267 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the joint moments of force of the upper limb between one forehand drive performed in quasi-static stance (QSS) (with both feet on the ground at the impact) and one forehand performed with a dynamic frontal weight transfer stance (DS) (with both feet off the ground at the impact). One high-performance tennis player was recorded with an optical system with a frequency of 240Hz during both techniques. Three forehands in QSS and three in DS were selected for analysis. Results demonstrated that the forehand performed with QSS could present higher moments of force, especially in the shoulder joint abdu/addu (QSS:45.5 vs DS:52.8 Nm), moreover, the DS presented higher racket velocity compared with the QSS forehand drive (DS: 32.7(0.4) vs QSS:31.5(0.4) m/s). The results of this study could present an important information for tennis coaches as for their players in order to understand which forehand technique creates higher joint loads, and, therefore adapt the practice for each situation

    Emerging and innovative techniques for arsenic removal applied to a small water supply system

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    The impact of arsenic on human health has led its drinking water MCL to be drastically reduced from 50 to 10 ppb. Consequently, arsenic levels in many water supply sources have become critical. This has resulted in technical and operational impacts on many drinking water treatment plants that have required onerous upgrading to meet the new standard. This becomes a very sensitive issue in the context of water scarcity and climate change, given the expected increasing demand on groundwater sources. This work presents a case study that describes the development of low-cost techniques for efficient arsenic control in drinking water. The results obtained at the Manteigas WTP (Portugal) demonstrate the successful implementation of an effective and flexible process of reactive filtration using iron oxide. At real-scale, very high removal efficiencies of over 95% were obtained.(undefined


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    The purpose of this study was to analyse whether athletes of different skill level present different relative joint moment contributions to the power generated in a martial arts kick. This investigation was carried out using the induced power analysis, a method based on the dynamic coupling inherent to ultiarticulated systems. The comparison was done among three male karatekas, considered to be experienced, intermediate and novice. The results show that the hip extension moment was the major contributor in the production of mechanical energy in the kicking foot at impact. Similarly the hip internal rotation and ankle dorsiflexion moments worked to build up the foot’s energy for most of movement. The experienced athlete seems to benefit more from these by potentiating the moments produced in these joints

    Realidade virtual para treino de profissionais de socorro

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    O uso da realidade virtual no contexto da saúde é sobretudo direcionado para tratamento de perturbações mentais e alterações de comportamento (Coelho et al., 2008; Emmel et al., 2002; Ku et al., 2006; Wald & Taylor, 2000), existindo lacunas no seu uso para o treino de profissionais de socorro expostos a incidentes críticos indutores de stress, que, pelo seu impacto psicológico afetam o seu desempenho profissional e a tomada de decisão (Maia, 2007; Mitchell & Everly, 2003). Recentemente assiste-se ao enfatizar da realidade virtual no contexto da saúde e do trabalho (Jacques et al., 2009; Riva et al., 2002; Rizzo, 2001) e existem já programas que permitem em condições securizantes treinar competências e melhorar a gestão do stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intellectual capital: conceptualization

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    O mundo empresarial e as organizações debatem-se, constantemente, com mudanças e novos desafios aos mais diversos níveis, exigindo uma capacidade de adaptação e supremacia às frequentes vicissitudes. O conhecimento é, hoje, reconhecido pelas organizações como um recurso de caráter intangível que, combinado com outros recursos da organização, cria e desenvolve novas capacidades, permitindo às empresas adquirirem vantagem competitiva e melhorarem o seu desempenho organizacional.The business world and organizations are constantly struggling with changes and new challenges at the most diverse levels, demanding an ability to adapt and supremacy to the frequent vicissitudes. Nowadays, knowledge is recognized by organizations as an intangible resource that, combined with other resources of the organization, creates and develops new skills, allowing companies to gain competitive advantage and to improve their organizational performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of deterrence policies on reckless driving: the case of Portugal

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    In this paper, we test the effect of three different criminal deterrence theory policy tools: criminal certainty, severity, and celerity of punishment. Whereas most criminal deterrence studies in this field focus on the former two components of deterrence theory, this study also examines the potential deterrent effect of the latter component. Using a time-series design with monthly data, we estimate the effects of an increase in the threat of punishment for traffic offenses resulting from a general increase in fines for traffic offenses, an increase in the probability of getting caught with a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) level outside the legal limits, and the enactment of an “on-the-spot” fine payment policy in Portugal. We find strong evidence to support a severity effect. An increase in the statutory severity of sentence maxima for traffic violations leads to a decrease in accident and injury rates—approximately an average 0.5 percent reduction in monthly accident and injury rates. Changes in the BAC levels and the mandatory swift payment policy did not produce any convincing deterrence impact

    Sequential injection titration of chloride in milk with potentiometric detection

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    In this work, a sequential injection system for the pseudo-titration of chloride in milk is described. Milk was directly aspirated into the system and sandwiched between two silver nitrate plugs (titrant). The aspirated zones were then propelled to the detector (Ag2S/Ag tubular electrode), where the depletion in the titrant silver concentration (due to the formation of a AgCl precipitate) was monitored. The results obtained by the developed sequential injection titration method were not statistically different from those provided by the potentiometric reference procedure with relative standard deviations better than 3.4%. The sampling rates achieved were 17 samples per hour.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Avaliação do autocuidado como indicador para supervisão clínica em enfermagem

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    Objective : to evaluate the needs of clinical supervision for nurses to assess the degree of dependence on self- care and planning of nursing interventions. Methods : analytical study, cross-cutting nature, collecting data from a sample of 110 patients. Results : it was shown the differences in the identification of the degree of dependence between registers and experts, as well as the selection of operations for each self-care and failures to the original assessment of the filling level (no evaluation self-care/no identification of the degree of dependence). Conclusion : there were gaps in the nursing process; they have proposed strategies such as clinical supervision sessions, training, case studies, protocols and guidance documents, to be included in a clinical supervision in nursing model.Objetivo: avaliar as necessidades dos enfermeiros em supervisão clínica para avaliar o grau de dependência no autocuidado e planear intervenções de enfermagem. Métodos: estudo analítico, recolhendo dados de uma amostra de 110 doentes. Resultados: evidenciaram-se diferenças na identificação dos graus de dependência entre registos e especialistas, bem como na seleção das intervenções para cada autocuidado e falhas ao nível do preenchimento da avaliação inicial (não avaliação dos autocuidados/descuro na identificação dos graus de dependência). Conclusão: identificaram-se lacunas no processo de enfermagem; propuseram-se estratégias como sessões de supervisão clínica, formação, estudo de casos, protocolos e guias de orientação, a serem incluídas em um modelo de supervisão clínica em enfermagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bioclimatic solutions in vernacular architecture: transition spaces

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    The traditional architecture is founded as a defining element of the identity of a region, and its essence should be preserved and conserved by means of maintenance and recovery actions. Thus, the best solutions and proposals for intervention should be looked for but this doesn’t imply a back to back innovation and at construction progress. This work includes the description of techniques for maintenance and conservation of bioclimatic solutions found and inventoried in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, with special focus on a unique bioclimatic solution known as Transition Spaces (from the interior to the exterior of the buildings and vice-versa), whose main purpose is to ensure protection from the elements when entering or exiting buildings, to contribute to the improvement of the buildings thermal performance and to create sheltered interior/exterior living spaces. This architectural characteristic is based on the building’s solar exposure, predominant winds and geographical and topographic conditions. It is important to recover the historical heritage in a sustainable manner, allowing it to become an engine of development for both urban and small rural centres that exist in the periphery of the bigger cities