136 research outputs found

    Theory and application of audiovisual materials in the English classroom

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    Treballs Finals del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Roger Gilabert Guerrero[eng] In the information era, the media have become a central focus in people’s lives. We are surrounded by the visual, and TV series and other online videos are very popular entertainment systems, specially among teenagers and young adults. Introducing audiovisual materials in the English classroom offers an unlimited number of possibilities for teachers and students, since videos are both authentic and motivating materials. The premise behind this paper is Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, which believes that information is better learned if presented with words and pictures at the same time. This paper gathers the most important findings regarding multimedia and the use of audiovisual materials in the fields of SLA and TEFL, as well as the use of subtitles and captions to promote language learning.[cat] A l'era de la informació, els mitjans de comunicació s'han convertit en un dels principals interessos en les nostres vides. En un món ple d'imatges, les sèries de televisió i els vídeos a Internet són un dels sistemes d'entreteniment més populars entre els joves, i la possibilitat d'introduir materials audiovisuals a la classe d'anglès suposa un ampli ventall de possibilitats tant pels professors com pels alumnes, ja que els vídeos són materials autèntics i motivants. La premissa en la qual es basa aquest treball és la teoria cognitiva de l’aprenentatge multimèdia (Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning) de Mayer, que creu que s'aprèn millor si la informació es presenta en forma de text i imatges. Aquest treball recull les troballes de l'estudi de l'prenentatge amb multimèdia i l'ús de materials audiovisuals en els camps de l'Adquisició d'una segona llengua i de l'Ensenyament l'anglès com a llengua estrangera, així com la utilització de subtítols per promoure l'aprenentatge lingüístic

    Regulación emocional y recaídas - Propuesta de un programa de prevención de recaídas a través de la regulación emocional y aplicación piloto del mismo.

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    Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria Por la UllEl objetivo de este estudio es diseñar, aplicar y evaluar la eficacia de un programa piloto de prevención de recaídas, en población drogodependiente, interviniendo a través de la regulación emocional. La muestra fue de doce pacientes en tratamiento en el centro de día “Cercado del Marqués” de la asociación “San Miguel Adicciones”, en San Cristóbal de la Laguna. En cuanto a la evaluación se utilizó la versión española de la Escala de Dificultades en la Regulación Emocional (DERS), la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR), la Escala de Habilidades Sociales (EHS) y el Índice de Reactividad Ineterperonal (IRI). En conjunto, los resultados muestran una mejora en la capacidad de regulación emocional tras la aplicación del programa pilotoThe aim of this study was to design, implement and evaluate a pilot relapse prevention program, in drug-dependent patients, through an emotional regulation intervention. The sample was twelve patients in treatment in the Day Center “Cercado del Marqués” in “San Miguel Adicciones” association, in San Cristóbal de la Laguna. Regarding the evaluation was used the Spanish version of Difficulties in Emotional Regulation (DERS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), Social Skills Scale (EHS) and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI). In general, results have showed an improvement in emotional regulation ability after intervention progra

    Museum visitors’ heterogeneity and experience processing

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    This research examines the relationships between affective and cognitive antecedents and consequences of satisfaction under a market heterogeneity approach. It includes co-creation of preparatory activities. The sample consisted of 276 museum visitors in London. Two analysis have been conducted: structural equation model and latent class path analysis. The paper contributes to the development of a theoretical framework for further understanding of service experience in which co-creation plays an important role. Two segments were identified: 1) emotional (with lower degree of co-creation, equally distributed by age and nationality); 2) rational (higher degree of co-creation, younger and domestic visitors). Our research shows significant differences between the two segments regarding variables such as satisfaction, loyalty, service experience, emotion, positive disconfirmation and willingness to pay more

    Working Memory Deficits After Lesions Involving the Supplementary Motor Area.

