144 research outputs found

    Theology as a challenge to (radical) hermeneutics

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    The article attempts to identify certain aspects of the theological heritage that can be found in the so-called radical hermeneutics – the contemporary mainstream of the hermeneutic thoughts, which is represented among others by Gianni Vattimo and John Caput. It implies: ontologising the very concept of interpretation (there are no facts, only interpretations); move away from objectivity to the interpretation of the interpretation of productive (i.e. co-create meanings of the text by a reader) and the primacy of ethics in the act of reading (interpretation as a response to the gist of the text, and not an attempt to impose appropriation or meanings). Both the idea of interpretation productive and conviction about the role of love (caritas) in the act of interpretation can be traced as far back in the patristic thought (respectively in the writings of St. Gregory the Great and St. Augustine). Especially in the late thought by Vattimo the interpretation of Christian dogma of the Incarnation in the spirit of radical hermeneutics also plays an important role, assuming that every meaning is „embodied” in the historical, finite forms and contexts.dr hab. ANDRZEJ ZAWADZKI – pracownik Katedry Antropologii Literatury i BadaƄ Kulturowych WydziaƂu Polonistyki UJ, autor ksiÄ…ĆŒek: "Nowoczesna eseistyka filozoficzna w piƛmiennictwie polskim I poƂowy XX w." (2001) i "Literatura a myƛl sƂaba" (2009), zajmuje się teorią literatury, komparatystyką literacką i literaturą nowoczesnąUniwersytet JagielloƄski w KrakowieAuerbach E., Język literacki i jego odbiorcy w pĂłĆșnym antyku ƂaciƄskim i ƛredniowieczu, tƂum. R. UrbaƄski, KrakĂłw 2006.Augustyn, O nauce chrzeƛcijaƄskiej, przeƂ. J. Sulowski, Warszawa 1989.Augustyn, Wyznania.Bori P. C., L’interpretation infini, Paris 1991.Derrida J., Memoirs of the blind: the self-portrait and the other ruins, trans. P.-A. Brault and M. Naas, Chicago London 1993.Dictionnaire encyclopedique du christianisme ancienne, (red.) A. di Bernardino, Les Editions du cerf 1990, Vol. 1.Didi-Hubermann G., L’image ouverte. Motif de l’ncarnation dans les arts visuels, Paris 2009.Gadamer H.-G., Prawda i metoda, przeƂ. B. Baran, Warszawa 2007.Gauchet M., Le dĂ©senchantement du monde. Une historie politique de la religion, Paris 1985.Henry M., Wcielenie: filozofia ciaƂa, przeƂ. M. Frankiewicz, D. Adamski, KrakĂłw 2012.Januszkiewicz M., W-koƂo hermeneutyki literackiej, Warszawa 2007.Leƛniewski N., O hermeneutyce radykalnej, PoznaƄ 1998.Marion J.-L., L’idole et la distance, Paris 1977.Nancy J.-L., Verbum caro factum, [w:] Nancy J.-L., La DĂ©closion (DĂ©construction du christianisme, 1), Paris 2005.Noica C., Povestiri despre om (după o carte lui Hegel), Bucuresti 1980.Pareyson L., VeritĂ  e interpretazione, Milano, 1971.Ricoeur P., Figuring the Sacred. Religion, Narrative and Imagination, trans. by D. Pellauer and M. I. Wallace, Minneapolis 1995.Ricoeur P., L’hermĂ©nutique biblique, trad. F.-X. Amherdt, Paris 2001.Ricoeur P., Why Narrative? Readings in Narrative Theology, S. Hauerwas, G. Jones (red.), Michigan 1989.Severino E., Esiste la fede, [w:] Severino E., Pensieri sull cristianesimo, Milano 2010.Severino E., L’incarnatione del Verbo, [w:] Severino E., Pensieri sul cristianesimo, Milano 2010.Vattimo G., Credere di credere, Milano 1996.Vattimo G., Dzieje zbawienia, dzieje interpretacji, tƂum. A. Zawadzki, „Teksty Drugie” 2005, nr 4.Vattimo G., Etica dell’ interpretazione, Torino 1989.Vattimo G., Oltre l’interpretazione. Il significato dell’ermeenutica per la filosofia, Bari 1994.103-11514/110311

    PlĂĄsticos reforzados con fibras naturales en el sector automotriz

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    El siguiente artĂ­culo trata de plĂĄsticos reforzados con fibras naturales y sus aplicaciones, principalmente en la producciĂłn de autopartes. Estos materiales tienen algunas propiedades que pueden dar cumplimiento a nuevos reglamentos establecidos para proteger el ambiente. Este artĂ­culo muestra las propiedades de los plĂĄsticos, fibras naturales y artificiales, plĂĄsticos reforzados con ellos y partes fabricadas con estos materiales. Se menciona, ademĂĄs, a los lĂ­deres en el sector automotriz y las partes plĂĄsticas usadas en diferentes vehĂ­culos

    Trzy glosy do Tolkiena

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    Three glosses to TolkienThe paper is an attempt to interpret selected motives and themes in Tokien’s The Lord of the Rings with the help of some concepts taken from dialectical thinking, hermeneutics and Lacanian psychoanalysis

    Advocatus hermeneuticae. (O „Obliczach hermeneutyki” PawƂa Dybla)

