118 research outputs found

    Maturity stages of 'Kumagai' and 'Pedro Sato' guava fruits for fresh cut

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    O ponto de colheita Ă© um dos fatores mais importantes no processamento mĂ­nimo de goiabas. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o estĂĄdio de maturação ideal para o processamento mĂ­nimo de goiabas 'Kumagai' e 'Pedro Sato'. Os frutos de ambas as variedades foram colhidos em trĂȘs estĂĄdios de maturação, definidos pela coloração da casca em verde, verde-claro e verde-amarelado. As goiabas foram sanitizadas, refrigeradas, processadas em rodelas, acondicionadas em bandejas envoltas com filme de PVC e armazenadas a 5±1°C e 80±5% UR. AnĂĄlises fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas e sensoriais foram realizadas no inĂ­cio do experimento e a cada trĂȘs dias, durante nove dias. As goiabas colhidas e processadas nos estĂĄdios de maturação mais avançados apresentaram intensa perda de firmeza e escurecimento da polpa na regiĂŁo da placenta, caracterĂ­sticas comuns de senescĂȘncia. PorĂ©m, foram os tratamentos que receberam as maiores notas na anĂĄlise sensorial de aparĂȘncia. JĂĄ as goiabas do estĂĄdio verde obtiveram notas abaixo do limite de aceitabilidade durante as avaliaçÔes. Portanto, os estĂĄdios verde-claro e verde-amarelado sĂŁo indicados ao processamento mĂ­nimo de goiabas. PorĂ©m, hĂĄ necessidade de associar tĂ©cnicas de controle da senescĂȘncia visando a aumentar sua vida Ăștil.The harvest point is one of the most important factors to minimal processing of guavas. The objective of this research was to determine the ideal maturity stage of 'Kumagai' and 'Pedro Sato' guavas for fresh-cut. Both varieties of guavas fruits were harvested in three maturity stages defined by the skin color in green, light-green and yellowish-green. Guavas were sanitized, refrigerated, processed in round slices, packed in trays with PVC film and stored at 5±1°C e 80±5% RH. Physical-chemical and sensorial analyses took place in the beginning of the experiment and every three days during nine days. Guavas in advanced maturity stages showed severe loss of firmness and browning of the pulp, which are characteristics of senescence. However, these treatments had the highest grades for the sensorial analysis of appearance. Already, guavas at green maturity stage showed low acceptability grades during evaluations. Therefore, the light-green and yellowish-green maturity stages are indicates to the minimal processing of guavas. However, it is necessary to involve technical control of senescence to increase the shelf life of fresh-cut guava

    Effects of storage and solvent type in a lipophylic chemical profile of the seaweed Dictyota menstrualis

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    Os extratos brutos de espĂ©cimes da alga parda D. menstrualis, conhecida por produzir diterpenos como principais metabĂłlitos secundĂĄrios, foram analisados quanto ao modo de armazenamento antes da extração e tipo de solvente utilizado na obtenção do extrato bruto. Os solventes utilizados foram uma mistura diclorometano:metanol (2:1) e acetona. Os espĂ©cimes de D. menstrualis foram submetidos a trĂȘs formas de armazenamento, denominados fresco, seco e congelado. NĂŁo foram observadas diferenças qualitativas nas amostras obtidas de quaisquer dos extratos brutos na anĂĄlise por CG/EM, sendo compostas pelos diterpenos pachydictyol A (I), 6-hidroxi-dichotoma-3,14-dieno-1,17-dial (II), 6-hidroxi-2,7-cicloxenia-3,14-dieno-1,17-dial (III) e 6-acetoxi-dichotoma-3,14-dieno-1,17-dial (IV). Os resultados indicaram que a extração mais eficaz para os componentes de mĂ©dia polaridade de D. menstrualis foi obtida com o uso de acetona, que promoveu extração mais seletiva, mesmo apresentando menor rendimento em massa. Quanto Ă  forma de armazenamento das algas, foi constatado que as metodologias nĂŁo diferiram significativamente entre si, apesar da tendĂȘncia de algas congeladas fornecerem o menor rendimento no total de diterpenos. Portanto, nos trabalhos envolvendo anĂĄlises quĂ­micas de extratos brutos de macroalgas marinhas, a escolha do solvente de extração deve ser considerada como fator importante na varredura de substĂąncia bioativas.Crude extracts from specimens of the brown seaweed Dictyota menstrualis, known to produce diterpenes as their major secondary metabolites, were analyzed according to storage procedures before extraction, and the solvent types used to obtain the crude extracts. The specimens of D. menstrualis were submitted to three types of storage procedures, such as wet, dry, and frozen and were extracted with a mixture of dichloromethane:methanol (2:1) and acetone. Qualitative differences were not observed by GC/MS analyses of all crude extracts containing mainly the diterpenes pachydictyol A (I), 6-hydroxy-dichotoma-3,14-diene-1,17-dial (II), 6-hydroxy-2,7-cycloxenia-3,14-diene-1,17-dial (III), and 6-acetoxy-dichotoma-3,14-diene-1,17-dial (IV). The most efficient and selective extraction of the compounds with intermediate polarity produced by D. menstrualis was obtained using acetone, but with less mass production. In general, the storage procedures produced very similar results, but the frozen samples furnished low amount of total diterpenes. According to these results on chemical analysis of crude extracts of seaweeds, the choice of solvent to extraction should be considered as important aspect to better screening bioactive compounds

    La primauté du droit : la situation des immigrants et des réfugiés en droit canadien au regard des Chartes et des textes internationaux

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    The « rule of law » which for a long time was considered as an unwritten part of the Constitution now enjoys full constitutional status. Its enshrining in the preamble of the Canadian Charter sheds considerable light on the manner in which the rights and freedoms of the Charter should be perceived. The author opens his discussion by examining the impact that the constitutionalization of the « rule of law » has had on immigrants and refugees in Canada. As the Immigration Act of 1976 confers numerous discretionary powers which could result in their abusive use, the author analyses how the Human Rights charters applicable in Canada and in Quebec can insure the legal protection of immigrants and refugees. In the second part of his study, the author discusses the principal international texts ratified by Canada which have as their purpose the protection of the rights of immigrants and refugees. As international law is not « self-enforcing » in Canada, the author shows how the internal legal community conforms to the international obligations contracted by Canada


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    The title compound, C9H8Br2N2O3, is planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.030 Å) with the exception of the terminal methyl group which lies out of the plane [1.219 (3) Å]. The conformation about the C=N double bond [1.268 (3) Å] is E. An intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond occurs. Linear supra­molecular chains along the b axis mediated by O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions feature in the crystal structure. These chains are also stabilized by weak C—H⋯N contacts

    Conocimiento nutricional y hĂĄbitos alimenticios de la SelecciĂłn Brasileña de FĂștbol Sala

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    Introduction: Futsal is a sport that requires nutritional support to support the high-energy expenditure and significant loss of fluids and electrolytes during training and matches. It is important that high-level athletes follow appropriate, evidence-based nutrition. To our knowledge, there is a lack of data on the eating habits and nutrition knowledge of Futsal players. Therefore, this study aims to describe the nutritional knowledge and eating habits of players of the national Brazilian Futsal Team. A secondary aim was to translate the Abridged Nutrition for Sport Questionnaire into Portuguese for use in Portuguese-speaking athletes. Material and methods: This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study. The evaluations were carried out during the preparation period of the Brazilian Futsal Team for the FIFA Futsal World Cup 2020 qualifiers.  We evaluated anthropometry (weight, height, body mass index) nutritional knowledge (assessed using a translated version of the Abridged Nutrition for Sport Knowledge Questionnaire) and eating habits (assessed using a validated Brazilian FFQ), as well as supplement use. The translation of the ANSKQ was undertaken using previous validated forward-backward translation procedures. Results: The mean total correct score on the ANSKQ was 12 out of a possible 35 (34.45%). The mean total correct score on the ANSKQ was 12 out of a possible 35 (34.45%). Players had a statistically significantly higher score for “General Nutrition” knowledge than Sports Nutrition Knowledge (47.27% vs 28.53%, p<0.005). Futsal players had infrequent consumption of the food group "Milk and dairy products", and frequent consumption of "Snacks" as well as fruits. Regarding dietary supplements, 46% of athletes said they consume, or previously consumed, with Whey Protein being the most common supplement. Conclusions: There is room from improvement in athletes nutrition knowledge, especially sports specific knowledge. Futsal players may also require education on appropriate supplement use and dietary intake.IntroducciĂłn: El fĂștbol sala es un deporte que requiere un apoyo nutricional para soportar el alto gasto energĂ©tico y pĂ©rdida significativa de lĂ­quidos y electrolitos durante los entrenamientos y partidos. Por tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo describir el conocimiento nutricional y los hĂĄbitos alimenticios de los jugadores de la SelecciĂłn Brasileña de FĂștbol Sala. Un objetivo secundario fue traducir el Cuestionario abreviado de conocimiento sobre NutriciĂłn para el deporte (ANSKQ) para su uso en atletas que hablan portuguĂ©s. Material y mĂ©todos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Las evaluaciones ocurrieron durante el perĂ­odo de preparaciĂłn de la SelecciĂłn Brasileña de FĂștbol Sala para las eliminatorias del Mundial de FĂștbol Sala FIFA 2020. Evaluamos la antropometrĂ­a (peso, altura, Ă­ndice de masa corporal), el conocimiento nutricional (versiĂłn traducida del ANSKQ) y los hĂĄbitos alimentarios (FFQ brasileño validado), asĂ­ como el uso de suplementos. La traducciĂłn del ANSKQ se llevĂł a cabo utilizando procedimientos de traducciĂłn previamente validados. Resultados: La puntuaciĂłn media de aciertos en el ANSKQ fue de 12 (de 35) (34.45%). Los jugadores obtuvieron una puntuaciĂłn estadĂ­sticamente significativa mĂĄs alta en el conocimiento de “NutriciĂłn general” que en el Conocimiento de nutriciĂłn deportiva (47,27% frente a 28,53%, p <0,005). Los jugadores de fĂștbol sala tenĂ­an un consumo poco frecuente del grupo "Leche y productos lĂĄcteos", y un consumo frecuente de "Snacks" y frutas. A respecto de los suplementos alimenticios, el 46% de los deportistas afirmaron consumir, o haber consumido, siendo la proteĂ­na de suero el suplemento mĂĄs habitual. Conclusiones: Hay margen de mejora en el conocimiento nutricional de los atletas, especialmente en los conocimientos especĂ­ficos de nutriciĂłn deportiva. Los jugadores de fĂștbol sala tambiĂ©n pueden requerir orientaciĂłn sobre el uso apropiado de suplementos y la ingesta dietĂ©tica

    Xantonas Prendadas de Rheedia acuminata (GUTTIFERAE)

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    Pyranojacareubin; 1,5-dihydroxy-6\',6\'-dimethyl-2H-pyran(2,,3\':6,7) -6",6"-dime-thyl-2H,4H-pyran(2",3":2,3)xanthone and a new xanthone l,6-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-6\',6\'-dime-thyl-2H-pyran(2\',3\':3,2)-7-(3,3-dimethylprop-2-enyl)xanthone were isolated from the ether extract of the root bark of Rheedia acuminata together with friedelin and friedelanol.Piranojacareubina; 1,5-diidroxi-6\',6\'-dimetil-2H-pirano(2\',3\':6,7)-6",6"-dimetil-2H,4H(2",3":2,3)xantona e uma xantona inédita 1,6-diidroxi-5-metoxi-6,6\'-dimetil-2H-pirano(2\',3\':3,2)-7-(3,3-dimetilprop-2-enil) xantona foram isoladas do extrato etÚreo da casca da raiz de Rheedia acuminata além de friedelina e friedelanol

    Development of a risk score for earlier diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in children

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    Objective To develop a clinical score for the early identification of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children and adolescents. The early diagnosis of CKD in childhood allows the adoption of measures to slow the progression of the disease, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, the diagnosis is often made too late for proper patient management. Study design We preformed a case-control study of a multicenter Brazilian sample of 752 pediatric patients; the study cases (n = 376) were CKD patients with a median estimated GFR of 37 (IQR = 22 to 57) ml/min/1.73 m(2). The control group (n = 376) comprised age-, gender-and center-matched children who were followed for nonrenal diseases. Potential risk factors were investigated through a standard questionnaire that included symptoms, medical history, and a clinical examination. Two multivariable models (A and B) were fitted to assess predictors of the diagnosis of CKD. Results In model A, 9 variables were associated with CKD diagnosis: antenatal ultrasound with urinary malformation, recurrent urinary tract infection, polyuria, abnormal urine stream, nocturia, growth curve flattening, history of hypertension, foamy urine and edema (c-statistic = 0.938). Model B had the same variables as model A, except for the addition of the history of admission during the neonatal period and the exclusion of antenatal ultrasound variables (c-statistic = 0.927). Conclusions The present scores may serve as a warning sign for CKD diagnosis in children among professionals working in the primary care setting where the symptoms associated with a risk of CKD may be overlooked14