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    Published: 23 May 2018The Supplementary Motor Area (SMA)—located in the superior and medial aspects of the superior frontal gyrus—is a preferential site of certain brain tumors and arteriovenous malformations, which often provoke the so-called SMA syndrome. The bulk of the literature studying this syndrome has focused on two of its most apparent symptoms: contralateral motor and speech deficits. Surprisingly, little attention has been given to working memory (WM) even though neuroimaging studies have implicated the SMA in this cognitive process. Given its relevance for higher-order functions, our main goal was to examine whether WM is compromised in SMA lesions. We also asked whether WM deficits might be reducible to processing speed (PS) difficulties. Given the connectivity of the SMA with prefrontal regions related to executive control (EC), as a secondary goal we examined whether SMA lesions also hampered EC. To this end, we tested 12 patients with lesions involving the left (i.e., the dominant) SMA. We also tested 12 healthy controls matched with patients for socio-demographic variables. To ensure that the results of this study can be easily transferred and implemented in clinical practice, we used widely-known clinical neuropsychological tests: WM and PS were measured with their respective Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale indexes, and EC was tested with phonemic and semantic verbal fluency tasks. Non-parametric statistical methods revealed that patients showed deficits in the executive component of WM: they were able to sustain information temporarily but not to mentally manipulate this information. Such WM deficits were not subject to patients’ marginal PS impairment. Patients also showed reduced phonemic fluency, which disappeared after controlling for the influence of WM. This observation suggests that SMA damage does not seem to affect cognitive processes engaged by verbal fluency other than WM. In conclusion, WM impairment needs to be considered as part of the SMA syndrome. These findings represent the first evidence about the cognitive consequences (other than language) of damage to the SMA. Further research is needed to establish a more specific profile of WM impairment in SMA patients and determine the consequences of SMA damage for other cognitive functions.MH was supported by the Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2016-19477) research program (Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness). MH also acknowledges financial support from the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa/Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia (Programa FellowsGipuzkoa de atracción y retención de talento)

    Peinar la realidad a contrapelo: la pintura como mapa y reflejo de una época

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    At present, we can understand maps as a result of multiple information layers about places. Today, the new media are capable of dimensioning, registering and locating practically every piece of ground of our planet. However, the need to map emotional territories about our subjective experiences in the landscape is motivating the creation of new cartographic proposals though art. Walter Benjamin pointed out that art is capable of “combing history against the grain”. In our historical context, characterized by the use of topographic measurement and identification tools, it becomes essential to allow discontinuous things to appear and claiming transversal tools with which to understand our world, question it, complement it and even escape from it.; Podemos entender los mapas como la suma de múltiples capas de información precisa y objetiva que presentan las características de un lugar y que han ido ampliándose y perfeccionándose a lo largo de la historia. A día de hoy, las nuevas tecnologías han conseguido medir, registrar y localizar prácticamente cada parcela de nuestro planeta. No obstante, la necesidad de cartografiar territorios emocionales a partir de la subjetividad de nuestra experiencia en el paisaje está generando la creación de nuevas propuestas cartográficas por parte de los artistas. Walter Benjamin apuntaba que el arte es capaz de peinar la historia a contrapelo. En el contexto histórico que nos ocupa, en el que la localización territorial y la identificación topográfica, en cierto sentido, pierden importancia en favor de la interacción, cobra importancia el acto de “dejar aparecer lo discontinuo” y reivindicar herramientas transversales con las que entender nuestro mundo, cuestionarlo, complementarlo e incluso escapar de él

    Real-World Evidence on the Clinical Characteristics and Management of Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Spain Using Natural Language Processing: The SRealCLL Study

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    Artificial intelligence; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia; Natural language processingInteligencia artificial; Leucemia linfocítica crónica; Procesamiento del lenguaje naturalIntel·ligència artificial; Leucèmia limfocítica crònica; Processament del llenguatge naturalThe SRealCLL study aimed to obtain real-world evidence on the clinical characteristics and treatment patterns of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) using natural language processing (NLP). Electronic health records (EHRs) from seven Spanish hospitals (January 2016–December 2018) were analyzed using EHRead® technology, based on NLP and machine learning. A total of 534 CLL patients were assessed. No treatment was detected in 270 (50.6%) patients (watch-and-wait, W&W). First-line (1L) treatment was identified in 230 (43.1%) patients and relapsed/refractory (2L) treatment was identified in 58 (10.9%). The median age ranged from 71 to 75 years, with a uniform male predominance (54.8–63.8%). The main comorbidities included hypertension (W&W: 35.6%; 1L: 38.3%; 2L: 39.7%), diabetes mellitus (W&W: 24.4%; 1L: 24.3%; 2L: 31%), cardiac arrhythmia (W&W: 16.7%; 1L: 17.8%; 2L: 17.2%), heart failure (W&W 16.3%, 1L 17.4%, 2L 17.2%), and dyslipidemia (W&W: 13.7%; 1L: 18.7%; 2L: 19.0%). The most common antineoplastic treatment was ibrutinib in 1L (64.8%) and 2L (62.1%), followed by bendamustine + rituximab (12.6%), obinutuzumab + chlorambucil (5.2%), rituximab + chlorambucil (4.8%), and idelalisib + rituximab (3.9%) in 1L and venetoclax (15.5%), idelalisib + rituximab (6.9%), bendamustine + rituximab (3.5%), and venetoclax + rituximab (3.5%) in 2L. This study expands the information available on patients with CLL in Spain, describing the diversity in patient characteristics and therapeutic approaches in clinical practice.This study was founded by AstraZeneca Farmacéutica Spain, S.A

