214 research outputs found

    The Polymer Stress Tensor in Turbulent Shear Flows

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    The interaction of polymers with turbulent shear flows is examined. We focus on the structure of the elastic stress tensor, which is proportional to the polymer conformation tensor. We examine this object in turbulent flows of increasing complexity. First is isotropic turbulence, then anisotropic (but homogenous) shear turbulence and finally wall bounded turbulence. The main result of this paper is that for all these flows the polymer stress tensor attains a universal structure in the limit of large Deborah number \De\gg 1. We present analytic results for the suppression of the coil-stretch transition at large Deborah numbers. Above the transition the turbulent velocity fluctuations are strongly correlated with the polymer's elongation: there appear high-quality "hydro-elastic" waves in which turbulent kinetic energy turns into polymer potential energy and vice versa. These waves determine the trace of the elastic stress tensor but practically do not modify its universal structure. We demonstrate that the influence of the polymers on the balance of energy and momentum can be accurately described by an effective polymer viscosity that is proportional to to the cross-stream component of the elastic stress tensor. This component is smaller than the stream-wise component by a factor proportional to \De ^2 . Finally we tie our results to wall bounded turbulence and clarify some puzzling facts observed in the problem of drag reduction by polymers.Comment: 11 p., 1 Fig., included, Phys. Rev. E., submitte

    Exospheric Na distributions along the Mercury orbit with the THEMIS telescope

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    Abstract The Na exosphere of Mercury is characterized by the variability of the emission lines intensity and of its distribution in time scales from less than one hour to seasonal variations. While the faster variations, accounting for about 10–20% of fluctuations are probably linked to the planetary response to solar wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field variability, the seasonal variations (up to about 80%) should be explained by complex mechanisms involving different surface release processes, loss, source and migrations of the exospheric Na atoms. Eventually, a Na annual cycle can be identified. In the past, ground-based observations and equatorial density from MESSENGER data have been analyzed. In this study, for a more extensive investigation of the exospheric Na features, we have studied the local time and latitudinal distributions of the exospheric Na column density as a function of the True Anomaly Angle (TAA) of Mercury by means of the extended dataset of images, collected from 2009 to 2013, by the THEMIS solar telescope. Our results show that the THEMIS images, in agreement with previous results, registered a strong general increase in sodium abundance at aphelion and a dawn ward emission predominance with respect to dusk ward and subsolar region between 90° and 150° TAA. This behavior can be explained by desorption of a sodium surface reservoir consisting of sodium that is pushed anti-sunward and condenses preferentially in the coldest regions. Our analyses show s a predominance of subsolar line-of-sight column density along the rest of Mercury's orbit. An unexpected relationship between Northward or Southward peak emission and both TAA and local time is also shown by our analysis. This result seems to contradict previous results obtained from different data sets and it is not easily explained, thus it requires further investigations

    Cardiac stem cells possess growth factor-receptor systems that after activation regenerate the infarcted myocardium, improving ventricular function and long-term survival.

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    Cardiac stem cells and early committed cells (CSCs-ECCs) express c-Met and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptors and synthesize and secrete the corresponding ligands, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and IGF-1. HGF mobilizes CSCs-ECCs and IGF-1 promotes their survival and proliferation. Therefore, HGF and IGF-1 were injected in the hearts of infarcted mice to favor, respectively, the translocation of CSCs-ECCs from the surrounding myocardium to the dead tissue and the viability and growth of these cells within the damaged area. To facilitate migration and homing of CSCs-ECCs to the infarct, a growth factor gradient was introduced between the site of storage of primitive cells in the atria and the region bordering the infarct. The newly-formed myocardium contained arterioles, capillaries, and functionally competent myocytes that with time increased in size, improving ventricular performance at healing and long thereafter. The volume of regenerated myocytes was 2200 m3 at 16 days after treatment and reached 5100 m3 at 4 months. In this interval, nearly 20% of myocytes reached the adult phenotype, varying in size from 10 000 to 20 000 m3. Moreover, there were 4313 arterioles and 15548 capillaries/mm2 myocardium at 16 days, and 316 arterioles and 39056 capillaries at 4 months. Myocardial regeneration induced increased survival and rescued animals with infarcts that were up to 86% of the ventricle, which are commonly fatal. In conclusion, the heart has an endogenous reserve of CSCs-ECCs that can be activated to reconstitute dead myocardium and recover cardiac function

    Solar perturbations transits in Mercury exosphere

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    The link existing between the dayside Na exospheric patterns of Mercury and the solar wind-magnetosphere-surface interactions is investigated thanks to the synergy of Earth-based observations with the THEMIS solar telescope and the in-situ measurements of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) and proton fluxes at the magnetic cusp regions by MESSENGER. Frequently, two-peak patterns of variable intensity are observed, located at high latitudes in both hemispheres. Occasionally, Na signal is instead diffused above the sub-solar region. In a special case, the Na signal is diffused above the subsolar region, when the MESSENGER data detect the transit of two Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). Na emission patterns results to be clearly related to the solar wind conditions at Mercury. Hence, the Na exospheric patterns, observed from ground, could be considered as a natural monitor of solar disturbances when transiting near Mercury

