93 research outputs found

    De groeiende aardappelwereld

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    Nederland exporteert meer pootaardappelen dan alle andere landen samen. Goed nieuws, want de aardappel heeft nog een grote toekomst voor zich, denkt onderzoeker Anton Haverkort van Plant Research International, onderdeel van Wageningen UR. In opkomende economieën groeit de vraag naar aardappelen snel

    Negative Polaron And Triplet Exciton Diffusion In Organometallic molecular Wires

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    The dynamics of negative polaron and triplet exciton transport within a series of monodisperse platinum (Pt) acetylide oligomers is reported. The oligomers consist of Pt-acetylide repeats, [PtL(2)-C C-ph-C C-](n) (where L = PBu(3) and Ph = 1,4-phenylene, n = 2, 3, 6, and 10), capped with naphthalene diimide (NDI) end groups. The Pt acetylide segments are electro- and photoactive, and they serve as conduits for transport of electrons (negative polaron) and triplet excitons. The NDI end groups are relatively strong acceptors, serving as traps for the carriers. Negative polaron transport is studied by using pulse radiolysis/transient absorption at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Laser-Electron Accelerator Facility (LEAF). Electrons are rapidly attached to the oligomers, with some fraction initially residing upon the Pt acetylide chains. The dynamics of transport are resolved by monitoring the spectral changes associated with transfer of electrons from the chain to the NDI end group. Triplet exciton transport is studied by femtosecond-picosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Near-UV excitation leads to rapid production of triplet excitons localized on the Pt acetylide chains. The excitons transport to the chain ends, where they are annihilated by charge separation with the NDI end group. The dynamics of triplet transport are resolved by transient absorption spectroscopy, taking advantage of the changes in spectra associated with decay of the triplet exciton and rise of the charge-separated state. The results indicate that negative polarons and excitons are transported rapidly, on average moving distances of similar to 3nm in less than 200 ps. Analysis of the dynamics suggests diffusive transport by a site-to-site hopping mechanism with hopping times of similar to 27 ps for triplets and \u3c10 ps for electrons

    'It's a film' : medium specificity as textual gesture in Red road and The unloved

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    British cinema has long been intertwined with television. The buzzwords of the transition to digital media, 'convergence' and 'multi-platform delivery', have particular histories in the British context which can be grasped only through an understanding of the cultural, historical and institutional peculiarities of the British film and television industries. Central to this understanding must be two comparisons: first, the relative stability of television in the duopoly period (at its core, the licence-funded BBC) in contrast to the repeated boom and bust of the many different financial/industrial combinations which have comprised the film industry; and second, the cultural and historical connotations of 'film' and 'television'. All readers of this journal will be familiar – possibly over-familiar – with the notion that 'British cinema is alive and well and living on television'. At the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, when 'the end of medium specificity' is much trumpeted, it might be useful to return to the historical imbrication of British film and television, to explore both the possibility that medium specificity may be more nationally specific than much contemporary theorisation suggests, and to consider some of the relationships between film and television manifest at a textual level in two recent films, Red Road (2006) and The Unloved (2009)

    British Communists and the 1932 turn to the trade unions

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    The Comintern’s Third Period, 1928-1934, based on Stalin’s ‘second revolution’ in Russia, capitalist crisis and the claim that social democracy and fascism were twins, generated sectarian, ultra-left politics which proved inimical to Communist activity in trade unions. This article sheds new light on that issue by revisiting three connected episodes: the British party’s (CPGB) renewed turn to the unions, heralded in the January resolution of 1932; the roles Comintern staff and CPGB leader Harry Pollitt, played in this initiative; and the subsequent attempt by Pollitt to revise the politics of union work. This triptych reviews both primary sources and the recent historiography. It argues that some accounts have overestimated the novelty of the January resolution, blurred its meaning, and exaggerated Pollitt’s part in it. The resolution did not attempt to change the line but its application. Its impact was limited. Subsequent bids to go beyond it were muddled and unsuccessful. The 1933 move towards the united front, and the ensuing turn to the popular front, possessed more profound significance in the creation of an effective Communist presence in trade unions than the events of 1931- 1932

    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis associated with pulmonary vein thrombosis: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary vein thrombosis represents a potentially fatal disease. This syndrome may clinically mimic pulmonary embolism but has a different investigation strategy and prognosis. Pulmonary vein thrombosis is difficult to diagnose clinically and usually requires a combination of conventionally used diagnostic modalities. CASE PRESENTATION: The authors report a case of a 78-year-old previously healthy female presenting with collapse and shortness of breath. Serum biochemistry revealed acute kidney injury, positive D-dimmer's and increased C reactive protein. Chest radiography demonstrated volume loss in the right lung. The patient was started on antibiotics and also therapeutic doses of low molecular weight heparin. The working diagnosis included community acquired pneumonia & pulmonary embolism. A computed tomography pulmonary angiogram was performed to confirm the clinical suspicions of pulmonary embolism. This demonstrated a thrombus in the pulmonary vein, with associated fibrosis and volume loss of the right lower lobe. A subsequent thrombophilia screen revealed a positive lupus anticoagulant antibody and rheumatoid factor and also decreased anti thrombin III and protein C levels. The urine protein/creatinine ratio was found to be 553 mg/mmol. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of this patient was therefore of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis associated with pulmonary vein thrombosis. Whether or not the pulmonary vein thrombosis was a primary cause of the fibrosis or a consequence of it was unclear. There are few data on the management of pulmonary vein thrombosis, but anticoagulation, antibiotics, and, in cases of large pulmonary vein thrombosis, thrombectomy or pulmonary resection have been used

    Attacker Control and Impact for Confidentiality and Integrity

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    Language-based information flow methods offer a principled way to enforce strong security properties, but enforcing noninterference is too inflexible for realistic applications. Security-typed languages have therefore introduced declassification mechanisms for relaxing confidentiality policies, and endorsement mechanisms for relaxing integrity policies. However, a continuing challenge has been to define what security is guaranteed when such mechanisms are used. This paper presents a new semantic framework for expressing security policies for declassification and endorsement in a language-based setting. The key insight is that security can be characterized in terms of the influence that declassification and endorsement allow to the attacker. The new framework introduces two notions of security to describe the influence of the attacker. Attacker control defines what the attacker is able to learn from observable effects of this code; attacker impact captures the attacker's influence on trusted locations. This approach yields novel security conditions for checked endorsements and robust integrity. The framework is flexible enough to recover and to improve on the previously introduced notions of robustness and qualified robustness. Further, the new security conditions can be soundly enforced by a security type system. The applicability and enforcement of the new policies is illustrated through various examples, including data sanitization and authentication

    Second Phase Transnationalism: Reflections on Launching the SCMS Transnational Cinemas Scholarly Interest Group

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    This article examines what the process of founding and chairing the SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies) ‘Transnational Cinemas’ scholarly interest group revealed to the authors about the evolution of the field. Charting a progression in the group’s activities from workshops around disciplinary definition to more practical sessions addressing teaching and research methodologies, the article maps out key shifts that took place within the period 2013–2017. It also appraises the authors’ efforts to create lasting, tangible resources for future researchers and teachers. The limitations of such a group’s influence are balanced against its capacity to bring scholars from diverse disciplines into dialogue with each other, thereby offering insight into the breadth and depth of the ‘transnational cinemas’ field