48 research outputs found

    Carreras de Castellón

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932 Curs acadèmic: 2013-2014Carreras de Castellón was born as a medium that informs about the mountain races in the Province of Castellón. The name of the company comes from its own features and it is very descriptive indeed. Mission: “A website of sports information about the mountain races”.Los deportes de montaña, especialmente las carreras de montaña, son un deporte en auge en la sociedad española y en especial en la provincia de Castellón, que es una de las zonas con más eventos de esta índole. Debido al número creciente de participantes y aficionados de esta disciplina, se pretende cubrir las necesidades informativas de un gran conjunto de personas a través de una página web.Carreras de Castellón SLNE nace como una empresa de comunicación que se dedica a cubrir las carreras de montaña que se celebran en la provincia de Castellón. Misión: “Portal web de información deportiva relacionada con las carreras de montaña”

    From Watchdog to Watched Dog: Oversight and Pressures between Journalists and Politicians in the Context of Mediatization

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    Political control is one of the central and conditioning aspects of the relationship between journalists and politicians. Through the perceptions of journalists and politicians, this article analyzes the validity, characteristics, and functioning of one of the principal mechanisms of political control: the journalistic oversight of politics, which is linked to the watchdog theory and political pressures on the media. In addition, the degree of mediatization of politics is measured with regard to media autonomy. The methodology is based on in-depth interviews of 45 participants in Spain. The results indicate the pre-eminence of political pressures that are principally exercised via indirect means (i.e., communications offices and media enterprises). The latter are a vehicle for channeling political control, which reveals the weight of the factors associated with political economy in the relationship between journalists and politicians. Finally, the low incidence of journalistic oversight of politics reveals a reduced level of mediatization in Spain.El control polític és un dels aspectes centrals que condicionen les relacions entre els periodistes i els polítics. A través de les percepcions dels periodistes i els polítics, aquest article analitza la validesa, les característiques i el funcionament d’un dels principals mecanismes del control polític: la vigilància del periodisme sobre la política, relacionada amb la teoria del gos guardià i les pressions polítiques que pateix l’autonomia dels mitjans de comunicació. La metodologia es basa en quaranta-cinc entrevistes en profunditat fetes a Espanya. Els resultats indiquen la preeminència de les pressions polítiques que bàsicament són exercides a través de mitjans indirectes (des dels gabinets de comunicació i els grups de comunicació); aquests últims representen el vehicle per reconduir el control polític, el qual descobreix el pes dels factors de l’economia política en la relació existent entre els polítics i els periodistes. Per acabar, la baixa incidència de la vigilància periodística sobre la política evidencia que a Espanya el nivell de mediatització és baix

    Las competencias profesionales en periodismo:una evaluación comparativa.

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse which are the formative skills linked to journalism that have worthier value recognition for two groups: students and professionals of the sector. The methodology is based on a quantitative survey. The sample consists of 126 students from different courses of the Journalism Degree at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón and 30 professionals working in different mass media. Results show that, despite of the crisis, both groups still trust in a future employment market linked to the traditional media, showing a limited entrepreneurship vision.El objetivo es analizar cuáles son las competencias formativas vinculadas al periodismo más valoradas por parte de dos colectivos: el alumnado y los profesionales del sector. La metodología se basa en la encuesta cuantitativa. La muestra está integrada por 126 alumnos de diferentes cursos del Grado en Periodismo de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón y por 30 profesionales de diversos medios de comunicación. Los resultados revelan que, pese a la crisis, ambos colectivos siguen confiando en un futuro laboral ligado a los medios tradicionales, dejando patente una visión emprendedora limitada

    The platformizationof institutional political communication. The use of WhatsApp by local administrations

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    Introducción: En los últimos años, las plataformas digitales, especialmente los servicios móviles de mensajería instantánea como WhatsApp, se han convertido en instrumentos esenciales para las administraciones locales. Los cambios de hábitos de la población, más propensos a realizar sus gestiones a través de los dispositivos móviles, pero también la posibilidad que estas plataformas ofrecen para promover una comunicación directa e inmediata han hecho que los ayuntamientos vean en ellas una vía para mejorar las relaciones con la ciudadanía. Nuestro objetivo es analizar las características, usos y funciones que las instituciones locales confieren a sus servicios móviles de mensajería instantánea para comunicarse con la ciudadanía. Metodología: Se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo mediante entrevistas en profundidad a dieciocho ayuntamientos, seleccionados en base a su número de habitantes. Resultados: Los resultados muestran una panorámica de los usos de WhatsApp por parte de las administraciones locales. Esto permite identificar las motivaciones y objetivos en su implantación, sus características en relación a sus contenidos y planificación y sus retos futuros. Conclusión y discusión: Los hallazgos de esta investigación demuestran que WhatsApp está plenamente asentado en los ayuntamientos. No obstante, su uso no es capaz de aprovechar todas las potencialidades del entorno digital, especialmente, debido a la falta de diálogo con la ciudadanía y de una planificación estratégica sólida

    Las competencias profesionales en periodismo:una evaluación comparativa.

