81 research outputs found

    Motivation and martial arts and combat sports participation: a study protocol

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    [EN] Martial arts and combat sports (MA&CS) popularity has been growing, and their associated benefits are widely known. Several studies report psychological benefits related to MA&CS participation. Albeit there is a broad body of research (following the tenets of self-determination theory - SDT) on motivation in sport and exercise, research in MA&CS motivation is scarce or very specific to single disciplines or styles. The objective of this study is to understand the motivational mechanisms for adherence and retention on MA&C practice, to identify differences between MA&CS on participants’ basic psychological needs and the quality of their motivational regulation. Mediation analysis will be conducted to explore the mechanisms of motivation on MA&CS participation

    Information and communication technology adoption for business benefits: a case analysis of an integrated paperless system

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    This case study analyses the benefits of implementing a paperless software solution (Alert®pfh–Alert Paperfree Hospital, developed by Alert Life Sciences Computing) in a Portuguese Hospital, the Espírito Santo Hospital, in the city of Évora. Alert®pfh is a complete hospital clinical information system with real time clinical information input. It was implemented in emergency medical services, inpatient and outpatient services, and operating room services. Data were collected between 2006 and 2011 prior to, during and after the system's implementation. The case analysis demonstrates that paperless software systems have a significant potential when applied in healthcare organization services. Besides financial benefits, other important organizational features were identified, namely higher levels of patient and professional satisfaction; an increase in efficiency in hospital operations; improvement in the quality of information for management decision-making; and a reduction in medical errors. Lessons learned are noted and conclusions drawn for both theoretical and practical ICT benefits analysis

    Ceramic imports in the central Lusitania during Late Antiquity: trends and chronologies at Casa da Medusa (Alter do Chão, Abelterium)

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    En este trabajo los autores pretenden problematizar el comercio tardo-antiguo en el centro de laLusitania a partir de la base empírica de las excavaciones en Alter do Chão (Abelterium), en particularel sector de la Casa da Medusa (también conocido como Ferragial d’el-Rei). Ánforas, lucernas y terrasigillata africana y hispánica tardía se cuantifican y analizan en términos estadísticos y estratigráficos,para producir una evolución cronológica de esta villa tardoantigua y fases estratigráficas paralas importaciones de cerámica. Dada la falta de evidencia estratigráfica para la Antigüedad Tardía enLusitania y especialmente en su interior, este trabajo pretende intensificar algunos temas de investigaciónrelacionados con los fabricos de lucernas y las líneas comerciales de cerámica fina de mesay ánforas en la parte oriental de la Lusitania, donde las conexiones con la Baetica y Augusta Emeritason problemas cruciales.In this paper the authors aim to problematize the Late Antique trade in the central Lusitanian fromthe empirical basis of the excavations in Alter do Chão (Abelterium), namely its Casa da Medusa sector(also known as Ferragial d’El-Rei). African and Late Hispanic terra sigillata, lamps and amphorae havebeen quantified and analysed both statiscally and stratigrafically, in order to produce a chronologicalevolution of this Late Antique villa and thereby stratigraphic phases for ceramic imports. Given thelack of stratigraphic evidence for Late Antiquity in Lusitania and mainly in its hinterland, this paperintends to intensify some research topics concerning lamps fabrics, as well as fine tableware andamphorae trade lines in the eastern part of Lusitania, where connections with Baetica and AugustaEmerita are crucial problems

    Smoothing membrane protein structure determination by initial upstream stage improvements

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    Membrane proteins (MP) constitute 20-30% of all proteins encoded by the genome of various organisms and perform a wide range of essential biological functions. However, despite they represent the largest class of protein drug targets, a relatively small number high-resolution 3D structures have been obtained yet. Membrane protein biogenesis is more complex than that of the soluble proteins and its recombinant biosynthesis has been a major drawback, thus delaying their further structural characterization. Indeed, the major limitation in structure determination of MP is the low yield achieved in recombinant expression, usually coupled to low functionality, pinpointing the optimization target in recombinant MP research. Recently, the growing attention that have been dedicated to the upstream stage of MP bioprocesses allowed great advances, permitting the evolution of the number of MP solved structures. In this review, we analyse and discuss effective solutions and technical advances at the level of the upstream stage using prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms foreseeing an increase in expression yields of correctly folded MP and that may facilitate the determination of their three-dimensional structure. A section on techniques used to protein quality control and further structure determination of MP is also included. Lastly, a critical assessment of major factors contributing for a good decision-making process related to the upstream stage of MP is presented.publishe

