77 research outputs found

    Meteorite concentration mechanisms in Antarctica

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    The location of most Antarctic meteorite finds is on stagnant, highly ablative surfaces known as blue ice. The role of blue ice as transporter, concentrator, and preserver of specimens from the time of fall until find is discussed

    Constitutional War Powers of the United States: The Founding Prescription and Historical Adherence

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    When crafting the United States Constitution, America’s Founders carefully prescribed an institutional balance of the Nation’s war powers between the legislative and executive branches of the federal government. To examine the intentions of the Founders regarding the Nation’s war powers as well as how American leadership has adhered to this intent post-ratification, this study carefully analyzes the circumstances which compelled this balance as well as its application throughout the history of the American experiment. Following an examination of these circumstances and the history of the United States, it is clear that American leadership, despite adhering to the Founders’ intentions for nearly 160 years, has deviated tremendously from this constitutional balance in the modern era. Beginning in 1942, this study demonstrates that the balance of the Nation’s war powers began a dramatic shift away from its founding intention in favor of a subservient Congress and an emboldened presidency. Throughout the Cold War, this study finds that American presidents almost always ignored the traditional constitutional role of Congress in authorizing hostilities by unilaterally ordering military action across the globe. In doing so, modern presidents have asserted the right to do so under an expansive interpretation of the president’s Article II authorities or the auspice of authority from international organizations such as the United Nations (U.N.) or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). As these expansive assertions have gradually swelled the presidency’s powers over war for nearly the past eighty years, Congress has largely enabled the expropriation of its war powers through appeasement and a failure to mount any meaningful political or legal challenge in response

    Compositional and Metabolic Evaluation of Colostrum Preserved by Four Methods During Warm Ambient Temperatures

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    A study of giant Canada geese (Branta Canadensis maxima) nesting on stock ponds in western South Dakota was conducted during 1974 and 1975. Analysis of 10 selected variables at nests on natural sites indicated that distance of water below high water level and percent slope from wetland to horizon, contributed the most to the use of the site. Distance from wetland to horizon and disturbance factors were two important variable measured to determine use of artificial nesting structures. First nests were initiated on 1 April 1974 and 8 April 1975. Twenty-five nests (16 percent) were located on artificial nesting structures, and 134 (84 percent) were on natural nest sites. Eggs in 57 percent of all nests hatched. Mammalian predators destroyed the eggs in 44 (72 percent) of the nests lost. Gosling mortality between hatching and flight was estimated to be 16 percent. Marked geese began moving to staging sites on the study area during August each year. Migration then began in September but some geese remained on the study area until November. Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge was one of the wintering locations for the flock both years. A movement of the non-breeding portion of the flock is believed to occur prior to their annual molt

    The Allan Hills Meteorite Icefield-An alternative view

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    More than 1300 meteorites have been found on the surface of blue icefields in North Victorialand, Antarctica. The Allan Hills Icefield (about 100 km^2) has exceptionally high meteorite concentrations while other icefields to the West have much smaller concentrations. Measurements of the rates of ablation and of horizontal displacement of the ice surface near the Allan Hills have been conducted since 1978 at a 20 station triangulation network. These data show that the horizontal ice velocity at the most active stations is about one m/yr and less at the high meteorite concentration site. Ablation of the ice surface averages about 4.2 em/yr. Measurements of the oxygen isotopic composition of surface ice along the triangulation network show a rather large scatter of about 8δ^(18)O‰. This indicates that the ice comes from different areas or possibly is different in age. The terrestrial ages of Allan Hills meteorites are between 0 and 700,000 years, with only a few older than 400,000 years. A model for the appearance of meteorites on blue ice surfaces in Antarctica is that specimens are carried within the moving ice sheet to stagnant areas where they are uncovered by the ablation process (see e.g. Bull and Lipschutz, 1982). These areas ("emergent zones") are fed by ice that originally accumulated as snow at the source regions of the ice. This model accounts for the general occurrence of meteorites on blue ice fields but an additional mechanism is needed to explain the high concentrations found at the Allan Hills. It is suggested that this icefield has concentrated meteorites primarily by horizontal movement of the ice from the emergent zones located to the west of the concentration zone. These meteorites are transported by surface compressive flow of the ice into the Allan Hills Meteorite Icefield and left stranded in an area where ice is only lost by the ablation process. This model seems to be in agreement with all field and laboratory observations

