30 research outputs found

    Primer registro de Chloridea (Heliothis) subflexa (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae) en uchuva en Brasil

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 267-272) : ilustraciones color.Chloridea (Heliothis) subflexa (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae) is a frugivorous and monophagous species with plant hosts in the genus Physalis. In the last few years, the subflexus straw moth became the main pest-insect in tomatillo crops (Physalis ixocarpa Brotero) in Mexico and cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) crops in Argentina. The objective was to provide the first record of C. subflexa on P. peruviana in Brazil. The specimens were collected in the larval stage and kept on a natural diet until reaching the adult stage. Species identification was carried out based on morphological criteria. Damage from C. subflexa on P. peruviana fruits cultivated in an organic system were recorded. This is the first record in Brazil.Chloridea (Heliothis) subflexa (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae) es una especie frugívora y monófoga con hospederos que consta de las plantas del género Physalis. En los últimos años, gusano del tomato de cascara se convirtió en la principal plagas-insectos en cultivos de tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa Brotero de México) y cultivo de la uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) en Argentina. El objetivo fue reportar el primer registro de C. subflexa en P. peruviana en Brasil. Los especímenes se recogieron en la fase larvaria y se mantuvieron en una dieta natural hasta llegar a la etapa adulta. La identificación de especies se realizó en base a criterios morfológicos. Se registraron la presencia y daños causados por C. subflexa en frutos de P. peruviana, producidos en un sistema orgánico. Este es el primer registro para Brasil.Bibliografía: páginas 270-27

    Production of phosphate biofertilizer through composting and vermicomposting process

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    The production of organic mineral fertilizers enriched with natural phosphates may increase the solubility of phosphorus, minimizing the dependence of acidulated phosphate fertilizers. In view of the above, the objective was to evaluate the bioavailability of nutrients due to the incorporation of phosphate sources through vermicomposting and composting. It was used a completely randomized design in a 4 x 3 factorial design, with five replicates and four sources of P (1 - Ammonium single superphosphate, 2 - Itafós phosphate, 3 - Araxá phosphate and 4 - termophosphate) and three methods of phosphorus sources addition in the production of organo-mineral fertilizer process: 1 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the beginning of the vermicomposting process (VPB), 2 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the end of the vermicomposting process (VPE) and 3 - Compound, non-vermicomposting, produced with addition of the P sources at the beginning of the composting process (CP). The addition of Araxá or Itafós natural phosphate in composting or after vermicomposting process leads to the production of an organo-mineral fertilizer with good availability of nutrients, such as calcium and phosphorus.The production of organic mineral fertilizers enriched with natural phosphates may increase the solubility of phosphorus, minimizing the dependence of acidulated phosphate fertilizers. In view of the above, the objective was to evaluate the bioavailability of nutrients due to the incorporation of phosphate sources through vermicomposting and composting. It was used a completely randomized design in a 4 x 3 factorial design, with five replicates and four sources of P (1 - Ammonium single superphosphate, 2 - Itafós phosphate, 3 - Araxá phosphate and 4 - termophosphate) and three methods of phosphorus sources addition in the production of organo-mineral fertilizer process: 1 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the beginning of the vermicomposting process (VPB), 2 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the end of the vermicomposting process (VPE) and 3 - Compound, non-vermicomposting, produced with addition of the P sources at the beginning of the composting process (CP). The addition of Araxá or Itafós natural phosphate in composting or after vermicomposting process leads to the production of an organo-mineral fertilizer with good availability of nutrients, such as calcium and phosphorus


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    The objective of this work was to observe the performance of creole genotypes of common bean and the limiting phytosanitary factors in three growing seasons in the organic system. Three trials were carried out, with plantations in October 2017, January 2018 and May 2018. A random experimental block design was used, consisting of 4 replicates and 10 treatments (commercial: BRS Esplendor (preto) and BRS Estilo (carioca), and the creoles: Amarelinho, Bolinha Vermelho, Cavalo Bolinha, Mouro, Paquinho, Palhacinho, Preto Jacaré and Roxão). The number of chrysomelidae damaged plants, whitefly nymph incidence, incidence of Bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV), thrips and heteropteran incidence were quantified. Besides, the grain mass and quality of grains (yield, normal grains, spotted grains and chocho grains) were measured. The first season of growing had the highest heteropteran incidence; BGMV was observed only on second season. Third season of sowing produced highest yield and lower insect incidence. Insect incidence varied between the genotypes at all data of sowing, with minor differences between the creoles and commercial materials. BGMV in second season prevented bean production in all genotypes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar o desempenho de genótipos crioulos de feijão e os fatores fitossanitários limitantes em três épocas de cultivo sob sistema de cultivo orgânico. Foram realizados três ensaios, com plantios em outubro de 2017, janeiro de 2018 e maio de 2018. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, composto por 4 repetições e 10 tratamentos (comercial: BRS Esplendor (preto) e BRS Estilo (carioca) e o crioulos: Amarelinho, Bolinha Vermelho, Cavalo Bolinha, Mouro, Paquinho, Palhacinho, Preto Jacaré e Roxão). Foram quantificados o número de plantas danificadas por crisomelídeos, incidência de ninfas de mosca-branca, incidência do vírus do mosaico dourado (BGMV), tripes e heterópteros. Além disso, a massa e a qualidade dos grãos (rendimento, grãos normais, grãos manchados e grãos chochos) foram avaliados. A maior incidência de heterópteros ocorreu na primeira época de cultivo. Enquanto o BGMV foi observado apenas na segunda época. As plantas cultivadas na terceira época de semeadura tiveram maior rendimento e menor incidência de insetos. A incidência de insetos variou entre os genótipos em todas as datas de semeadura, com pouca diferença entre os crioulos e os materiais comerciais. A ocorrência de BGMV na segunda safra impediu a produção de feijão em todos os genótipos

    Interacción entre fungicidas biológicos y químicos con polinizadores de tomate

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 425-435).El uso inapropiado de agroquímicos es perjudicial para las abejas que visitan los cultivos agrícolas, lo que reduce la producción por la afectación de la polinización y son pocos los estudios sobre este tema. El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar la incidencia de diferentes fungicidas sobre la visita de abejas en cultivos de tomate y sus efectos sobre la deposición de granos de polen en el estigma, número de semillas, masa y tamaño del fruto. Los experimentos consistieron en 10 tratamientos que fueron: (T1) tratamiento control sin agroquímicos; (T2 y T3) Bacillus subtilis en diferentes frecuencias de aplicación; (T4) hidróxido de cobre; (T5) B. subtilis e hidróxido de cobre; (T6) acibenzolar-S-metilo; (T7) trifloxistrobina+tebuconazol y B. subtilis; (T8) hidróxido de cobre + Mancozeb; (T9) propineb+(-trifloxistrobina+tebuconazol); (T10) trifloxistrobina+tebuconazol)+B. subtilis+hidróxido de cobre. Se determinó la presencia de la marca de polinización en la flor, la carga de polen en los estigmas, el número de semillas por fruto, y el tamaño y masa de los frutos en cada tratamiento. Posteriormente, se estimó la tasa de mortalidad de Melipona quadrifasciata expuesta a cuatro fungicidas (trifloxistrobina+tebuconazol, manganeso y zinc, hidróxido de cobre, Bacillus subtilis). La tasa de mortalidad de M. quadrifasciata en 24 horas de evaluación fue mayor en los tratamientos con hidróxido de cobre y trifloxistrobina+tebuconazol (75 y 50%, respectivamente). La tasa de mortalidad fue menor en los tratamientos con manganeso y zinc, Bacillus subtilis y el tratamiento de control. Los tratamientos con trifloxistrobina y tebuconazol redujeron la presencia de marcas de mordida y granos de polen en el estigma de las flores. Los frutos de los tratamientos control y con B. subtilis e hidróxido de cobre fueron más grandes y tuvieron mayor masa. Por lo tanto, un mayor número de aplicaciones de pesticidas en las plantas de tomate reducen las tasas de visitas de abejas en las flores y en consecuencia, la cantidad de granos de polen depositados en los estigmas afectando también la producción de los frutos.The use of agrochemicals is harmful to bees visiting agricultural crops, reducing production gains from pollination, but the effect of fungicides on these bees is not known. The objective of this study was to verify the effect of bee visitation influenced by different fungicides on the tomato crop and on the deposition of pollen grains on the stigma, number of seeds, mass and fruit size. The experiment was conducted with 10 treatments: (T1) control treatment, without application of agrochemicals; (T2 and T3) Bacillus subtilis in different application frequencies; (T4) copper hydroxide; (T5) B. subtilis and copper hydroxide; (T6) acibenzolar-S-methyl; (T7) (trifloxystrobin+tebuconazole) and B. subtilis; (T8) copper hydroxide+Mancozeb; (T9) propineb+(trifloxystrobin+ tebuconazole); (T10) (trifloxystrobin+tebuconazole)+B. subtilis+copper hydroxide. The presence of the pollination mark on the flower, the pollen load of the stigmas, the number of seeds per fruit, and the size and mass of the fruits were determined in each treatment. Subsequently, the mortality rate of Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Apidae) exposed to four fungicides (trifloxystrobin+tebuconazole; manganese and zinc; copper hydroxide; Bacillus subtilis) was estimated. The mortality rate of M. quadrifasciata over 24 h of evaluation was higher in the treatments with copper hydroxide and trifloxystrobin+tebuconazole (75 and 50%, respectively). The mortality rate was lower in the treatments with manganese and zinc and Bacillus subtilis and in the control treatment. The treatments with trifloxystrobin+tebuconazole reduced the presence of bite marks on the flowers and of pollen grains on the flower stigma. The fruits of the control treatments and treatments with B. subtilis and copper hydroxide were larger and had greater mass, as compared to other agrochemicals. Thus, a higher number of pesticide applications on the tomatoes reduced bee visitation rates to the flowers and, consequently, reduced the amount of pollen grains deposited on the stigmas, also reducing the fruit production.Bibliografía: páginas 434-43


