
During Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientists on the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution studied crustal structure and hydrothermal processes in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Leg 111 spent 43 days on its primary objective, deepening and logging Hole 5048, a deep reference hole in 5.9-million-year-old crust 200 km south of the spreading axis of the Costa Rica Rift. Even before Leg 111 , Hole 5048 was the deepest hole drilled into the oceanic crust, penetrating 274.5 m of sediments and 1,075.5 m of pillow lavas and sheeted dikes to a total depth of 1,350 m below sea floor (mbsf). Leg 111 deepened the hole by 212.3 m to a total depth of 1,562.3 mbsf (1,287.8 m into basement), and completed a highly successful suite of geophysical logs and experiments, including sampling of borehole waters

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