460 research outputs found

    Birth Control in Europe. 19th-21st centuries

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    While the notion that any pregnancy must be stoically accepted dominated in Europe until the eighteenth century, birth control spread during the nineteenth century and gradually became a common practice despite opposition from the Church and political authorities. It was actually seen as a means of upward mobility and from the 1960s increasingly as an instrument of freedom. Policies, which had for a long time condemned this evolution, ultimately adapted and contributed to it through the liberalization of contraception. Governments nevertheless remain divided in Europe, particularly with regard to the question of abortion

    Die französische Familienpolitik: ein Erfolgsmodell unter Reformdruck

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    "Häufig wird Frankreich in deutschen familienpolitischen Debatten auf Grund der hohen Geburtenrate und der hohen Erwerbstätigenquote bei Frauen als Vorbild angeführt. Zentrale Ziele der französischen Familienpolitik sind die Ermöglichung einer freien Wahl zwischen familiärer und außerhäuslicher Kinderbetreuung, die Förderung der Chancengleichheit aller Kinder sowie der Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen. Ein vielfältiges Betreuungsangebot und unterschiedliche Formen finanzieller Unterstützung für Familien sollen diese Ziele fördern. Doch der Mangel an Betreuungsplätzen sowie widersprüchliche Fördermaßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie stellen die Umsetzung der familienpolitischen Ziele in Frage. Angekündigte familienpolitische Reformen, beispielsweise eine Kürzung des Erziehungsurlaubs, sind umstritten. Wie andere Maßnahmen zeigt sich auch eine Initiative zur Schaffung neuer Betreuungsplätze dem Zwang zur Kostenminimierung unterworfen und birgt damit das Risiko einer sinkenden Qualität des Betreuungsangebots." (Autorenreferat)"France is frequently being instanced in German debates on the subject of family policy because of the high birth rate and the high rate of employed women. Fundamental aims of the French family policy consist in providing a free choice between child care within the family and external child care, the promotion of equal opportunity for all children as well as the equality of men and women. A wide variety of service offers and diverse forms of financial support for families are supposed to boost these goals. The lack of day nursery facilities as well as contradictory measures to improve the compatibility of family and work question the achievement of the goals with regard to family policy. Announced reforms in terms of family policy, for example the reduction of parental leave, are disputed. Among other measures, an initiative to provide more day nursery facilities is exposed to the restraint of cost minimization and thus poses the risk of decreasing quality of service offers." (author's abstract

    Unequal Neighbours? A French-German Comparison of Family Size Intentions

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    The neighbouring countries France and Germany show very different levels of fertility. Differences also exist between the two regions of East and West Germany. The aim of this paper is to help close a remaining gap in explaining these differences by applying a cultural concept of role models. Data is based on the German survey “Family-related role models” (2012) and the French survey “Situation de couple, intentions de fécondité et opinions sur la famille”, ELIPSS (2013) offering a new approach to measuring the impact of social norms. The analysis uses multinomial logistic regression. We identified role models regarding the acceptance of childlessness on the one hand and large families on the other, as well as regarding the link between marriage and parenthood and the importance of financial security, suggesting different fertility-related cultures in France and Germany. There is a strong predominance of one general role model in France – that of having at least two children. In Germany, in contrast, there is a dominant role model – the two child family – but there are also several less central role models. The dominant model in France even leads to a sort of self-stigmatisation of individuals who want to stay childless, whereas childlessness is generally accepted in Germany. Role model differences between East and West Germany show a lower acceptance of large families and a higher acceptance of single-child families in the East. Our results highlight the importance of role models for fertility intentions as well as the relevance of cultural dimensions when studying the impact of the institutional framework on fertility

