307 research outputs found

    Género e mudanças tecnológicas: o caso das indústrias gráficas

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    Este artigo baseia-se num dos estudos de uma pesquisa sobre os processos da construção social da masculinidade em contextos de dominância numérica e simbólica masculina e nas especificidades da identidade masculina que emergem nestes contextos. A partir do exemplo das transformações tecnológicas ocorridas nos processos de produção e de organização do trabalho da indústria gráfica e da abertura de uma profissão tipicamente masculina às mulheres, são analisados os discursos de 12 homens e mulheres envolvidos nesse contexto. Os elementos de análise permitem salientar a ancoragem do ideal dos profissionais na representação da masculinidade hegemónica, a acentuação, por parte dos homens, das particularidades das mulheres, afastando-as desse ideal, e as estratégias destas para se adaptarem e serem aceites neste universo profissional em mudança.Abstract.: This paper is based on a research focusing the processes of social construction of masculinity in contexts of male dominance, both numerical and symbolic, and the specificities of the masculine identity that emerge within these contexts. Considering the printing industry’s case with all the technological changes occurred in production processes and work organization, but also the opening of a typically male profession to women, 12 speeches of men and women involved in this context are considered. Results highlight the anchorage of professionals’ ideal on a representation of hegemonic masculinity. On the other hand, men stress specificities of women, away from that representation, while women refer to strategies that help to deal with and be accepted in that changing professional world

    Estudos da masculinidade e teoria feminista

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    Regional innovation heterogeneity in Europe : a quantile regression analysis

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    O propósito desta tese é o de analisar a existência de heterogeneidade a nível regional em termos de comportamento de inovação entre Regiões Europeias. Foram estimados regressões de quantis com uma variável dependente discreta, uma avançada ferramenta econométrica indicada para analises empíricas evolucionistas, o que representa uma novidade na área de inovação regional. Aplicando quantis a uma contagem de amostra de 67 regiões Europeias, e usando quarto quantis, concluímos uma evidência de heterogeneidade. A heterogeneidade existe em termos de performance de inovação regional e entre os fatores influenciadores dessa performance e em todos os níveis de performance considerados. Esta análise permite obter conclusões de grande relevância a serem consideradas na Europa 2020.The aim of this paper is to analyse the existence of regional heterogeneity in terms of innovation behaviour, between European Regions. We have estimated quantile regressions with a discrete dependent variable, an advanced econometric tool indicated for empirical evolutionist analysis, which is a novelty in the area of regional innovation. Applying quantile for counts within a sample of 67 European regions, and using four quantiles, we have concluded for the evidence of heterogeneity. The heterogeneity exists in terms of regional innovation performance and also within the factors influencing that performance, in each level of performance considered. This analysis allows obtaining conclusions of much relevance to be considered to Europe 2020

    Impact of learning process in fashion students: link with industry, social media and websites

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    The Portuguese fashion industry (textile, apparel and footwear) shows an excellent economic performance in the last years. With own brands, own collections and own products, the quality, the innovation and international image of the Portuguese clothes, accessories and shoes is increasing year by year. University of Minho has the Bachelor in Fashion Design and Marketing (BFDM). The young students came from different schools and places, with different backgrounds and links with fashion issues. The fashion industry needs good professionals to design and marketing functions, but these skills have to be worked in the university. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media are opportunities that the companies want to grab to promote and sell their products to the new global consumer. The Bachelor in Fashion Design and Marketing applies time and resources to increase the use and knowledge in these new tools. But remains an important question: does it works? To answer this question was designed this investigation. It is a qualitative research and the methods were "focus group" and longitudinal analysis. During January and February a focus group with ten young students from BFDM first year participated in two sessions. After an individual analysis of three different fashion brands (with presence in websites, facebook and Instagram), according a matrix designed to the investigation, the researchers made a discussion with the group. The results are very interesting and they will be used to evaluate the changes in the skills of the future fashion designers, before and after the bachelor degree in Fashion Design and Marketing. But they are preliminary results. In the future, we are planning to compare the results with students in BFDM and other bachelor degrees (without any link with fashion issues or interests). The fashion industry is ready to get inside this new, global and social world. The skills of the new professionals need to be prepared to reply these new demands.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Program me - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00713

    As empresas municipais: um contributo para a caraterização da sua posição financeira