    10th European Conference on Information Systems Management

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    The 10th European Conference on Information Systems Management is being held at The University of Evora, Portugal on the 8 /9 September 2016. The Conference Chair is Paulo Silva and the Programme Chairs are Prof. Rui Quaresma and Prof. António Guerreiro. ECISM provides an opportunity for individuals researching and working in the broad field of information systems management, including IT evaluation to come together to exchange ideas and discuss current research in the field. This has developed into a particularly important forum for the present era, where the modern challenges of managing information and evaluating the effectiveness of related technologies are constantly evolving in the world of Big Data and Cloud Computing. We hope that this year’s conference will provide you with plenty of opportunities to share your expertise with colleagues from around the world. The keynote speakers for the Conference are Carlos Zorrinho from the Portuguese Delegation and Isabel Ramos from University of Minho, Portugal. ECISM 2016 received an initial submission of 84 abstracts. After the double blind peer review process 25 aca demic papers, 7 PhD research papers, 3 Masters research paper and 5 work in progress papers have been ac cepted for publication in these Conference Proceedings. These papers represent research from around the world, including Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK and Vietnam

    O rio Mira no sistema portuário do litoral alentejano (1851-1918)

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    O rio Mira no sistema portuário do Litoral Alentejano (1851-1918) A presente dissertação analisa o rio Mira na sua valia portuária, enquadrado no sistema de portos do Litoral Alentejano (Sudoeste de Portugal), durante o período que decorre entre 1851 e 1918. Sob o pressuposto de que os pequenos portos e a navegação costeira desempenharam um papel essencial, que só recentemente a historiografia passou a valorizar, busca-se neste estudo avaliar a sua real dimensão. A micro análise é a premissa teórica que informa a abordagem histórica do tema, mas não se prescinde do “jogo de escalas” que permite contextualizar e superar o meramente local ou individual. Ela incide sobre a habitual tríptico portuário – perímetro do porto, hinterland e foreland – tendo em consideração os factores económico, técnico, institucional e sociocultural e procurando esclarecer qual o papel e a importância do rio Mira nos quadros regional e nacional, bem como as transformações e as persistências que comportou durante o período estudado; ABSTRACT: This dissertation analyzes the portuary worth of the Mira river embedded in the system of the Alentejo coast ports (Southwest Portugal), during the period between 1851 and 1918. Under the assumption that the small ports and coastal navigation played an essential role, which was only recently valued by historiography, this study seeks to evaluate its real dimension. The micro analysis is the theoretical premise that informs the historical approach to the topic, but it does not do without the “game of scales” that puts into context and exceed the merely local or individual. It focuses on the usual triptych port system – port itself, hinterland and foreland – taking into account economical, technical, institutional and socio-cultural factors and seeking to clarify the role and importance of the Mira river within regional and national outlooks, as well as the transformations and persistences which were included during the period studied

    Event monitoring in a small and business enterprise

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    This paper presents an overview of the role and responsibilities of the system administrator, focusing on the need to monitor its technological infrastructure. The informatics infrastructure monitoring is, nowadays without a doubt, one of the main key points in business support. Large enterprises are no longer the only ones to feel the need to use these monitoring tools, but small and medium-sized enterprises, which also have IT environments of an increasing complexity, feel such a need. This results directly from the operation of how the business is supported on IT platforms as support for people and processes. When a system, which is vital to the organization, fails either at the hardware or software level, compromises the operating capacity and consequently the business continuity. Having this always in mind, it is extremely important to adopt monitoring systems that proactively or reactively, reduce the overall time of breaks caused by failures. A monitoring system is the way to ensure confidence in all components and the operational readiness of IT infrastructure