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    The sexual spread of the araticum has some limiting factors caused by the dormancy of its seeds. Thus, research involving different techniques of propagating it becomes necessary. Given the above, the objective was to estimate the effect of different doses of indolbutyric acid (IBA), types of cuttings and substrates on the adventitious rooting of araticum. Six tests were carried out evaluating the factors: time of collection; doses of indolbutyric acid; substrates; and cuttings of different consistencies, size, and number of leaves. In experiments with surviving cuttings, the number of leaves and shoots per cut was evaluated; percentage of live cuttings;   callus   stakes;   rooted   cuttings;   root system length; number of roots per cuttings; and mass of fresh and dry matter of the root system. In the araticum, the time of year is one of the main factors that affect the percentage of live cuttings, with calluses, and rooted; and the semi-hardwood consistency of the cuttings are more viable for their propagation by the cutting method.  La propagación sexual del araticum tiene algunos factores limitantes causados por la latencia de sus semillas. Por lo tanto, la investigación que involucra diferentes técnicas de propagación se hace necesaria. Dado lo anterior, el objetivo era estimar el efecto de diferentes dosis de ácido indolbutírico (IBA), tipos de esquejes y sustratos sobre el enraizamiento adventicio del araticum. Se llevaron a cabo seis pruebas para evaluar los factores: tiempo de recolección; dosis de ácido indolbutírico; sustratos; y esquejes de diferentes consistencias, tamaño y número de hojas. En experimentos con esquejes sobrevivientes, se evaluó el número de hojas y brotes por corte; porcentaje de esquejes vivos; estacas de callos; esquejes enraizados; longitud del sistema raíz; número de raíces por esquejes; y masa de materia fresca y seca del sistema radicular. En el araticum, la época del año es uno de los principales factores que afectan el porcentaje de esquejes vivos, con callos y enraizados; y la consistencia semi-madera dura de los esquejes es más viable para su propagación por el método de corte.  A propagação sexuada do araticum apresenta alguns fatores limitantes causados pela dormência das suas sementes. Assim, tornam-se necessárias pesquisas que envolvam diferentes técnicas de propagá-lo. Diante do exposto, objetivou-se estimar o efeito de diferentes doses de ácido indolbutírico (AIB), tipos de estacas e substratos no enraizamento adventício de araticum. Foram realizados seis ensaios avaliando os fatores: época de coleta; doses de ácido indolbutírico; substratos; e estacas de diferentes consistências, tamanho, e quantidade de folhas. Nos experimentos com estacas sobreviventes avaliaram-se o número de folhas e brotos por estaca; porcentagem de estacas vivas; estacas com calo; estacas enraizadas; comprimento do sistema radicular; número de raízes por estacas; e massa de matéria fresca e seca do sistema radicular. No araticum a época do ano constitui-se como um dos principais fatores que interferem na porcentagem de estacas vivas, com calos, e enraizadas; e a consistência semilenhosa das estacas são mais viáveis para a sua propagação pelo método de estaquia.         

