837 research outputs found

    Parabolicity criteria and characterization results for submanifoldsof bounded mean curvature in model manifolds with weights

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    Let P be a submanifold properly immersed in a rotationally symmetric manifold having a pole and endowed with a weight e h. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, by assuming certain control on the h-mean curvature of P, we establish comparisons for the h-capacity of extrinsic balls in P, from which we deduce criteria ensuring the h-parabolicity or h-hyperbolicity of P. Second, we employ functions with geometric meaning to describe submanifolds of bounded h-mean curvature which are confined into some regions of the ambient manifold. As a consequence, we derive half-space and Bernstein-type theorems generalizing previous ones. Our results apply for some relevant h-minimal submanifolds appearing in the singularity theory of the mean curvature flow

    A note on the p-parabolicity of submanifolds

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    We give a geometric criterion which shows p-parabolicity of a class of submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold, with controlled second fundamental form, for p ≥ 2

    Single-Trial Recognition of Video Gamer’s Expertise from Brain Haemodynamic and Facial Emotion Responses

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    With an increase in consumer demand of video gaming entertainment, the game industry is exploring novel ways of game interaction such as providing direct interfaces between the game and the gamers’ cognitive or affective responses. In this work, gamer’s brain activity has been imaged using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) whilst they watch video of a video game (League of Legends) they play. A video of the face of the participants is also recorded for each of a total of 15 trials where a trial is defined as watching a gameplay video. From the data collected, i.e., gamer’s fNIRS data in combination with emotional state estimation from gamer’s facial expressions, the expertise level of the gamers has been decoded per trial in a multi-modal framework comprising of unsupervised deep feature learning and classification by state-of-the-art models. The best tri-class classification accuracy is obtained using a cascade of random convolutional kernel transform (ROCKET) feature extraction method and deep classifier at 91.44%. This is the first work that aims at decoding expertise level of gamers using non-restrictive and portable technologies for brain imaging, and emotional state recognition derived from gamers’ facial expressions. This work has profound implications for novel designs of future human interactions with video games and brain-controlled games

    Estimates of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue from exit time moment spectra

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    We compute the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of a geodesic ball in a rotationally symmetric model space in terms of the moment spectrum for the Brownian motion exit times from the ball. As an application of the model space theory we prove lower and upper bounds for the first Dirichlet eigenvalues of extrinsic metric balls in submanifolds of ambient Riemannian spaces which have model space controlled curvatures. Moreover, from this general setting we thereby obtain new generalizations of the classical and celebrated results due to McKean and Cheung–Leung concerning the fundamental tones of Cartan–Hadamard manifolds and the fundamental tones of submanifolds with bounded mean curvature in hyperbolic spaces, respectively.Supported by the Spanish Mineco-FEDER grant MTM2010-21206-C02-01 and Junta de Andalucia grants FQM-325 and P09-FQM-5088. Supported by the Spanish Mineco-FEDER grant MTM2010-21206-C02-02 and by the Pla de Promocio de la Investigació de la Universitat Jaume

    Comparison results for capacity

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    postprint de l'autor en arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.0487We obtain in this paper bounds for the capacity of a compact set KK. If KK is contained in an (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional Cartan-Hadamard manifold, has smooth boundary, and the principal curvatures of K\partial K are larger than or equal to H0>0H_0>0, then Cap(K)(n1)H0vol(K){\rm Cap}(K)\geq (n-1)\,H_0{\rm vol}(\partial K). When KK is contained in an (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional manifold with non-negative Ricci curvature, has smooth boundary, and the mean curvature of K\partial K is smaller than or equal to H0H_0, we prove the inequality Cap(K)(n1)H0vol(K){\rm Cap}(K)\leq (n-1)\,H_0{\rm vol}(\partial K). In both cases we are able to characterize the equality case. Finally, if KK is a convex set in Euclidean space Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1} which admits a supporting sphere of radius H01H_0^{-1} at any boundary point, then we prove Cap(K)(n1)H0Hn(K){\rm Cap}(K)\geq (n-1)\,H_0\mathcal{H}^n(\partial K) and that equality holds for the round sphere of radius H01H_0^{-1}

    Water monitoring in vegetation covers through multi-scale energy balance moddelling using time series of remotely sensed data

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    This work has addressed the modelling of the energy balance, integrating thermal infrared data into the Two Source Energy Balance model (TSEB, Norman et al., 1995; Kustas and Norman, 1999), over two extended and valuable Mediterranean ecosystems, as the dehesa and the vineyard. Throughout the Mediterranean region, particularly in Southern Spain, the main river basins suffer an imbalance between the supply and demand for water, largely due to the variable climatic conditions and human activities. Dealing with the water scarcity situation must rely on the ability to improve management with timely and accurate information about the water status of the ecosystems, that would improved predictions of resource availability and reduced the uncertainty in decision-making processes. The integration of remote sensing data in energy balance modelling can provide this information at different spatio-temporal scales. In water-controlled ecosystems there are many interrelationships between climate, soil and vegetation, with evapotranspiration (ET) as a key variable connecting energy and water budgets. ET has been exhaustively studied in cropped systems and different models for estimating ET at medium-large spatial scales have been developed, based on both soil water balance and surface energy balance. Energy balance (EB) models based on thermal remote sensing data enable updated diagnoses of the actual surface water condition. In general, these models do not require precipitation or soil properties inputs and are mostly conditioned by surface radiometric temperature (TRAD) observations. The methodology that best accounts for the effects of a non-homogeneous partial canopy cover is the twosource approach (Shuttelworth and Wallace, 1985; Norman et al., 1995; Kustas and Norman, 1999), in particular the TSEB, in which surface fluxes are divided into soil and canopy components. Previous studies (Timmermans et al., 2007; González-Dugo et al., 2009) demonstrated the advantages of such..

    Galápago leproso – Mauremys leprosa (Schweigger, 1812)

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    Reptiles - Orden Quelonios - Familia Geoemydidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/.A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Mediterranean stripe-necked terrapin Mauremys leprosa in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Comparison theory of Lorentzian distance with applications to spacelike hypersurfaces

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    In this paper we summarize some comparison results for the Lorentzian distance function in spacetimes, with applications to the study of the geometric analysis of the Lorentzian distance on spacelike hypersurfaces. In particular, we will consider spacelike hypersufaces whose image under the immersion is bounded in the ambient spacetime and derive sharp estimates for the mean curvature of such hypersurfaces under appropriate hypotheses on the curvature of the ambient spacetime. The results in this paper are part of our recent work [1], where complete details and further related results may be found

    Effects of message appeal and service type in CSR communication strategies

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    Studies highlight the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for companies' stakeholders. Consumers, however, are often unaware of such initiatives. Understanding how to effectively communicate socially responsible initiatives is an important challenge for both researchers and managers, who invest considerable resources in CSR initiatives. This study examines consumers' responses to two types of CSR initiatives (environment-related and employee-based) using two types of message appeals (emotional and rational) across two service types (hedonic and utilitarian). Responses provide data on consumers' awareness of CSR initiatives, attitudes toward the company, perceived company uniqueness, emotional response, and attributions of company motives to engage in CSR activities. Rational appeals more effectively communicate environment-related CSR initiatives, whereas emotional appeals more effectively communicate employee-based CSR initiatives. Effects on consumers' attributions of company motives to engage in CSR are significant in both service types. Finally, rational message appeals affect consumers' CSR awareness and emotional responses in utilitarian service

    El catàleg de la UAB : una enquesta d'ús

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    Mitjançant una enquesta, les autores d'aquest treball avaluen el grau de satisfacció dels usuaris en la consulta del catáleg de les biblioteques de la UAB. Els resultats de l'enquesta les porten a diverses reflexions: d'una banda els bibliotecaris catalogadors s'han de replantejar les prioritats en el control de qualitat del catàleg i, per l'altra, s'ha de millorar la formació i assessorament deis usuaris respecte a l'aprofitament dels recursos de qué disposen