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    El objetivo es analizar cuáles son las competencias formativas vinculadas al periodismo más valoradas por parte de dos colectivos: el alumnado y los profesionales del sector. La metodología se basa en la encuesta cuantitativa. La muestra está integrada por 126 alumnos de diferentes cursos del Grado en Periodismo de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón y por 30 profesionales de diversos medios de comunicación. Los resultados revelan que, pese a la crisis, ambos colectivos siguen confiando en un futuro laboral ligado a los medios tradicionales, dejando patente una visión emprendedora limitada

    Perceções dos cidadãos espanhóis sobre a desinformação em tempos de COVID-19: efeitos e mecanismos de combate às notícias falsas

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    Disinformation has become one of the main problems for society and democracy. Despite the increase in research on this topic, citizen perception of the effects caused by fake news and how to combat them is yet an ongoing issue. Our objective is to analyze these two aspects in the context of COVID-19 in Spain. Also, we seek to identify the sociodemographic and political factors that determine them. We employed a quantitative survey run through an online panel (n= 682). The results indicate that disinformation generates, as the primary effect, an increase in mistrust towards the media and politicians among Spanish citizens. Likewise, the incidence of disinformation in the change of opinion and the decision to vote has dropped. Concerning Coronavirus, falsehoods had a low impact on vaccination, although they promoted conspiracy theories among citizens. Men, young people and far-right sympathizers perceive the consequences of hoaxes more intensely. Finally, fact-checking and legislation are the mechanisms to combat disinformation that citizens consider most reliable. These results have important implications for public institutions and journalism.La desinformación se ha convertido en uno de los principales problemas para nuestra sociedad y nuestra democracia. Pese al incremento de investigaciones sobre este tópico, la percepción ciudadana sobre los efectos causados por las noticias falsas y las formas de combatirlas es una cuestión todavía pendiente. Nuestro objetivo es analizar estos dos aspectos en el contexto de la COVID-19 en España y, además, identificar los factores sociodemográficos y políticos que los determinan. Para ello, hemos usado una encuesta cuantitativa aplicada mediante un panel online (n= 682). Los resultados revelan que la desinformación genera, como efecto principal, un incremento de la desconfianza hacia los medios y los políticos entre la ciudadanía española. Por otra parte, su incidencia en el cambio de opinión y en la decisión de voto es reducida. En relación con el Coronavirus, las falsedades han tenido un bajo impacto en el proceso de vacunación, aunque si han repercutido en el incremento de las teorías de la conspiración entre la ciudadanía. Los hombres, los jóvenes y las personas de extrema derecha son quienes perciben las consecuencias de los engaños con mayor intensidad. Finalmente, la verificación de la información y la legislación son los mecanismos de lucha contra la desinformación que la ciudadanía considera más fiables. Estos resultados tienen importantes implicaciones tanto para las instituciones públicas como para el periodismo.A desinformação tornou-se um dos principais problemas da nossa sociedade e da nossa democracia. Apesar do aumento das pesquisas sobre o tema, a perceção do cidadão sobre os efeitos causados ​​pelas notícias falsas e as formas de combatê-las ainda é uma questão pendente. Nosso objetivo é analisar esses dois aspetos no contexto do COVID-19 na Espanha e, além disso, identificar os fatores sociodemográficos e políticos que os determinam. Para isso, utilizamos uma pesquisa quantitativa aplicada por meio de um painel online (n= 682). Os resultados revelam que a desinformação gera, como efeito principal, um aumento da desconfiança em relação à média e aos políticos entre os cidadãos espanhóis. Por outro lado, reduz-se a sua incidência na mudança de opinião e na decisão de voto. Em relação ao Coronavírus, as falsidades tiveram baixo impacto no processo de vacinação, embora tenham impactado no aumento de teorias da conspiração entre os cidadãos. Homens, jovens e pessoas da extrema-direita são os que percebem mais intensamente as consequências do engano. Por fim, a verificação da informação e a legislação são os mecanismos de combate à desinformação que os cidadãos consideram mais fiáveis. Esses resultados têm implicações importantes tanto para as instituições públicas quanto para o jornalismo

    Wide-scope screening of pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and their metabolites in the Amazon River