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças EmpresariaisTem como objectivo este trabalho abordar uma temática actual, procurando contribuir para uma melhor caraterização da posição financeira das Empresas Municipais Portuguesas no quadriénio 2006 a 2009. Apresenta-se uma resenha histórica deste género de empresas e o seu enquadramento legal e funcional através da análise à Lei n.º 53-F/2006 de 29 de dezembro. Efetua-se um estudo a estas entidades no que respeita à sua localização, atividades e constituição. Segue-se um estudo e pesquisa daqueles que são, do nosso ponto de vista, os principais indicadores financeiros. Este trabalho carateriza-se por um estudo à estrutura do balanço e aplicação dos indicadores selecionados de forma a avaliar o desempenho destas empresas.Is objective of this work contribute to a characterization of the financial position of Portuguese Municipal Enterprises in the 2006 to 2009 period. It begins with a historical review of all such companies and their legal and functional analysis by the law the 53-F/2006 of december 29. After a theoretical framework, we present an empirical study in which these entities are characterized according to their location, economic activity and the balance sheet structure. This study concludes with an analysis of key financial indicators

    A gravidez e o seu impacto na sexualidade dos futuros pais

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    A transição para a parentalidade implica um conjunto de transformações nos planos individual e conjugal, com implicações ao nível da interacção e das vivências sexuais. A comunidade científica, contudo, não tem dedicado especial atenção ao modo como os homens vivenciam este período e, sobretudo, as implicações deste ao nível da sexualidade. Pretendemos contribuir para o aumento do conhecimento sobre o impacto da gravidez na função sexual masculina e a sua relação com a gestão dos níveis de ansiedade durante a gravidez. Trata-se de um estudo de cariz quantitativo, no qual aplicámos questionários de auto-resposta a 62 homens, com questões focalizadas na função sexual masculina e nos níveis de ansiedade/estado no 1º e 3º trimestres de gestação, procedendo à sua comparação posterior. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que, genericamente, existe uma diminuição da função sexual masculina e um aumento dos níveis de ansiedade, ao longo da gravidez.Abstract: Transition to parenthood involves a set of transformations at individual and marital levels, with implications in the couple interaction and sexual experience. Scientific community however, has not dedicated special attention in the way men experience this period and specialty the implications of pregnancy in men sexuality. We intend to contribute to increasing knowledge in the impact of pregnancy on male sexual function and its relation with the management of anxiety levels during the pregnancy. This is a quantitative study in which we applied self-response questionnaires to 62 men, with questions focused on male sexual function and anxiety levels in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, comparing these two periods. The results allowed us to conclude that generally, there is a decrease in male sexual function and increased levels of anxiety during pregnancy

    Relationship between oil prices and real exchange rates: the case of Angola

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    This paper examines the long-run synergies between oil prices and real exchange rates in Angola, between January 2002 and July 2017. Our study considers both the official and the parallel market exchange rate. To achieve this, standard integration/co-integration techniques were conducted, and an error correction model was estimated. Our results reject the purchasing power parity hypothesis and present evidence of long-run co-movements between oil prices and real exchange rates. Moreover, examination of the short-run dynamics displays evidence of unilateral Granger causality from oil prices to real exchange rates

    Educação sexual na adolescência: meio rural versus meio urbano

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    O presente estudo teve por objectivo compreender a influência do meio rural e do meio urbano nos conhecimentos dos adolescentes de ambos os sexos, na área da sexualidade. Sob uma óptica quantitativa e transversal, participaram 418 adolescentes a frequentar o 9º ano de escolaridade em escolas públicas inseridas em meios rural e urbano, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário de auto-preenchimento, procurando caracterizar os conhecimentos, as fontes de informação em matéria de sexualidade e as perspectivas acerca da concretização da educação sexual. Os resultados revelaram algumas diferenças nos conhecimentos e interesses dos adolescentes de ambos os contextos em alguns domínios específicos, evidenciando a importância de valorizar as necessidades específicas dos adolescentes e o contexto sócio-cultural e geográfico em que estes se inserem.Abstract: This study aimed to understand the influence of rural and urban settings on the knowledge of adolescents of both sexes regarding sexuality. Under a quantitative and transversal approach, with a sample of 418 adolescents attending the 9th grade in public schools, inserted in urban or rural settings, data was collected through the application of a self-fulfilled questionnaire, seeking to characterize knowledge, sources of information on the subject of sexuality and perspectives on the implementation of sex education. The results revealed some differences in knowledge and educational interests of adolescents between these contexts in some specific areas, highlighting the importance of valuing the specific needs of adolescents and the socio-cultural and geographic context where they belong

    Social networking as tool for global communication for fashion brands

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    The emergence of new information technologies, development and exploration of the digital platforms and social networks in recent decades, have caused major changes in lives of individuals, as well as in the business sphere, opening up new opportunities and challenges, and changing consumption behaviours on a global scale. This paper presents a research of customer participation to the footwear brands community network, depending on the brands involvement level, since footwear sector places its importance to the Portuguese economy, through significant and stable growth within this recent decade. With the increasing use of digital platforms, such as social networks and website, as communication channels used in marketing strategies for fashion brands, it became necessary to empirically analyse the impact of these digital platforms to the brands. The major findings of this longitudinal research showed that brands, that are new to market, have a better performance in social media, with rapid growth of its communities and already surpassing the established companies.EDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00713
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