341 research outputs found

    JCS 55(2) Editorial

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    Using In-Vehicle Devices to Examine Exposure and Patterns in Drivers with Parkinson’s Disease Compared to an Age-Matched Control Group

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    Symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as well as medications, can influence safe driving. Some studies have shown that drivers with PD make more errors and may have more crashes. Although a few studies have suggested drivers with PD may self-regulate by reducing amount of driving and avoiding challenging situations, findings are based on self-report data. The purpose of this study was to objectively examine naturalistic driving exposure and patterns in drivers with PD compared to an age-matched group of healthy drivers using electronic, in-vehicle devices over a two week monitoring period. Compared to the controls, the PD group drove significantly less overall (number of trips, kilometres, duration), on weekends and at night. When adjusted for number of days of driving, the PD group still made fewer trips and drove proportionately less at night. This was the first study to examine the actual driving practices of a PD population using objective measures

    Estrogen-related and other disease diagnoses preceding Parkinson’s disease

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    PURPOSE: Estrogen exposure has been associated with the occurrence of Parkinson's disease (PD), as well as many other disorders, and yet the mechanisms underlying these relations are often unknown. While it is likely that estrogen exposure modifies the risk of various diseases through many different mechanisms, some estrogen-related disease processes might work in similar manners and result in association between the diseases. Indeed, the association between diseases need not be due only to estrogen-related factors, but due to similar disease processes from a variety of mechanisms. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All female Parkinson's disease cases between 1982 and 2007 (n = 12,093) were identified from the Danish National Registry of Patients, along with 10 controls matched by years of birth and enrollment. Conditional logistic regressions (CLR) were used to calculate risk of PD after diagnosis of the estrogen-related diseases, endometriosis and osteoporosis, conditioning on years of birth and enrollment. To identify novel associations between PD and any other preceding conditions, CLR was also used to calculate the odds ratios (ORs) for risk of PD for 202 different categories of preceding disease diagnoses. Empirical Bayes methods were used to identify the robust associations from the over 200 associations produced by this analysis. RESULTS: We found a positive association between osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures and PD (OR = 1.18, 95% confidence interval [CI] of 1.08–1.28), while a lack of association was observed between endometriosis and PD (OR = 1.37, 95% CI 0.99–1.90). Using empirical Bayes analyses, 24 additional categories of diseases, likely unrelated to estrogen exposure, were also identified as potentially associated with PD. CONCLUSION: We identified several novel associations, which may provide insight into common causal mechanisms between the diseases or greater understanding of potential early preclinical signs of PD. In particular, the associations with several categories of mental disorders suggest that these may be early warning signs of PD onset or these diseases (or the causes of these diseases) may predispose to PD.US Public Health Service (R01 NS36711-09); Robert P. and Judith N. Goldberg Foundation; Aarhus University Hospital Department of Clinical Epidemiology's Research Foundatio

    Problems with Sleep Do Not Predict Self-Reported Driving Factors and Perception in Older Drivers: Evidences from the Candrive II Prospective Cohort

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    Given that sleep problems and serious motor vehicle collisions are increasingly prevalent in older adults, even minor drowsiness could potentially contribute to driving patterns in older drivers. To date, it is unknown whether less serious problems with sleep influence driving frequency and ability in older adults. We investigated the influence of everyday sleep disturbances on driving practices and driver perceptions in a large cohort of healthy older drivers. Selfreported measures of sleep problems were used to investigate the influence of sleep disturbance on self-reported driving practices and perceived driving abilities. On two measures of self-reported driving outcomes, participants with problems with rated themselves more poorly. However, this relationship disappeared when health and demographic variables were entered prior in hierarchical regression analyses. Our results show that the relationship between sleep problems, driving frequency and perceived abilities is better explained by mediating demographic, health, and cognitive factors

    Predictors of Outcome in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients:Observations From a Multicenter Data Set

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    A table containing information on the qRT-PCR performed with seven novel miRNAs and two known miRNAs. Per miRNA, this information includes mean CT, range of CT, cDNA dilution, the number of samples (of 12) with CT < 40, the average read depth, and primer used. (XLSX 8 kb

    Variant of TYR and Autoimmunity Susceptibility Loci in Generalized Vitiligo.

