31 research outputs found

    Identification of a putatively novel trichomonad species in the intestine of a common quail (Coturnix coturnix)

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    AbstractA common quail (Coturnix coturnix) from a private keeping died unexpectedly and showed a moderate lymphocytic infiltration of the colonic mucosa associated with numerous protozoa-like objects at the pathological examination. These organisms were further identified using chromogenic in situ hybridization (ISH) and gene sequencing. ISH was performed on paraffin embedded tissue sections and produced a positive signal using a probe specific for the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene of the order Trichomonadida, but remained negative with probes specific for the 18S rRNA gene of the common bird parasites Histomonas meleagridis, Tetratrichomonas gallinarum or Trichomonas gallinae. The trichomonads were found on the mucosal surface, inside the crypts and also immigrating into the lamina propria mucosae. DNA was extracted from the paraffin embedded tissue and the entire 18S rRNA gene, ITS-1 region, 5.8S rRNA gene, ITS-2 region and a part of the 28S rRNA gene were sequenced using primer walking. The acquired sequence showed 95% homology with Tritrichomonas foetus, a trichomonad never described in birds. A phylogenetic analysis of a part of the 18S rRNA gene or of the ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 region clearly placed this nucleotide sequence within the family of Tritrichomonadidae. Therefore, the authors propose the detection of a putative new Tritrichomonas sp. in the intestine of a common quail

    Internal hydrocephalus combined with pachygyria in a wild-born brown bear cub

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    An abandoned wild-born male brown bear (Ursus arctos) cub of the year was found and subsequently placed in a zoo. At 7 months of age, the cub showed first signs of ataxia, and at 13 months of age, it was unable to move the hind legs and exhibited outbursts of aggressive behavior and self-mutilation. The animal was euthanized, and necropsy revealed alterations of the brain with obviously flattened gyri, profound enlargement of both lateral ventricles and considerable accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, disruption of the septum pellucidum, and atrophy of the hippocampus. The animal was diagnosed with an internal hydrocephalus and pachygyria. Genetic evidence showed that the father of the described cub was also the father of the cub’s mother, suggesting the possibility of congenital hydrocephalus

    Dietary Lipids Affect the Onset of Hibernation in the Garden Dormouse (Eliomys quercinus): Implications for Cardiac Function

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    Dietary lipids strongly influence patterns of hibernation in heterotherms. Increased dietary uptake of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly of linoleic acid (LA, C18:2 n-6), enables animals to reach lower body temperatures (Tb), lengthens torpor bout duration, and results in lower energy expenditure during hibernation. Conversely, dietary n-3 PUFA impacts negatively on hibernation performance. PUFA in surrounding phospholipids (PLs) presumably modulate the temperature-dependent activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ ATPase 2 (SERCA2) and thus determine the threshold Tb still allowing proper heart function during torpor. We tested the effect of diets enriched with 10% of either corn oil (“CO,” high n-6 PUFA, e.g., LA) or menhaden oil [“MO,” long-chain n-3 PUFA, e.g., docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)] on hibernation performance and SERCA2 activity levels during torpor in garden dormice, an insectivorous, fat-storing hibernator. Prior to hibernation, individuals fed the MO diet showed an almost nine-times higher DHA levels and 30% lower LA proportions in white adipose tissue (WAT), reflecting the fatty acid composition of SR membranes, compared to CO-diet fed animals. When fed the MO diet, dormice significantly delayed their mean onset of hibernation by almost 4 days (range: 0–12 days), compared with CO-diet fed animals. Hibernation onset correlated positively with WAT-DHA levels and negatively with WAT-LA proportions prior to hibernation. Subsequently, hibernating patterns were similar between the two dietary groups, despite a significant difference in WAT-LA but not in WAT-DHA levels in mid-hibernation. SR-PL fatty acid composition and SERCA2 activity were identical in torpid individuals from the two dietary groups in mid-hibernation. In line with our previous findings on Syrian hamsters, a granivorous, food-storing hibernator, SERCA2 activity correlated positively with LA and negatively with DHA levels of SR-PL in torpid dormice, although SERCA2 activity was about three-times higher in garden dormice than in Syrian hamsters at similar PL-DHA proportions. Similarly, minimal Tb during torpor decreased as SERCA2 activity increased. We conclude that: (1) fatty acid composition of SR membranes modulates cardiac SERCA2 activity, hence determining the minimum Tb tolerated by hibernators, and (2) high DHA levels prevent hibernators from entering into torpor, but the critical levels differ substantially between species

