6 research outputs found

    The glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 assembles into filaments.

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    Despite abundant knowledge of the regulation and biochemistry of glycolytic enzymes, we have limited understanding on how they are spatially organized in the cell. Emerging evidence indicates that nonglycolytic metabolic enzymes regulating diverse pathways can assemble into polymers. We now show tetramer- and substrate-dependent filament assembly by phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1), which is considered the "gatekeeper" of glycolysis because it catalyzes the step committing glucose to breakdown. Recombinant liver PFK1 (PFKL) isoform, but not platelet PFK1 (PFKP) or muscle PFK1 (PFKM) isoforms, assembles into filaments. Negative-stain electron micrographs reveal that filaments are apolar and made of stacked tetramers oriented with exposed catalytic sites positioned along the edge of the polymer. Electron micrographs and biochemical data with a PFKL/PFKP chimera indicate that the PFKL regulatory domain mediates filament assembly. Quantified live-cell imaging shows dynamic properties of localized PFKL puncta that are enriched at the plasma membrane. These findings reveal a new behavior of a key glycolytic enzyme with insights on spatial organization and isoform-specific glucose metabolism in cells

    Electron Microscopic Visualization of Protein Assemblies on Flattened DNA Origami

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    DNA provides an ideal substrate for the engineering of versatile nanostructures due to its reliable Watson–Crick base pairing and well-characterized conformation. One of the most promising applications of DNA nanostructures arises from the site-directed spatial arrangement with nanometer precision of guest components such as proteins, metal nanoparticles, and small molecules. Two-dimensional DNA origami architectures, in particular, offer a simple design, high yield of assembly, and large surface area for use as a nanoplatform. However, such single-layer DNA origami were recently found to be structurally polymorphous due to their high flexibility, leading to the development of conformationally restrained multilayered origami that lack some of the advantages of the single-layer designs. Here we monitored single-layer DNA origami by transmission electron microscopy (EM) and discovered that their conformational heterogeneity is dramatically reduced in the presence of a low concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide, allowing for an efficient flattening onto the carbon support of an EM grid. We further demonstrated that streptavidin and a biotinylated target protein (cocaine esterase, CocE) can be captured at predesignated sites on these flattened origami while maintaining their functional integrity. Our demonstration that protein assemblies can be constructed with high spatial precision (within ∼2 nm of their predicted position on the platforms) by using strategically flattened single-layer origami paves the way for exploiting well-defined guest molecule assemblies for biochemistry and nanotechnology applications