25 research outputs found

    Discovery of an Unusual Optical Transient with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present observations of SCP 06F6, an unusual optical transient discovered during the Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Supernova Survey. The transient brightened over a period of ~;;100 days, reached a peak magnitude of ~;;21.0 in both i_775 and z_850, and then declined over a similar timescale. There is no host galaxy or progenitor star detected at the location of the transient to a 3 sigma upper limit of i_775 = 26.4 and z_850 = 26.1, giving a corresponding lower limit on the flux increase of a factor of ~;;120. Multiple spectra show five broad absorption bands between 4100 AA and 6500 AA and a mostly featureless continuum longward of 6500 AA. The shape of the lightcurve is inconsistent with microlensing. The transient's spectrum, in addition to being inconsistent with all known supernova types, is not matched to any spectrum in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database. We suggest that the transient may be one of a new class

    The Discovery of a Gravitationally Lensed Supernova Ia at Redshift 2.22

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    We present the discovery and measurements of a gravitationally lensed supernova (SN) behind the galaxy cluster MOO J1014+0038. Based on multi-band Hubble Space Telescope and Very Large Telescope (VLT) photometry of the supernova, and VLT spectroscopy of the host galaxy, we find a 97.5% probability that this SN is a SN Ia, and a 2.5% chance of a CC SN. Our typing algorithm combines the shape and color of the light curve with the expected rates of each SN type in the host galaxy. With a redshift of 2.2216, this is the highest redshift SN Ia discovered with a spectroscopic host-galaxy redshift. A further distinguishing feature is that the lensing cluster, at redshift 1.23, is the most distant to date to have an amplified SN. The SN lies in the middle of the color and light-curve shape distributions found at lower redshift, disfavoring strong evolution to z = 2.22. We estimate an amplification due to gravitational lensing of 2.8+0.6-0.5 (1.10 +- 0.23 mag)---compatible with the value estimated from the weak-lensing-derived mass and the mass-concentration relation from LambdaCDM simulations---making it the most amplified SN Ia discovered behind a galaxy cluster

    Multi-Omics and Genome Editing Studies on Plant Cell Walls to Improve Biomass Quality

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    Biomass is one of the most important sources of renewable energy and plays an important role in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Efficient biomass production is essential to obtain large amounts of sustainable energy with minimal environmental cost. However, the biochemical and molecular processes behind the synthesis of the main components of biomass are still not fully understood. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the most relevant studies on cell wall biosynthesis and degradation mechanisms, focusing on the lignocellulosic component, in which the conversion process to fermentable sugars is expensive, due to its recalcitrant nature. A focus is placed on multi-omics research involving genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and phenomics, since multi-omics approaches offer a unique opportunity to investigate the biological pathways underlying the genotype traits characterizing cell wall energy crops. Furthermore, our study highlights the advances in genome editing approaches and proposes the modification of the genes that are involved in the complex cell wall structure as a feasible solution to an efficient biomass production. Several key points for future research activities based on these emerging technologies are also discussed, focusing on the combination of multi-omics and gene editing approaches, which offer potential for improved biomass valorization and the development of tangible bioproducts

    The Operation of Canada’s Only Virtually Operated Radiation Oncology Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose: Our institution operates a remote radiation oncology service in Northern Ontario, Canada. Since the start of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, this center has operated without radiation oncologists on site owing to safety precautions, and this study seeks to understand the effect of this shift. Methods and Materials: Departmental level data reports were used to investigate differences in metrics between April to May of 2019 and April to May 2020. These metrics include the total number of referrals received, average wait time from referral to consult, the number of cases that underwent peer review before beginning treatment, the total number of fractions given over each period, patient-reported outcomes, and patient satisfaction. We also examined the importance of physical examinations and the use of SABR treatment. Results: There was an observed decrease in the number of referrals received, total number of fractions administered, and number of patients providing patient-reported outcomes. We observed no change in patient wait times, cases undergoing peer review before commencing treatment, or overall patient satisfaction. Challenges were identified in the collection of patient- reported outcomes and the conduction of physical examinations. Conclusions: This paper provides proof of concept that a radiation clinic can function entirely virtually in the short term without sacrificing patient satisfaction, efficiency, or safety

    High-Redshift SNe with Subaru and HST

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    Seattle, Washington State Convention Center, 6–10 January 2019High-redshift type Ia supernovae are crucial for constraining any time variation in dark energy. Here, we present the first discoveries and light curves from the SUbaru Supernovae with Hubble Infrared (SUSHI) program, which combines high-redshift SN discoveries from the Subaru Strategic Program (SSP, as well as other Subaru time) with HST WFC3 IR followup. This program efficiently uses the wide field and high collecting area of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam for optical light curves, but still obtains a precision NIR color. We are on track to double the number of well-measured SNe Ia at z > 1.1, triggering on 23 SNe Ia in our first season