about the cases without aetiology identified points to the need to consider the inherited cerebral palsies and the differential diagnosis with degenerative diseases.Em estudo retrospectivo foram analisados 35 prontuários, obtidos ao acaso, de crianças com diagnóstico de Paralisia Cerebral (PC), atendidas no Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto, entre 1982 e 1998, com o objetivo de verificar fatores etiológicos. As infecções congênitas (36%) e agressão hipóxico-isquêmica (28%) foram os mais freqüentes fatores determinantes de PC entre 25 casos com etiologia definida. Estes achados podem ser utilizados para estratégias regionais de prevenção de deficiências. Para os casos sem etiologia definida, lembram-se as formas herdadas de paralisia cerebral e o diagnóstico diferencial com doenças degenerativas

    Structure and floristics of the plant community in Lagoa do São Bento, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil

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    Abstract Lagoa do São Bento is a coastal restinga wetland, remnant of a paleolake, located in Maricá, RJ. The study aimed to inventory native aquatic plants, make a floristic comparison with other coastal lagoons and analyze the regeneration of this community after anthropic impacts. In the floristic analysis of aquatic plants, 45 species were listed, 39 of which are Angiosperms and six are Ferns. Aeschynomene paniculata, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Montrichardia linifera and Torenia thouarsii are new records for the municipality and Tabebuia cassinoides is threatened. Emerging plants (21 spp.) stand out, followed by amphibians (16 spp.), free floating (4 spp.), fixed floating (3 spp.) and tolerant (1 sp.). The comparison showed greater similarity with the Jacarepiá lagoon, in Saquarema, sharing 21 species. The phytosociological inventory listed 87 species, 83 of which were Angiosperms and four Ferns. The species with the highest IVI were: Fuirena umbellata, Pleroma gaudichaudianum, Xyris jupicai, Typha domingensis, Salvinia aff. auriculata, Eleocharis interstincta, Rhynchospora gigantea, Nymphoides humboldtiana, Nymphaea caerulea and Clitoria laurifolia. Shannon, Simpson and equity indexes were 3.83, 0.03 and 0.85, respectively. Native aquatic species represent the majority of the total inventoried (54%), with a considerable supply of exotic and ruderal, whose colonization reflects the anthropic interventions