293 research outputs found

    New detections of HC5N towards hot cores associated with 6.7 GHz methanol masers

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    We present new detections of cyanodiacetylene (HC5N) towards hot molecular cores, observed with the Tidbinbilla 34 m radio telescope (DSS–34). In a sample of 79 hot molecular cores, HC5N was detected towards 35. These results are counter to the expectation that long chain cyanopolyynes, such as HC5N, are not typically found in hot molecular cores, unlike their shorter chain counterpart HC3N. However, it is consistent with recent models which suggest HC5N may exist for a limited period during the evolution of hot molecular cores

    ALMACAL. XI. Over-densities as signposts to proto-clusters? A cautionary tale

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    It may be unsurprising that the most common approach to finding proto-clusters is to search for over-densities of galaxies. Upgrades to submillimetre (submm) interferometers and the advent of the James Webb Space Telescope will soon offer the opportunity to find more distant candidate proto-clusters in deep sky surveys without any spectroscopic confirmation. In this letter, we report the serendipitous discovery of an extremely dense region centred on the blazar, J0217-0820, at z=0.6 in the ALMACAL sky survey. Its density is eight times higher than that predicted by blind submm surveys. Among the seven submm-bright galaxies, three are as bright as conventional single-dish submm galaxies, with S_870um > 3mJy. The over-density is thus comparable to the densest known and confirmed proto-cluster cores. However, their spectra betray a wide range of redshifts. We investigate the likelihood of line-of-sight projection effects using light cones from cosmological simulations, finding that the deeper we search, the higher the chance that we will suffer from such projection effects. The extreme over-density around J0217-0820 demonstrates the strong cosmic variance we may encounter in the deep submm surveys. Thus, we should also question the fidelity of galaxy proto-cluster candidates selected via over-densities of galaxies, where the negative K correction eases the detection of dusty galaxies along an extraordinarily extended line of sight.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, update with the accepted versio

    Design and implementation of a prototype infrared video bolometer (IRVB) in MAST Upgrade

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    A prototype infrared video bolometer (IRVB) was successfully deployed in the Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak Upgrade (MAST Upgrade or MAST-U), the first deployment of such a diagnostic in a spherical tokamak. The IRVB was designed to study the radiation around the lower x-point, another first in tokamaks, and has the potential to estimate emissivity profiles with spatial resolution beyond what is achievable with resistive bolometry. The system was fully characterized prior to installation on MAST-U, and the results are summarized here. After installation, it was verified that the actual measurement geometry in the tokamak qualitatively matches the design; this is a particularly difficult process for bolometers and was done using specific features of the plasma itself. The installed IRVB measurements are consistent both with observations from other diagnostics, including magnetic reconstruction, visible light cameras, and resistive bolometry, as well as with the IRVB-designed view. Early results show that with conventional divertor geometry and only intrinsic impurities (for example, C and He), the progression of radiative detachment follows a similar path to that observed for large aspect ratio tokamaks: The peak of the radiation moves along the separatrix from the targets to the x-point and high-field side midplane with a toroidally symmetric structure that can eventually lead to strong effects on the core plasma inside the separatrix

    ‘I’m not your mother’: British social realism, neoliberalism and the maternal subject in Sally Wainwright’s Happy Valley (BBC1 2014-2016)

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    This article examines Sally Wainwright's Happy Valley (BBC1, 2014–2016) in the context of recent feminist attempts to theorise the idea of a maternal subject. Happy Valley, a police series set in an economically disadvantaged community in West Yorkshire, has been seen as expanding the genre of British social realism, in its focus on strong Northern women, by giving it ‘a female voice’ (Gorton, 2016: 73). I argue that its challenge is more substantial. Both the tradition of British social realism on which the series draws, and the neoliberal narratives of the family which formed the discursive context of its production, I argue, are founded on a social imaginary in which the mother is seen as responsible for the production of the selves of others, but cannot herself be a subject. The series itself, however, places at its centre an active, articulate, mobile and angry maternal subject. In so doing, it radically contests both a tradition of British social realism rooted in male nostalgia and more recent neoliberal narratives of maternal guilt and lifestyle choice. It does this through a more fundamental contestation: of the wider cultural narratives about selfhood and the maternal that underpin both. Its reflective maternal subject, whose narrative journey involves acceptance of an irrecoverable loss, anger and guilt as a crucial aspect of subjectivity, and who embodies an ethics of relationality, is a figure impossible in conventional accounts of subject and nation. She can be understood, however, in terms of recent feminist theories of the maternal

    Caring for a child with a learning disability born into the family unit: Women's recollections over time

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    This is the authors' print-print version of an article published in Scandianavian journal of disability research which is available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15017419.2010.540827Caring over time for a child/young adult with a learning disability requires that the family, and in particular the mother, negotiate their needs with services and professionals, and these negotiations are complicated further by significant behavioural issues in the children. This study reports on a series of interviews undertaken with mothers of children and young adults with learning disabilities and a history of challenging behaviours. The interviews were supplemented by documentary data from clinical and other notes in order to provide a more detailed view of the issues arising from caring over time. Detailed thematic analysis revealed five key themes demonstrating the cumulative effect of caring for someone with such complex needs, the centrality of that individual’s needs to the lives of those interviewed and the ongoing negotiation between family and professionals required in order for the former to work out how to continue caring both effectively and on their own terms. All the names of mothers and children are psuedonyms

    Randomised, double-blind, multicentre, mixed-methods, dose-escalation feasibility trial of mirtazapine for better treatment of severe breathlessness in advanced lung disease (BETTER-B feasibility)

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ. New treatments are required for severe breathlessness in advanced disease. We conducted a randomised feasibility trial of mirtazapine over 28 days in adults with a modified medical research council breathlessness scale score ≥3. Sixty-four patients were randomised (409 screened), achieving our primary feasibility endpoint of recruitment. Most patients had COPD or interstitial lung disease; 52 (81%) completed the trial. There were no differences between placebo and mirtazapine in tolerability or safety, and blinding was maintained. Worst breathlessness ratings at day 28 (primary clinical activity endpoint) were, 7.1 (SD 2.3, placebo) and 6.3 (SD 1.8, mirtazapine). A phase III trial of mirtazapine is indicated. Trial registration: ISRCTN 32236160; European Clinical Trials Database (EudraCT no: 2015-004064-11)

    Costa Rica Rift hole deepened and logged

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    During Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientists on the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution studied crustal structure and hydrothermal processes in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Leg 111 spent 43 days on its primary objective, deepening and logging Hole 5048, a deep reference hole in 5.9-million-year-old crust 200 km south of the spreading axis of the Costa Rica Rift. Even before Leg 111 , Hole 5048 was the deepest hole drilled into the oceanic crust, penetrating 274.5 m of sediments and 1,075.5 m of pillow lavas and sheeted dikes to a total depth of 1,350 m below sea floor (mbsf). Leg 111 deepened the hole by 212.3 m to a total depth of 1,562.3 mbsf (1,287.8 m into basement), and completed a highly successful suite of geophysical logs and experiments, including sampling of borehole waters
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