30 research outputs found

    Epistemic Uncertainty-Weighted Loss for Visual Bias Mitigation

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    Deep neural networks are highly susceptible to learning biases in visual data. While various methods have been proposed to mitigate such bias, the majority require explicit knowledge of the biases present in the training data in order to mitigate. We argue the relevance of exploring methods which are completely ignorant of the presence of any bias, but are capable of identifying and mitigating them. Furthermore, we propose using Bayesian neural networks with an epistemic uncertainty-weighted loss function to dynamically identify potential bias in individual training samples and to weight them during training. We find a positive correlation between samples subject to bias and higher epistemic uncertainties. Finally, we show the method has potential to mitigate visual bias on a bias benchmark dataset and on a real-world face detection problem, and we consider the merits and weaknesses of our approach.Comment: To be published in 2022 IEEE CVPR Workshop on Fair, Data Efficient and Trusted Computer Visio

    Bayesian uncertainty-weighted loss for improved generalisability on polyp segmentation task

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    While several previous studies have devised methods for segmentation of polyps, most of these methods are not rigorously assessed on multi-center datasets. Variability due to appearance of polyps from one center to another, difference in endoscopic instrument grades, and acquisition quality result in methods with good performance on in-distribution test data, and poor performance on out-of-distribution or underrepresented samples. Unfair models have serious implications and pose a critical challenge to clinical applications. We adapt an implicit bias mitigation method which leverages Bayesian epistemic uncertainties during training to encourage the model to focus on underrepresented sample regions. We demonstrate the potential of this approach to improve generalisability without sacrificing state-of-the-art performance on a challenging multi-center polyp segmentation dataset (PolypGen) with different centers and image modalities.Comment: To be presented at the Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging (FAIMI) MICCAI 2023 Workshop and published in volumes of the Springer Lecture Notes Computer Science (LNCS) serie

    Learning Spatio-Temporal Patterns for Predicting Object Behaviour

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    Rule-based systems employed to model complex object behaviours, do not necessarily provide a realistic portrayal of true behaviour. To capture the real characteristics in a specific environment, a better model may be learnt from observation. This paper presents a novel approach to learning long-term spatio-temporal patterns of objects in image sequences, using a neural network paradigm to predict future behaviour. The results demonstrate the application of our approach to the problem of predicting animal behaviour in response to a predator