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    BACKGROUND Generalized vitiligo is an autoimmune disease characterized by melanocyte loss, which results in patchy depigmentation of skin and hair, and is associated with an elevated risk of other autoimmune diseases. METHODS To identify generalized vitiligo susceptibility loci, we conducted a genomewide association study. We genotyped 579,146 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 1514 patients with generalized vitiligo who were of European-derived white (CEU) ancestry and compared the genotypes with publicly available control genotypes from 2813 CEU persons. We then tested 50 SNPs in two replication sets, one comprising 677 independent CEU patients and 1106 CEU controls and the other comprising 183 CEU simplex trios with generalized vitiligo and 332 CEU multiplex families. RESULTS We detected significant associations between generalized vitiligo and SNPs at several loci previously associated with other autoimmune diseases. These included genes encoding major-histocompatibility-complex class I molecules (P=9.05×10−23) and class II molecules (P=4.50×10−34), PTPN22 (P=1.31×10−7), LPP (P=1.01×10−11), IL2RA (P=2.78×10−9), UBASH3A (P=1.26×10−9), and C1QTNF6 (P=2.21×10−16). We also detected associations between generalized vitiligo and SNPs in two additional immune-related loci, RERE (P=7.07×10−15) and GZMB (P=3.44×10−8), and in a locus containing TYR (P=1.60×10−18), encoding tyrosinase. CONCLUSIONS We observed associations between generalized vitiligo and markers implicating multiple genes, some associated with other autoimmune diseases and one (TYR) that may mediate target-cell specificity and indicate a mutually exclusive relationship between susceptibility to vitiligo and susceptibility to melanoma

    Scale and intensity of intertidal habitat use by knots Calidris canutus in the Western Wadden Sea in relation to food, friends and foes

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    In August-October 1988-1992 we studied the distribution and abundance of knots Calidris canutus around Griend in the western Wadden Sea, and the extent to which these can be explained by benthic prey availability and presence of avian predators. Numbers in the nonbreeding season showed monthly averages of 10000 to 25000 birds. Over 100000 knots were recorded on three occasions. Knots feed in large flocks, individual birds usually experiencing 4000 to 15000 flock-mates. The Siberian-breeding/west-African wintering canutus subspecies passed through in late July and early August. Otherwise the Greenlandic/Canadian breeding islandica subspecies was present. Over the period 1964-1992 there were no clear trends in the number of knots, but canutus-knots were particularly abundant in July-August 1991, whereas in 1992 both subspecies were absent. Macoma balthica was the preferred prey of both subspecies. Hydrobia ulvae, Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule were eaten when Macoma was absent close to the surface of the sediment. As Macoma buried deeper from July onwards, canutus faced better average feeding conditions than islandica later in the year. The spatial distribution of knots feeding on the intertidal flats around Griend was best explained by the harvestable biomass of the prevalent prey species in a particular year and season, i.e. Macoma (main prey when their harvestable biomass densities were greater than ca 0.8 g AFDM per m2) and Cerastoderma, and by the avoidance of situations where they run the risk of attack by bird-eating birds. Flocks of knots covered most of the intertidal flats in the western Dutch Wadden Sea in a couple of tidal cycles. This is about 800 km2, much larger than the equivalent area used by knots on their wintering grounds in Mauritania (10-15 km2), a difference that is correlated with prey spectrum, prey availability and predictability.

    Characterization of the role of BGS13 in the secretory mechanism of Pichia pastoris

