20 research outputs found

    The Metabotropic Glutamate 5 Receptor in Sleep and Wakefulness: Focus on the Cortico-Thalamo-Cortical Oscillations

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    Sleep is an essential innate but complex behaviour which is ubiquitous in the animal kingdom. Our knowledge of the distinct neural circuit mechanisms that regulate sleep and wake states in the brain are, however, still limited. It is therefore important to understand how these circuits operate during health and disease. This review will highlight the function of mGlu5 receptors within the thalamocortical circuitry in physiological and pathological sleep states. We will also evaluate the potential of targeting mGlu5 receptors as a therapeutic strategy for sleep disorders that often co-occur with epileptic seizures

    Increasing Human Performance by Sharing Cognitive Load Using Brain-to-Brain Interface

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) attract a lot of attention because of their ability to improve the brain's efficiency in performing complex tasks using a computer. Furthermore, BCIs can increase human's performance not only due to human-machine interactions, but also thanks to an optimal distribution of cognitive load among all members of a group working on a common task, i.e., due to human-human interaction. The latter is of particular importance when sustained attention and alertness are required. In every day practice, this is a common occurrence, for example, among office workers, pilots of a military or a civil aircraft, power plant operators, etc. Their routinely work includes continuous monitoring of instrument readings and implies a heavy cognitive load due to processing large amounts of visual information. In this paper, we propose a brain-to-brain interface (BBI) which estimates brain states of every participant and distributes a cognitive load among all members of the group accomplishing together a common task. The BBI allows sharing the whole workload between all participants depending on their current cognitive performance estimated from their electrical brain activity. We show that the team efficiency can be increased due to redistribution of the work between participants so that the most difficult workload falls on the operator who exhibits maximum performance. Finally, we demonstrate that the human-to-human interaction is more efficient in the presence of a certain delay determined by brain rhythms. The obtained results are promising for the development of a new generation of communication systems based on neurophysiological brain activity of interacting people. Such BBIs will distribute a common task between all group members according to their individual physical conditions

    Regional specificity of cortico-thalamic coupling strength and directionality during waxing and waning of spike and wave discharges

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    Spike-wave discharges (SWDs) on the EEG during absence epilepsy are waxing and waning stages of corticothalamic hypersynchrony. While the somatosensory cortex contains an epileptic focus, the role of thalamic nuclei in SWD generation is debated. Here we assess the contribution of distinct thalamic nuclei through multiple-site unit recordings in a genetic rat model of absence epilepsy and cross-correlation analysis, revealing coupling strength and directionality of neuronal activity at high temporal resolution. Corticothalamic coupling increased and decreased during waxing and waning of SWD, respectively. A cortical drive on either sensory or higher order thalamic nuclei distinguished between onset and offset of SWD, respectively. Intrathalamic coupling steadily increased during maintained SWD activity, peaked at SWD offset, and subsequently displayed a sharp decline to baseline. The peak in intrathalamic coupling coincided with a sharp increase in coupling strength between reticular thalamic nucleus and somatosensory cortex. This increased influence of the inhibitory reticular thalamic nucleus is suggested to serve as a break for SWD activity. Overall, the data extend the cortical focus theory of absence epilepsy by identifying a regionally specific cortical lead over distinct thalamic nuclei, particularly also during waning of generalized epileptic discharges, thereby revealing a potential window and location for intervention

    Luijtelaar, “An algorithm for real-time detection of spike-wave discharges in rodents