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    Only a limited number of households in the Amazon are served by sewage collection or treatment facili- ties, suggesting that there might be a significant emission of pharmaceuticals and other wastewater contaminants into freshwater ecosystems. In this work, we performed a wide-scope screening to assess the occurrence of pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and their metabolites in freshwater ecosystems of the Brazilian Amazon. Our study included 40 samples taken along the Amazon River, in three of its major tributaries, and in small tributaries crossing four important urban areas (Manaus, Santarém, Macapá, Belém). More than 900 compounds were investigated making use of target and suspect screening approaches, based on liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry with ion mobility separation. Empirical collision-cross section (CCS) values were used to help and confirm identifications in target screening, while in the suspect screening approach CCS values were predicted using Artificial Neural Networks to increase the confidence of the tentative identification. In this way, 51 compounds and metabolites were identified. The highest prevalence was found in streams crossing the urban areas of Manaus, Macapáand Belém, with some samples containing up to 30 - 40 compounds, while samples taken in Santarém showed a lower number (8 - 11), and the samples taken in the main course of the Amazon River and its tributaries contained between 1 and 7 compounds. Most compounds identified in areas with significant urban impact belonged to the analgesics and antihypertensive categories, followed by stimulants and antibiotics. Compounds such as caffeine, cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine, and cotinine (the metabolite of nicotine), were also detected in areas with relatively low anthropogenic impact and showed the highest total prevalence. This study supports the need to improve the sanitation system of urban areas in the Brazilian Amazon and the development of follow-up studies aimed at quantifying exposure levels and risks for Amazonian freshwater biodiversity

    Untargeted metabolomics in doping control : detection of new markers of testosterone misuse by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry

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    The use of untargeted metabolomics for the discovery of markers is a promising and virtually unexplored tool in the doping control field. Hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) and hybrid quadrupole Orbitrap (Q Exactive) mass spectrometers, coupled to ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography, are excellent tools for this purpose. In the present work, QTOF and Q Exactive have been used to look for markers for testosterone cypionate misuse by means of untargeted metabolomics. Two different groups of mine samples were analyzed, collected before and after the intramuscular administration of testosterone cypionate. In order to avoid analyte losses in the sample treatment, samples were just 2-fold diluted with water and directly injected into the chromatographic system. Samples were analyzed in both positive and negative ionization modes. Data from both systems were treated under untargeted metabolomic strategies using XCMS application and multivariate analysis. Results from the two mass spectrometers differed in the number of detected features, but both led to the same potential marker for the particular testosterone ester misuse. The in-depth study of the MS and MS/MS behavior of this marker allowed for the establishment of 1-cydopentenoylglycine as a feasible structure. The putative structure was confirmed by comparison with synthesized material. This potential marker seems to come from the metabolism of the cypionic acid release after hydrolysis of the administered ester. Its suitability for doping control has been evaluated

    Non-Invasive Electrophysiological Mapping Entropy Predicts Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Efficacy Better Than Clinical Characteristics

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    [EN] Success rate of atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation remains far from satisfactory. In this study, a 6 months AF freedom predictive model based on Fuzzy Entropy of non-invasive body surface potential maps is compared with clinical predictors. The study included 29 patients referred for pulmonary vein isolated catheter ablation procedure. Non-invasive electrocardiographic mapping with 54 ECG electrodes was recorded for all patients during the ablation procedure. Six months follow up was used to evaluate the efficacy of the ablation procedure. Predictions based on non-invasive electrocardiographic mappings during adenosine infusion (accuracy: 90%, AUC: 0.93) showed a clear improvement over standard-of-care clinical parameter models (accuracy: 62.1%, AUC: 0. 54). Our results indicate that measurements of electrophysiological complexity of AF signals could improve the clinical practice by predicting the efficacy of AF ablation procedures.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (DTS16/00160; PI16/01123; PI17/01059; PI17/01106; EIT-Health 19600 AFFINE)De La Nava, AS.; Fabregat, MC.; Rodrigo, M.; Hernández, I.; Liberos, A.; Fernández-Avilés, F.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.... (2019). Non-Invasive Electrophysiological Mapping Entropy Predicts Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Efficacy Better Than Clinical Characteristics. IEEE. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.22489/CinC.2019.299S1

    The Journalists of the Future meet Entrepreneurial Journalism

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    Journalism is undergoing a strong restructuring of its labour market due to the consequences of the economic crisis and the technological innovations. Discussions on the search for new formulas for job creation are centred on the emergence of entrepreneurial journalism. Spain is a paradigmatic example of this phenomenon because between 2008 and 2014, 454 news media outlets were created. The rise of entrepreneurial journalism raises many questions and challenges that affect all areas of journalism. One is their introduction in journalism education and the views of journalism students. The aim of this article is to analyse the perceptions regarding entrepreneurship held by those who will be future journalists and who are now receiving their education in the classroom. Our goal is to find out what knowledge journalism students have about entrepreneurship and the skills that are deemed essential. We evaluate the willingness of journalism students to develop their own business project and the major barriers and obstacles. The methodology uses a quantitative approach based on surveys in Spain (N=184). The results suggest an increase of the willingness in students to engage in entrepreneurship. However, students also have a negative and disenchanted view of journalism as they progress in their studies.This research was supported by the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló [grant number PI11A2013– 12]