98 research outputs found

    Uuden fuusiogeenin löytö glioblastoomasta laskennallisin menetelmin

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    Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled and invasive growth of cells. All forms of cancer are caused by genomic alterations that alter normal cellular function, leading to a malignant phenotype that is inherited across cell division. Fusion genes are a type of genomic alteration where pieces from two genes are fused together, forming a new gene with altered behaviour. Fusion genes are known to play a role in many human cancers. In this work, we used computational analysis and whole transcriptome sequencing to search for fusion genes in a cohort of 40 brain cancer patients. We discovered a novel fusion gene FGFR3-TACC3 that characterizes a new subtype of glioblastoma, a highly lethal form of brain cancer. In a larger validation cohort, the fusion gene was found in 4 of 48 glioblastoma patients but not in any of 43 low-grade gliomas tested. The fusion gene is caused by tandem duplication and encodes a chimeric protein that promotes glioma progression and cell growth. The fusion gene was mutually exclusive with the amplification of EGFR, PDGFRA and MET, three oncogenes associated with glioblastoma. The availability of small molecule inhibitors for FGFR3 suggests an effective treatment strategy for glioblastoma patients harboring the fusion

    Työmatkakuluvähennyksen yksinkertaistaminen - kilometriperusteinen matkakuluvähennys ja sen arvioidut vaikutukset

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    Ansiotulosta tehtävän työmatkakuluvähennyksen tarkoituksena on edistää työn tarjontaa ja työllisyyttä työntekijöiden liikkuvuutta tukemalla. Kuluvähennystä myönnettiin vuonna 2013 noin 825 000 verovelvolliselle. Vähennyksen kokonaismäärä oli lähes 1,6 mrd. € ja suoria veromenetyksiä siitä aiheutui yhteensä noin 620 milj. euroa. Vuoden 1995 tasoon nähden myönnettyjen vähennysten määrä on kolminkertaistunut. Nykymuotoinen työmatkakulujen verovähennys on hallinnollisesti erittäin raskas. Suomen aluerakenteen kehitys eriytyy yhä selkeämmin kasvaviin ja taantuviin alueisiin. Kasvuseuduilla joukkoliikennejärjestelmät kehittyvät ja vastaavasti heikentyvät väestöään menettävillä alueilla. Selvityksessä tarkastellaan työmatkakuluvähennyksen uudistamista ja yksinkertaistamista pelkästään työmatkan pituuteen perustuvaksi, ilman tietoa kulkutavasta. Selvityksessä esitetään vaihtoehtoisia yksinkertaisia kilometripohjaisia malleja ja arvioidaan siirtymisen vaikutuksia sekä edellytyksiä Suomessa. Lisäksi esitetään vertailutietoa Pohjoismaista. Eri mallien vertailun perusteella ehdotetaan työmatkakuluvähennyksen yksinkertaistamista kilometripohjaiseen malliin, jossa korvaustaso olisi noin 0,17 €/km. Tämän mallin kustannukset vastaisivat nykyisen mallin kokonaiskustannuksia. Yksinkertaistamisella voidaan saavuttaa sekä hallinnollisia hyötyjä että kannustaa työvoiman liikkuvuutta rakennemuutosalueilla ja yhdyskuntarakenteen toimivuutta kaupunkiseuduilla. Yksinkertainen malli tukisi hyvin myös tulevaisuuden liikkumisen järjestämisen uusia tapoja ja parantaisi työmatkakuluvähennyksen ennakointimahdollisuuksia. Se myös kohtelisi työntekijöitä tasavertaisemmin ja olisi vähemmän altis väärinkäytöksille verrattuna nykymalliin. Selvityksessä tiedot työmatkakuluvähennyksistä ja mallivaihtoehtojen tuloksista on havainnollistettu monipuolisilla tilasto- ja kartta-analyyseillä, jotka antavat arvokasta taustatietoa nykyjärjestelmän vaikutuksista ja sisällöllisistä uudistustarpeista

    Recurrent LRP1-SNRNP25 and KCNMB4-CCND3 fusion genes promote tumor cell motility in human osteosarcoma

