1,786 research outputs found

    Digging Through Space: Archaeology in the Star Wars Franchise

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    Archaeology is a slippery topic when it comes to its public presentation in various media, especially in fictional representations in books, film, TV, and video games. Archaeologists have historically been at odds with some of these productions, and various articles have analyzed these representations before. This article analyzes archaeological representations within the genre of speculative fiction, which includes the subgenera of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. One particular case study, Star Wars, will be examined in depth to see how this representation could be perceived and what that means for archaeologists. There have been various references to archaeology within Star Wars throughout its history, both before and after the Disney purchase, and all references that could be examined were. First, there is an examination of the archaeologist, and what stereotypes are present in characters recognized and named as such within the franchise. Second, the analysis turns to archaeology itself and what positive and negative factors can be drawn from the representations that are present. Last, this article will look more broadly at archaeological problems such as colonial and imperial ideals within the franchise

    Biology and Ecology of Larval Lobsters (Homarus americanus): Implications for Population Connectivity and Larval Transport

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    The connectivity of marine populations and the degree to which they are considered open or closed has important implications for the ecology, management, and resilience of commercially harvested species. Larval exchange is a primary determinant of the level of connectivity between populations, and this thesis examines the intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing larval transport and the distribution of larvae of the American lobster (Homarus americanus). The potential for larval transport is directly proportional to the planktonic larval duration. Our field data suggest development times in situ were up to three times faster than previous laboratory development times, indicating that potential for transport is less than previously reported. Observation of postlarvae in sitzi revealed changes in vertical distribution corresponding to ontogenetic shifts in behavior and extrinsic environmental factors. Most notably, the 12°C isotherm appeared to be a temperature threshold with postlarvae remaining in warmer waters above. This suggests that settlement may be limited by bottom temperature with negligible settlement occurring below the depth of the 12 isotherm. Postlarvae spent 94% of the time above 4 m depth, reinforcing the importance of surface currents to transport of the final planktonic stage. However, only 55-80% of the time was spent in the top 0.5 m, indicating that abundance estimated from surface samples has been chronically underestimated. The quality of larvae may contribute to successful larval transport and laboratory experiments indicated that larvae from embryos of greater mass were more resistant to periods of starvation. Thus, portions of the population producing heavier eggs may contribute disproportionately to successfLl larval production. Patterns of larval distribution over 300 km of coast in the northern Gulf of Maine revealed high abundance of postlarvae at the downstream end of the study area suggesting a potential larval sink and two potential upstream sources of newly hatched stage I larvae. Our results are consistent with two potential source-sink models; one which is largely self-recruiting, and a second in which larvae are delivered from a distant source. The relative contribution of these larval sources to recruitment is unknown and will define the degree to which the population is open or closed

    Strainrange partitioning behavior of an automotive turbine alloy

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    This report addresses Strainrange Partitioning, an advanced life prediction analysis procedure, as applied to CA-101 (cast IN 792 + Hf), an alloy proposed for turbine disks in automotive gas turbine engines. The methodology was successful in predicting specimen life under thermal-mechanical cycling, to within a factor of + or - 2

    Biuret Staining and X-Ray Microanalysis for Locating Grafted Poly(Methyl Acrylate) on Wool Fibers

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    Biuret reagent was used to stain wool fibers with copper so the location of a small amount of poly(methyl acrylate) grafted onto the fibers could be determined by energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis of copper. The grafted polymer was determined to be located in regions of the fibers where cuticle had been previously damaged. The amount of grafted polymer present was too small for secondary electron imaging to be useful for locating the polymer grafts

    Observations of GW170817 by DESGW and the DECam GW-EM Collaboration

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    On August 17, 2017 LIGO/Virgo detected a binary neutron star via gravitational waves. We observed 70 sq-degrees in the LIGO/Virgo spatial localization with the DECam on the 4m Blanco telescope covering 80% of the final map. Our group independently discovered an optical counterpart in NGC 4993. We searched our entire imaged region: the object in NGC 4993 was the only viable candidate. Our observations of NGC4993 show complicated morphology but simple star formation history. Our x-ray and radio observations indicate an off-axis jet as afterglow. Our high-cadence optical and infrared spectra show a source that must be described by at least two components, one of which is dominated by the r-process nucleosynthesis elements characteristic of a kilonova. Our modeling of the light curve demonstrates such a model in which 0.05 MO of material is ejected from the system. Finally, we discuss the first standard siren measurement of H0

    Optimising Spectroscopic and Photometric Galaxy Surveys: Efficient Target Selection and Survey Strategy

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    The next generation of spectroscopic surveys will have a wealth of photometric data available for use in target selection. Selecting the best targets is likely to be one of the most important hurdles in making these spectroscopic campaigns as successful as possible. Our ability to measure dark energy depends strongly on the types of targets that we are able to select with a given photometric data set. We show in this paper that we will be able to successfully select the targets needed for the next generation of spectroscopic surveys. We also investigate the details of this selection, including optimisation of instrument design and survey strategy in order to measure dark energy. We use color-color selection as well as neural networks to select the best possible emission line galaxies and luminous red galaxies for a cosmological survey. Using the Fisher matrix formalism we forecast the efficiency of each target selection scenario. We show how the dark energy figures of merit change in each target selection regime as a function of target type, survey time, survey density and other survey parameters. We outline the optimal target selection scenarios and survey strategy choices which will be available to the next generation of spectroscopic surveys.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, accepted to MNRAS in dec 201

    Peningkatan Daya Terima Dan Kadar Protein Nugget Substitusi Ikan Lele (Clarias Batrachus) Dan Kacang Merah (Vigna Angularis)

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    Catfi sh and red beans are high in protein and essential amino acid than can be processed into nuggets and used as high-protein snack alternative. This research aimed to determine the effect of catfi sh and red beans toward the acceptance and protein content, as well as determine the best composition to produce a good quality nuggets. Type of research in the development formula using true experimental with a completely randomized design. There were four (4) types of treatment (combination of catfi sh, catfi sh bones, and red beans) with three (3) times replication. Panelist used was 35 untrained panelists. Product acceptance was tested using statistical analysis Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney (ƒ¿ . 0.05). The result of organoleptic tests showed the most preferred nugget is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans). Highest increased protein per 100g nugget is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans) with 14.5 gcompare to F0 (catfi sh) with 11,5 g, there was signifi cant difference between F0 and F1, F2, F3, F4 to the characteristic of odour (p = 0.000), texture (p = 0.008), fl avor (p = 0.000), and form (p = 0.000). The best composition formula is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans).The best formula in terms of its composition, acceptability, and nutritionalvalue was F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans)

    Balita pada Rumahatangga Miskin di Kabupaten Prioritas Kerawanan Pangan di Indonesia Lebih Rentan Mengalami Gangguan Gizi

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    Latar belakang. Risiko ketidaktahanan pangan rumahtangga timbul karena rendahnya pendapatan, rendahnya ketersediaan pangan maupun faktor gegrafis. Proporsi penduduk dengan asupan kalori di bawah tingkat konsumsi minimum (<1400 kkal/hari) sebesar 14,47% dan (<2000 kkal/hr) sebesar 64,21%, hampir dua kali lipat dari target MDGs (35,32%) menunjukkan adanya gangguan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di Indonesia, yang dapat berdampak pada gangguan status gizi kelompok rentan, diantaranya Balita. Tujuan. Menilai status gizi dan menganalisis risiko gangguan gizi Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah prioritas dan non prioritas kerawanan pangan di Indonesia Metode. Analisis lanjut data Riskesdas tahun 2010 untuk 99 kabupaten: diantaranya 71 kabupaten prioritas masalah kerawanan pangan (prioritas I:11, prioritas II: 25 dan prioritas III: 35) dan 28 kabupaten non prioritas di Indonesia, dengan unit analisis rumahtangga yaitu 11084 rumahtangga dan 2464 rumahtangga diantaranya tergolong miskin dan memiliki Balita Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko terjadinya masalah gizi Balita di wilayah prioritas rawan pangan yaitu gizi buruk dan kurang 2,172 kali lebih besar dan risiko sangat pendek dan pendek 1,669 kali besar dibandingkan di wilayah non prioritas. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,445 kali lebih besar serta berisiko sangat pendek/pendek lebih besar 1,406 kali dibandingkan Balita pada rumahtangga tidak miskin. Berdasarkan kelompok usia, Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin didaerah prioritas kerawanan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,535 lebih besar serta berisiko terjadi sangat pendek dan pendek 1,608 kali dibandingkan Balita usia 0-6 bulan. Simpulan. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah kabupaten prioritas kerawanan pangan (I,II dan III) lebih rentan mengalami gangguan gizi (sangat pendek/pendek dan gizi buruk/kurang) dibandingkan di kabupaten non prioritas. Saran. Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan di Indonesia perlu mendapat prioritas utama percepatan perbaikan gizi
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