    Unequal Neighbours? A French-German Comparison of Family Size Intentions

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    The neighbouring countries France and Germany show very different levels of fertility. Differences also exist between the two regions of East and West Germany. The aim of this paper is to help close a remaining gap in explaining these differences by applying a cultural concept of role models. Data is based on the German survey "Family-related role models" (2012) and the French survey "Situation de couple, intentions de fécondité et opinions sur la famille", ELIPSS (2013) offering a new approach to measuring the impact of social norms. The analysis uses multinomial logistic regression. We identified role models regarding the acceptance of childlessness on the one hand and large families on the other, as well as regarding the link between marriage and parenthood and the importance of financial security, suggesting different fertility-related cultures in France and Germany. There is a strong predominance of one general role model in France - that of having at least two children. In Germany, in contrast, there is a dominant role model - the two child family - but there are also several less central role models. The dominant model in France even leads to a sort of self-stigmatisation of individuals who want to stay childless, whereas childlessness is generally accepted in Germany. Role model differences between East and West Germany show a lower acceptance of large families and a higher acceptance of single-child families in the East. Our results highlight the importance of role models for fertility intentions as well as the relevance of cultural dimensions when studying the impact of the institutional framework on fertility

    Founding a Family in Times of Economic Uncertainty: A Comparison France Germany

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    If founding a family is generally considered within the natural order of things, the factors which have an influence on the personal decision are rather unknown. This article questions the possible effects of the economic uncertainty among young people upon the decision of having a child in France and in West Germany, two countries contrasting both from the point of view of fertility as well as in regards to the transitions towards adult age. The sociodemographic approach developped here is founded on a series of qalitative interviews conducted under similar conditions in both countries. The analysis shows that the perception of economic insecurity takes forms that change according to the institutional context and especially acording to the gender conventions dominating in each country. This gender conventions lead us towards the social norms regarding parental roles, to the place of maternity and of paternity within the identity constructions both masculine and feminine, and to the social norms regarding children's care and education. From this it is derived that the way the social risk associated to the arrival of a child is experienced is higher is Germany than in France due to the value attached to the children and particularly to the cost implied by the model of "intensive maternity" that prevails inWest Germany

    Fonder una Famille en Temps d'Insecurité Économique: une Comparaison France Allemagne

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    If founding a family is generally considered within the natural order of things, the factors which have an influence on the personal decision are rather unknown. This article questions the possible effects of the economic uncertainty among young people upon the decision of having a child in France and in West Germany, two countries contrasting both from the point of view of fertility as well as in regards to the transitions towards adult age. The sociodemographic approach developped here is founded on a series of qalitative interviews conducted under similar conditions in both countries. The analysis shows that the perception of economic insecurity takes forms that change according to the institutional context and especially acording to the gender conventions dominating in each country. This gender conventions lead us towards the social norms regarding parental roles, to the place of maternity and of paternity within the identity constructions both masculine and feminine, and to the social norms regarding children's care and education. From this it is derived that the way the social risk associated to the arrival of a child is experienced is higher is Germany than in France due to the value attached to the children and particularly to the cost implied by the model of "intensive maternity" that prevails inWest Germany.Si fonder une famille est généralement considéré comme relevant de l’ordre naturel des choses, les facteurs qui influent sur la décision des individus restent mal connus. Cet article interroge les effets possibles de l’insécurité économique des jeunes sur la décision d’avoir un enfant en France et en Allemagne de l’ouest, deux pays contrastés tant du point de vue du régime de fécondité que des transitions vers l’âge adulte. L’approche sociodémographique développée ici se fonde sur un corpusd’entretiens qualitatifs réalisés dans des conditions similaires dans les deux pays. L’analyse montre que la perception de l’insécuritééconomique prend des formes variables selon le contexte institutionnel, et surtout selon les conventions de genre dominantes dans chaque pays. Ces conventions de genre renvoient aux normes sociales relatives aux rôles parentaux, à la place de la maternité et de la paternité dans les constructions identitaires masculines et féminines, et aux normes sociales relatives aux soins et à l’éduction des enfants. Il en ressort que le risque associé à la venue d’un enfant est vécu comme plus élevé en Allemagne qu’en France en raison de la valeur accordée à l’enfant et surtout du coût induit par le modèle de « maternité intensive » qui prévaut en Allemagne de l’ouest

    On the way to gender equality? Reports from Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States