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    Background The identification of fusion genes such as SYT-SSX1/SSX2, PAX3-FOXO1, TPM3/TPM4-ALK and EWS-FLI1 in human sarcomas has provided important insight into the diagnosis and targeted therapy of sarcomas. No recurrent fusion has been reported in human osteosarcoma. Methods Transcriptome sequencing was used to characterize the gene fusions and mutations in 11 human osteosarcomas. Results Nine of 11 samples were found to harbor genetic inactivating alterations in the TP53 pathway. Two recurrent fusion genes associated with the 12q locus, LRP1-SNRNP25 and KCNMB4-CCND3, were identified and validated by RT-PCR, Sanger sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization, and were found to be osteosarcoma specific in a validation cohort of 240 other sarcomas. Expression of LRP1-SNRNP25 fusion gene promoted SAOS-2 osteosarcoma cell migration and invasion. Expression of KCNMB4-CCND3 fusion gene promoted SAOS-2 cell migration. Conclusions Our study represents the first whole transcriptome analysis of untreated human osteosarcoma. Our discovery of two osteosarcoma specific fusion genes associated with osteosarcoma cellular motility highlights the heterogeneity of osteosarcoma and provides opportunities for new treatment modalities.BioMed Central open acces

    Recurrent SKIL-activating rearrangements in ETS-negative prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is the third most common cause of male cancer death in developed countries, and one of the most comprehensively characterized human cancers. Roughly 60% of prostate cancers harbor gene fusions that juxtapose ETS-family transcription factors with androgen regulated promoters. A second subtype, characterized by SPINK1 overexpression, accounts for 15% of prostate cancers. Here we report the discovery of a new prostate cancer subtype characterized by rearrangements juxtaposing the SMAD inhibitor SKIL with androgen regulated promoters, leading to increased SKIL expression. SKIL fusions were found in 6 of 540 (1.1%) prostate cancers and 1 of 27 (3.7%) cell lines and xenografts. 6 of 7 SKIL-positive cancers were negative for ETS overexpression, suggesting mutual exclusivity with ETS fusions. SKIL knockdown led to growth arrest in PC-3 and LNCaP cell line models of prostate cancer, and its overexpression led to increased invasiveness in RWPE-1 cells. The role of SKIL as a prostate cancer oncogene lends support to recent studies on the role of TGF-β signaling as a rate-limiting step in prostate cancer progression. Our findings highlight SKIL as an oncogene and potential therapeutic target in 1-2% of prostate cancers, amounting to an estimated 10,000 cancer diagnoses per year worldwide.This article has supplementary files, which can be found here:http://dx.doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.335

    PTPRD and CNTNAP2 as markers of tumor aggressiveness in oligodendrogliomas

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    Oligodendrogliomas are typically associated with the most favorable prognosis among diffuse gliomas. However, many of the tumors progress, eventually leading to patient death. To characterize the changes associated with oligodendroglioma recurrence and progression, we analyzed two recurrent oligodendroglioma tumors upon diagnosis and after tumor relapse based on whole-genome and RNA sequencing. Relapsed tumors were diagnosed as glioblastomas with an oligodendroglioma component before the World Health Organization classification update in 2016. Both patients died within 12 months after relapse. One patient carried an inactivating POLE mutation leading to a clearly hypermutated progressed tumor. Strikingly, both relapsed tumors carried focal chromosomal rearrangements in PTPRD and CNTNAP2 genes with associated decreased gene expression. TP53 mutation was also detected in both patients after tumor relapse. In The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) diffuse glioma cohort, PTPRD and CNTNAP2 expression decreased by tumor grade in oligodendrogliomas and PTPRD expression also in IDH-mutant astrocytomas. Low expression of the genes was associated with poor overall survival. Our analysis provides information about aggressive oligodendrogliomas with worse prognosis and suggests that PTPRD and CNTNAP2 expression could represent an informative marker for their stratification.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    A Linear Model for Transcription Factor Binding Affinity Prediction in Protein Binding Microarrays