    Workshop on Meteorites From Cold and Hot Deserts

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    The current workshop was organized to address the following points: (1) definition of differences between meteorites from Antarctica, hot deserts, and modern falls; (2) discussion of the causes of these differences; (3) implications of possible different parent populations, infall rates, weathering processes, etc.; (4) collection, curation, and distribution of meteorites; and (5) planning and coordination of future meteorite searches

    Ledelseskunst Zelenskyj, hans taler og Kingeffekten

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    Frihet, demokrati, politikk, religion og mennesket er i stadig bevegelse og forandring - det er også fenomenet ledelse. Studier av ledelse er viet stor oppmerksomhet og forsket på i godt over hundre år, og det finnes en rekke teorier om hvordan ledelse bør forstås, samt ulike måter å kategorisere de på. Fremveksten av global populisme, Russlands invasjonskrig i Ukraina krydret med Volodomyr Zelenskyjś ekstraordinære narrative har gitt verden en ny vending og eksepsjonell oppmerksomhet rundt spesielt Zelenskyjś lederskap og ledelsesstil. I denne studien har jeg undersøkt følgende problemstilling: President Volodomyr Zelenskyj fremstår som en vellykket leder – Kan dette forstås som resultat av at han lykkes i å ivareta og kombinere de fire kunstformene; den filosofiske, den skjønne, kampkunsten og teaterkunsten? Dette har jeg gjort via Keith Grints «The Arts of leadership» og hans begreper om ledelse som kunst og utøvelse av ulike kunstarter. I oppgaven blir Zelenskyjś taler analysert og vurdert i lys av Grints teori om Ledelsekunster. Zelenskyjś taler har gjennom den filosofiske kunsten, vist frem presidentens evne til identitetskonstruksjon. Parallelt med hans sannhetskonstruksjon i samskapelse med det ukrainske folket, vesten og resten av den frie verden. Innen den skjønne kunsten illustreres det hvordan han skaper visjon, utviklingen av den og fremstiller en felleskapsforankring med de som støtter han. Kampkunsten er med å illustrere Zelenskyjś utforming av strategi og taktisk utøvelse innen ulike arter av kampsport. Innen teaterkunsten beskrives Zelenskyjś evner til kommunikasjon, og er den av kunstformene han viser flere fremragende evner og de sterkeste egenskapene innen. Via denne ledelseskunsten viser han sin retoriske styrke, kraften i den og kunsten til å formilde budskap på en overbevisende, troverdig og sannferdig måte. Samlet sett er det innen hans totale presentasjon og forestilling, komplimentert av distribusjon gjennom digitale medier at kampen hans forsterkes, vellykketheten hans som leder kommer fremtredende til syne og satt i en helhetlig organisk funksjon

    Digitization in financial audit in Norway What influences the adoption of digital audit tools in Norway?