    Irregular S-cone mosaics in felid retinas: spatial interaction with axonless horizontal revealed by cross-correlation

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    In most mammals short-wavelength-sensitive (S) cones are arranged in irregular patterns with widely variable intercell distances. Consequently, mosaics of connected interneurons either may show some type of correlation to photoreceptor placement or may establish an independent lattice with compensatory dendritic organization. Since axonless horizontal cells (A-HC’s) are supposed to direct all dendrites to overlying cones, we studied their spatial interaction with chromatic cone subclasses. In the cheetah, the bobcat, and the leopard, anti-S-opsin antibodies have consistently colabeled the A-HC’s in addition to the S cones. We investigated the interaction between the two cell mosaics, using autocorrelation and cross-correlation procedures, including a Voronoi-based density probe. Comparisons with simulations of random mosaics show significantly lower densities of S cones above the cell bodies and primary dendrites of A-HC’s. The pattern results in different long-wavelength-sensitive-L- and S-cone ratios in the central versus the peripheral zones of A-HC dendritic fields. The existence of a related pattern at the synaptic level and its potential significance for color processing may be investigated in further studies

    Management of Suspected Cases of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) During an International Translocation Program.

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    The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) population in Switzerland serves as a source for reintroductions in neighboring countries. In 2016-2017, three lynx from the same geographical area were found seropositive for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in the framework of an international translocation program. This novel finding raised questions about the virus origin and pathogenicity to lynx, the emerging character of the infection, and the interpretation of serological results in other lynx caught for translocation. Archived serum samples from 84 lynx captured in 2001-2016 were retrospectively tested for FIV antibodies by Western blot. All archived samples were FIV-negative. The three seropositive lynx were monitored in quarantine enclosures prior to euthanasia and necropsy. They showed disease signs, pathological findings, and occurrence of co-infections reminding of those described in FIV-infected domestic cats. All attempts to isolate and characterize the virus failed but serological data and spatiotemporal proximity of the cases suggested emergence of a lentivirus with antigenic and pathogenic similarities to FIV in the Swiss lynx population. A decision scheme was developed to minimize potential health risks posed by FIV infection, both in the recipient and source lynx populations, considering conservation goals, animal welfare, and the limited action range resulting from local human conflicts. Development and implementation of a cautious decision scheme was particularly challenging because FIV pathogenic potential in lynx was unclear, negative FIV serological results obtained within the first weeks after infection are unpredictable, and neither euthanasia nor repatriation of multiple lynx was acceptable options. The proposed scheme distinguished between three scenarios: release at the capture site, translocation, or euthanasia. Until April 2021, none of the 40 lynx newly captured in Switzerland tested FIV-seropositive. Altogether, seropositivity to FIV was documented in none of 124 lynx tested at their first capture, but three of them seroconverted in 2016-2017. Diagnosis of FIV infection in the three seropositive lynx remains uncertain, but clinical observations and pathological findings confirmed that euthanasia was appropriate. Our experiences underline the necessity to include FIV in pathogen screenings of free-ranging European wild felids, the importance of lynx health monitoring, and the usefulness of health protocols in wildlife translocation

    Internal hydrocephalus combined with pachygyria in a wild-born brown bear cub

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    An abandoned wild-born male brown bear (Ursus arctos) cub of the year was found and subsequently placed in a zoo. At 7 months of age, the cub showed first signs of ataxia, and at 13 months of age, it was unable to move the hind legs and exhibited outbursts of aggressive behavior and self-mutilation. The animal was euthanized, and necropsy revealed alterations of the brain with obviously flattened gyri, profound enlargement of both lateral ventricles and considerable accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, disruption of the septum pellucidum, and atrophy of the hippocampus. The animal was diagnosed with an internal hydrocephalus and pachygyria. Genetic evidence showed that the father of the described cub was also the father of the cub’s mother, suggesting the possibility of congenital hydrocephalus