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    Protein binding microarrays (PBM) are a high throughput technology used to characterize protein-DNA binding. The arrays measure a protein's affinity toward thousands of double-stranded DNA sequences at once, producing a comprehensive binding specificity catalog. We present a linear model for predicting the binding affinity of a protein toward DNA sequences based on PBM data. Our model represents the measured intensity of an individual probe as a sum of the binding affinity contributions of the probe's subsequences. These subsequences characterize a DNA binding motif and can be used to predict the intensity of protein binding against arbitrary DNA sequences. Our method was the best performer in the Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods 5 (DREAM5) transcription factor/DNA motif recognition challenge. For the DREAM5 bonus challenge, we also developed an approach for the identification of transcription factors based on their PBM binding profiles. Our approach for TF identification achieved the best performance in the bonus challenge

    The evolutionary history of lethal metastatic prostate cancer

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    Cancers emerge from an ongoing Darwinian evolutionary process, often leading to multiple competing subclones within a single primary tumour. This evolutionary process culminates in the formation of metastases, which is the cause of 90% of cancer-related deaths. However, despite its clinical importance, little is known about the principles governing the dissemination of cancer cells to distant organs. Although the hypothesis that each metastasis originates from a single tumour cell is generally supported, recent studies using mouse models of cancer demonstrated the existence of polyclonal seeding from and interclonal cooperation between multiple subclones. Here we sought definitive evidence for the existence of polyclonal seeding in human malignancy and to establish the clonal relationship among different metastases in the context of androgen-deprived metastatic prostate cancer. Using whole-genome sequencing, we characterized multiple metastases arising from prostate tumours in ten patients. Integrated analyses of subclonal architecture revealed the patterns of metastatic spread in unprecedented detail. Metastasis-to-metastasis spread was found to be common, either through de novo monoclonal seeding of daughter metastases or, in five cases, through the transfer of multiple tumour clones between metastatic sites. Lesions affecting tumour suppressor genes usually occur as single events, whereas mutations in genes involved in androgen receptor signalling commonly involve multiple, convergent events in different metastases. Our results elucidate in detail the complex patterns of metastatic spread and further our understanding of the development of resistance to androgen-deprivation therapy in prostate cancer.This is an ICGC Prostate Cancer study funded by: Cancer Research UK (2011-present); NIH NCI Intramural Program (2013-2014); Academy of Finland (2011-present); Cancer Society of Finland (2013-present); PELICAN Autopsy Study family members and friends (1998-2004); John and Kathe Dyson (2000); US National Cancer Institute CA92234 (2000-2005); American Cancer Society (1998-2000); Johns Hopkins University Department of Pathology (1997-2011); Women's Board of Johns Hopkins Hospital (1998); The Grove Foundation (1998); Association for the Cure of Cancer of the Prostate (1994-1998); American Foundation for Urologic Disease (1991-1994); Bob Champion Cancer Trust (2013-present); Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) [FWO-G.0687.12] (2012-present). E.P. is a European Hematology Association Research Fellow

    The 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Landscape of Prostate Cancer

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    Analysis of DNA methylation is a valuable tool to understand disease progression and is increasingly being used to create diagnostic and prognostic clinical biomarkers. While conversion of cytosine to 5-methylcytosine (5mC) commonly results in transcriptional repression, further conversion to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) is associated with transcriptional activation. Here we perform the first study integrating whole-genome 5hmC with DNA, 5mC, and transcriptome sequencing in clinical samples of benign, localized, and advanced prostate cancer. 5hmC is shown to mark activation of cancer drivers and downstream targets. Furthermore, 5hmC sequencing revealed profoundly altered cell states throughout the disease course, characterized by increased proliferation, oncogenic signaling, dedifferentiation, and lineage plasticity to neuroendocrine and gastrointestinal lineages. Finally, 5hmC sequencing of cell-free DNA from patients with metastatic disease proved useful as a prognostic biomarker able to identify an aggressive subtype of prostate cancer using the genes TOP2A and EZH2, previously only detectable by transcriptomic analysis of solid tumor biopsies. Overall, these findings reveal that 5hmC marks epigenomic activation in prostate cancer and identify hallmarks of prostate cancer progression with potential as biomarkers of aggressive disease. SIGNIFICANCE: In prostate cancer, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine delineates oncogene activation and stage-specific cell states and can be analyzed in liquid biopsies to detect cancer phenotypes. See related article by Wu and Attard, p. 3880.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Cell-free DNA profiling of metastatic prostate cancer reveals microsatellite instability, structural rearrangements and clonal hematopoiesis.

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.BACKGROUND: There are multiple existing and emerging therapeutic avenues for metastatic prostate cancer, with a common denominator, which is the need for predictive biomarkers. Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has the potential to cost-efficiently accelerate precision medicine trials to improve clinical efficacy and diminish costs and toxicity. However, comprehensive ctDNA profiling in metastatic prostate cancer to date has been limited. METHODS: A combination of targeted and low-pass whole genome sequencing was performed on plasma cell-free DNA and matched white blood cell germline DNA in 364 blood samples from 217 metastatic prostate cancer patients. RESULTS: ctDNA was detected in 85.9% of baseline samples, correlated to line of therapy and was mirrored by circulating tumor cell enumeration of synchronous blood samples. Comprehensive profiling of the androgen receptor (AR) revealed a continuous increase in the fraction of patients with intra-AR structural variation, from 15.4% during first-line metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer therapy to 45.2% in fourth line, indicating a continuous evolution of AR during the course of the disease. Patients displayed frequent alterations in DNA repair deficiency genes (18.0%). Additionally, the microsatellite instability phenotype was identified in 3.81% of eligible samples (≥ 0.1 ctDNA fraction). Sequencing of non-repetitive intronic and exonic regions of PTEN, RB1, and TP53 detected biallelic inactivation in 47.5%, 20.3%, and 44.1% of samples with ≥ 0.2 ctDNA fraction, respectively. Only one patient carried a clonal high-impact variant without a detectable second hit. Intronic high-impact structural variation was twice as common as exonic mutations in PTEN and RB1. Finally, 14.6% of patients presented false positive variants due to clonal hematopoiesis, commonly ignored in commercially available assays. CONCLUSIONS: ctDNA profiles appear to mirror the genomic landscape of metastatic prostate cancer tissue and may cost-efficiently provide somatic information in clinical trials designed to identify predictive biomarkers. However, intronic sequencing of the interrogated tumor suppressors challenges the ubiquitous focus on coding regions and is vital, together with profiling of synchronous white blood cells, to minimize erroneous assignments which in turn may confound results and impede true associations in clinical trials.The Belgian Foundation Against Cancer (grant number C/2014/227); Kom op tegen Kanker (Stand up to Cancer), the Flemish Cancer Society (grant number 00000000116000000206); Royal College of Surgeons/Cancer Research UK (C19198/A1533); The Cancer Research Funds of Radiumhemmet, through the PCM program at KI (grant number 163012); The Erling-Persson family foundation (grant number 4-2689-2016); the Swedish Research Council (grant number K2010-70X-20430-04-3), and the Swedish Cancer Foundation (grant number 09-0677)

    The Somatic Genomic Landscape of Glioblastoma

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    We describe the landscape of somatic genomic alterations based on multi-dimensional and comprehensive characterization of more than 500 glioblastoma tumors (GBMs). We identify several novel mutated genes as well as complex rearrangements of signature receptors including EGFR and PDGFRA. TERT promoter mutations are shown to correlate with elevated mRNA expression, supporting a role in telomerase reactivation. Correlative analyses confirm that the survival advantage of the proneural subtype is conferred by the G-CIMP phenotype, and MGMT DNA methylation may be a predictive biomarker for treatment response only in classical subtype GBM. Integrative analysis of genomic and proteomic profiles challenges the notion of therapeutic inhibition of a pathway as an alternative to inhibition of the target itself. These data will facilitate the discovery of therapeutic and diagnostic target candidates, the validation of research and clinical observations and the generation of unanticipated hypotheses that can advance our molecular understanding of this lethal cancer
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