1,169 research outputs found

    Estudio agronómico e hidráulico del sistema de riego tecnificado Pumahuanca, distrito de Urubamba - provincia de Urubamba - Cusco

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    Presenta un estudio agronómico e hidráulico del sistema de riego tecnificado Pumahuanca, distrito de Urubamba, provincia de Urubamba, Cusco. Se realizó en una extensión de 12.0 has, el cual se centra en el sector Pumahuanca alto que consta de 8 módulos de riego, el cual se distribuyen en 3 turnos de riego siendo el caudal máximo de riego por turno de 10.8 l/s, siendo esta regulado por un reservorio de una capacidad de 500 m3. Con la finalidad de cumplir con los objetivos de la tesis se usó una metodología propicia para establecer las características del suelo y la necesidad hídrica del cultivo, con lo cual nos sirvió de base para calcular el diseño agronómico e hidráulico del sistema de riego por aspersión.Tesi

    La influencia de la productividad en la consolidación de los grupos nacionales de la banca privada española (1900-1914)

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    Este trabajo analiza el fenómeno de la crisis y auge de los grupos regionales de la banca española con una nueva metodología que permite estudiar el nivel de eficiencia y la productividad de las entidades financieras. Se han obtenido dos resultados relevantes. En primer lugar, se ha confirmado la influencia de los niveles de productividad en la trayectoria más o menos exitosa de los diversos grupos regionales bancarios. En segundo lugar, se ha demostrado que el progreso general de la banca privada durante el período inmediatamente anterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial fue debido más a un incremento generalizado de la competición, que redundó en un acercamiento de cada vez más entidades a los máximos niveles de eficiencia, que al desarrollo o/y adopción de innovaciones financieras.DEA, Indice de Malmquist, Historia financiera de España

    Long-term analysis of clogging and oil bio-degradation in a System of Catchment, Pre-treatment and Treatment (SCPT)

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    Runoff contamination has motivated the development of different systems for its treatment in order to decrease the pollutant load that is discharged into natural water bodies. In the long term, these systems may undergo operational problems. This paper presents the results obtained in a laboratory study with a 1:1 scale prototype of a System of Catchment, Pre-treatment and Treatment (SCPT) of runoff waters. The analysis aims to establish the operational behaviour of the SCPT in the long term with respect to oil degradation and hydraulic conductivity in the geotextile filter. It is concluded that bio-degradation processes take place inside the SCPT and that hydraulic conductivity of the geotextile filtration system decreases slowly with successive simulated runoff events

    Long-Term Simulation of a System for Catchment, Pre-treatment and Treatment (SCPT) of Polluted Runoff Water

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    The effects of pollutants in runoff on the environment have forced the development of several water treatment systems with the aim of reducing this kind of pollution before its final discharge. Nevertheless, many of these systems do not behave satisfactorily and, additionally, there is a low level of confidence in the treatment performance. This paper introduces the results of research on the long-term performance of a laboratory prototype of a System for Catchment, Pre-treatment and Treatment (SCPT) designed to deal with the polluted runoff water. Solid and oil treatment efficiency were the focus of the study. After fourteen consecutive simulated rain events, the treatment efficiency levels achieved by the prototype are higher than 80% of solids and 90% of oils

    Laboratory Analysis of the System for Catchment, Pre-treatment and Treatment (SCPT) of Runoff from Impervious Pavements

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    This article reports the development and construction of a 1:1 scale laboratory prototype of a System for Catchment, Pre-treatment and Treatment (SCPT) of runoff polluted by contaminants washed from impervious pavements. The concept of the SCPT is an online system with an up-flow filter. The filter is composed geotextile layers and limestone. Laboratory tests carried out were focused on determining the SCPT prototype behaviour under different working conditions. The variables studied were: inflow, pollutant loads and filtration system configuration. The results show that the designed system has a high capacity for total solids and oil treatment, with an average efficiency of 85% and 97% respectively. Moreover, the regression equations of the treatment efficiency have been determined for each of the studied pollutants, for different inflow conditions and pollution loads

    Relationship between urban runoff pollutant and catchment characteristics

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    A lot of research has been done to determine levels of contamination in runoff from urban and rural catchment areas. Some authors compare their results with other authors, or look for relationships between the variations of pollutant concentration and the catchment characteristics but they seldom focus on determining the statistical significance of their results. This paper presents a review of 37 papers selected from a total of 169 papers consulted about runoff water quality throughout the world (America, Asia and Europe). The results presented in these 37 papers have been reviewed and statistically analyzed in order to evaluate the influence of catchment area characteristics (location, catchment area size, average daily traffic and type of land use) on the stormwater runoff pollution. It has been concluded that for the cases studied, most of the results about the polluting agents studied are comparable and no important element of the catchment characteristics had significant influence on the pollutants’ concentration

    Optoelectronic generation of bio-aqueous femto-droplets based on the bulk photovoltaic effect

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    "© 2020 Optical Society of America. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited"The generation and manipulation of small aqueous droplets is an important issue for nano- and biotechnology, particularly, when using microfluidic devices. The production of very small droplets has been frequently carried out by applying intense local electric fields to the fluid, which requires power supplies and metallic electrodes. This procedure complicates the device and reduces its versatility. In this work, we present a novel and flexible, to the best of our knowledge, electrodeless optoelectronic method for the production of tiny droplets of biologically friendly aqueous fluids. Our method takes advantage of the photoinduced electric fields generated by the bulk photovoltaic effect in iron-doped lithium niobate crystals. Two substrate configurations, presenting the polar ferroelectric axis either parallel or perpendicular to the active surface, have been successfully tested. In both crystal geometries, small droplets on the femtoliter scale have been obtained, although with a different spatial distributions correlated with the symmetry of the photovoltaic fields. The overall results demonstrate the effectiveness of the optoelectronic method to produce femtoliter droplets, both with pure water and with aqueous solutions containing biological materialMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain (MAT2017-83951-R); Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action COFUND (713366-InterTalentum

    Association Between Preexisting Versus Newly Identified Atrial Fibrillation and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism

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    Full list of RIETE Investigators is provided in the Appendix of this article. V.Ģībietis, D.Kigitoviča and A.Skride are mentioned in the Appendix.Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) may exist before or occur early in the course of pulmonary embolism (PE). We determined the PE outcomes based on the presence and timing of AF. Methods and Results Using the data from a multicenter PE registry, we identified 3 groups: (1) those with preexisting AF, (2) patients with new AF within 2 days from acute PE (incident AF), and (3) patients without AF. We assessed the 90-day and 1-year risk of mortality and stroke in patients with AF, compared with those without AF (reference group). Among 16 497 patients with PE, 792 had preexisting AF. These patients had increased odds of 90-day all-cause (odds ratio [OR], 2.81; 95% CI, 2.33-3.38) and PE-related mortality (OR, 2.38; 95% CI, 1.37-4.14) and increased 1-year hazard for ischemic stroke (hazard ratio, 5.48; 95% CI, 3.10-9.69) compared with those without AF. After multivariable adjustment, preexisting AF was associated with significantly increased odds of all-cause mortality (OR, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.57-2.32) but not PE-related mortality (OR, 1.50; 95% CI, 0.85-2.66). Among 16 497 patients with PE, 445 developed new incident AF within 2 days of acute PE. Incident AF was associated with increased odds of 90-day all-cause (OR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.75-2.97) and PE-related (OR, 3.64; 95% CI, 2.01-6.59) mortality but not stroke. Findings were similar in multivariable analyses. Conclusions In patients with acute symptomatic PE, both preexisting AF and incident AF predict adverse clinical outcomes. The type of adverse outcomes may differ depending on the timing of AF onset.publishersversionPeer reviewe