430 research outputs found

    Impact of geomagnetic excursions on atmospheric chemistry and dynamics

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    Geomagnetic excursions, i.e. short periods in time with much weaker geomagnetic fields and substantial changes in the position of the geomagnetic pole, occurred repeatedly in the Earth's history, e.g. the Laschamp event about 41 kyr ago. Although the next such excursion is certain to come, little is known about the timing and possible consequences for the state of the atmosphere and the ecosystems. Here we use the global chemistry climate model SOCOL-MPIOM to simulate the effects of geomagnetic excursions on atmospheric ionization, chemistry and dynamics. Our simulations show significantly increased concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NO<sub>x</sub>) in the entire stratosphere, especially over Antarctica (+15%), due to enhanced ionization by galactic cosmic rays. Hydrogen oxides (HO<sub>x</sub>) are also produced in greater amounts (up to +40%) in the tropical and subtropical lower stratosphere, while their destruction by reactions with enhanced NO<sub>x</sub> prevails over the poles and in high altitudes (by −5%). Stratospheric ozone concentrations decrease globally above 20 km by 1–2% and at the northern hemispheric tropopause by up to 5% owing to the accelerated NO<sub>x</sub>-induced destruction. A 5% increase is found in the southern lower stratosphere and troposphere. In response to these changes in ozone and the concomitant changes in atmospheric heating rates, the Arctic vortex intensifies in boreal winter, while the Antarctic vortex weakens in austral winter and spring. Surface wind anomalies show significant intensification of the southern westerlies at their poleward edge during austral winter and a pronounced northward shift in spring. Major impacts on the global climate seem unlikely

    Catastrophizing and Risk-Taking

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    Background: Catastrophizing, when an individual overestimates the probability of a severe negative outcome, is related to various aspects of mental ill-health. Here, we further characterize catastrophizing by investigating the extent to which self-reported catastrophizing is associated with risk-taking, using an online behavioural task and computational modelling. Methods: We performed two online studies: a pilot study (n = 69) and a main study (n = 263). In the pilot study, participants performed the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), alongside two other tasks (reported in the Supplement), and completed mental health questionnaires. Based on the findings from the pilot, we explored risk-taking in more detail in the main study using two versions of the Balloon Analogue Risk task (BART), with either a high or low cost for bursting the balloon. Results: In the main study, there was a significant negative relationship between self-report catastrophizing scores and risk-taking in the low (but not high) cost version of the BART. Computational modelling of the BART task revealed no relationship between any parameter and Catastrophizing scores in either version of the task. Conclusions: We show that increased self-reported catastrophizing may be associated with reduced behavioural measures of risk-taking, but were unable to identify a computational correlate of this effect

    Implications of potential future grand solar minimum for ozone layer and climate

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    Continued anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are expected to cause further global warming throughout the 21st century. Understanding the role of natural forcings and their influence on global warming is thus of great interest. Here we investigate the impact of a recently proposed 21st century grand solar minimum on atmospheric chemistry and climate using the SOCOL3-MPIOM chemistry-climate model with an interactive ocean element. We examine five model simulations for the period 2000-2199, following the greenhouse gas concentration scenario RCP4.5 and a range of different solar forcings. The reference simulation is forced by perpetual repetition of solar cycle 23 until the year 2199. This reference is compared with grand solar minimum simulations, assuming a strong decline in solar activity of 3.5 and 6.5Wm−2, respectively, that last either until 2199 or recover in the 22nd century. Decreased solar activity by 6.5Wm−2 is found to yield up to a doubling of the GHG-induced stratospheric and mesospheric cooling. Under the grand solar minimum scenario, tropospheric temperatures are also projected to decrease compared to the reference. On the global scale a reduced solar forcing compensates for at most 15% of the expected greenhouse warming at the end of the 21st and around 25% at the end of the 22nd century. The regional effects are predicted to be significant, in particular in northern high-latitude winter. In the stratosphere, the reduction of around 15% of incoming ultraviolet radiation leads to a decrease in ozone production by up to 8%, which overcompensates for the anticipated ozone increase due to reduced stratospheric temperatures and an acceleration of the Brewer–Dobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to a delay in total ozone column recovery from anthropogenic halogen-induced depletion, with a global ozone recovery to the pre-ozone hole values happening only upon completion of the grand solar minimum