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    ADVOCATUS HERMENEUTICAE. ON PAWEƁ DYBEL®S OBLICZA HERMENEUTYKI (FACES OF HERMENEUTICS) Oblicza hermeneutyki (Faces of Hermeneutics) by PaweƂ Dybel covers many important problems of contemporary hermeneutics and can be read in many ways. First of all, it is an apology of hermeneutics and an attempt to define a hermeneutical model of understanding as opposed to some other models developed by, mostly, psychoanalysis and the so-called hermeneutics of suspicion. Secondly, Dybel tries to show specific features of hermeneutic thinking by situating hermeneutics between philosophy and human sciences. His own vision of hermeneutics is shaped mostly by Gadamers’s idea of understanding as dialogue, conversation, mediation. The author also outlines the history of filological hermeneutics, from Luther to some contemporary theorists and investigates certain ethical and anthropological issues of hermeneutics

    WiedziaƂem od razu

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    Du texte au contexte

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    InspirĂ©e par deux tendances prĂ©dominantes : la phĂ©nomĂ©nologie (dont le reprĂ©sentant le plus important a Ă©tĂ© Roman Ingarden, disciple de Husserl et fondateur de la thĂ©orie phĂ©nomĂ©nologique de l’Ɠuvre littĂ©raire, centrĂ©e sur la structure intentionnelle de l’Ɠuvre et sa concrĂ©tisation par le lecteur) et le structuralisme (y compris les influences venues du formalisme russe, de l’École de Prague, ainsi que des recherches polonaises menĂ©es avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale), la thĂ©orie de la littĂ©rature en Pologne s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e trĂšs rapidement dans les annĂ©es 60 et 70. Elle s’est intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  la structure de l’Ɠuvre littĂ©raire (versologie, stylistique, narration, communication littĂ©raire, poĂ©tique descriptive et historique).Au contraire aprĂšs 1989, le champ thĂ©orique est profondĂ©ment reconfigurĂ©, la perspective formelle, immanente, cĂ©dant la place, aprĂšs la pĂ©riode de domination de la pensĂ©e structuraliste, Ă  l’analyse des contextes culturels, politiques et Ă©conomiques, des dĂ©terminations idĂ©ologiques et des diverses formes du pouvoir symbolique dans lesquelles fonctionne la littĂ©rature, qui n’est plus conçue comme structure ou texte, mais comme discours social qui rĂ©flĂ©chit et, en mĂȘme temps, forme la rĂ©alitĂ© historique. Le poststructuralisme français, l’hermĂ©neutique, le pragmatisme et les Cultural studies amĂ©ricaines, les Ă©tudes fĂ©ministes et postcolonialistes : tels sont les instruments thĂ©oriques privilĂ©giĂ©s aujourd’hui, par la majoritĂ© des chercheurs polonais.Polish literary theory developed very quickly in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Its main field of research is structure of literary works, including versology, stylistics, narrative, literary communication, descriptive and historical poetics. It was mostly inspired by phenomenology and Roman Ingarden, a disciple of Husserl and founder of phenomenological theory of literary work, which focused on the intentional structure of literary work and its concretization by readers. The second important source of inspiration for Polish literary theory was structuralism, including Russian Formalism, the Prague Circle and original Polish literary researches before the Second World War. After 1989 the entire field of literary theory in Poland was deeply changed. Formalist perspective was replaced by research concentrated on broad cultural, political, and economical contexts of literature, its ideological determinations as well as forms of symbolic power reflected in a literary work. Literature itself is no more treated as structure or text, but rather as discourse, reflecting and at the same time forming social reality. Analytical tools are mainly provided by French poststructuralist theory, hermeneutics, pragmatism, American cultural studies, feminism and postcolonialism

    OsƂabianie Nietzschego

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    The essay deals with Vattimo's interpretation of Nietzsche in the context of contemporary critical discussion concerning Nietzsche's heritage in the modern philosophy. In his early book II soggetto e la maschera. Nietzche e la problema della liberazione (1974) Vattimo tries to picture Nietzsche as a philosopher of emancipation, who announces both social liberation of humanity from political oppression and domination, and cultural liberation of the symbolical domain (values, symbols, senses) from metaphysics and its categories like substance, essence, stable, immutable being. In his later essays on Nietzsche, gathered in the volume entitled Dialogo eon Nietzsche, Vattimo concentrates on hermeneutical aspects of Nietzsche's philosophy and shows his influence on contemporary philosophical hermeneutics and theory of interpretation

    Symploke jako figura PlatoƄskiej mimesis

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    SYMPLOKE AS A FIGURE OF MIMESIS IN PLATO’S PHILOSOPHYThe essay Symploke as a figure of mimesis in Plato’s philosophy is an attempt to reconstruct two different models of mimesis in Plato’s thought. The first model (Repulic) is ontological and based on the notion of truth as manifestation of real being (eidos or physis). Here, a copy or imitation is but a non-being, an appearance, or „a weak being” that participates in the true being only to a very small extent. The second model (The Sophist) is epistemological and based on the notion of truth as resemblance between an object and a copy. Here, an image is good if it is perfectly similar to the object it represents. Both models of mimesis cannot be treated separately. Their subtle interpenetration can be seen in the Platonic figure of symploke (a „plexus”) from The Sophist, in which being and non-being, truthfulness and falsity unexpectedly show their paradoxical unity

    Scriptura aliquo modo cum legentibus crescit. Idea interpretacji nieskoƄczonej i jej chrzeƛcijaƄskie ĆșrĂłdƂa

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    The article presents an attempt to trace, in the tradition of Christian hermeneutics, the origin of an idea which plays an important role in the entire modern hermeneutical discourse, namely – the idea of infinite interpretation. Today, it is regarded as a feature of radical (Vattimo), post-structuralist (Foucault) hermeneutics which questions, in many ways and starting from different traditions of thought and with different premises, the belief that the meaning of a text is univocal, given once and for all, closed, and the work of an interpreter is only limited to its extraction, unambiguous understanding, reconstruction
