602 research outputs found

    Kinematics of CO2 fluxes in the tropical Atlantic ocean during the 1983 northern summer

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    CO2 evasion within the Atlantic equatorial belt (5°N-5°S) increases from the East to the West (Andrié et al., 1986). Many factors contribute the variations of pCO2 in the equatorial surface waters. To assess their relative importance, a kinematic box model is developed. A 2° x 2° box whose depth is defined by the 24.90 °/°° isopcynal level flows westward from 4°W to 38°W within the Equator-2°S band with the south equatorial current. Time (zonal) evolution of nitrate, total CO2, total alkalinity and mass, and of the corresponding water pCO2, are simulated taking into account advection, meridional divergence, diffusion, biological activity and gas exchange. Initial and boundary conditions are taken from the FOCAL 4 (July-August 1983) data se

    Critical Values for Yen’s Q3: Identification of Local Dependence in the Rasch model using Residual Correlations

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    The assumption of local independence is central to all IRT models. Violations can lead to inflated estimates of reliability and problems with construct validity. For the most widely used fit statistic Q3 there are currently no well-documented suggestions of the critical values which should be used to indicate local dependence, and for this reason a variety of arbitrary rules of thumb are used. In this study, we used an empirical data example and Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the different factors that can influence the null distribution of residual correlations, with the objective of proposing guidelines that researchers and practitioners can follow when making decisions about local dependence during scale development and validation. We propose that a parametric bootstrapping procedure should be implemented in each separate situation in order to obtain the critical value of local dependence applicable to the data set, and provide example critical values for a number of data structure situations. The results show that for the Q3 fit statistic no single critical value is appropriate for all situations, as the percentiles in the empirical null distribution are influenced by the number of items, the sample size, and the number of response categories. Furthermore, our results show that local dependence should be considered relative to the average observed residual correlation, rather than to a uniform value, as this results in more stable percentiles for the null distribution of an adjusted fit statistic

    Magnetic phase transition in V2O3 nanocrystals

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    V2O3 nanocrystals can be synthesized through hydrothermal reduction of VO(OH)2 using hydrazine as a reducing agent. Addition of different ligands to the reaction produces nanoparticles, nanorods and nanoplatelets of different sizes. Small nanoparticles synthesized in this manner show suppression of the magnetic phase transition to lower temperatures. Using muon spin relaxation spectroscopy and synchrotron x-ray diffraction, it is determined that the volume fraction of the high-temperature phase, characterized by a rhombohedral structure and paramagnetism, gradually declines with decreasing temperature, in contrast to the sharp transition observed in bulk V2O3.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    The Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs Scale (LANSS) is not an adequate outcome measure of pressure ulcer-related neuropathic pain

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    Background: Few pain assessment scales have been used in Pressure Ulcer (PU) research and none developed or validated for people with PUs. We examined the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) scale to determine its utility as an outcome measure for people with pressure-area related pain. Methods: LANSS data from 728 participants underwent psychometric analyses: traditional tests for data quality, scaling assumptions, reliability and validity and a Rasch analysis including tests of fit, spread and targeting of item locations, response dependency, person separation index (reliability) and differential item functioning. Results: Our findings offer support for a unidimensional scale; confirmatory factor analysis indicated a non-significant Chi-Square test of model fit ((df =14) 23.48, p= 0.053). However, some misfit was identified at the overall scale and individual item levels, and internal construct validity of the LANSS as an outcome measure for neuropathic pain in people with pressure-area related pain was not supported; low to moderate item-total correlations (Chi Square (df = 28) 55.546, p = 0.002) and inter-item correlations (mean 0.117 and range from 0.063 - 0.415); and low Cronbach’s alpha (0.549) and Person Separation Index (0.334). Conclusions: Requirements for reliable and valid measurement do not support the use of the LANSS as an outcome measure in people with PUs at the individual level or as a generalised measurement scale of neuropathic pain across ulcer severity groups. Expanding the number of items to aid differentiation between neuropathic pain levels and improving scale reliability is recommended

    BAERLIN2014 -The influence of land surface types on and the horizontal heterogeneity of air pollutant levels in Berlin

