198 research outputs found

    Rating the Raters: Evaluating how ESG Rating Agencies Integrate Sustainability Principles

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    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rating agencies, acting as relevant financial market actors, should take a stand on working towards achieving a more sustainable development. In this context, the objective of this paper is, on the one hand, to understand how criteria used by ESG rating agencies in their assessment processes have evolved over the last ten years and, on the other hand, to analyze whether ESG rating agencies are contributing to fostering sustainable development by the inclusion of sustainability principles into their assessment processes and practices according to the ESG criteria. This research is based on a comparative descriptive analysis of the public information provided by the most representative ESG rating and information provider agencies in the financial market in two periods: 2008 and 2018. The findings show that ESG rating agencies have integrated new criteria into their assessment models to measure corporate performance more accurately and robustly in order to respond to new global challenges. However, a deep analysis of the criteria also shows that ESG rating agencies do not fully integrate sustainability principles into the corporate sustainability assessment process

    Macroeconomics in practice: using WIKIS for collaborative learning

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    This project is based on the creation of collaborative wikis for students of Macroeconomics to elaborate a final work in which they apply the theoretical knowledge learnt in the subject to the real world. The initiative was implemented during the course 2015-2016 and aimed at 140 students enrolled in the subject at the Degree of Finance and Accountancy of the University of Cadiz. To emphasize the link between the theories explained in class and the real world, in previous courses we have already used news and other resources. With this project, we now introduce the use of wikis, which consist on the creation of a website to allow collaborative creation and modification of contents and structure from the web browser. Students were organized in 44 teams, of about 3 members, to examine data on a certain macroeconomic variable (i.e. inflation or GDP), in a particular geographical context (i.e. G20 or EU countries). The objectives of the project include: i) to enhance learning and comprehension of theoretical knowledge and ii) to contribute to the development of skills related to the subject, such as the skill to apply the acquired knowledge, the skill to analyze and search information and teamwork. Students’ opinions gathered from a survey at the end of the course suggest that these objectives have been achieved

    Afectación tumoral del sistema nervioso periférico

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    Se han estudiado 18 pacientes con afectación del S.N.P. por lesiones tumorales tratados en nuestra unidad en un período de 8 años. La mayoría de estos tumores tenían una localización intraneural (14 casos), eran de naturaleza benigna (13 casos) y afectaban al miembro superior. La prueba diagnóstica más exacta fue la R.M.N. Destacamos la existencia en nuestra seria de algunos tumores de rara presentación en la clínica, como un caso de fibrolipoma, condroma intraneural y neurosarcoma de la variedad "Tritón", respectivamente.Eighteen patients who had tumours of peripheral nerves have been studied retrospectively. They were treated in our department for eight years. Most of these tumours were placed intraneuraly (14 cases), were benignant (13 cases), and located in the upper limb. The most precise test for diagnosis was the MRI. We want to emphasize the existence in our series of some tumours which rarely appears in clinic, for example a Fibrolipoma, a intraneural chondroma and a malignant triton tumour

    Between local and standard varieties: horizontal and vertical convergence and divergence of dialects in Southern Spain

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    El objeto de esta comunicación es presentar los procesos de convergencia y divergencia horizontal y vertical en los dialectos innovadores del español meridional.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    TiO2 and TiO2-Carbon Hybrid Photocatalysts for Diuron Removal from Water

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    TiO2 and TiO2-activated carbon (AC) photocatalysts have been prepared (by sol-gel synthesis), characterized, and tested in the removal of diuron from water under simulated solar light. The preparation variables of the two series of catalysts are: (i) heat-treatment temperature of bare TiO2 (350, 400, 450 and 500 °C) and (ii) activated carbon content (0.5, 1, 5, and 10 wt.%) in TiO2-AC samples heat-treated at 350 °C. The activated carbon was previously prepared by hydrothermal carbonization of saccharose and has spherical shape. The heat-treatment temperature does not determine the efficiency of TiO2 for diuron photocatalytic degradation but clearly influences the diuron adsorption capacity. The capacity of TiO2-AC samples for diuron removal increases with the carbon content and it is the result of combined diuron adsorption and photodegradation. Thus, the sample with highest carbon content (10 wt.% nominal) leads to the highest diuron removal. The TiO2-AC photocatalysts have proved to be capable of degrading diuron previously adsorbed in dark conditions, which allows their regeneration.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, MICIU, and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, (RTI2018-095291-B-I00), by Generalitat Valenciana and FEDER (GV/FEDER (PROMETEO/2018/076)) and by the University of Alicante (VIGROB-136)

    Influence of immigration on tuberculosis transmission patterns in Castellón, Spain (2004–2007)

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    Objetivo Describir los patrones de transmisión de la tuberculosis en Castellón en un periodo de importantes cambios demográficos. Métodos Estudio prospectivo descriptivo de los pacientes con cultivo positivo en la provincia de Castellón entre 2004 y2007. Se describen los pacientes por año y nacionalidad, y se cotejan con los casos declarados a la Dirección General de Salud Pública (DGSP). Se estudia la población con patrón molecular disponible por RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) y se analizan las variables de los pacientes agrupados (clusters) a partir de los datos de la DGSP y del Programa de Gestión del Laboratorio. Resultados Según la DGSP, la tasa global de tuberculosis por 100.000 habitantes en la provincia de Castellón fue de 15,7 en 2004, 19,9 en 2005, 18,2 en 2006 y 17,5 en 2007. En nuestro laboratorio se identificaron las cepas de 301 pacientes, que suponen el 77% (301/390) de los casos declarados y el 94% (301/321) aquellos con cultivo positivo. El porcentaje de tuberculosis en extranjeros aumentó hasta superar el 50% en 2007. Se disponía de estudio molecular en el 95% de los casos (286), con un 58% de españoles y un 42% de extranjeros. El porcentaje de agregación fue del 40%, con un 30% de clusters mixtos. Según el estudio convencional de contactos, el 85% de los pacientes en cluster habían sido considerados casos aislados. Conclusiones El aumento de la tasa de tuberculosis en Castellón se debe, principalmente, al creciente número de los casos en extranjeros. Disponer del estudio molecular de todos los pacientes con cultivo positivo nos ha permitido analizar cómo y dónde se transmite la tuberculosis. El 40% de los pacientes se agruparon en clusters, y eran mixtos un tercio de ellos, lo que indica una elevada integración de los inmigrantes.Background This study aimed to identify tuberculosis transmission patterns in Castellón in a period of major demographic changes. Methods A prospective study of patients with positive culture in the province of Castellon over a 4-year period (2004–2007) was carried out. Cases were described by year and nationality and were compared with those reported to the Department of Public Health. We studied the population with available molecular patterns, identified through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and analyzed the variables from patient clusters, based on data collected in surveys of the Department of Health and the Laboratory Management Program. Results According to data from the Department of Public Health, the overall rate of tuberculosis per 100,000 inhabitants in the province of Castellón was 15.7 in 2004, 19.9 in 2005, 18.2 in 2006 and 17.5 in 2007. In our laboratory, strains were identified from 301 patients, representing 77% (301/390) of reported cases and 94% (301/321) of reported cases with a positive culture. The percentage of tuberculosis among foreigners increased with age, exceeding 50% in 2007. Molecular studies were available in 95% of patients (286); 58% were Spanish and 42% were foreigners, of whom 54% were Romanians. The cluster percentage was 40%, with 30% of mixed clusters. According to conventional contact studies, 85% of patients in clusters had been considered isolated cases. Conclusions The increased rate of tuberculosis in Castellón was mainly due to the increasing number of cases among foreigners, mostly Romanians. The availability of molecular studies in all patients with a positive culture allowed us to analyze how and where tuberculosis is transmitted in our province. Forty percent of the patients were grouped into clusters; of these, mixed clusters accounted for one third, indicating the high integration of immigrants in our area

    HIV-Infected Subjects With Poor CD4 T-Cell Recovery Despite Effective Therapy Express High Levels of OX40 and α4β7 on CD4 T-Cells Prior Therapy Initiation

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    BackgroundHIV-infected subjects with suboptimal CD4 restoration despite suppressive combined antiretroviral treatment (cART) (immunodiscordant subjects) have been classically characterized after a variable period of time under cART. Recently, we have reported that an increased frequency of proliferating CD4 T-cells in these subjects is already present before the cART onset. The potential contribution of peripheral compensatory homeostatic proliferation (HP) is yet unknown. We aimed to analyze the expression of HP-related cellular markers on CD4 T-cells of immunodiscordant subjects before cART.MethodsWe analyzed the expression of OX40 and α4β7 on peripheral CD4 T-cells from immunodiscordant and control subjects (n = 21 each group) before cART initiation, and also on available follow-up samples (after 24 month of suppressive cART). Additionally, we tested the expression of these markers in an in vitro system for the study of human HP processes.ResultsImmunodiscordant subjects showed increased levels of OX40 and α4β7 on CD4 T-cells before cART initiation. While the cART tended to reduce these levels, immunodiscordant subjects still maintained comparatively higher levels of OX40 and α4β7 after 24 months under suppressive cART. These HP-related markers were upregulated in vitro during the human HP, especially during the fast HP.ConclusionOur results are compatible with exacerbated HP processes in immunodiscordant subjects, already before the cART onset

    Sustainability rating agencies as a driver of socially responsible investment

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    El conjunto de actores de los mercados financieros a nivel mundial están demandando de forma creciente que la información financiera de las empresas se vea integrada con información de carácter ambiental, social y de gobierno corporativo. Las agencias de calificación de la sostenibilidad surgen en los mercados como oferentes de dicha información, desarrollado sus propias herramientas de medición y evaluación de los criterios financieros, ambientales y de gobernanza (FASG). El objetivo de este artículo es poner de manifiesto la función impulsora y modeladora que están realizando estas agencias en el análisis de la sostenibilidad corporativa, sus metodologías de evaluación y los criterios que utilizan, constatando que están potenciando el desarrollo de la inversión socialmente responsable (o inversión sostenible, o inversión con criterios ASG), y de las finanzas sostenibles, tanto por ofertar bases de datos de criterios FASG, como por la elaboración de índices bursátiles de sostenibilidad que sirven de benchmarking para los fondos de inversión con criterios de sostenibilidad. Sin embargo, por ahora, este impulso no está impactando en la innovación hacia modelos de negocios sostenibles.The financial market actors worldwide are increasingly demanding that the financial information of companies should be integrated with information of an environmental, social and corporate governance nature. The sustainability rating agencies emerge in the markets as providers of such information, developing their own tools for measuring and evaluating the financial, environmental and governance criteria (FESG). The objective of this paper is to highlight the function that these sustainability agencies are fulfilling, their evaluation methodologies and the criteria they use, confirming that they are promoting the development of socially responsible investment (or sustainable investment, or ESG investment). Both for their offer of databases of FESG criteria, and for the elaboration of sustainable indexes that serve as benchmarking for investment funds with sustainability criteria. However, they are not influencing innovation towards sustainable business models

    Sustainable supply chain management in a global context: a consistency analysis in the textile industry between environmental management practices at company level and sectoral and global environmental challenges.

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    In a global context, it is crucial to measure and report the corporate sustainability impacts taking into account what is happening along the whole supply chains. The objective of this study is to analyze whether environmental measurement and reporting practices, currently developed by companies under a global supply chain context, are aligned with global environmental challenges and the environmental hotspots at the sectoral level. To tackle this objective, this study has been focused on the textile sector, due to the relevance of its environmental impacts. A research was conducted based on the analysis of global environmental challenges: 1) at company level, on the measurement and reporting of specific environmental indicators connected with the impact categories of the European Organization Environmental Footprint (OEF); and 2) on the analysis of textile industry environmental hotspots, through the technical tool SimaPro that allows their quantification and identification along the life cycle phases using different scenarios. The results show a consistency between global environmental challenges and company environmental disclosure; however, a disconnection between the specific environmental indicators reported by textile companies and the main hotspots of the sector are observed. This implies that companies could be managing environmental issues related to global environmental concerns but ignoring those critical environmental issues truly relevant from a technical point of view, according to the nature of their activity. The paper argues that is not only necessary to consider the corporate awareness regarding global environmental challenges, but also to address the real environmental hotspots at the sectoral level. This paper represents a contribution in the discussion about what sustainability management implies along the supply chains, emphasizing the need to advance in a consistent and science-based integration of global environmental challenges, environmental hotspots at the sectoral level and environmental management practices at company level. The results obtained help global chain actors and other organizations to address this challenge
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