408 research outputs found

    Researching Young Children's Lived Experiences of Loneliness: Pedagogical Implications for Linguistically Diverse Students

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    This article addresses the pedagogical implications of linguistically diverse students' experiences of loneliness in elementary school. The study presented was derived from a larger investigation of young children's lived experiences of loneliness. A review of interviews with 10 linguistically diverse students in the original study revealed that these children experience the loneliness of being excluded, unwanted, and disliked, as well as empty of happiness, as a result of their inability to communicate appropriately with their peers. The students' loss of self-esteem and sense of self-worth and the development of learned helplessness syndrome are directly related to the persistence of their experiences of loneliness over a long period. Providing opportunities for meaningful social interactions in activities that do not require the English language as a sole means of expression of their knowledge and skills and teachers' effective use of nonverbal communication can be employed as strategies to foster a sense of belonging to the peer group and to promote hopefulness, which can lead to a reduction of feelings of loneliness in young linguistically diverse children.L'auteure s'interesse aux incidences pédagogiques du sentiment de solitude qu'éprouvent des élèves allophones pendant leurs années scolaires à l'élémentaire. L'article présente une étude tirée d'une plus grande recherche sur le sentiment de solitude qu'éprouvent les jeunes enfants. Une analyse d'entrevues passées avec 10 élèves allophones lors du projet de recherche original indique que ces enfants, incapables de communiquer adéquatement avec leurs paires, vivent la solitude et la tristesse qui proviennent de l'expérience d'être exclus, indésirés et pas appréciés. La perte d'estime de soi, la diminution de la sûreté de soi-même, ainsi que le développement du syndrome d'incapacité apprise qui s'ensuivent sont directement liés au fait que leur sentiment de solitude persiste. Le recours aux stratégies telles la création d'occasions propices aux interactions sociales significatives lors d'activités qui ne nécessitent pas Vusage de Vanglais comme seul moyen defaire connaître ses connaissances et ses habiletés ou I'emploi efficace de la communication non-verbale pent s'avérer utile pour favoriser un sentiment d'appartenance au groupe de paires et pour encourager un optimisme qui fait diminuer le sentiment de solitude chez les jeunes allophones

    Research of influence of technological processing parameters of protein-fat base for supply of sportsmen on activity of protease inhibitors

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    The object of research is the biological value of the protein-fat base for athletes, workers of heavy physical labor, military personnel, depending on the conditions of its preliminary processing. A technological audit, the purpose of which was to determine the change in the content of amino acids after enzymatic hydrolysis in samples of the protein-fat base, that had undergone pretreatment by microwave radiation, was conducted. The effectiveness of the protein-fat base pretreatment by microwave radiation was evaluated on the amount of α-amino nitrogen after enzymatic hydrolysis. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, the optimal conditions of the protein-fat base pretreatment were established: 250–350 seconds of microwave treatment time and its hydration to the 12–14 % of moisture content. Such processing will increase the biological value of the protein-fat base, namely, increase the degree of digestion and digestibility of proteins in the gastrointestinal tract

    Research of the oilseeds ratio on the oxidative stability of the protein-fat base for sportsmen

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    The problem of improving physical performance and accelerating the course of recovery processes after physical exertion is one of the most pressing problems of medicine and sports. Nutrition is one of the main controlled factors that ensure the normal development of the body, health and quality of life. Nowadays the assortment of products is mainly expanded due to introduction of new technologies, application of new chemical compounds, development of genetic engineering. At the same time, daily food cannot provide the athlete's body with nutrients in the required amount. And, as a result, in recent years, to speed up regeneration, actively replenish spent plastic and energy resources, very often in sports use biologically active additives. One of the promising areas for improving the efficiency of athletes is the introduction in food rations qualitatively new food products that meet the needs of their body and at the same time have a long shelf life. The aim of this study is to evaluate the oxidation processes of the protein-fat basis, which can be used to organize the rational nutrition of athletes. The oxidative stability of the crushed sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax and mixtures was studied at various component ratios. It has been established that sesame seeds are the least susceptible to oxidation, and most of all – flax seeds. Among mixtures of seeds, the most prone to oxidation are mixtures that contain flax seeds and sunflower seeds. When adding sesame seeds to the mixture, the oxidative stability increases sharply. The optimal content (% by weight) of oil seeds in a protein-fat basis was calculated using the method of mathematical experiment planning in the software package "Statistica". The period of induction of oxidation of this mixture is 1.3–1.4 times higher than the induction period of sunflower seeds and 2.7–3.0 times higher than the induction period of flax seed. The use of such basis in food technologies, in particular the confectionery industry, opens up wide opportunities for expanding the range of specialized products for athletes

    Development of an eye-safe solid-state tunable laser transmitter around 1.45 my m based on Cr 4+:YAG crystal for lidar applications

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    A gain switched tunable Cr4+:YAG laser was developed using a Q-switched flashlamp?pumped Nd:YAG pump laser at 10 Hz. A vacuum spatial filter (VSF) was designed in order to filter the ?hot spots? of the pump beam profile. As a result of applying the VSF, a nearly Gaussian-shaped beam profile was achieved which enabled safe pumping of the Cr4+:YAG crystal with pulse energies in excess of 100 mJ. An extensive experimental optimization of the efficiency of the wavelength converter was performed. A maximum output energy of ~7 mJ at 1430?1450 nm, corresponding to ~7% conversion efficiency (with regard to absorbed pump energy), and a pulse duration of 30?35 ns were obtained with a 25-cm-long stable resonator. Tunability in the range 1350?1500 nm and spectral linewidth of ~200G Hz were demonstrated using a 3-plate birefringent filter. The laser was multimode with a flat-top profile and sufficiently good M2~4. The performance and size of the laser are acceptable for use in a laboratory based non-scanning lidar system if a narrow-band birefringent filter is installed. In order to employ a scanning mobile lidar, high pulse frequency (>100 Hz) of the pump laser for the Cr4+:YAG laser is required. The tunability permits the improvement of the laser transmitter for water-vapor DIAL measurements at on-line wavelengths of approximately 1459 nm or 1484 nm if injection-seeding is applied.Ein gain-geschalteter, abstimmbarer Cr4+:YAG Wellenlängenkonverter wurde entwickelt. Er wurde mit einem gütegeschalteten blitzlampengepumpten Nd:YAG-Laser mit einer Repetitionsrate von 10 Hz und einer Pulsdauer von 6?8 ns gepumpt. Dieses System ist ein erster Schritt zur Entwicklung eines augensicheren Wasserdampf-DIAL Systems bei 1459 nm und 1484 nm. Ein Vakuum-Raumfilter (VRF) wurde aufgebaut, um die Hot Spots im Pumpstrahlprofil herauszufiltern. Mit dem VRF wurde ein nahezu Gaußsches Pumprofil erzielt. Das ermöglichte das Pumpen von Cr4+:YAG mit Pulsenergien von mehr als 100 mJ, ohne den Kristall zu beschädigen. Eine experimentelle Optimierung der Effizienz des Wellenlängenkonverters wurde durchgeführt. Eine maximale Ausgangsenergie von ~7mJ bei 1430?1450 nm, was ~7% Konversionseffizienz (bezüglich der absorbierten Pumpenergie) entspricht, und eine Pulslänge von 30?35 ns wurden mit einem 25 cm langen Resonator erreicht. Laserabstimmbarkeit im Wellenlängenbereich von 1350?1500 nm und eine spektrale Linienbreite von ~200 GHz wurden mit einem 3-Platten doppelbrechenden Filter demonstriert. Der Cr4+:YAG Laser besitzt ein Multimoden-Flat top-Strahlprofil und einen guten M2 Wert von ungefähr 4. Die Effizienz und die Größe des Lasers sind akzeptabel zur Anwendung in einem nicht abtastenden Labor-Lidarsystem, falls ein schmalbandiger doppelbrechender Filter benutzt wird. Um Cr4+:YAG als Laser für ein abtastendes mobiles Lidar zu verwenden, ist ein kompakter Pumplaser mit hoher Repetitionsrate (>100 Hz) erforderlich. In Verbindung mit diesem Pumplaser und der Anwendung der Injection-Seeding-Technik hat der Laser das Potential als Transmitter für ein augensicheren Wasserdampf-DIAL-System eingesetzt zu werden

    Piiriülesest au teotamisest tulenevate nõuete kohtualluvus

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    Математичні моделі і інформаційні технології організації інноваційних проектів у системі стейкхолдерів

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    During the involvement of innovative projects into knowledge-intensive high-tech enterprises, the process of creating a system of interested stakeholder management becomes vital. The given work contains the results of conducted analysis concerning the problem of innovative potential management of high-tech enterprises. The necessity of the analysis of informational technologies in the conditions of the non-equilibrium economy is considered. Various models of project management in the system of stakeholders are presented in the work. The stages of Nicholas model are considered. A mathematical model is proposed for the management and investors of the project, in terms of maximizing profits under specified constraints.При залученні інноваційного проекту в наукомісткі високотехнологічні підприємства актуальним процесом стає створення системи управління зацікавленими учасниками. Проведено аналіз проблеми управління інноваційним потенціалом наукомістких підприємств. Розглянуто необхідність аналізу інформаційних технологій в умовах нерівноважної економіки. Розглянуто різні моделі управління проектами в системі зацікавлених осіб. Розглянуто етапи використання моделі Ніколаса. Запропоновано математичну модель для керівництва та інвесторів проекту, в умовах максимізації прибутку при заданих обмеженнях

    The study of initial permeability temperature dependences for LiTiZn ferrite ceramics

