62 research outputs found

    Participación de las mujeres mayas en el aprovechamiento forestal y el patrimonio biocultural.

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    The tendency to include the gender perspective in the management of natural resources is increasing globally. Thus, contributing studies that account for the ways in which women appropriate and reproduce productive practices is important, particularly in rural environments where challenges persist in sociocultural and economic matters. The study’s objective was to identify how opportunities are created for the access and participation of women around the diversification of productive forestry activities, to contribute to the conservation of the biocultural heritage based on their knowledge and their needs. Such an incursion develops in the midst of transformations in the commercial exploitation of tropical forests and the social reproduction of their biocultural heritage. The information was gathered by using anthropological techniques (ethnography, in-depth interviews, and a workshop on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), which allowed characterizing the role of women in productive forestry activities and their biased intervention in decision making in this regard, which extends to other dimensions of family and community life. It was found that the coexistence between commercial forest use and the prevalent traditional use places women in the low-impact use of natural resources such as the dominant scale of the extraction practices of non-timber products and those related to household care. Although some of them have participation in the timber-yielding commercial activity, their work is still not recognized.La tendencia a incluir la perspectiva de género en la gestión de los recursos naturales va en aumento a nivel global. De ahí, la importancia de sumar estudios que den cuenta de las formas en que las mujeres se apropian y reproducen las prácticas productivas, sobre todo en entornos rurales donde persisten desafíos en materia so­ciocultural y económica. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar cómo se crean las oportunidades para el acceso y la participación de las mujeres en torno a la diversificación de las actividades productivas forestales, para contribuir a la conservación del patrimonio biocultural desde sus conocimientos y sus necesidades. Tal incur­sión, se desarrolla en medio de transformaciones del aprovechamiento comercial de las selvas y la reproducción social de su propio patrimonio biocultural. La información se levantó empleando técnicas antropológicas (etnografía, entrevistas a profundidad y un taller de Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Debilidades y Amenazas), que permitieron caracterizar el papel de las mujeres en actividades productivas forestales y su sesgada intervención en la toma de decisiones al respecto, lo cual se extiende a otras dimensiones de la vida familiar y comunitaria. Se encontró que la coexistencia entre el aprovechamiento forestal comercial y el tradicional prevaleciente, ubi­ca a las mujeres en el uso de los recursos naturales de bajo impacto, como la escala dominante de las prácticas de extracción de productos no maderables y aquellas relacionadas con los cuidados del hogar. Aunque algunas de ellas, tienen participación en la actividad comercial maderable, su labor es aún poco reconocida

    Projetos vinculados de Design na área de síntese e avaliação na Universidade Iberoamericana na Cidade do México: estudo de casos

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    This paper objective is to present, socialize and share an experience in teaching – learning in the graphic design curriculum at the Universidad Iberoamericana. It centers in three linked project (PV) aimed at solving some design needs of real institutions by means of the techniques taught in Design VI course (Global Image: Identity and Signalectics). The first two agencies: Mexican Confederation of Organizations in Favor of Intellectually Disabled People, A.C. (CONFE) and Exceptional People, A.C. (GE) prepare intellectually disabled people to engage in a job, while the project for the third one, Vasconcelos Library (BV) that has the largest store of books in braille in Mexico City, will focus on the necessities of visually impaired persons. General purposes of these projects were to specifically design the global image for GE as well as apply to the three institutions, CONFE, GE and BV, the expressive iconicity’s values required by signalectic designs within our society’s cultural context through a signage system.Key words: graphic design, linked projects, synthesis and evaluation area, disabled people.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, socializar e compartilhar uma experiência no ensino-aprendizagem do currículo de design gráfico da Universidade Iberoamericana. Centra-se em três projetos ligados (PV) que visam desenvolver alguns projetos necessários para instituições reais por meio de técnicas ensinadas no curso de Design VI (Imagem Global: identidade e sinalética). As duas primeiras agências: Confederação Mexicana de Organizações em prol das Pessoas com Defi ciência Intelectual, A.C. (CONFE) e Pessoas Excepcionais, A.C. (GE) preparam intelectualmente as pessoas com deficiência para participar de um trabalho, enquanto o projeto para o terceiro, Biblioteca Vasconcelos (BV), que tem a maior loja de livros em braile na Cidade do México, terá como foco as necessidades das pessoas com defi ciência visual. Os objetivos gerais destes projetos foram especificamente para projetar a imagem global da GE, bem como aplicar às três instituições, CONFE, GE e BV, valores a iconicidade expressiva de projetos exigidos pela sinalética dentro do contexto cultural da nossa sociedade através de um sistema de sinalização.Palavras-chave: design gráfico, projetos vinculados, síntese e área de avaliação, as pessoas com deficiência

    Warm Mix Asphalt

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    Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a technology that emerges to achieve environmental challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There are several technologies that allow diminishing the mixing and compaction temperature of the asphalt mixtures while improving workability. The benefits of using warm mix asphalt are not just environmental but also include better working conditions and the capability of introducing greater percentages of recycled materials into the mixture. Foamed asphalt is the most used technology to obtained warm mix asphalt in the United States of America (USA), and the performance of the resultant mixtures could be increased by controlling and improving the characteristics of the foam

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en el Departamento de Córdoba.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en el Departamento de Córdoba.Luego de la profundización de referentes teóricos propuestos del curso y análisis de diferentes relatos de vida referentes al conflicto armado que se vive en diferentes poblaciones en Colombia, los cuales son analizados a través de la lógica narrativa, con la finalidad de reconocer hechos de violencia, los emergentes sociales que surgen en medio del conflicto y destacar los esfuerzos a nivel social, personal y comunitario que nacen de forma conjunta con este tipo de hechos violentos, se realiza la elección en consenso grupal del relato, “José Ignacio” y se procede a la generación y planteamiento de preguntas estratégicas, reflexivas y circulares que permiten un acercamiento psicosocial referente a la superación de las condiciones de victimización que viven estas comunidades y las personas pertenecientes a poblaciones sumidas en medio del conflicto armado. Posteriormente el caso de “las comunidades Cacarica” invita a un análisis y reflexión profunda acerca de los emergentes psicosociales latentes, luego de la vivencia de los hechos violentos ahí narrados y el impacto psicosocial que genera en la población el ser estigmatizada como cómplice de un actor armado, permitiendo el planteamiento de propuestas de acciones de apoyo, acompañamiento a las víctimas en situación de crisis y el establecimiento de estrategias psicosociales que faciliten en esta población la potenciación de recursos de afrontamiento ante eventos traumáticos, el desarrollo de procesos resilientes y la capacidad de dar nuevo significado a cada suceso de acuerdo a los hechos victimizantes vivenciados tales como, violencia , desplazamiento, desarraigo y en casos más extremos la muerte, sin contar el impacto psicológico que es de gran magnitud y encierra componentes como el miedo, sensación de persecución, incertidumbre desesperación, precariedad, sensación de inseguridad y estrés entre otros . De modo que través del planteamiento de estrategia y acciones, se abren nuevas expectativas de vida para las víctimas del conflicto y a través de cada proceso de intervención psicosocial se posibilita el empoderamiento individual y se potencia el empoderamiento colectivo a través del planteamiento, utilización e implementación de estrategias y acciones encaminadas al restablecimiento y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las víctimas del conflicto armado.After the deepening of proposed theoretical references of the course and analysis of different life stories referring to the armed conflict that is lived in different populations in Colombia, which are analyzed through the narrative logic, in order to recognize acts of violence, the social emergencies that arise in the middle of the conflict and highlight the social, personal and community efforts that are born jointly with this type of violent acts, the election is made in group consensus of the story, "José Ignacio" and proceeds to the generation and posing of strategic, reflective and circular questions that allow a psychosocial approach regarding the overcoming of the conditions of victimization that these communities live and the people belonging to populations submerged in the middle of the armed conflict. Later, the case of "the Cacarica communities" invites to an analysis and deep reflection about the latent psychosocial emergencies, after the experience of the violent facts narrated there and the psychosocial impact generated in the population being stigmatized as an accomplice of an actor armed, allowing the proposal of support actions, support to victims in crisis situation and the establishment of psychosocial strategies that facilitate in this population the strengthening of coping resources in the face of traumatic events, the development of resilient processes and the ability to give new meaning to each event according to victimizing facts experienced such as violence, displacement, uprooting and in more extreme cases death, without counting the psychological impact that is of great magnitude and includes components such as fear, sense of persecution, uncertainty despair, precariousness, sensation of insecurity and stress among others. Thus, through the strategy and actions approaches, new life expectations are opened for the victims of the conflict and through each psychosocial intervention process, individual empowerment is enabled and collective empowerment is empowered through the planning, use and implementation of strategies and actions aimed at restoring and improving the quality of life of the victims of the armed conflict

    Efectos del insecticida piriproxifeno sobre el parasitoide Acerophagus flavidulus (Brèthes), enemigo natural del chanchito blanco de la vid Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret)

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    46 p.En el Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) la compatibilidad de la aplicación de insecticidas con la actividad de los agentes del control biológico es de importancia principal. En este estudio se evaluó el efecto del insecticida regulador de crecimiento (IRC) piriproxifeno sobre Acerophagus flavidulus (Brèthes), principal parasitoide del chanchito blanco de la vid Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) en Chile. El enemigo natural A. flavidulus fue expuesto a la dosis mínima recomendada del insecticida piriproxifeno (DELICO ® EC 100) y al tratamiento control con agua destilada, de manera residual. Los parasitoides en contacto con los residuos tomaron contacto con densidades crecientes de P. viburni (dos, cuatro, seis y ocho individuos) para posteriormente evaluar el parasitismo, el parasitismo exitoso, el número de parasitoides emergidos por cada P. viburni momificada y la longevidad de esta progenie. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que el insecticida piriproxifeno tuvo un efecto en el parasitismo donde se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre mayores y menores densidades de P. viburni. Piriproxifeno también tuvo efectos en el parasitismo exitoso, observando que la densidad de seis individuos de P. viburni expuesto al insecticida mostró un menor parasitismo exitoso, diferencia estadísticamente significativa frente al tratamiento control y las demás densidades con ambos tratamientos. Piriproxifeno no tuvo efectos sobre la cantidad de parasitoides emergidos y la longevidad de ellos. Determinando según éste estudio, que el IRC piriproxifeno no tiene un efecto perjudicial en el desarrollo y comportamiento del parasitoide A. flavidulus. // ABSTRACT: Compatibility of insecticide sprays with the activity of biological control agents is of major importance for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The effect of the insect growth regulator (IGR) pyriproxyfen on Acerophagus flavidulus (Brèthes), the main parasitoid of the obscure mealybug Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) in Chile, was evaluated in this study. The natural enemy A. flavidulus was exposed to the mínimum recommended dose of the insecticide pyriproxyfen (DELICO ® EC 100) and to the control treatment with distilled water, in a residual manner. The parasitoids in contact with the residuals made contact with increasing densities of P. viburni (two, four, six and eight individuals) to subsequently evaluate parasitism, successful parasitism, the number of parasitoids emerged per mummified P. viburni and the longevity of these progeny. The results obtained indicated that the insecticide pyriproxyfen had an effect on parasitism where statistically significant differences were observed between higher and lower densities of P. viburni. Pyriproxyfen also had an effect on successful parasitism, observing that the density of six individuals of P. viburni exposed to the insecticide showed lower successful parasitism, a statistically significant difference compared to the control treatment and the other densities with both treatments. Pyriproxyfen had no effect on the number of parasitoids emerged and their longevity. According to this, it was determined that the IGR pyriproxyfen does not have a detrimental effect on the development and behavior of the parasitoid A. flavidulus

    Dinosaur swim tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of La Rioja, Spain: An ichnological approach to non-common behaviours

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    The reconstruction of behavioural patterns performed by non-avian dinosaurs is an important task of palaeontology in order to globally understand how these animals interacted with their environment. Their relation with aquatic lifestyles has always been an intriguing question that has been extensively studied during the last decades, especially focused on some specific groups. The present work describes a new tracksite with 27 swimming tracks located in a fluvial setting from the Lower Cretaceous Urbion Group of La Rioja (Spain). They are preserved as natural casts with sizes between 8.5 and 29.2 cm and a predominant orientation. The tracks have been classified into 6 different morphotypes according to their morphology, and grouped into 5 different categories depending on the different pes-substrate interactions, following the proposal of Romilio et al. (2013). Some tracks were produced while the animal was moving in partial or complete buoyancy, and displacement was conducted by water and sediment impulsion, not just a mere paddling. Other tracks could be impressed in a bottom-walked, when the trackmaker touched the digit tips on the ground vertically or sub-vertically. This new tracksite confirms the capabilities of some groups of non-avian dinosaurs to interact with shallow water environments where they could print their pedes as they moved, either in complete buoyancy or during a displacement with some vertical component in the water column. It also contributes to the better understanding of swimming track morphologies as especially dependent on pes-sediment interaction and environment more than differences in pes configuration itself, causing the high variability of swimming footprints even when they belong to the same trackway. The classification of swimming tracks and footprints into categories dependent on the pes-substrate interaction could be a good guiding principle to avoid problematics about ichnotaxonomical definition.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEUniversidad de La RiojaConsejeria de Educacion y Cultura (Gobierno de La Rioja)Instituto de Estudios RiojanosMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesEuropean Regional Development FundUniversidad del País VascoMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovaciónpu

    La brecha digital una revisión conceptual y aportaciones metodológicas para su estudio en México

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    Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (tic) son herramientas que pueden representar oportunidades para generar beneficios en la sociedad. No obstante, la brecha digital en el acceso, uso y apropiación social de estas tecnologías deriva en la exclusión de ciertos grupos de personas en la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento (sic). Este artículo presenta una revisión crítica de la definición de brecha digital, y su abordaje conceptual y metodológico en el contexto internacional y nacional, así como los aspectos relevantes para la construcción de una propuesta metodológica en el estudio de la brecha digital en México desde una visión multifactorial, contextual y multidisciplinar

    Estudio de un brote poblacional de hepatitis A. Efectividad de la vacunación como medida de control

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    ResumenObjetivoDescribir un brote de hepatitis A en la ciudad de Albacete y valorar la efectividad de las medidas de control adoptadas.MétodosConstatada la existencia del brote, se establecieron las definiciones de caso. Se recogieron los datos clínicos y epidemiológicos de los casos mediante encuesta. Se describió la distribución temporoespacial, mediante la localización de los casos y la curva epidémica. Se pusieron en marcha, como medidas de control y prevención inmediatas, la administración de inmunoglobulina (IG) y educación sanitaria a la población en riesgo.ResultadosDesde enero de 2005 a enero de 2006 se declararon 62 casos. Los grupos de edad más afectados fueron los escolares y los adultos jóvenes. El mecanismo de transmisión fue de persona a persona. La curva epidémica presenta dos periodos. Las medidas de control iniciales fueron higiénicas y administración de IG a los contactos; en el segundo periodo se complementaron con la vacunación contra la hepatitis A, administrada a los alumnos de los centros de enseñanza de los dos barrios inicialmente implicados. La extensión del brote a los barrios colindantes y la alarma social que ocasionó hicieron que se ampliara la vacunación a los centros de enseñanza próximos a aquellos en que se habían detectado casos. Después de la última vacunación, en enero de 2006, no se notificó ningún caso.ConclusionesEl uso de la vacuna postexposición frente al virus de la hepatitis A en la población escolar y los adultos jóvenes parece ser una medida efectiva para el control de un brote.AbstractObjectiveTo describe an outbreak of hepatitis A in the city of Albacete (Spain) and to assess the effectiveness of the control measures implemented.MethodsWhen the outbreak was noted, definitions of a case were established. Clinical and epidemiological data were collected through a survey. The temporal-spatial distribution was identified through mapping and the epidemic curve. Health education and immunoglobulin (IG) administration were conducted as immediate prevention and control measures in the population at risk.ResultsFrom January 2005 to January 2006, 62 cases were reported. The most affected age groups were school children and young adults. Transmission was person to person. The epidemic curve was divided into two periods. Initial control measures consisted of hygiene measures and IG administration to contacts. In the second period, these measures were complemented with vaccination against hepatitis A in students of the school centers of the two neighborhoods initially involved. Due to public alarm and spread of the outbreak to adjacent neighborhoods, vaccination was extended to schools close to those where cases had been detected. No cases were notified after the last vaccination in January 2006.ConclusionsThe use of vaccination after exposure to the hepatitis A virus in young adults and the school population seems to be an effective outbreak control measure

    Causas y consecuencias del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes con ambientes de vulnerabilidad familiar y contextos sociales conflictivos

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    El proyecto de investigación busca indagar las Causas y consecuencias del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes con ambientes de vulnerabilidad familiar y contextos sociales conflictivos, en las comunidades elegidas por cada uno de los investigadores, por lo que la información fue suministrada por los propios adolescentes objetos del estudio para poder alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación.The research project seeks to investigate the causes and consequences of psychoactive substances in adolescents with familiar environments and conflicting social vulnerability contexts , communities chosen by each of the researchers, so the information was provided by the adolescents themselves objects the study to achieve the objectives of the investigation