    Comparison of Digital Signal Processing Approaches for Subcarrier Multiplexed 5G and Beyond Analog Fronthaul

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    Analog fronthaul transport architectures with digital signal processing at the end stations are promising as they have the potential to achieve high spectral efficiencies, increased flexibility and reduced latency. In this paper, two digital techniques for frequency domain multiplexing/de-multiplexing large numbers of channels are contrasted: one operates on the pre-Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) “frequency-domain” samples while the other does so on the post-IFFT “time-domain” samples. Performance criteria including computational complexity and sampling rate requirements are used in the comparison. Following modeling and simulation of the techniques, implemented within a radio-over-fiber transport architecture, error vector magnitude performance estimates are obtained. These results show that each technique has performance advantages under specific channel transport scenarios

    Kann bei Rindern Stress bei der Schlachtung durch ein positives Handling in den ersten Lebenstagen vermindert werden?

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    Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte, ob ein positives Handling innerhalb der ersten Lebenstage bei Mutterkuhkälbern einen stressreduzierenden Effekt auf die Tiere bei der Schlachtung hat

    Catastrophizing and Risk-Taking

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    Background: Catastrophizing, when an individual overestimates the probability of a severe negative outcome, is related to various aspects of mental ill-health. Here, we further characterize catastrophizing by investigating the extent to which self-reported catastrophizing is associated with risk-taking, using an online behavioural task and computational modelling. Methods: We performed two online studies: a pilot study (n=69) and a main study (n=263). In the pilot study, participants performed the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), alongside two other tasks (reported in the Supplement), and completed mental health questionnaires. Based on the findings from the pilot, we explored risk-taking in more detail in the main study using two versions of the Balloon Analogue Risk task (BART), with either a high or low cost for bursting the balloon. Results: In the main study, there was a significant negative relationship between self-report catastrophizing scores and risk-taking in the low (but not high) cost version of the BART. Computational modelling of the BART task revealed no relationship between any parameter and Catastrophizing scores in either version of the task. Conclusions: We show that increased self-reported catastrophizing may be associated with reduced behavioural measures of risk-taking, but were unable to identify a computational correlate of this effect

    Use of Spectroscopic Techniques to Monitor Changes in Food Quality during Application of Natural Preservatives: A Review

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    Consumer demand for food of high quality has driven research for alternative methods of food preservation on the one hand, and the development of new and rapid quality assessment techniques on the other hand. Recently, there has been a growing need and interest in healthier food products, which has led to an increased interest in natural preservatives, such as essential oils, plant extracts, and edible films and coatings. Several studies have shown the potential of using biopreservation, natural antimicrobials, and antioxidant agents in place of other processing and preservation techniques (e.g., thermal and non-thermal treatments, freezing, or synthetic chemicals). Changes in food quality induced by the application of natural preservatives have been commonly evaluated using a range of traditional methods, including microbiology, sensory, and physicochemical measurements. Several spectroscopic techniques have been proposed as promising alternatives to the traditional time- consuming and destructive methods. This review will provide an overview of recent studies and highlight the potential of spectroscopic techniques to evaluate quality changes in food products following the application of natural preservatives

    Polyacetylenes from Sardinian Oenanthe fistulosa: A Molecular Clue to risus sardonicus

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    An investigation of Oenanthe fistulosa from Sardinia afforded oenanthotoxin (1a) and dihydrooenanthotoxin (1b) from the roots and the diacetylenic epoxydiol 2 from the seeds. The absolute configuration of 1a and 1b was established as R by the modified Mosher's method, and the structure of 2 by chemical correlation with (+)-(3R,8S)-falcarindiol. Oenanthotoxin (1a) and dihydrooenanthotoxin (1b) were found to potently block GABAergic responses, providing a molecular rationale for the symptoms of poisoning from water-dropwort (Oenanthe crocata) and related plants. These observations bear relevance for a series of historical and ethnopharmacological observations on the identification of the Sardonic herb and the molecular details of the facial muscular contraction caused by its ingestion (risus sardonicus)