    Serous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas: A multinational study of 2622 patients under the auspices of the International Association of Pancreatology and European Pancreatic Club (European Study Group on Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas)

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    OBJECTIVES: Serous cystic neoplasm (SCN) is a cystic neoplasm of the pancreas whose natural history is poorly known. The purpose of the study was to attempt to describe the natural history of SCN, including the specific mortality. DESIGN: Retrospective multinational study including SCN diagnosed between 1990 and 2014. RESULTS: 2622 patients were included. Seventy-four per cent were women, and median age at diagnosis was 58\u2005years (16-99). Patients presented with non-specific abdominal pain (27%), pancreaticobiliary symptoms (9%), diabetes mellitus (5%), other symptoms (4%) and/or were asymptomatic (61%). Fifty-two per cent of patients were operated on during the first year after diagnosis (median size: 40\u2005mm (2-200)), 9% had resection beyond 1\u2005year of follow-up (3\u2005years (1-20), size at diagnosis: 25\u2005mm (4-140)) and 39% had no surgery (3.6\u2005years (1-23), 25.5\u2005mm (1-200)). Surgical indications were (not exclusive) uncertain diagnosis (60%), symptoms (23%), size increase (12%), large size (6%) and adjacent organ compression (5%). In patients followed beyond 1\u2005year (n=1271), size increased in 37% (growth rate: 4\u2005mm/year), was stable in 57% and decreased in 6%. Three serous cystadenocarcinomas were recorded. Postoperative mortality was 0.6% (n=10), and SCN's related mortality was 0.1% (n=1). CONCLUSIONS: After a 3-year follow-up, clinical relevant symptoms occurred in a very small proportion of patients and size slowly increased in less than half. Surgical treatment should be proposed only for diagnosis remaining uncertain after complete workup, significant and related symptoms or exceptionally when exists concern with malignancy. This study supports an initial conservative management in the majority of patients with SCN

    Superspreaders drive the largest outbreaks of hospital onset COVID-19 infections.

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    SARS-CoV-2 is notable both for its rapid spread, and for the heterogeneity of its patterns of transmission, with multiple published incidences of superspreading behaviour. Here, we applied a novel network reconstruction algorithm to infer patterns of viral transmission occurring between patients and health care workers (HCWs) in the largest clusters of COVID-19 infection identified during the first wave of the epidemic at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK. Based upon dates of individuals reporting symptoms, recorded individual locations, and viral genome sequence data, we show an uneven pattern of transmission between individuals, with patients being much more likely to be infected by other patients than by HCWs. Further, the data were consistent with a pattern of superspreading, whereby 21% of individuals caused 80% of transmission events. Our study provides a detailed retrospective analysis of nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and sheds light on the need for intensive and pervasive infection control procedures

    The Structure of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR1 in Phospholipid Bilayers and Interactions with IL-8

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    CXCR1 is one of two high-affinity receptors for the CXC chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8), a major mediator of immune and inflammatory responses implicated in many disorders, including tumor growth(1-3). IL-8, released in response to inflammatory stimuli, binds to the extracellular side of CXCR1. The ligand-activated intracellular signaling pathways result in neutrophil migration to the site of inflammation(2). CXCR1 is a class-A, rhodopsin-like G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), the largest class of integral membrane proteins responsible for cellular signal transduction and targeted as drug receptors(4-7). Despite its importance, its molecular mechanism is poorly understood due to the limited structural information available. Recently, structure determination of GPCRs has advanced by tailoring the receptors with stabilizing mutations, insertion of the protein T4 lysozyme and truncations of their amino acid sequences(8), as well as addition of stabilizing antibodies and small molecules(9) that facilitate crystallization in cubic phase monoolein mixtures(10). The intracellular loops of GPCRs are critical for G-protein interactions(11) and activation of CXCR1 involves both N-terminal residues and extracellular loops(2,12,13). Our previous NMR studies indicate that IL-8 binding to the N-terminal residues is mediated by the membrane, underscoring the importance of the phospholipid bilayer for physiological activity(14). Here we report the three-dimensional structure of human CXCR1 determined by NMR spectroscopy. The receptor is in liquid crystalline phospholipid bilayers, without modification of its amino acid sequence and under physiological conditions. Features important for intracellular G-protein activation and signal transduction are revealed

    Mice with Mutation in Dynein Heavy Chain 1 Do Not Share the Same Tau Expression Pattern with Mice with SOD1-Related Motor Neuron Disease

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    Due to controversy about the involvement of Dync1h1 mutation in pathogenesis of motor neuron disease, we investigated expression of tau protein in transgenic hybrid mice with Dync1h1 (so-called Cra1/+), SOD1G93A (SOD1/+), double (Cra1/SOD1) mutations and wild-type controls. Total tau-mRNA and isoforms 0, 1 and 2 N expression was studied in frontal cortex, hippocampus, spinal cord and cerebellum of presymptomatic and symptomatic animals (age 70, 140 and 365 days). The most significant differences were found in brain cortex and cerebellum, but not in hippocampus and spinal cord. There were less changes in Cra1/SOD1 double heterozygotes compared to mice harboring single mutations. The differences in total tau expression and in profile of its isoforms between Cra1/+ and SOD1/+ transgenics indicate a distinct pathogenic entity of these two conditions