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    Results of obtaining and analyzing the temperature dependences of initial permeability of ferrite ceramics are presented in the paper. It was shown that the level of the defective state of ferrite ceramics can be obtained from the value of two parameters [alpha] and [beta] of the phenomenological expression describing the experimental dependences. The results showed that the main criterion of the defect state is the parameter [beta]/[alpha], which is related to the elastic stresses in the material. An indicator of the structure perfection is also the value of the maximum of the initial permeability near the Curie temperature

    Risk of cardio-respiratory abnormalities in preterm infants placed in car seats: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the factors that predispose to the occurrence and severity of cardio-respiratory symptoms during the placement of a prematurely born infant in a car seat. The impact of gestational age, weight at discharge and infant's pre-existing cardio-respiratory status (in the supine position) on cardio-respiratory function during pre-discharge testing in a car seat (semi-upright position) has not been investigated. METHODS: The cardio-respiratory function of 42 preterm neonates with gestational age 24 to 35 weeks and discharge weight 1790 to 2570 grams were monitored for 45 minutes before, during, and after placement in a car seat. The occurrence of periodic breathing, apnea, bradycardia, or decreased oxygen saturation (SaO2) was analyzed. RESULTS: Prior to the car seat testing, 15 (35.7%) infants displayed one or more abnormalities of cardio-respiratory function. During the car seat testing, 25 (59.6%) infants had periodic breathing, 33 (78.2%) had oxygen saturation <90%, 14 (33.3%) had bradycardia less than 80 beats per minute, and 35 (83.3%) had a combination of these symptoms. Infants, both with and without pre-existing cardio-respiratory abnormalities, had an almost equal probability (80% vs. 83.3%) for the development of cardio-respiratory symptoms during placement in the car seat. Weight at discharge ([less than or equal to] 2,000 grams) but not the gestational age (<28 weeks or [greater than or equal to] 28<37 weeks), was associated with either increased episodes of oxygen desaturation or the combination of cardio-respiratory symptoms that were seen during the placement of these infants in the car seat. Repositioning from the car seat to the supine position showed normalization of cardio-respiratory function in the majority (83%) of the tested infants. None of the tested clinical factors were associated with the severity of the cardio-respiratory symptoms. CONCLUSION: Pre-discharge testing of the cardio-respiratory function of preterm infants during placement in a car seat is important for the prevention of cardio-respiratory symptoms during their transportation. However, the high risk for developing cardio-respiratory symptoms will require the consideration of an alternative mode of safe home transportation for preterm infants; especially those with a discharge weight less than 2,000 grams

    Effect of Mechanical Load on Defects Level in Soft Ferrite Ceramics

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    The article presents the results of a study of the effect of mechanical load on the temperature dependence of the initial permeability of LiTiZn soft ferrite ceramics. Regimes of mechanical load were created by a steel non-magnetic ring with screws. In this work, four levels of mechanical load were investigated: without load, with 1, 2 and 3 screws. For obtaining temperature dependences and exclude the influence of prehistory on the initial permeability, the samples were heated to a temperature exceeding the Curie point by 50 degrees, after which they slowly cooled to room temperature. The defects level was determined by the ratio of the parameters ? / ? of the phenomenological expression, which describes the experimental temperature dependences. It is shown that as the mechanical load increases, the defects level of ferrite ceramics increases, and after load removing, it returns to its original level


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    Introduction. Breast cancer (breast cancer) is one of the most frequently diagnosed malignant diseases and among the leading causes of death in women worldwide. This defines it as a disease of great medico-social significance, involving more and more the world scientific community. Along with its medical and socioeconomic psychosocial consequences, patients often develop lymphedema, which is one of the most severe complications after breast cancer treatment.The aim of the present study is to investigate the contribution and functions of the nurse in the process of prevention, control and fight against lymphedema, in mammary gland carcinoma, based on the existing international scientific evidence.Materials and methods. A documentary method was applied. Information retrieved from publications found through a Pubmed search with keywords: prevention, control, lymphedema, breast carcinoma, internationalexperience, nurses, patients, was examined. Information from bibliographic references, specialized literature, statistical data from international and national organizations related to the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases, regulatory documents was also studied.Results and discussion. The analysis of the scientific literature emphasizes the role of the nurse in the prevention of lymphedema, not only as a health professional acting in collaboration with the medical staff, but above all as a professional responsible for the care and education of the patient. This allows nurses to maketheir important contribution to the prevention, control and fight against lymphedema in breast cancer, by identifying patients at high risk of developing lymphedema, implementing the necessary preventive measures, planning and evaluating long-term patient care with mild lymphedema, psychological support, health education and information.Conclusion. Nurses occupy an important place and have a key role in the process of prevention and fight against lymphedema in breast cancer, performing their main functions. They make their high contribution in protecting, maintaining and restoring the health of individuals and their families, taking part in this important process