22 research outputs found

    A global look at time: a 24-country study of the equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory

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    In this article, we assess the structural equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) across 26 samples from 24 countries (N = 12,200). The ZTPI is proven to be a valid and reliable index of individual differences in time perspective across five temporal categories: Past Negative, Past Positive, Present Fatalistic, Present Hedonistic, and Future. We obtained evidence for invariance of 36 items (out of 56) and also the five-factor structure of ZTPI across 23 countries. The short ZTPI scales are reliable for country-level analysis, whereas we recommend the use of the full scales for individual-level analysis. The short version of ZTPI will further promote integration of research in the time perspective domain in relation to many different psycho-social processes

    Hypertoni - en hjärtefråga. Patienters erfarenheter av hypertoni och önskemål av patientutbildning

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    Introduktion: Hjärt-kärlsjukdomar till följd av hypertoni orsakar stort lidande och stora kostnader världen över. Hypertoni kan ofta förebyggas genom livsstilsförändringar. Patienten har rätt till individanpassad information om sitt hälsotillstånd och dess behandling. Patientundervisning och information till patienter är en stor del av distriktssköterskans arbete. Patientundervisningens mål är att patienten ska bli självständig och få kunskap i hälsofrämjande egenvård. Patienten behöver själv ta beslutet att försöka ändra sin livsstil eller inte, för detta behövs kunskap om diagnosen. Det finns en efterfrågan på konkreta råd om levnadsvanor hos patienter med hypertoni. Gärna framfört via en rak dialog med distriktssköterskan. Patientundervisning och kontinuitet med vården har god effekt på följsamheten till ordinerad behandling. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att få diagnosen hypertoni och önskemål om patientutbildning vid hypertoni. Metod: Pilotstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Fyra personer med hypertoni har intervjuats med öppna frågor. Innehållet i intervjuerna har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom att informanterna oväntat fick reda på att de hade hypertoni, exempelvis i samband med en hälsoundersökning. Det upplevdes som en obehaglig överraskning eftersom de inte hade känt av några symtom. Diagnosen medförde påverkan på livet, en ny livssituation som man försökte anpassa sig till. Information efterfrågades av informanterna, framförallt tiden efter diagnosen då det väcktes många frågor och funderingar. Informanterna hade informationskällor utöver sjukvården. Sökningar på internet var vanligt förekommande liksom samtal med vänner. Det framkom även att de informanter som hade en god och långvarig kontakt med sin distriktssköterska eller läkare kände uppskattning och trygghet i den personliga kontakten. Diskussion: Att få diagnosen hypertoni behöver inte förändra livet drastiskt, även små förändringar kan sänka blodtrycket. Det finns en önskan och ett behov av mer kunskap om hypertoni. Detta styrks av tidigare forskning

    Insights into features of anxiety through multiple aspects of psychological time

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    Background: It is well-recognized that emotions and emotional disorders may alter the experience of time. Yet relatively little is known about different aspects of psychological time in relation to anxiety. The purpose of the present study was to explore several aspects of temporal processing, including time perspective, prospective and retrospective time estimation, in persons with anxiety symptoms. Methods: A total of 110 individuals with varying degrees of anxiety participated in two studies. They were assigned to two groups (anxiety–control) based on their scores on anxiety measurements. Participants also completed an inventory of time perspective and several time estimation tasks which were analyzed on a group-level. Depressive symptoms were assessed and used as a covariate in the second study. Results: Anxiety was significantly associated with Past Negative and Future Negative time perspectives as measured by the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI), even when controlling for the effect of depressive symptoms. No other significant differences were found. Conclusion: Exploring time perspective in persons with anxious symptoms may provide important insights into features of anxiety. These findings may offer new ways of conceptualizing anxiety and provide suggestions for treatment strategies

    Insights into features of anxiety through multiple aspects of psychological time

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    Background: It is well-recognized that emotions and emotional disorders may alter the experience of time. Yet relatively little is known about different aspects of psychological time in relation to anxiety. The purpose of the present study was to explore several aspects of temporal processing, including time perspective, prospective and retrospective time estimation, in persons with anxiety symptoms. Methods: A total of 110 individuals with varying degrees of anxiety participated in two studies. They were assigned to two groups (anxiety–control) based on their scores on anxiety measurements. Participants also completed an inventory of time perspective and several time estimation tasks which were analyzed on a group-level. Depressive symptoms were assessed and used as a covariate in the second study. Results: Anxiety was significantly associated with Past Negative and Future Negative time perspectives as measured by the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI), even when controlling for the effect of depressive symptoms. No other significant differences were found. Conclusion: Exploring time perspective in persons with anxious symptoms may provide important insights into features of anxiety. These findings may offer new ways of conceptualizing anxiety and provide suggestions for treatment strategies

    Metoder och verktyg för utvärdering av kursinslag i informationskompetens

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    Syftet har varit att skapa en verktygslåda med förslag på metoder och verktyg att använda vid utvärdering av kursinslag inom området informationskompetens, av relevans för högskole- och gymnasiebibliotek. Projektet har haft tre faser. I den första gjordes en litteraturgenomgång av internationell forskningslitteratur kring utvärdering. Litteraturstudien mynnade ut i en sammanställning av metoder och verktyg för utvärdering av kursinslag i informationskompetens. I fas två testades ett urval av de sammanställda utvärderingsverktygen på biblioteken i Göteborg, Lund och Mölnlycke. Resultaten från testerna integrerades med sammanställningen från litteraturstudien till det som är projektets huvudresultat, verktygslådan. Projektets tredje fas är spridning av resultaten i form av verktygslådan.Projektet generarde två texter: En slutrapport som redovisar arbetssättet, samt "Verktygslådan", som i sig är projektets huvudsakliga resultat.Kungliga biblioteke

    High-dose versus low-dose of oxytocin for labour augmentation : a randomised controlled trial

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    Problem: Delayed labour progress is common in nulliparous women, often leading to caesarean section despite augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin. Background: High-or low-dose oxytocin can be used for augmentation of delayed labour, but evidence for promoting high-dose is weak. Aim: To ascertain the effect on caesarean section rate of high-dose versus low-dose oxytocin for augmentation of delayed labour in nulliparous women. Methods: Multicentre parallel double-blind randomised controlled trial (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01587625) in six labour wards in Sweden. Healthy nulliparous women at term with singleton cephalic fetal presentation, spontaneous labour onset, confirmed delay in labour and ruptured membranes (n = 1351) were randomised to labour augmentation with either high-dose (6.6 mU/minute) or low-dose (3.3 mU/minute) oxytocin infusion. Findings: 1295 women were included in intention-to-treat analysis (high-dose n = 647; low-dose n = 648). Caesarean section rates did not differ between groups (12.4% and 12.3%, 95% Confidence Interval -3.7 to 3.8). Women with high-dose oxytocin had: shorter labours (-23.4 min); more uterine tachysystole (43.2% versus 33.5%); similar rates of instrumental vaginal births, with more due to fetal distress (43.8% versus 22.7%) and fewer due to failure to progress (39.6% versus 58.8%). There were no differences in neonatal outcomes. Discussion: Our study could not confirm results of two systematic reviews indicating, with weak evidence, that use of high-dose oxytocin was associated with lower frequency of caesarean section. Conclusion: We found no advantages for routine use of high-dose oxytocin in the management of delay in labour. Low-dose oxytocin regimen is recommended to avoid unnecessary events of tachysystole and fetal distress.

    Assessing costs and benefits of improved soil quality management in remediation projects: A study of an urban site contaminated with PAH and metals

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    Contaminants in the soil may threaten soil functions (SFs) and, in turn, hinder the delivery of ecosystem services (ES). A framework for ecological risk assessments (ERAs) within the APPLICERA - APPLICable site-specific Environmental Risk Assessment research project promotes assessments that consider other soil quality parameters than only contaminant concentrations. The developed framework is: (i) able to differentiate the effects of contamination on SFs from the effects of other soil qualities essential for soil biota; and (ii) provides a robust basis for improved soil quality management in remediation projects. This study evaluates the socio-economic consequences of remediation alternatives stemming from a Tier 1 ERA that focusses on total contaminant concentrations and soil quality standards and a detailed, site-specific Tier 3 Triad approach that is based on the APPLICERA framework. The present study demonstrates how Tier 1 and Tier 3 ERAs differ in terms of the socioeconomic consequences of their remediation actions, as well as presents a novel method for the semi-quantitative assessment of on-site ES. Although the presented Tier 3 ERA is more expensive and time-consuming than the more traditional Tier 1 ERA approach, it has the potential to lower the costs of remediation actions, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, reduce other environmental impacts, and minimise socio-economic losses. Furthermore, the remediation actions stemming from the Tier 3 ERA were predicted to exert far less negative ES effects than the actions proposed based on the results of the Tier 1 ERA. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved