48 research outputs found


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    Lifestyle, physical activity level and nutritional habits as well as environmental factors are having a greater and greater detrimental effect on the health of various populations. In the present study we systematically researched the physical status of schoolchildren. It is well known that as children grow up, the amount of spontaneous physical activity they perform decreases as they have more mental tasks to do these negative factors can be offset with daily physical education. We measured children participating in physical education on a daily basis, consisting of 5th (10-11 years old) and 9th (14-15 years old) grade students and control groups of 4th (9-10 years old) and 8th (13-14 years old) grade students, respectively, for a total of 196 persons (94 girls and 102 boys). Habitual physical activity was obtained with Actigraph, (GT1M/GT3X) and body fat percentage was calculated from anthropometrical measurements. As expected, we were able to observe a linear correlation between the physical activity levels and the body composition of the participants. The more time the subjects spent performing MVPA (Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity), the less body fat they had. The recommended MVPA is a minimum of one hour per day, but these Hungarian children had two hours of MPVA per day. Our results lead us to conclude that ninety minutes of additional physical education per week for 7-8 months cannot be considered sufficient for a full impact analysis nor for schoolchildren’s physical activity needs or body composition, though an increase in the amount of time spent in physical education classes shows beneficial effects for these children


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    Lifestyle, physical activity level and nutritional habits as well as environmental factors are having a greater and greater detrimental effect on the health of various populations. In the present study we systematically researched the physical status of schoolchildren. It is well known that as children grow up, the amount of spontaneous physical activity they perform decreases as they have more mental tasks to do these negative factors can be offset with daily physical education. We measured children participating in physical education on a daily basis, consisting of 5th (10-11 years old) and 9th (14-15 years old) grade students and control groups of 4th (9-10 years old) and 8th (13-14 years old) grade students, respectively, for a total of 196 persons (94 girls and 102 boys). Habitual physical activity was obtained with Actigraph, (GT1M/GT3X) and body fat percentage was calculated from anthropometrical measurements. As expected, we were able to observe a linear correlation between the physical activity levels and the body composition of the participants. The more time the subjects spent performing MVPA (Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity), the less body fat they had. The recommended MVPA is a minimum of one hour per day, but these Hungarian children had two hours of MPVA per day. Our results lead us to conclude that ninety minutes of additional physical education per week for 7-8 months cannot be considered sufficient for a full impact analysis nor for schoolchildren’s physical activity needs or body composition, though an increase in the amount of time spent in physical education classes shows beneficial effects for these children

    A növények potenciális allergenitása - Áttekintés és módszertani javaslat = Potential Allergenicity of Plants - Review and Methodological Proposal

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    A növényi pollen allergizáló képessége számos tényezőtől függ. E feltételek: a pollen allergiás immunválasz kiváltására alkalmas anyagot tartalmazzon, a pollent nagy mennyiségben termelje a növény, a pollenszem kis méretű legyen és könnyen, nagy mennyiségben szálljon a levegőben, a növény gyakori, tömegesen előforduló fajba tartozzon. E tényezőket külön súlyozva kiszámítható az egyes növénytaxonok potenciális allergenitása. Dolgozatunkban a szakirodalomban fellelhető módszereket hasonlítjuk össze, és keressük a megfelelő eljárást, amely a növények ültetésére, kereskedelmére irányuló jogi szabályozás alapja lehetne. Az irodalmi áttekintés alapján nem találtunk olyan jelenleg létező módszert, amely a jogi szabályozás követelményeit kielégítheti (megfelelő bizonyítékok felsorolása és reprodukálhatóság), ezért kidolgoztunk egy saját eljárást a növények potenciális allergenitásának kiszámítására

    Increased Short-Term Variability of the QT Interval in Professional Soccer Players: Possible Implications for Arrhythmia Prediction

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    BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death in competitive athletes is rare but it is significantly more frequent than in the normal population. The exact cause is seldom established and is mostly attributed to ventricular fibrillation. Myocardial hypertrophy and slow heart rate, both characteristic changes in top athletes in response to physical conditioning, could be associated with increased propensity for ventricular arrhythmias. We investigated conventional ECG parameters and temporal short-term beat-to-beat variability of repolarization (STV(QT)), a presumptive novel parameter for arrhythmia prediction, in professional soccer players. METHODS: Five-minute 12-lead electrocardiograms were recorded from professional soccer players (n = 76, all males, age 22.0±0.61 years) and age-matched healthy volunteers who do not participate in competitive sports (n = 76, all males, age 22.0±0.54 years). The ECGs were digitized and evaluated off-line. The temporal instability of beat-to-beat heart rate and repolarization were characterized by the calculation of short-term variability of the RR and QT intervals. RESULTS: Heart rate was significantly lower in professional soccer players at rest (61±1.2 vs. 72±1.5/min in controls). The QT interval was prolonged in players at rest (419±3.1 vs. 390±3.6 in controls, p<0.001). QTc was significantly longer in players compared to controls calculated with Fridericia and Hodges correction formulas. Importantly, STV(QT) was significantly higher in players both at rest and immediately after the game compared to controls (4.8±0.14 and 4.3±0.14 vs. 3.5±0.10 ms, both p<0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: STV(QT) is significantly higher in professional soccer players compared to age-matched controls, however, further studies are needed to relate this finding to increased arrhythmia propensity in this population

    Hormonal Neuroendocrine and Vasoconstrictor Peptide Responses of Ball Game and Cyclic Sport Elite Athletes by Treadmill Test.

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    ObjectiveOur objective was to evaluate complex hormonal response in ball game and cyclic sport elite athletes through an incremental treadmill test, since, so far, variables in experimental procedures have often hampered comparisons of data.MethodsWe determined anthropometric data, heart rate, maximal oxygen uptake, workload, plasma levels of lactate, adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, cortisol, angiontensinogen and endothelin in control (n = 6), soccer (n = 8), handball (n = 12), kayaking (n = 9) and triathlon (n = 9) groups based on a Bruce protocol through a maximal exercise type of spiroergometric test.ResultsWe obtained significant increases for adrenaline, 2.9- and 3.9-fold by comparing the normalized means for soccer players and kayakers and soccer players and triathletes after/before test, respectively. For noradrenaline, we observed an even stronger, three-time significant difference between each type of ball game and cyclic sport activity.ConclusionsExercise related adrenaline and noradrenaline changes were more pronounced than dopamine plasma level changes and revealed an opportunity to differentiate cyclic and ball game activities and control group upon these parameters. Normalization of concentration ratios of the monitored compounds by the corresponding maximal oxygen uptake reflected better the differences in the response level of adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine and cortisol

    Relationship between the heart rate and E/A ratio in athletic and non-athletic males in different ages

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    Introduction: One of the most important effects of regular physical training is the adaptation of the cardiovascular system. The basic importance of the “athlete’s heart” is manifested in two fields, one is the public health, the second is the competitive sport. The aim of the present study is to clarify whether the higher E/A quotient of athletes is a favorable change in the intrinsic relaxation properties of the left ventricle. Question: The higher E/A quotient of physically active persons can be explained by the training bradycardia, or it can be supposed as an independent effect of regular physical exercise? Methods: Peak early (E) and atrial blood flow velocities (A) were assessed by Doppler echocardiography at rest in males (N=1237) the E` and A` were assessed by Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI), (N=144) all the data were collected in Hungary, from 1993–2011. Relationship between E/A and resting heart rate (HR), was determined by linear regression analysis. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to express the connection between heart rate and the transmitral E/A and TDI determined E’/A’ quotients in 19-35 yr old males. Student t-test was used to establish the differences between transmitral and TDI determined velocities and indices in athletes and non-athletes. Results: The E/A decreased with age, the rate of decrease was slower in the physically trained subjects, except in children. In children, adolescent-young and young adult subjects E/A against HR equations of the athletic and non-athletic groups were similar, differences between the means were only due to the differences of the HR. In the 31–44 yr old males, the intercepts of the athletes’ regression lines were higher. The oldest (>44 yr) active subjects showed a significant regression while sedentary males did not. According to the results of TDI it seems that the disturbing effect of the heart rate is really stronger in case of the E/A while there was no significant correlation in the E’/A’ values. However, significant differences were seen both in E/A values and in TDI measurements of the medial part of the mitral valve (med. E’/A’) between athletes and non-athletes. Conclusions: The HR-independent beneficial effect of regular physical training on the diastolic function manifests itself at the older ages. According to our results, the long-term physical training (mainly endurance type) can diminish the age-associated impairment of diastolic function but the impact of resting HR should always be taken into consideration when assessing intergroup differences in the E/A ratio, especially when studying the effect of exercise training upon cardiac function