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    Urban air quality and human health are among the key aspects of future urban planning. In order to address pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter, efforts need to be made to quantify and reduce their concentrations. One important aspect in understanding urban air quality is the influence of urban vegetation which may act as both emitter and sink for trace gases and aerosol particles. In this context, the "Berlin Air quality and Ecosystem Research: Local and long-range Impact of anthropogenic and Natural hydrocarbons 2014" (BAERLIN2014) campaign was conducted between 2 June and 29 August in the metropolitan area of Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. The predominant goals of the campaign were (1) the characterization of urban gaseous and particulate pollution and its attribution to anthropogenic and natural sources in the region of interest, especially considering the connection between biogenic volatile organic compounds and particulates and ozone; (2) the quantification of the impact of urban vegetation on organic trace gas levels and the presence of oxidants such as ozone; and (3) to explain the local heterogeneity of pollutants by defining the distribution of sources and sinks relevant for the interpretation of model simulations. In order to do so, the campaign included stationary measurements at urban background station and mobile observations carried out from bicycle, van and airborne platforms. This paper provides an overview of the mobile measurements (Mobile BAERLIN2014) and general conclusions drawn from the analysis. Bicycle measurements showed micro-scale variations of temperature and particulate matter, displaying a substantial reduction of mean temperatures and particulate levels in the proximity of vegetated areas compared to typical urban residential area (background) measurements. Van measurements extended the area covered by bicycle observations and included continuous measurements of O3, NOx, CO, CO2 and point-wise measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at representative sites for traffic- and vegetation-affected sites. The quantification displayed notable horizontal heterogeneity of the short-lived gases and particle number concentrations. For example, baseline concentrations of the traffic-related chemical species CO and NO varied on average by up to ±22.2 and ±63.5 %, respectively, on the scale of 100 m around any measurement location. Airborne observations revealed the dominant source of elevated urban particulate number and mass concentrations being local, i.e., not being caused by long-range transport. Surface-based observations related these two parameters predominantly to traffic sources. Vegetated areas lowered the pollutant concentrations substantially with ozone being reduced most by coniferous forests, which is most likely caused by their reactive biogenic VOC emissions. With respect to the overall potential to reduce air pollutant levels, forests were found to result in the largest decrease, followed by parks and facilities for sports and leisure. Surface temperature was generally 0.6–2.1 °C lower in vegetated regions, which in turn will have an impact on tropospheric chemical processes. Based on our findings, effective future mitigation activities to provide a more sustainable and healthier urban environment should focus predominantly on reducing fossil-fuel emissions from traffic as well as on increasing vegetated areas

    An evaluation of the structural validity of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) using the Rasch model

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    Purpose: The Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) has been extensively evaluated for its psychometric properties using classic test theory (CTT). The purpose of this study was to evaluate its structural validity using Rasch model analysis. Methods: Responses to the SPADI from 1030 patients referred for physiotherapy with shoulder pain and enrolled in a prospective cohort study were available for Rasch model analysis. Overall fit, individual person and item fit, response format, dependence, unidimensionality, targeting, reliability and differential item functioning (DIF) were examined. Results: The SPADI pain subscale initially demonstrated a misfit due to DIF by age and gender. After iterative analysis it showed good fit to the Rasch model with acceptable targeting and unidimensionality (overall fit (chi-square statistic 57.2, p=0.1); mean item fit residual 0.19 (1.5) and mean person fit residual 0.44 (1.1); person separation index (PSI) of 0.83). The disability subscale however shows significant misfit due to uniform DIF even after iterative analyses were used to explore different solutions to the sources of misfit (overall fit (chi-square statistic 57.2, p=0.1); mean item fit residual -0.54 (1.26) and mean person fit residual -0.38 (1.0); PSI 0.84). Conclusions: Rasch Model analysis of the SPADI has identified some strengths and limitations not previously observed using CTT methods. The SPADI should be treated as two separate subscales. The SPADI is a widely used outcome measure in clinical practice and research, however the scores derived from it must be interpreted with caution. The pain subscale fits the Rasch model expectations well. The disability subscale does not fit the Rasch model and its current format does not meet the criteria for true interval-level measurement required for use as a primary endpoint in clinical trials. Clinicians should therefore exercise caution when interpreting score changes on the disability subscale and attempt to compare their scores to age and sex stratified data

    Glutathione S-Transferase Ω 1 variation does not influence age at onset of Huntington's disease

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    BACKGROUND: Huntington's disease (HD) is a fully penetrant, autosomal dominantly inherited disorder associated with abnormal expansions of a stretch of perfect CAG repeats in the 5' part of the IT15 gene. The number of repeat units is highly predictive for the age at onset (AO) of the disorder. But AO is only modestly correlated with repeat length when intermediate HD expansions are considered. Circumstantial evidence suggests that additional features of the HD course are based on genetic traits. Therefore, it may be possible to investigate the genetic background of HD, i.e. to map the loci underlying the development and progression of the disease. Recently an association of Glutathione S-Transferase Ω 1 (GSTO1) and possibly of GSTO2 with AO was demonstrated for, both, Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). METHODS: We have genotyped the polymorphisms rs4925 GSTO1 and rs2297235 GSTO2 in 232 patients with HD and 228 controls. RESULTS: After genotyping GSTO1 and GSTO2 polymorphisms, firstly there was no statistically significant difference in AO for HD patients, as well as secondly for HD patients vs. controls concerning, both, genotype and allele frequencies, respectively. CONCLUSION: The GSTO1 and GSTO2 genes flanked by the investigated polymorphisms are not comprised in a primary candidate region influencing AO in HD

    Indução da brotação de videira da cultivar niágara rosada com o uso de ERGER® associado a nitrato de cálcio em Botucatu, SP.

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    A utilização de indutores de brotação em fruteiras de origem de clima temperado é uma prática consolidada em todas regiões do Brasil e do mundo. Em videiras, assim como em outras frutíferas temperadas, o Dormex® é o produto mais utilizado devido sua alta eficiência. Pelo fato de não existir outros promotores de brotação com sua eficácia, seu valor financeiro e elevado nível toxicológico são barreiras que os produtores encaram para manter a produção vitícola. Resultados promissores na literatura indicam que o Erger® associado ao nitrato de cálcio apresentam influencia na brotação de frutíferas de clima temperado
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