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    a b s t r a c t The automatic real-time detection of spike-wave discharges (SWDs), the electroencephalographic hallmark of absence seizures, would provide a complementary tool for rapid interference with electrical deep brain stimulation in both patients and animal models. This paper describes a real-time detection algorithm for SWDs based on continuous wavelet analyses in rodents. It has been implemented in a commercially available data acquisition system and its performance experimentally verified. ECoG recordings lasting 5-8 h from rats (n = 8) of the WAG/Rij strain were analyzed using the real-time SWD detection system. The results indicate that the algorithm is able to detect SWDs within 1 s with 100% sensitivity and with a precision of 96.6% for the number of SWDs. Similar results are achieved for 24-h ECoG recordings of two rats. The dependence of accuracy and speed of detection on program settings and attributes of ECoG are discussed. It is concluded that the wavelet based real-time detecting algorithm is well suited for automatic, real-time detection of SWDs in rodents

    Cannabinoid antagonist SLV326 induces convulsive seizures and changes in the interictal EEG in rats

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    Cannabinoid CB1 antagonists have been investigated for possible treatment of e.g. obesity-related disorders. However, clinical application was halted due to their symptoms of anxiety and depression. In addition to these adverse effects, we have shown earlier that chronic treatment with the CB1 antagonist rimonabant may induce EEG-confirmed convulsive seizures. In a regulatory repeat-dose toxicity study violent episodes of “muscle spasms” were observed in Wistar rats, daily dosed with the CB1 receptor antagonist SLV326 during 5 months. The aim of the present follow-up study was to investigate whether these violent movements were of an epileptic origin. In selected SLV326-treated and control animals, EEG and behavior were monitored for 24 hours. 25% of SLV326 treated animals showed 1 to 21 EEG-confirmed generalized convulsive seizures, whereas controls were seizure-free. The behavioral seizures were typical for a limbic origin. Moreover, interictal spikes were found in 38% of treated animals. The frequency spectrum of the interictal EEG of the treated rats showed a lower theta peak frequency, as well as lower gamma power compared to the controls. These frequency changes were state-dependent: they were only found during high locomotor activity. It is concluded that long term blockade of the endogenous cannabinoid system can provoke limbic seizures in otherwise healthy rats. Additionally, SLV326 alters the frequency spectrum of the EEG when rats are highly active, suggesting effects on complex behavior and cognition

    Modulation of Hyperpolarization-Activated Inward Current and Thalamic Activity Modes by Different Cyclic Nucleotides

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    The hyperpolarization-activated inward current, Ih, plays a key role in the generation of rhythmic activities in thalamocortical (TC) relay neurons. Cyclic nucleotides, like 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), facilitate voltage-dependent activation of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels by shifting the activation curve of Ih to more positive values and thereby terminating the rhythmic burst activity. The role of 3′,5′-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in modulation of Ih is not well understood. To determine the possible role of the nitric oxide (NO)-sensitive cGMP-forming guanylyl cyclase 2 (NO-GC2) in controlling the thalamic Ih, the voltage-dependency and cGMP/cAMP-sensitivity of Ih was analyzed in TC neurons of the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) in wild type (WT) and NO-GC2-deficit (NO-GC2−/−) mice. Whole cell voltage clamp recordings in brain slices revealed a more hyperpolarized half maximal activation (V1/2) of Ih in NO-GC2−/− TC neurons compared to WT. Different concentrations of 8-Br-cAMP/8-Br-cGMP induced dose-dependent positive shifts of V1/2 in both strains. Treatment of WT slices with lyase enzyme (adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases) inhibitors (SQ22536 and ODQ) resulted in further hyperpolarized V1/2. Under current clamp conditions NO-GC2−/− neurons exhibited a reduction in the Ih-dependent voltage sag and reduced action potential firing with hyperpolarizing and depolarizing current steps, respectively. Intrathalamic rhythmic bursting activity in brain slices and in a simplified mathematical model of the thalamic network was reduced in the absence of NO-GC2. In freely behaving NO-GC2−/− mice, delta and theta band activity was enhanced during active wakefulness (AW) as well as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in cortical local field potential (LFP) in comparison to WT. These findings indicate that cGMP facilitates Ih activation and contributes to a tonic activity in TC neurons. On the network level basal cGMP production supports fast rhythmic activity in the cortex