14 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengetahui kendala implementasi penguatan profil pelajar pancasila dimensi nilai karakter mandiri dalam menumbuhkan budaya akademik siswa kelas IV. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari siswa kelas IV, guru kelas dan kepala sekolah. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Miles dan Hubberman. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan implementasi penanaman nilai karakter mandiri sebagai budaya akademik berjalan dengan baik dengan kegiatan diluar pembelajaran pembelajaran seperti: mengisi mading, lomba cerdas cermat; kegiatan didalam proses pembelajaran seperti: literasi baca, tanya jawab dan forum diskusi. Namun terdapat beberapa kendala seperti kurangnya perhatian dan arahan orang tua, kurangnya koordinasi guru dan orang tua siswa, serta pengaruh lingkungan sekitar seperti banyak teman bermain handphone yang mengakibatkan rasa malas


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    The purpose of this research is to find out whether the use of the problem based learning model assisted by the snakes and ladders game has an influence on problem solving abilities in mathematics learning of class IV students at Blimbing State Elementary School, Gatak District, Sukoharjo Regency for the 2023/2024 academic year. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods, which means comparing the results of a treatment with no treatment. As a result, this research used 2 groups as research samples, namely the experimental group from SD Negeri Blimbing 02 with 12 students and the control group from SD Blimbing 03 with 17 students. The data collection technique used in this research was tests and documentation with the research instrument being an essay test. which consists of 10 questions and is carried out in two stages, namely before treatment (pretest) and after treatment (posttest). The data analysis technique in this research is divided into two stages, namely the initial stage and the final stage with normality tests and homogeneity tests as prerequisite tests for analysis. The initial stage analysis was carried out by a balance test, while the final stage analysis was carried out by a t-test (Independent Sample T-Test) with a significance level of 5% or 0,05. Based on the prerequisite test results, the analysis shows that the data is normally distributed and homogeneous. The initial stage of data analysis was carried out through a balance test which resulted in a sig (2-tailed) = 0,2248 with tcount = -1.181 and ttable = 2,052, which means that both groups had balanced problem solving abilities. Meanwhile, the final stage of data analysis was carried out using a t-test which obtained a sig value (2-tailed) = 0,032 with tcount = 2,261 and ttable = 2,052. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of the use of the problem based learning model assisted by the snakes and ladders game on problem solving abilities in mathematics learning of class IV students at Blimbing State Elementary School, Gatak District, Sukoharjo Regency for the 2023/2024 academic year

    Mendeley Dekstop Training For Improving Elementary School Teacher Competence In SDN 1 Wadunggates Klaten

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    This study has a goal to improve the competence of elementary school teachers at SD N 1 Wadunggates Klaten through virtual citation training using Mendeley. The methods used in this community service included lecturing, implementation of Mendeley Desktop, practice, assignments, and questions and answers. Then, the partner school was involved to play an active role through various activities and training to be implemented. The training activities carried out in this community service showed that, after the implementation of the Mendeley training, the knowledge of the teachers significantly increased. It appears that most of them have acquired sufficient additional knowledge. Mendeley training can be a supporting means of making good and appropriate scientific references

    Role of Teachers Class as A Motivator and Guidance Students in Education of Discipline Character Through Movement of School Literation According to Nawacita in Elementary School of Gabus 01 Pati 2017/2018 Academic Year

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the role of class teachers as motivators and mentors in disciplined character education and to know the factors that hinder the formation of the character of students of Elementary School Of Gabus 01 Pati 2017/2018 Academic Year.This research is a descriptive qualitative research conducted at the Elementary School Of Gabus 01 Pati. The subjects of this study were students from grade 1 to 3 of Elementary School Of Gabus 01 Pati as many as 6 students and 3 class teachers, namely first grade to third grade teachers. The instruments used were interviewed, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a model according to Miles & Huberman using a descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study are the role of class teachers as motivators are very important in the formation of the character of student discipline, the teacher provides motivation or encouragement to students in the form of rewards / praise, open to the work of students, provide forms of competition, and give punishment to students who are not disciplined orderly school. The role of the teacher as a mentor, the guidance given to students is tutoring, social and personal guidance. Providing guidance to students is not only during lessons, but guidance is also given during literacy activities. While the inhibiting factors in the formation of the character of student discipline are internal and external factors. Internal factors that inhibit the formation of the students' character, discipline are innate, lack of awareness and interest of students. Whereas external factors that hinder the formation of student discipline, character are environmental factors outside of school such as family, play environment, and community


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    The purpose of this study are 1) describe of the initial conditions of the practicum in a Primary School District of  Bendosari to improve the understanding of  the material and activate learners’ understanding; 2) The design prototype model of  lab-based science JAS applied in a Primary School District of Bendosari; 3) The final form of the model design lab-based science JAS applied in a Primary School District of  Bendosari. This research is the development, conducted in sub-district elementary Bendosari Festive Year 2015/2016. In this research, the techniques were the development of needs analysis and design study model. The results in this study are the 1) Initial Condition form of characteristic learning model integrative who can not equip students in the control and learning science is: a model that contains the syntax: Mastery of  the science material and mastery of  practical science-based tracking the nature (JAS). 2) The initial design of  models of lab-based science tracking the nature (JAS) in the form of a syllabus, lesson plans, and worksheets. 3) In the vote on the model validator lab stated that lab model design based science used tracking the nature (JAS) can be used through the revision stage.Keywords: Practicum, Natural Sciences, JAS (Roaming Neighborhood Nature

    Design of Teaching and Learning Materials based on the Values of Local Heroic Struggle in Sukoharjo

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    Development of learning materials is one of subjects in the Department of Elementary School Teacher Education of Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo. This research aims to develop learning materials based on the value of local heroic struggle in Sukoharjo. This research is done using Plomb development model; the steps are: 1) preliminary investigation; 2) design; 3) realization/construction; 4) test, evaluation, revision, and; 5) implementation. Preliminary investigation consists of literature review, field survey and product drafting. Literature review was carried out by analyzing documents, from teaching plans, and subject books used by the lecturer. Field survey was carried out through observation in all colleges in Surakarta. The survey is conducted to obtain the information of learning materials used for teaching, learning strategies, and essence of local heroism. The learning material development aims to determine the expectation of lecturers in teaching and learning subject. Data were obtained by questionnaire, interview, documents, and group discussion. Data obtained from questionnaire were analyzed with the percentage and the other data were analyzed using qualitative, descriptive technique. Survey shows that: 1) most of the lecturers use proper learning materials; 2) strategies to maximize lecturers productivity drafting learning materials are through discussion, workshop, and practice of learning materials drafting; 3) the researcher expects that the books of this development boost the learning motivation of the students in the Department of Elementary School Teacher Education


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pendidikan karakter yang termuat pada buku tematik kelas IV Sekolah Dasar tema Indahnya Keragaman di Negeriku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian diskriptif kualitatif. Data berupa data kualitatif mengenai pendidikan karakter yang termuat pada buku tematik. Sumber data buku tematik kelas IV Sekolah Dasar tema Indahnya Keragaman di Negeriku pengarang Heny Kusumawati, S.SI terbitan kemendikbud edisi revisi tahun 2017. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dilakukan dengan mencari dan mengumpulkan data mengenai pendidikan karakter dalam buku tematik kelas IV Sekolah Dasar tema Indahnya Keragaman di Negeriku dan jurnal. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada lima implementasi pendidikan karakter yaitu Pelaksanaan Mengajarkan, Pelaksanaan Keteladanan, Pelaksanaan Menentukan Prioritas, Pelaksanaan Praksis Prioritas, Pelaksanaan Refleksi

    Menumbuhkan budaya literasi siswa sekolah dasar melalui pembuatan perpustakaan sains

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    Pengabdian ini memiliki tujuan untuk: 1) SD N Mulur 01 memiliki perpustakaan sains,2) Menumbuhkan budaya literasi di lingkungan Sekolah SD N Mulur 01 Bendosari sebesar 70%  kegiatan berkunjung siswa ke perpustakaan meningkat. 3) Berkolaborasi dengan guru untuk memanfaatkan perpustakaan sains sebagai salah satu sumber belajar.Kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa implementasi program yaitu tim pengabdian berkolaborasi dengan mahasiswa memberikan penyuluhan dan membuat perpustakaan sains dengan koleksi Ensiklopedia IPA sejumlah 20 buku dan 10 koleksi Buku Permainan Tangram Matematika . hasil yang diperoleh adalah 1)  SD N Mulur 01 memiliki perpustakaan sains dengan koleksi Ensiklopedia IPA sejumlah 20 buku dan 10 koleksi Buku Permainan Tangram Matematika., 2) budaya literasi di SD N Mulur 01 meningkat 80% ditandai dengan banyaknya jumlah pengunjung perpustakaan setiap harinya.3) pemanfaatan buku di pepustakaan sains sebagai buku ajar siswa.