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    Questions of gender and family occupy a central place in public and political debate today. Discussions about gender roles and family benefits are often conducted in a highly emotional and polarising tone. One consequence of this is an instrumentalisation of family and gender questions by populist political parties, seeking to whip up support with anti-emancipatory slogans. This development is not only observed in Germany, but affects many other societies too. The growing centrality of family and gender issues also needs to be understood in the context of changing gender roles and growing female economic participation. In many cases the successes have been driven by progressive political forces. This study summarises the latest developments and centre-left discourses in concise contributions from nine countries and supplies a basis for comparison (including France, Germany, Sweden and the United States)

    Perfil da mortalidade por tuberculose no Brasil, 2001-2011

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    Background and Objectives: In the health-disease process of tuberculosis (TB), mortality is one of the health indicators that most reflects the social link with the biological aspect. Death from TB is a sentinel event because it is preventable and indicates a failure of the social network and the health system. To describe the sociodemographic and operational characteristics of patients who died of TB and the temporal distribution of the TB mortality rate in Brazil. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study performed from the database of the Mortality Information System (Portuguese acronym: SIM), in which all deaths with TB as the main cause registered from 2001 to 2011 were considered. Data analyzed through descriptive statistics. Results: During the study period, 53,747 deaths were recorded with TB as the basic cause. There was a higher percentage of cases of male sex (n = 39,597; 73.6%), mixed race (n=21,697; 40.3%), single marital status (n=23,518; 43.8%), schooling of up to eight years (n=19,443; 36.2%). A higher number of deaths occurred at the hospital (n=43,028; 80.1%) and 19,712 cases (36.7%) received medical assistance before death. The annual crude mortality rate decreased during the study period, ranging from 3.2 to 2.4 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants. Conclusion: The results show the need for strategies differentiated by sex, age and education at the local level in TB control programs, as well as for planning health promotion and prevention actions available to populations living in these areas.Justificación y Objetivos: En el proceso salud-enfermedad de la tuberculosis (TB), la mortalidad es uno de los indicadores de salud que más refleja el vínculo social con el biológico. La muerte por TB se considera un evento centinela porque es prevenible, lo que indica un fallo de la red social y el sistema de salud. Describir las características sociodemográficas y operativas de los pacientes fallecidos por TB y la distribución temporal de la tasa de mortalidad por TB en Brasil. Métodos: un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal y cuantitativo, realizado a partir de la base de datos del Sistema de Información de Mortalidad (SIM), en el cual se consideraron todas las muertes que presentaron TB como causa básica, registradas desde 2001 hasta 2011. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Durante el período de estudio, se registraron 53,747 muertes con TB como la causa básica. Hubo un mayor porcentaje de casos de sexo masculino (n=39,597; 73.6%), raza mixta (n=21,697; 40.3%), estado civil soltero (n=23,518; 43.8%), escolaridad de hasta ocho años (n=19,443; 36.2%). Un mayor número de muertes ocurrieron en el hospital (n=43,028; 80,1%) y 19,712 casos (36.7%) recibieron asistencia médica antes de la muerte. La tasa de mortalidad bruta anual disminuyó durante el período de estudio, oscilando desde 3.2 a 2.4 muertes por cada 100 mil habitantes. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran la necesidad de estrategias diferenciadas por sexo, edad y educación a nivel local en los 3 programas de control de la TB, así como la planificación de acciones de promoción y prevención de la salud disponibles para las poblaciones que viven en estas áreas.Justificativa e Objetivos: No processo saúde-doença da tuberculose (TB), a mortalidade constitui um dos indicadores de saúde que mais traduz o enlace social com o biológico. O óbito por TB é considerado um evento sentinela por ser evitável, indicativo de falha da rede social e do sistema de saúde. Descrever as características sociodemográficas e operacionais dos pacientes que evoluíram a óbito por TB e a distribuição temporal da taxa de mortalidade por TB no Brasil. Métodos: Estudo descritivo do tipo transversal e abordagem quantitativa, realizado a partir do banco de dados do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM), na qual foram considerados todos os óbitos que apresentaram a TB como causa básica, registrados de 2001 a 2011, analisados por meio da estatística descritiva. Resultados: No período do estudo, foram registrados 53.747 óbitos com TB como causa básica, sendo maior percentual dos casos do sexo masculino (n= 39.597; 73,6%), raça/cor parda (n= 21.697; 40,3%), estado civil solteiro (n= 23.518; 43,8%), escolaridade até 8 anos de estudo (n=19.443; 36,2%), maior ocorrência dos óbitos no hospital (n= 43.028; 80,1%) e 19.712 casos (36,7%) receberam assistência médica antes do óbito. As taxas brutas anuais de mortalidade apresentaram redução no período de estudo, variando de 3,2 a 2,4 óbitos por 100 mil habitantes. Conclusão: Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de propor estratégias diferenciadas por sexo, idade e escolaridade em nível local nos programas de controle de TB, assim como planejamento de ações de promoção e prevenção da saúde disponíveis às populações residentes nessas áreas