    Film coating of tomato seeds of the associated paclobutrazol

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    Submitted by Cláudia Bueno ([email protected]) on 2016-01-07T17:24:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Aniela Pilar Campos de Melo - 2013.pdf: 1506697 bytes, checksum: 5ac2152a8b7efed137db87b494635916 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2016-01-08T11:24:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Aniela Pilar Campos de Melo - 2013.pdf: 1506697 bytes, checksum: 5ac2152a8b7efed137db87b494635916 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-08T11:24:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Aniela Pilar Campos de Melo - 2013.pdf: 1506697 bytes, checksum: 5ac2152a8b7efed137db87b494635916 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-06Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqSeed treatment with paclobutrazol should be enhanced and coating technologies, such as film coating can be applied uniformly and promising to fix this regulator in the seed coat without allowing a contact damaging the embryo. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the technical feasibility of the film coating tomato seeds with paclobutrazol on seed physiological potential and the implications on the growth of seedlings. The research was carried out in the Laboratory of the “Setor de Horticultura” and at nursery seedling of “Setor de Manejo Integrado de Pragas” of “Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos” from March to October 2012. Three experiments were conducted. First, to define the best dosage of polymer coating, the treatments were arranged in a 2 x 4 factorial, with two cultivars (Santa Clara and Kada Gigante) and four concentrations of polymer Disc AG Red L-203® (0, 50, 100 and 150 mL kg-1 seed). In the second, with the polymer concentration established, the potential adhesive film coating for seed treatment with paclobutrazol was determined through a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, presence or absence of the coating polymer Disc AG Red L-203® (0 and 150 ml kg-1 seed) and four paclobutrazol concentration PBZ (0, 35, 70 and 105 mg L-1). In the third, the tomato seed conditioning with PBZ (50 mg L-1) and coating polymer Disc AG Red L-203® (150 mL kg-1 seed) were evaluated. The film coating promotes negative effects on germination of cultivar Santa Clara. The cultivate Kada Gigante obtained a superior performance to Santa Clara as the emergence of seedlings. The use of hydrophilic polymer (150 ml kg-1 seed) increased 4% seedling emergence compared to control. The PBZ resulted in reductions in 27% germination, 8% seedling emergence, 19% seedling height, 20% leaf area and in increase in the detection of chlorophyll of 24%, compared to control. Imbibition of seeds with PBZ, even with the presence of the polymer coating, harmed the speed of germination and seedling emergence. In conclusion, the effect of film coating on the germination of tomato seeds depends on the cultivar. The seed physiological potential can increased by the use of polymer coating, although it does not occur for the production of seedlings. PBZ is effective in seedling growth control, but affect the germination and seed vigor. The film coating as a vehicle for fixation of paclobutrazol is not indicated due to maintenance of reduced seedling emergence.O tratamento de sementes com paclobutrazol deve ser aprimorado e tecnologias de recobrimento, como a peliculização, podem ser promissoras para aplicar uniformemente fixar este regulador no tegumento das sementes sem permitir um contato prejudicial ao embrião. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu em avaliar a viabilidade técnica da peliculização de sementes de tomate associada ao paclobutrazol sob o comportamento fisiológico de sementes e as implicações no crescimento de mudas. A pesquisa foi conduzida no Laboratório do Setor de Horticultura e em casa de vegetação do Setor de Manejo Integrado de Pragas da Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos, de março a outubro de 2012. Foram conduzidos três experimentos. Primeiramente, os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, sendo duas cultivares (Santa Clara e Kada Gigante) e quatro concentrações do polímero Disco AG Red L-203® (0, 50, 100 e 150 mL kg-1 de semente) para definição da melhor dose de polímero de revestimento. No segundo, com a dose de polímero estabelecida, o potencial adesivo da peliculização para o tratamento de sementes com paclobutrazol foi determinado por meio de um arranjo fatorial 2 x 4, sendo presença ou ausência do polímero de revestimento Disco AG Red L-203® (0 e 150 mL kg-1 semente) e quatro concentrações de paclobutrazol - PBZ (0, 35, 70 e 105 mg L-1). No terceiro, o condicionamento de sementes de tomate com PBZ (50 mg L-1) e polímero de revestimento Disco AG Red L-203® (150 mL kg-1 de semente) foram avaliados. A peliculização prejudicou a germinação de sementes da cultivar Santa Clara. A cultivar Kada Gigante obteve um desempenho superior a Santa Clara quanto à emergência de plântulas. O uso de polímero hidrofílico (150 mL kg-1 de semente) aumentou 4% a emergência de plântulas, em relação ao controle. O PBZ propiciou reduções de 27% na germinação, 8% na emergência de plântulas, 19% na altura de parte aérea, 20% na área foliar e aumento de 24% na detecção de clorofila, em relação ao controle. A embebição de sementes com PBZ, mesmo com a presença do polímero de revestimento, prejudicou a velocidade de germinação e a emergência de plântulas. Conclui-se que o efeito da peliculização na germinação de sementes de tomate depende da cultivar utilizada. O potencial fisiológico pode ser incrementado pelo uso de polímeros de revestimento, sendo que isto não ocorre para a produção de mudas. O PBZ é eficiente no condicionamento da altura de mudas, mas prejudica a germinação e o vigor de sementes. A peliculização como veículo para fixação do PBZ não é indicada devido à manutenção da redução da emergência de plântulas

    Estádio de maturação de frutos e remoção física da sarcotesta na produção de mudas de mamão

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    The use of quality seedlings is important to the successful implementation of the cultivation of papaya. However, the presence of sarcotesta in seed dormancy and post-harvest fruit can harm the seedling production on a commercial scale. This way, in-house vegetation, was evaluated in the emergence and development of papaya seedlings the effects of combination of fruit ripening stage and physical methods of removing the sarcotesta. Adopted the completely randomized design, in factorial 2 x 4, with two stages of maturation (3 or 5) and four methods of extraction of the sarcotesta (witness, pressure on sieve under running water, friction in coarse sand or smear with thick plastic bristle brush). The maturation stage 3 was the most suitable for the extraction of seeds for the production of seedlings. The presence of the sarcotesta negatively affected the percentage and the emergency speed index, and root growth.  The pressure in sieve under running water, rubbing with coarse sand and smear brush with plastic bristles are suitable methods for removal of sarcotesta of papaya seeds.O uso de mudas de qualidade é primordial para o sucesso na implantação do cultivo do mamoeiro. Entretanto, a presença da sarcotesta nas sementes e a dormência pós-colheita de frutos podem prejudicar a produção de mudas em escala comercial. Desta forma, em casa-de- vegetação, avaliou-se na emergência e no desenvolvimento de mudas de mamoeiro os efeitos da combinação entre o estádio de maturação de frutos e métodos físicos de remoção da sarcotesta. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, com dois estádios de maturação (3 e 5) e quatro métodos de remoção da sarcotesta (testemunha, pressão em peneira com água corrente, fricção em areia grossa e esfregaço com escova de cerdas plásticas grossas). O estádio de maturação 3 foi o mais apropriado para a extração de sementes visando a produção de mudas. A presença da sarcotesta afetou negativamente a porcentagem e o índice de velocidade de emergência, e o crescimento radicular.  A pressão em peneira com água corrente, a fricção com areia grossa e o esfregaço com escova de cerdas plásticas são métodos adequados para remoção da sarcotesta de sementes de mamão.Stages of maturity and removal of physical sarcotesta on seedling emergence anddevelopment of papayaAbstractThe use of quality seedlings is important to the successful implementation of the cultivation ofpapaya. However, the presence of sarcotesta in seed dormancy and post-harvest fruit can harmthe seedling production on a commercial scale. This way, in-house vegetation, was evaluated inthe emergence and development of papaya seedlings the effects of combination of fruit ripeningstage and physical methods of removing the sarcotesta. Adopted the completely randomizeddesign, in factorial 2 x 4, with two stages of maturation (3 or 5) and four methods of extraction of thesarcotesta (witness, pressure on sieve under running water, friction in coarse sand or smear with thickplastic bristle brush). The maturation stage 3 was the most suitable for the extraction of seeds for theproduction of seedlings. The presence of the sarcotesta negatively affected the percentage andthe emergency speed index, and root growth. The pressure in sieve under running water, rubbingwith coarse sand and smear brush with plastic bristles are suitable methods for removal of sarcotestaof papaya seeds

    Caracterização física e química de frutos de araçá (Psidium guineense Swartz)

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    There is a recent interest for the industrial exploitation of the fruits of Psidium guineense Swartz due to the exotic flavor, antioxidant capacity and good consumer acceptance. Considering the lack of information in the literature on physical and chemical parameters of fruits of araçá, aimed to determine these attributes in terms of three classes of ripening fruit (light green, yellowish green and yellow). The physical variables studied were: weight of whole fruit, pulp weight, weight of seed + endocarp, pulp yield, longitudinal diameter, transverse diameter, the relationship between longitudinal and transverse diameter and chemical characteristics: titratable acidity, soluble solids and total soluble solids/titratable acidity. The maturity stages of fruits were not influenced parameters related to the mean weight of whole fruit and share tissue and pulp yield. Yellow fruits are suitable for fresh consumption because of the format, low acidity and high SST/ATT. The araçá has limitations for industrialization due to the low pulp yield and low acidity, and thus may require acidification during processing.Há um recente interesse para o aproveitamento industrial de frutos de Psidium guineense Swartz devido ao sabor exótico, potencial antioxidante e boa aceitação pelos consumidores. Considerando-se a ausência de informações na literatura relativa aos parâmetros físicos e químicos de frutos de araçá, objetivou-se determinar esses atributos em função de três classes de maturação de frutos (verde claro, verde amarelado e amarelado). As variáveis físicas estudadas foram: massa do fruto inteiro, massa de polpa, massa de endocarpo+semente, rendimento de polpa, diâmetro longitudinal, diâmetro transversal, relação entre diâmetro longitudinal e transversal e as características químicas: acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis totais e relação sólidos solúveis totais/acidez total titulável. Os estádios de maturação dos frutos não influenciaram os parâmetros relacionados a massa média de frutos inteiros e de partes tissulares, e rendimento de polpa. Frutos amarelados são apropriados para consumo in natura devido ao formato, baixa acidez e alta relação SST/ATT. O araçá tem limitações para industrialização devido ao baixo rendimento de polpa e baixa acidez, e assim pode exigir acidificação durante o processamento