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    The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris has been utilized for heterologous protein expression for over 30 years. Because P. pastoris secretes few of its own proteins, the exported recombinant protein is the major polypeptide in the extracellular medium, making purification relatively easy. Unfortunately, some recombinant proteins intended for secretion are retained within the cell. A mutant strain isolated in our laboratory, containing a disruption of the BGS13 gene, displayed elevated levels of secretion for a variety of reporter proteins. The Bgs13 peptide (Bgs13p) is similar to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein kinase C 1 protein (Pkc1p), but its specific mode of action is currently unclear. To illuminate differences in the secretion mechanism between the wild-type (wt) strain and the bgs13 strain, we determined that the disrupted bgs13 gene expressed a truncated protein that had reduced protein kinase C activity and a different location in the cell, compared to the wt protein. Because the Pkc1p of baker’s yeast plays a significant role in cell wall integrity, we investigated the sensitivity of the mutant strain’s cell wall to growth antagonists and extraction by dithiothreitol, determining that the bgs13 strain cell wall suffered from inherent structural problems although its porosity was normal. A proteomic investigation of the bgs13 strain secretome and cell wall-extracted peptides demonstrated that, compared to its wt parent, the bgs13 strain also displayed increased release of an array of normally secreted, endogenous proteins, as well as endoplasmic reticulum-resident chaperone proteins, suggesting that Bgs13p helps regulate the unfolded protein response and protein sorting on a global scale. IMPORTANCE The yeast Pichia pastoris is used as a host system for the expression of recombinant proteins. Many of these products, including antibodies, vaccine antigens, and therapeutic proteins such as insulin, are currently on the market or in late stages of development. However, one major weakness is that sometimes these proteins are not secreted from the yeast cell efficiently, which impedes and raises the cost of purification of these vital proteins. Our laboratory has isolated a mutant strain of Pichia pastoris that shows enhanced secretion of many proteins. The mutant produces a modified version of Bgs13p. Our goal is to understand how the change in the Bgs13p function leads to improved secretion. Once the Bgs13p mechanism is illuminated, we should be able to apply this understanding to engineer new P. pastoris strains that efficiently produce and secrete life-saving recombinant proteins, providing medical and economic benefits

    Eating Disorder Behaviors Are Increasing: Findings from Two Sequential Community Surveys in South Australia

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    Background: evidence for an increase in the prevalence of eating disorders is inconsistent. Our aim was to determine change in the population point prevalence of eating disorder behaviors over a 10-year period. \ud \ud Methodology/Principal Findings: eating disorder behaviors were assessed in consecutive general population surveys of men and women conducted in 1995 (n = 3001, 72% respondents) and 2005 (n = 3047, 63.1% respondents). Participants were randomly sampled from households in rural and metropolitan South Australia. There was a significant (all p,0.01) and over two-fold increase in the prevalence of binge eating, purging (self-induced vomiting and/or laxative or diuretic misuse) and strict dieting or fasting for weight or shape control among both genders. The most common diagnosis in 2005 was either binge eating disorder or other ‘‘eating\ud disorders not otherwise specified’’ (EDNOS; n = 119, 4.2%). \ud \ud Conclusions/Significance: in this population sample the point prevalence of eating disorder behaviors increased over the past decade. Cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, as currently defined, remain uncommon

    Metabolomics in early life and the association with body composition at age 2 years

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    Funder: Danone Nutricia Research; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100015766Summary: Background and Objectives: Early life is a critical window for adiposity programming. Metabolic‐profile in early life may reflect this programming and correlate with later life adiposity. We investigated if metabolic‐profile at 3 months of age is predictive for body composition at 2 years and if there are differences between boys and girls and between infant feeding types. Methods: In 318 healthy term‐born infants, we determined body composition with skinfold measurements and abdominal ultrasound at 3 months and 2 years of age. High‐throughput‐metabolic‐profiling was performed on 3‐month‐blood‐samples. Using random‐forest‐machine‐learning‐models, we studied if the metabolic‐profile at 3 months can predict body composition outcomes at 2 years of age. Results: Plasma metabolite‐profile at 3 months was found to predict body composition at 2 years, based on truncal: peripheral‐fat‐skinfold‐ratio (T:P‐ratio), with a predictive value of 75.8%, sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 50%. Predictive value was higher in boys (Q2 = 0.322) than girls (Q2 = 0.117). Of the 15 metabolite variables most strongly associated with T:P‐ratio, 11 were also associated with visceral fat at 2 years of age. Conclusion: Several plasma metabolites (LysoPC(22:2), dimethylarginine and others) at 3 months associate with body composition outcome at 2 years. These results highlight the importance of the first months of life for adiposity programming