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    O artigo propõe analisar os conceitos relacionados à mobilização da opinião pública, apresentados por diferentes autores, como ferramenta de estudo para entender qual foi o verdadeiro impacto da série “Diários Secretos”: uma série de reportagens divulgada pela Rede Paranaense de Comunicação (RPCTV) e o Jornal Gazeta do Povo, em que mostra tanto as movimentações de funcionários, como os escândalos e roubos ocorridos na Assembleia Legislativa do Paraná. Além disso, o artigo pretende identificar qual o verdadeiro papel da mídia diante de um fato tão relevante para a sociedade paranaense e ainda, relatar de que maneira os veículos de comunicação podem exercer alguma influência para formação da cidadania, alterando ou induzindo a formação da opinião pública, principalmente quando se considera o cenário político. ABSTRACTThe article analyze the concepts related to the mobilization of public opinion, presented by different authors, as a study tool to understand what the real impact of the series "Secret Diaries": a series of reports published by Rede Paranaense de Comunicação (RPCTV) and Newspaper Gazeta do Povo, which shows both the movement of employees, as the scandals and robberies that occurred in the Legislative Assembly of Paraná. Furthermore, the article seeks to identify the true role of the media before a fact as relevant to society Paraná and also report how the mass media can exert some influence on the formation of citizenship, altering or inducing the formation of opinion public, especially considering the political landscape. Keywords: Citizenship. Public Opinion. Daily Secret. RESUMEN El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los conceptos relacionados con la movilización de la opinión pública, presentado por diferentes autores, como una herramienta de estudio para comprender cuál es el impacto real de la serie "Diários Secretos": una serie de informes publicados por Rede Paranaense de Comunicação (RPCTV) y Boletín Oficial del Pue Gazeta do Povo, que muestra tanto el movimiento de los empleados, como los escándalos y robos que ocurren en la Asamblea Legislativa de Paraná. Por otra parte, el artículo trata de identificar cuál es el verdadero papel de los medios de comunicación ante un hecho tan relevante para la sociedad del Paraná también informan de que la forma en que los medios de comunicación pueden ejercer alguna influencia para la formación de la ciudadanía, la alteración o la inducción en la formación de la opinión público, especialmente cuando se tiene en cuenta el escenario político. Palabras clave: Ciudadanía. Opinión Pública. Secret Daily

    Preferential Transfer of Certain Plasma Membrane Proteins onto T and B Cells by Trogocytosis

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    T and B cells capture antigens via membrane fragments of antigen presenting cells (APC) in a process termed trogocytosis. Whether (and how) a preferential transfer of some APC components occurs during trogocytosis is still largely unknown. We analyzed the transfer onto murine T and B cells of a large panel of fluorescent proteins with different intra-cellular localizations in the APC or various types of anchors in the plasma membrane (PM). Only the latter were transferred by trogocytosis, albeit with different efficiencies. Unexpectedly, proteins anchored to the PM's cytoplasmic face, or recruited to it via interaction with phosphinositides, were more efficiently transferred than those facing the outside of the cell. For proteins spanning the PM's whole width, transfer efficiency was found to vary quite substantially, with tetraspanins, CD4 and FcRγ found among the most efficiently transferred proteins. We exploited our findings to set immunodiagnostic assays based on the capture of preferentially transferred components onto T or B cells. The preferential transfer documented here should prove useful in deciphering the cellular structures involved in trogocytosis