    Garantías de un juicio justo en interpretación judicial: propuesta de recomendaciones para operadores judiciales

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    Court interpreting is a complex task that requires a high level of training on the part of the interpreter. The question we raise is how the role of the interpreter is perceived and how judicial operators should act in a trial with interpreters. This may be problematic in terms of ensuring a fair trial. However, this issue has not been sufficiently addressed. Therefore, the aim of this article, after having reviewed the existing literature and legislation, is to present a series of findings and observations from surveys of court interpreters, judicial operators and lawyers.    Key words: Court Interpreting; Working with Interpreters; Perception of the Role of the Interpreter; Judicial Officers; Training; Recommendations; Guarantee of Rights. La interpretación en el ámbito judicial es una tarea compleja que exige un alto nivel de formación por parte del intérprete. La cuestión que planteamos es cómo se percibe el rol del intérprete y cómo deberían actuar los operadores judiciales en un juicio con intérpretes. Esto puede ser problemático para la garantía de un proceso justo. Sin embargo, este tema no ha sido suficientemente desarrollado. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente artículo, tras haber revisado la literatura y legislación existente, es presentar una serie de resultados y observaciones a partir de las encuestas realizadas a intérpretes judiciales, operadores judiciales y abogados. 

    Prevention of Emotional Disorders and Symptoms Under Health Conditions: A Pilot Study using the Unified Protocol in a Fertility Unit

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    Emotional Disorders (EDs) are common in women who undergo fertility treatments. The Unified Protocol (UP) is a transdiagnostic intervention that has demonstrated efficacy in preventing EDs under different health conditions. The aim of this pilot study is to: 1) improve emotional dysregulation for the prevention of anxiety and depressive symptoms in women undergoing intrauterine inseminations (IUI); 2) assess their acceptability (e.g., satisfaction and adherence rates). Method: Five women undergoing IUI, with no clinical diagnoses, responded to measures of mood (anxiety and depression), affect, quality of life and emotional dysregulation in the pre- and post-assessments, and at the 1-, 3- and 6-month follow-ups. The UP was adapted to be applied during six face-to-face group sessions lasting 2 h. The COVID-19 pandemic situation implied changing to an online format to end the program. Results: The results showed that women did not develop EDs, and no statistically significant pre-post and pre-follow-up differences were found for anxiety, depression, quality of life and emotional dysregulation (all p > .050). A tendency towards improvement in the post-assessment evaluation was noted. Satisfaction with the format and UP program was high. Conclusions: It would seem that programs focusing on therapeutic common factors like the UP could have an emotional preventive effect during IUI

    High prevalence and diversity of extended-spectrum β-lactamase and emergence of OXA-48 producing Enterobacterales in wildlife in Catalonia

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    Most of the studies focused on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) performed in wildlife describe Escherichia coli as the principal indicator of the selective pressure. In the present study, several species of Enterobacterales with a large panel of cephalosporin resistant (CR) genes have been isolated from wildlife in Catalonia. A total of 307 wild animals were examined to determine the prevalence of CR enterobacteria, AMR phenotypes and the presence of common carbapenem and CR genes. The overall prevalence of CR-phenotype was 13% (40/ 307): 17.3% in wild mammals (18/104) and 11.5% in wild birds (22/191) (p<0.01). Hedgehogs showed the highest prevalence (13.5% of 104) of the mammal specimens, and raptors the highest in bird specimen (7.3% of 191). Although CR E. coli was the most frequently isolated (45%), other CR- Enterobacterales like Klebsiella pneumoniae (20%), Citrobacter freundii (15%), Enterobacter cloacae (5%), Proteus mirabilis (5%), Providencia spp (5%) and Serratia marcescens (2.5%) were also isolated. A high diversity of CR genes was identified among the isolates, with 50% yielding blaCMY-2, 23% blaSHV-12, 20% blaCMY-1 and 18% blaCTX-M-15. Additionally, resistance to carbapenems associated to OXA-48 gene was found. Most of the CR isolates, principally K. pneumoniae and C. freundii, were multiresistant with co-resistance to fluoroquinolones, tetracycline, sulphonamides and aminoglycosides. This study reports high prevalence of Enterobacterales harbouring a variety of CR genes and OXA-48 mediated-carbapenem resistance, all of them frequently associated to nosocomial human infections, for the first time in wild mammals and wild birds. Implementation of control measures to reduce the impact of anthropogenic pressure in the environment is urgently needed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio