1,313 research outputs found

    Creencias religiosas, inefabilidad y verdad

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    El objetivo de este artículo es establecer una condición de posibilidad para el diálogo interreligioso o religioso-ateo. Esta condición consiste en tomar los conceptos de «verdad» y «condiciones de verdad» como elementos centrales de la naturaleza de la creencia religiosa. Además, para hacer posible el diálogo, es necesario rechazar cualquier rasgo de inefabilidad de cualquier descripción satisfactoria de la creencia religiosa. Así, en primer lugar, se examinará el trabajo de Wittgenstein en su Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus para mostrar que, en esta aproximación, todo discurso religioso es un sinsentido y, por lo tanto, ningún diálogo sería posible. En segundo lugar, se analizará la obra tardía de Wittgenstein, para mostrar que conceptos como «juego de lenguaje», «forma de vida» y «ver-aspectos» no son herramientas suficientes que permitan el diálogo. En general, se argumentará que ambas perspectivas de Wittgenstein fallan debido a que asumen que la inefabilidad es un atributo esencial de la creencia religiosa. Finalmente, se argumentará que los conceptos de «verdad» y «condiciones de verdad» son esenciales a la creencia religiosa, si se quiere garantizar el diálogo interreligioso. Se defenderá que la interpretación radical de Davidson es útil para este propósito y además permite la tolerancia entre puntos de vista religiosos y divergentes

    The Strengths of Recent Latino Immigrant Parents Raising Young Children: An Application of the Concepts of Human Agency

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    Grounded in the family strengths perspective, this study focuses on the experience of first-generation immigrant parents in an effort to highlight the role of human agency in relation to family adjustment. Using a qualitative approach, this study examined the experience of 20 first-generation immigrant Latino parents of young children (ages 0-7), before and after migration, and their perceived adjustment. This approach created a holistic story of the migration process, relevant to promote civic and social participation. Several themes emerged within three cultural domains in relation to the concept of human agency: (1) pre-migration: intentionality and forethought, (2) settlement process: planning and kinship network, and (3) post-immigration: overcoming challenges and reactive adjustment. The results illustrate that recent immigrant parents are planners, thinkers, and self-regulators. The information provided here is useful to inform evidence-based practices and to inspire researchers as well as service providers

    Editorial: Technical Advances in Cryo-Electron Microscopy

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    Nuevos registros de los mixomicetos de Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico

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    Seven species of myxomycetes are reported as new records for the Mona Island Commonwealth Reserve, Puerto Rico. They are Ceratiomyxa, fruticulosa, Cribaria intricata, Dictydium cancellatum, Fuligo septica, Lycogala sp., Stemonitis axifera and Tubifera ferruginosa.Siete especies de mixomicetos son informados oomo nuevos registros para la Reserva Estatal Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico. Estos son Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa, Cribaria intricata, Dictydium cancellatum, Fuligo septica, Lycogala sp., Stemonitis axifera y Tubifera ferruginosa

    La Andalucía de Ávila : (impresiones recogidas en... Arenas de San Pedro)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201


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    En el presente trabajo se sistematiza el proceso de intercambio de saberes, que realiza el Centro de Educación Agroecológico ASHPA, en articulación con la Universidad Nacional de la Plata (UNLP) en la Provincia de Buenos Aires de la República de Argentina. El diálogo de saberes constituye una manera de relacionar estudiantes, docentes y comunidades de agricultores con el objetivo de construir un puente cognitivo entre el saber científico disciplinario y el saber empírico de diversos sujetos sociales. Cabe resaltar que los saberes incluyen no sólo conocimientos sino también valores, creencias, sentimientos, actitudes y aptitudes que son importantes tomar en cuenta para que la agroecología pase a formar parte de la vida cotidiana de la sociedad. El propósito de ASHPA es consolidar un espacio de aprendizaje y reflexión para la creación e intercambio de saberes, a partir del trabajo conjunto entre universitarios y movimientos sociales, tomando como eje la soberanía alimentaria. La metodología que impulsa es la formación de grupos de trabajo para generar un aprendizaje por descubrimiento significativo de tipo vivencial. La experiencia de ASHPA en interacción con comunidades refuerza en la práctica el trabajo solidario y el cuidado del ambiente como valores centrales para impulsar la soberanía alimentaria. Finalmente se expone cómo a través de una estancia pre-profesional se contribuyó a adaptar el modelo agroecológico, que día a día potencializará el trabajo de los integrantes de ASHPA, utilizando un bajo nivel de insumos externos, estimulando el reuso y reciclado, creando también un espacio de reflexión entre docentes, técnicos y comunidad; interactuando, aprendiendo, investigando e integrando saberes a nuevas prácticas. Palabras clave: intercambio de saberes, aprendizaje por descubrimiento, espacio de reflexión, modelo agrecológico, soberanía alimentaria

    Fruit cell culture as a model system to study cell wall changes during strawberry fruit ripening

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    Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, Duch.) fruit is characterized by its fast ripening and soft texture at the ripen stage, resulting in a short postharvest shelf life and high economic losses. It is generally believed that the disassembly of cell walls, the dissolution of the middle lamella and the reduction of cell turgor are the main factors determining the softening of fleshy fruits. In strawberry, several studies indicate that the solubilisation and depolymerisation of pectins, as well as the depolymerisation of xyloglucans, are the main processes occurring during ripening. Functional analyses of genes encoding pectinases such as polygalacturonase and pectate lyase also point out to the pectin fraction as a key factor involved in textural changes. All these studies have been performed with whole fruits, a complex organ containing different tissues that differ in their cell wall composition and undergo ripening at different rates. Cell cultures derived from fruits have been proposed as model systems for the study of several processes occurring during fruit ripening, such as the production of anthocyanin and its regulation by plant hormones. The main objective of this research was to obtain and characterize strawberry cell cultures to evaluate their potential use as a model for the study of the cell wall disassembly process associate with fruit ripening. Cell cultures were obtained from cortical tissue of strawberry fruits, cv. Chandler, at the stages of unripe-green, white and mature-red. Additionally, a cell culture line derived from strawberry leaves was obtained. All cultures were maintained in solid medium supplemented with 2.5 mg.l-1 2,4-D and incubated in the dark. Cell walls from the different callus lines were extracted and fractionated to obtain CDTA and sodium carbonate soluble pectin fractions, which represent polyuronides located in the middle lamella or the primary cell wall, respectively. The amounts of homogalacturonan in both fractions were estimated by ELISA using LM19 and LM20 antibodies, specific against demethylated and methyl-esterified homogalacturonan, respectively. In the CDTA fraction, the cell line from ripe fruit showed a significant lower amount of demethylated pectins than the rest of lines. By contrast, the content of methylated pectins was similar in green- and red-fruit lines, and lower than in white-fruit and leaf lines. In the sodium carbonate pectin fraction, the line from red fruit also showed the lowest amount of pectins. These preliminary results indicate that cell cultures obtained from fruits at different developmental stages differ in their cell wall composition and these differences resemble to some extent the changes that occur during strawberry softening. Experiments are in progress to further characterize cell wall extracts with monoclonal antibodies against other cell wall epitopes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech