195 research outputs found

    Generalized momenta of mass and their applications to the flow of compressible fluid

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    We present a technique that allows to obtain certain results in the compressible fluid theory: in particular, it is a nonexistence result for the highly decreasing at infinity solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, the construction of the solutions with uniform deformation and the study of behavior of the boundary of a material volume of liquid.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Lyon, 2006, France. In pres

    Laser ablation modelling of aluminium, silver and crystalline silicon for applications in photovoltaic technologies

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    Laser material processing is being extensively used in photovoltaic applications for both the fabrication of thin film modules and the enhancement of the crystalline silicon solar cells. The two temperature model for thermal diffusion was numerically solved in this paper. Laser pulses of 1064, 532 or 248 nm with duration of 35, 26 or 10 ns were considered as the thermal source leading to the material ablation. Considering high irradiance levels (108–109 W cm−2), a total absorption of the energy during the ablation process was assumed in the model. The materials analysed in the simulation were aluminium (Al) and silver (Ag), which are commonly used as metallic electrodes in photovoltaic devices. Moreover, thermal diffusion was also simulated for crystalline silicon (c-Si). A similar trend of temperature as a function of depth and time was found for both metals and c-Si regardless of the employed wavelength. For each material, the ablation depth dependence on laser pulse parameters was determined by means of an ablation criterion. Thus, after the laser pulse, the maximum depth for which the total energy stored in the material is equal to the vaporisation enthalpy was considered as the ablation depth. For all cases, the ablation depth increased with the laser pulse fluence and did not exhibit a clear correlation with the radiation wavelength. Finally, the experimental validation of the simulation results was carried out and the ability of the model with the initial hypothesis of total energy absorption to closely fit experimental results was confirmed

    Heavy-fermion and spin-liquid behavior in a Kondo lattice with magnetic frustration

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    We study the competition between the Kondo effect and frustrating exchange interactions in a Kondo-lattice model within a large-N{\cal N} dynamical mean-field theory. We find a T=0 phase transition between a heavy Fermi-liquid and a spin-liquid for a critical value of the exchange Jc=TK0J_c = T_{K}^0, the single-impurity Kondo temperature. Close to the critical point, the Fermi liquid coherence scale TT^\star is strongly reduced and the effective mass strongly enhanced. The regime T>TT>T^\star is characterized by spin-liquid magnetic correlations and non-Fermi-liquid properties. It is suggested that magnetic frustration is a general mechanism which is essential to explain the large effective mass of some metallic compounds such as LiV2_2O4_4.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Late

    Anisotropic two-orbital Hubbard model: single-site versus cluster dynamical mean-field theory

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    The anisotropic two-orbital Hubbard model with different bandwidths and degrees of frustration in each orbital is investigated in the framework of both single-site dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) as well as its cluster extension (DCA) for clusters up to four sites combined with a continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo algorithm. This model shows a rich phase diagram which includes the appearance of orbital selective phase transitions, non-Fermi liquid behavior as well as antiferromagnetic metallic states. We discuss the advantages and drawbacks of employing the single-site DMFT with respect to DCA and the consequences for the physical picture obtained out of these calculations. Finally, we argue that such a minimal model may be of relevance to understand the nature of the antiferromagnetic metallic state in the iron-pnictide superconductors as well as the origin of the small staggered magnetization observed in these systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, and accepted in Annalen der Physi

    Oxide Heterostructures from a Realistic Many-Body Perspective

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    Oxide heterostructures are a new class of materials by design, that open the possibility for engineering challenging electronic properties, in particular correlation effects beyond an effective single-particle description. This short review tries to highlight some of the demanding aspects and questions, motivated by the goal to describe the encountered physics from first principles. The state-of-the-art methodology to approach realistic many-body effects in strongly correlated oxides, the combination of density functional theory with dynamical mean-field theory, will be briefly introduced. Discussed examples deal with prominent Mott-band- and band-band-insulating type of oxide heterostructures, where different electronic characteristics may be stabilized within a single architectured oxide material.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Magnetic Properties of Ab initio Model for Iron-Based Superconductors LaFeAsO

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    By using variational Monte Carlo method, we examine an effective low-energy model for LaFeAsO derived from an ab initio downfolding scheme. We show that quantum and many-body fluctuations near a quantum critical point largely reduce the antiferromagnetic (AF) ordered moment and the model not only quantitatively reproduces the small ordered moment in LaFeAsO, but also explains the diverse dependence on LaFePO, BaFe2As2 and FeTe. We also find that LaFeAsO is under large orbital fluctuations, sandwiched by the AF Mott insulator and weakly correlated metals. The orbital fluctuations and Dirac-cone dispersion hold keys for the diverse magnetic properties.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Satellites and large doping- and temperature-dependence of electronic properties in hole-doped BaFe2As2

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    Over the last years, superconductivity has been discovered in several families of iron-based compounds. Despite intense research, even basic electronic properties of these materials, such as Fermi surfaces, effective electron masses, or orbital characters are still subject to debate. Here, we address an issue that has not been considered before, namely the consequences of dynamical screening of the Coulomb interactions among Fe-d electrons. We demonstrate its importance not only for correlation satellites seen in photoemission spectroscopy, but also for the low-energy electronic structure. From our analysis of the normal phase of BaFe2As2 emerges the picture of a strongly correlated compound with strongly doping- and temperature-dependent properties. In the hole overdoped regime, an incoherent metal is found, while Fermi-liquid behavior is recovered in the undoped compound. At optimal doping, the self-energy exhibits an unusual square-root energy dependence which leads to strong band renormalizations near the Fermi level

    Orbital-selective Mott transitions: Heavy fermions and beyond

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    Quantum phase transitions in metals are often accompanied by violations of Fermi liquid behavior in the quantum critical regime. Particularly fascinating are transitions beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson concept of a local order parameter. The breakdown of the Kondo effect in heavy-fermion metals constitutes a prime example of such a transition. Here, the strongly correlated f electrons become localized and disappear from the Fermi surface, implying that the transition is equivalent to an orbital-selective Mott transition, as has been discussed for multi-band transition-metal oxides. In this article, available theoretical descriptions for orbital-selective Mott transitions will be reviewed, with an emphasis on conceptual aspects like the distinction between different low-temperature phases and the structure of the global phase diagram. Selected results for quantum critical properties will be listed as well. Finally, a brief overview is given on experiments which have been interpreted in terms of orbital-selective Mott physics.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figs, mini-review prepared for a special issue of JLT

    Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

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    The dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) is a widely applicable approximation scheme for the investigation of correlated quantum many-particle systems on a lattice, e.g., electrons in solids and cold atoms in optical lattices. In particular, the combination of the DMFT with conventional methods for the calculation of electronic band structures has led to a powerful numerical approach which allows one to explore the properties of correlated materials. In this introductory article we discuss the foundations of the DMFT, derive the underlying self-consistency equations, and present several applications which have provided important insights into the properties of correlated matter.Comment: Chapter in "Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems", edited by A. Avella and F. Mancini, Springer (2011), 31 pages, 5 figure

    All-optical switching in granular ferromagnets caused by magnetic circular dichroism

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    Magnetic recording using circularly polarised femto-second laser pulses is an emerging technology that would allow write speeds much faster than existing field driven methods. However, the mechanism that drives the magnetisation switching in ferromagnets is unclear. Recent theories suggest that the interaction of the light with the magnetised media induces an opto-magnetic field within the media, known as the inverse Faraday effect. Here we show that an alternative mechanism, driven by thermal excitation over the anisotropy energy barrier and a difference in the energy absorption depending on polarisation, can create a net magnetisation over a series of laser pulses in an ensemble of single domain grains. Only a small difference in the absorption is required to reach magnetisation levels observed experimentally and the model does not preclude the role of the inverse Faraday effect but removes the necessity that the opto-magnetic field is 10 s of Tesla in strength