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    Dybdebasert master, 120 studiepoeng. Spesialisering økonomi.Mye av litteraturen som tar for seg revisjon og digitalisering fokuserer i stor grad på hvilke fordeler og muligheter digitaliseringsverktøyene kan medføre. Denne studien har som mål å identifisere hva som påvirker adopsjonsvalget av digitaliseringsverktøy blant revisorer i Norge. Mer spesifikt om motivasjonen er forankret i rasjonelle valg om effektivisering, eller om det er bransjen for øvrig som påvirker revisorene til å ta i bruk disse verktøyene, uavhengig om de er til bedriftens beste eller ikke. Studiens problemstilling har derfor blitt: Hva påvirker adopsjon av digitaliseringsverktøy blant revisorene i Norge? For å forstå hva som påvirker valget om å adoptere digitaliseringsverktøy, lener studien seg på Rogers (2003) teori om adopsjon. Teorien er beskriver blant annet hvilke attributter digitaliseringsverktøyene må tilfredsstille for å være et relevant alternativ. Videre bruker studien Abrahamson (1991) sine perspektiver for å undersøke hvordan omgivelsene kan påvirke adopsjonsvalget. Actor Network Theory (ANT) (M. Callon, 1986; M. Callon, 2006; Latour, 1987, 1996; Law, 1992, 1999) benyttes for å belyse forhold og egenskaper ved digitaliseringsverktøyene, og hvordan de kan påvirke valget om adopsjon. ANT supplerer og forsterker derfor konklusjonene i studien. Masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie, og for å besvare problemstillingen har vi intervjuet revisorer i partner- og manager posisjoner og diskuterer dataene i lys av adopsjonsteori og Actor Network Theory. Funnene i studien antyder at mange av revisorene i dag ikke nødvendigvis adopterer digitaliseringsverktøy som en konsekvens av rasjonelle valg om effektivisering, men at de til en viss grad blir påvirket av andre aktører innenfor revisorbransjen. Dette kan bety at når man velger å adoptere digitaliseringsverktøy, er ikke verktøyet optimalisert for det respektive revisjonsfirma. Dette utfordrer ønsket om effektivitet, og kan føre til at revisorene er avventede med å adoptere digitaliseringsverktøy. Videre indikerer funnene også at digitaliseringsverktøyene oppleves som komplekse, blant annet fordi dataene som skal behandles i verktøyene har forskjellige standarder. En konsekvens av dette, er at revisorene også er avventende til man får en enhetlig standard som eksempelvis SAF-T vil kunne tilføre i fremtiden.Abstract (Engelsk sammendrag) Earlier research which has examined the relationship between auditing and digitalization has been orientated towards the benefits and future possibilities tied to implementation of digitalization tools in the auditing industry. The goal of this thesis is to identify which factors influence the auditor's choice to adopt digitalization tools. More specifically, is the choice a rational one linked to the motivation of gaining more efficiency, or is the choice influenced by other actors in the auditing industry? The main research question developed is: What influences the adoption of digital audit tools in Norway? To understand the choice of adoption the thesis utilize Rogers (2003) theory of adoption, who clarifies the attributes that need to be satisfied in order to be a relevant option. Furthermore, the thesis use Abrahamson (1991) perspectives to examine how the environment influence the choice to adopt. Actor Network Theory (M. Callon, 1986; M. Callon, 2006; Latour, 1987, 1996; Law, 1992, 1999) will then be applied to enhance the conclusions. The findings in this thesis indicates that the choice to adopt digitalization tools is in many situations not necessarily connected to a rational choice, but rather influenced by other actors in the auditor network. This finding may lead to a situation where the auditor adopt tools which do not contribute to the initial goal of higher effectiveness, but rather reduce it. This could raise the bar for adoption. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the auditors view the digitalization tools as complex. The complexity is based on the fact that the data which the tools are supposed to analyze, have many different origins. Therefore, the auditors are reserved to adopt, until a future general standard can be applied, for instance the SAF-T standard

    International Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites

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    Topics addressed include: meteorite concentration mechanisms; meteorites and the Antarctic ice sheet; iron meteorites; iodine overabundance in meteorites; entrainment, transport, and concentration of meteorites in polar ice sheets; weathering of stony meteorites; cosmic ray records; radiocarbon dating; element distribution and noble gas isotopic abundances in lunar meteorites; thermoanalytical characterization; trace elements; thermoluminescence; parent sources; and meteorite ablation and fusion spherules in Antarctic ice

    Effects of replacing soybean meal with xylose-treated soybean meal on performance of nursing Awassi ewes and fattening lambs

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    Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of replacing soybean meal with xylose-treated soybean meal (soypass meal; SPM) on performance of nursing Awassi ewes and fattening lambs. In Experiment 1, lasting for eight weeks, 39 Awassi ewes and their lambs were randomly assigned to three diets. Diets were formulated by replacing soybean meal from the basal diet (CON-SBM; n=13) with 50% (50% SPM; n=13) and 100% (100% SPM; n=13) SPM. Initial and final weights of the ewes were not different (P>0.55) among diets. Total gain and average daily gain (ADG) of lambs were similar (P=0.44) among diets. Ewes fed the CON-SBM diet tended (P<0.09) to have lower milk yields than those fed the 50% SPM and 100% SPM diets. No differences (P>0.38) in milk component percentages among diets were observed. In Experiment 2, lasting for 63 days, twenty weaned lambs were used to determine the effects of replacing soybean meal with SPM on growth performance. Diets were either soybean meal (SBM; n=10) or SPM (SPM; n=10). Nutrient intake and digestibility were not different between diets. However, rumen undegradable protein intake was greater (P<0.05) for the SPM diet than for the SBM diet. Final body weight, ADG and the feed conversion ratio were similar (P>0.05) between the diets. Results suggest that replacement of soybean meal with soypass meal is not likely to produce any production benefits in nursing Awassi ewes and fattening lambs except for the slight improvement of milk yield