44 research outputs found

    Reindeer grazing history determines the responses of subarctic soil fungal communities to warming and fertilization

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    Composition and functioning of arctic soil fungal communities may alter rapidly due to the ongoing trends of warmer temperatures, shifts in nutrient availability and shrub encroachment. In addition, the communities may also be intrinsically shaped by heavy grazing, which may locally induce an ecosystem change that couples with increased soil temperature and nutrients and where shrub encroachment is less likely to occur than in lightly grazed conditions. We tested how four years of experimental warming and fertilization affected organic soil fungal communities in sites with decadal history of either heavy or light reindeer grazing using high-throughput sequencing of ITS2 rDNA region. Grazing history largely overrode the impacts of short-term warming and fertilization in determining the composition of fungal communities. The less diverse fungal communities under light grazing showed more pronounced responses to experimental treatments when compared to the communities under heavy grazing. Yet, ordination approaches revealed distinct treatment responses under both grazing intensities. If grazing shifts the fungal communities in Arctic ecosystems to a different and more diverse state, this shift may dictate ecosystem responses to further abiotic changes. This inclines that the intensity of grazing cannot be left out when predicting future changes in fungi-driven processes in the tundra

    Fungi originating from tree leaves contribute to fungal diversity of litter in streams

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    Biomass production and decomposition are key processes in ecology, where plants are primarily responsible for production and microbes act in decomposition. Trees harbor foliar microfungi living on and inside leaf tissues, epiphytes, and endophytes, respectively. Early researchers hypothesized that all fungal endophytes are parasites or latent saprophytes, which slowly colonize the leaf tissues for decomposition. While this has been proven for some strains in the terrestrial environment, it is not known whether foliar microfungi from terrestrial origin can survive or perform decomposition in the aquatic environment. On the other hand, aquatic hyphomycetes, fungi which decompose organic material in stream environments, have been suggested to have a plant-associated life phase. Our aim was to study how much the fungal communities of leaves and litter submerged in streams overlap. Ergosterol content on litter, which is an estimator of fungal biomass, was 5–14 times higher in submerged litter than in senescent leaves, indicating active fungal colonization. Leaves generally harbored a different microbiome prior to than after submergence in streams. The Chao1 richness was significantly higher (93.7 vs. 60.7, p = 0.004) and there were more observed operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (78.3 vs. 47.4, p = 0.004) in senescent leaves than in stream-immersed litter. There were more Leotiomycetes (9%, p = 0.014) in the litter. We identified a group of 35 fungi (65%) with both plant- and water-associated lifestyles. Of these, eight taxa had no previous references to water, such as lichenicolous fungi. Six OTUs were classified within Glomeromycota, known as obligate root symbionts with no previous records from leaves. Five members of Basidiomycota, which are rare in aquatic environments, were identified in the stream-immersed litter only. Overall, our study demonstrates that foliar microfungi contribute to fungal diversity in submerged litter

    Biologian kenttäopetus yliopistoissa: yhteistyöllä uuteen nousuun

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    Kenttäkurssit ovat keskeinen osa biologian ja lähitieteiden opetusta yliopistoissa. Luonnossa tapahtuva opetus kehittää sekä ymmärrystä tieteenalan teoreettisista perusteista että ammatillisia käytännön taitoja. Kenttäkursseilla omat havainnot muodostuvat oppimisen perustaksi muiden oppimistapojen rinnalla. Vaikka kenttäopetuksen tarpeellisuudesta ollaan yksimielisiä, kenttäkursseja uhkaavat yliopistojen rahoituksen väheneminen ja tutkimusasemaverkoston karsiminen. Tässä kirjoituksessa pohdimme, kuinka uhkista huolimatta kenttäopetuksen määrää, laatua ja kustannustehokkuutta voidaan lisätä yliopistojen ja niiden tutkimusasemien välisellä yhteistyöllä.</p

    Data from: Human disturbance increases functional but not structural variability of stream fungal communities

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    Temporal stability of ecosystem functions is often regulated by the same environmental factors that also shape diversity. Therefore, species diversity, ecosystem functions and their environmental regulators should be considered together to understand and predict the consequences of anthropogenic disturbances on ecosystems. We studied the influence of land-use disturbance (agriculture) and a natural stressor (low pH due to specific geology) on the temporal variability (variability among successive years) of fungal decomposer communities and leaf decomposition rates in streams. We used next-generation sequencing techniques (pyrosequencing) to determine the composition of fungal assemblages. Temporal variability of leaf decomposition was higher in human-disturbed streams than in circumneutral reference or naturally acidic sites, whereas the latter two did not differ. Fungal operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness and evenness were lower in human-impacted sites than in circumneutral reference sites. However, there were no significant differences between stream types in the temporal variability of fungal community composition. Fungal OTU evenness was negatively and among-year variability of water chemistry positively related to temporal variability in leaf decomposition. Partial regressions showed that these two factors had independent effects on decomposition rates. Although the dominant OTUs in the disturbed streams were temporally stable, they did not maintain stable ecosystem functions, suggesting that variability in decomposition was driven mainly by changes in the metabolic responses of dominant taxa to environmental fluctuations. Our results show that leaf decomposition rates in reference sites vary little through time, supporting the use of leaf decomposition assays in bioassessment. Our results also highlight the importance of measuring not only the mean rates, but also temporal variability of process rates when assessing the influence of human disturbance on ecosystem functioning


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    Rep set sequence data (fasta format), Environmental measurements data, and OTU table dat

    Defoliation increases carbon limitation in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis of Betula pubescens

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