13 research outputs found

    Diet of reproductive age women with and without diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Ciljevi ovog rada su bili utvrditi: razlikuje li se prehrana žena reproduktivne dobi s dijagnosticiranim PCOS-om u odnosu na zdrave žene, prehrambene obrasce i navike karakteristične za prehranu ovih skupina žena, izraženost simptoma PCOS-a te njihovu povezanost s prehrambenim obrascima, kao i potencijal za intervencijsku studiju. Stoga je provedena studija slučaja i kontrole na ženama reproduktivne dobi s dijagnosticiranim PCOS-om (n=12) i zdravim ženama (n=16). Najvažniji zaključci ovog istraživanja su da ispitanice s PCOS-om u usporedbi s ženama iz kontrolne skupine imaju veći unos alkohola i kave; puÅ”e u većem postotku nego Å”to je to uobičajeno za regiju iz koje dolaze; imaju statistički značajno manju fizičku aktivnost u slobodno vrijeme; imaju veći broj izostanaka mjesečnice, neredovitih ciklusa i ostalih PCOS simptoma; imaju statistički značajno loÅ”ije prehrambene navike s obilježjima prehrane visoke na GI-u; unose viÅ”e energije iz ugljikohidrata i proteina, a manje iz masti (bez statističke značajnosti) dok je kontrolna skupina ispitanica sklonija smanjivati unos ugljikohidrata i proteina ali ne i masti; imaju pozitivnu, statistički značajnu korelaciju godina starosti s unosom ugljikohidrata dok je to kod kontrolnih ispitanica slučaj s mastima; imaju neÅ”to veći prosječni unos energije (bez statističke značajnosti); imaju statisički značajno veći unos fosfora, željeza i bakra; sklonije su visokom unosu natrija i većem unosu vlakana. Pokazalo se i da postoji potencijal za intervencijsku studiju edukacije i uvođenja terapeutskog tipa prehrane.The objectives of this study were to determine the following: whether the diets of reproductive age women diagnosed with PCOS and of healthy women are different, characteristics of dietary patterns and habits of these groups of women, the extent of the symptoms of PCOS and its relationship to dietary patterns and potential for the intervention study. Thus, a matched pair study was conducted on reproductive age women diagnosed with PCOS (n=12) and healthy women (n=16). The main conclusions of this study are that women with PCOS compared to the control group of women have lower alcohol and coffee intake; smoke more than other women from their region; spend significantly smaller amount of time on physical activity during leisure; have more problems with amenorrhea, irregular cycles and other PCOS symptoms; have significantly poorer dietary habits that show characteristics of a diet high in GI; have higher energy intake from carbohydrates and protein with lower energy intake from fat (without statistical significance) while women in the control group are more likely to reduce their intake of carbohydrates and protein, but not fat; have positive, significant correlation between age and carbohydrate intake whereas control group have positive, significant correlation between age and fat intake; have a higher average energy intake (without statistical significance); have significantly higher intake of phosphorus, iron and copper; are more prone to high sodium intake and higher fibre intake. Furthermore, there is a potential for intervention study and the introduction of a therapeutic diet

    Diet of reproductive age women with and without diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Ciljevi ovog rada su bili utvrditi: razlikuje li se prehrana žena reproduktivne dobi s dijagnosticiranim PCOS-om u odnosu na zdrave žene, prehrambene obrasce i navike karakteristične za prehranu ovih skupina žena, izraženost simptoma PCOS-a te njihovu povezanost s prehrambenim obrascima, kao i potencijal za intervencijsku studiju. Stoga je provedena studija slučaja i kontrole na ženama reproduktivne dobi s dijagnosticiranim PCOS-om (n=12) i zdravim ženama (n=16). Najvažniji zaključci ovog istraživanja su da ispitanice s PCOS-om u usporedbi s ženama iz kontrolne skupine imaju veći unos alkohola i kave; puÅ”e u većem postotku nego Å”to je to uobičajeno za regiju iz koje dolaze; imaju statistički značajno manju fizičku aktivnost u slobodno vrijeme; imaju veći broj izostanaka mjesečnice, neredovitih ciklusa i ostalih PCOS simptoma; imaju statistički značajno loÅ”ije prehrambene navike s obilježjima prehrane visoke na GI-u; unose viÅ”e energije iz ugljikohidrata i proteina, a manje iz masti (bez statističke značajnosti) dok je kontrolna skupina ispitanica sklonija smanjivati unos ugljikohidrata i proteina ali ne i masti; imaju pozitivnu, statistički značajnu korelaciju godina starosti s unosom ugljikohidrata dok je to kod kontrolnih ispitanica slučaj s mastima; imaju neÅ”to veći prosječni unos energije (bez statističke značajnosti); imaju statisički značajno veći unos fosfora, željeza i bakra; sklonije su visokom unosu natrija i većem unosu vlakana. Pokazalo se i da postoji potencijal za intervencijsku studiju edukacije i uvođenja terapeutskog tipa prehrane.The objectives of this study were to determine the following: whether the diets of reproductive age women diagnosed with PCOS and of healthy women are different, characteristics of dietary patterns and habits of these groups of women, the extent of the symptoms of PCOS and its relationship to dietary patterns and potential for the intervention study. Thus, a matched pair study was conducted on reproductive age women diagnosed with PCOS (n=12) and healthy women (n=16). The main conclusions of this study are that women with PCOS compared to the control group of women have lower alcohol and coffee intake; smoke more than other women from their region; spend significantly smaller amount of time on physical activity during leisure; have more problems with amenorrhea, irregular cycles and other PCOS symptoms; have significantly poorer dietary habits that show characteristics of a diet high in GI; have higher energy intake from carbohydrates and protein with lower energy intake from fat (without statistical significance) while women in the control group are more likely to reduce their intake of carbohydrates and protein, but not fat; have positive, significant correlation between age and carbohydrate intake whereas control group have positive, significant correlation between age and fat intake; have a higher average energy intake (without statistical significance); have significantly higher intake of phosphorus, iron and copper; are more prone to high sodium intake and higher fibre intake. Furthermore, there is a potential for intervention study and the introduction of a therapeutic diet


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    Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex gynecological and endocrinological disorder affecting 6% to 21% of reproductive age women. The main characteristics of PCOS include hyperandrogenism, irregular menstrual cycles, lack of ovulation, enlarged ovaries with numerous cysts and infertility. Symptoms vary widely between women, but most commonly include obesity, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance (approximately 65% to 70% of women with PCOS). Therefore, uniform therapy and dietary recommendations fail. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the quality of diet and dietary patterns of women with PCOS. Actual lifestyle habits and the diet of the women with PCOS have not been extensively researched internationally and never in Croatia. Methods: The study included women of reproductive age diagnosed with PCOS (N=12), recruited at the Gynecological Office Lončar, Karlovac, Croatia. Study participants completed a general questionnaire on socio-economic characteristics and two questionnaires regarding their gynecological health and PCOS symptoms. Anthropometry was measured (Seca) while biochemical data was provided by the gynecologist. Diet quality was assessed with a 24-hour dietary recall and quality of diet and exercise habits were assessed with a questionnaire developed specifically for this study. Results: Women with PCOS had an average daily energy intake of 82.3% of the RDA, i.e. 2333 kcal/day. When analyzing the contribution of separate macronutrients to that daily energy intake, discrepancies from the recommendations were found. The main discrepancies are high contribution of fats (40.1%) and increased intake of proteins (17.7%). Total fat intake showed a statistically significant positive correlation with waist circumference and waist to hips ratio. In addition, a statistically significant correlation was found between age and intake of total carbohydrates and plant proteins. Conclusion: Study findings show the potential for a larger-scale study on Croatian women with PCOS

    The importance of nutrition education for diabetics ā€“ type 1 versus type 2 diabetics

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    Nutrition education is an integral part of the diabetic therapy that aims at achieving good glycaemic control to prevent complications. This is very important for type 1 diabetics (DMT1), where nutrition and insulin therapy must be matched. The aims of the study were: the evaluation of differences in nutrition education between DMT1 and type 2 diabetics (DMT2), the influence of education on glycaemic control and diet quality, and the self-assessment of health-related quality of life. A descriptive study was conducted on patients with DMT1 (n=101) and DMT2 (n=90) from Croatia using a study-specific questionnaire. Diet quality did not differ significantly between DMT1 and DMT2 patients. However, 18.0% of DMT1 and 20.0% of DMT2 patients do not possess adequate knowledge of the diabetic diet, nor stick to relating nutritional guidelines. Poor glycaemic control had 48.5% of DMT1 and 73.5% of DMT2 patients (p<0.001). Psychophysical health is better among the DMT2 patients (p<0.001), while the DMT1 patients have a better social life (p=0.015) and the overall quality of life (p<0.001). The results show that diabetics have poor nutrition knowledge, clearly showing the need for professional, continuous nutrition education. Education would help diabetics in improving their quality of life and glycaemia control, which decreases disease complications

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    Comparison of Regulations on Food Labeling in the United States and the Republic of Croatia with Labeling Examples

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    U ovom je radu opisana i uspoređena zakonska regulativa o hrani i označavanja hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (SAD). Na primjerima označavanja sireva, mineralnih voda i voćnih sokova pokazano je kako proizvod mora biti označen na tržiÅ”tu SAD-a, a kako na tržiÅ”tu RH. U radu su opisani i opći uvjeti za uvoz hrane iz RH u SAD i iz SAD-a u RH. Ovaj je rad pokazao da se zakonska regulativa o hrani i označavanju hrane kao i uvjeti uvoza hrane u RH i SAD-u značajno razlikuju o čemu hrvatski izvoznici koji žele ući na tržiÅ”te SAD-a moraju voditi računa, a isto važi i za američke izvoznike zainteresirane za hrvatsko tržiÅ”te. U radu je koriÅ”tena metoda komparativne analize.This paper has described and compared legal framework for food and food labeling in the Republic of Croatia and the United States of America (US). With labeling examples of cheeses, mineral wateres and fruit juices this paper demonstrated food labeling for the US market and food labeling for the Croatian market. Additionally, this paper describes, in broad strokes, general conditions for food imports from the Rebublic of Croatia to the US and from the US to the Republic of Croatia. This paper has demonstrated that legislative for food and food labeling as well as food import requirement in the US and the Republic of Croatia are significantly different, which is important for Croatian exporters interested in the US market and the US exporters interested in the Croatian market. In this paper method of comparative analyses was used

    Comparison of Regulations on Food Labeling in the United States and the Republic of Croatia with Labeling Examples

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    U ovom je radu opisana i uspoređena zakonska regulativa o hrani i označavanja hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (SAD). Na primjerima označavanja sireva, mineralnih voda i voćnih sokova pokazano je kako proizvod mora biti označen na tržiÅ”tu SAD-a, a kako na tržiÅ”tu RH. U radu su opisani i opći uvjeti za uvoz hrane iz RH u SAD i iz SAD-a u RH. Ovaj je rad pokazao da se zakonska regulativa o hrani i označavanju hrane kao i uvjeti uvoza hrane u RH i SAD-u značajno razlikuju o čemu hrvatski izvoznici koji žele ući na tržiÅ”te SAD-a moraju voditi računa, a isto važi i za američke izvoznike zainteresirane za hrvatsko tržiÅ”te. U radu je koriÅ”tena metoda komparativne analize.This paper has described and compared legal framework for food and food labeling in the Republic of Croatia and the United States of America (US). With labeling examples of cheeses, mineral wateres and fruit juices this paper demonstrated food labeling for the US market and food labeling for the Croatian market. Additionally, this paper describes, in broad strokes, general conditions for food imports from the Rebublic of Croatia to the US and from the US to the Republic of Croatia. This paper has demonstrated that legislative for food and food labeling as well as food import requirement in the US and the Republic of Croatia are significantly different, which is important for Croatian exporters interested in the US market and the US exporters interested in the Croatian market. In this paper method of comparative analyses was used

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Validation Studies Performed on Dietary Record Apps.

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    Mobile dietary record apps have been increasingly validated by studies with various study designs. This review aims to evaluate the overall accuracy of dietary record apps in measuring the intake of energy, macro- and micronutrients, and food groups in real-life settings and the designs of validation studies. We systematically searched mobile dietary record validation studies published during the period from 2013 to 2019. We identified 14 studies for the systematic review, of which 11 studies were suitable for meta-analyses on energy intake and 8 studies on macronutrient intake. Mean differences and SDs of nutrient estimations between the app and the reference method from studies were pooled using a random-effects model. All apps underestimated energy intake when compared with their reference methods, with a pooled effect of āˆ’202Ā kcal/d (95% CI: āˆ’319, āˆ’85Ā kcal/d); the heterogeneity of studies was 72%. After stratification, studies that used the same food-composition table for both the app and the reference method had a lower level of heterogeneity (0%) and a pooled effect of āˆ’57Ā kcal/d (95% CI: āˆ’116, 2Ā kcal/d). The heterogeneity of studies in the differences in carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake was 54%, 73%, and 80%, with the pooled effect of āˆ’18.8Ā g/d, āˆ’12.7Ā g/d, and āˆ’12.2Ā g/d, respectively, after excluding outliers. The intakes of micronutrients and food groups were statistically nonsignificantly underestimated by the apps in most cases. In conclusion, dietary record apps underestimated food consumption compared with traditional dietary assessment methods. Moreover, varying study designs have been found across studies. Recommended practices for conducting validation studies were formulated including considering biomarkers as the reference, testing in a larger and more representative study population for a longer period, avoiding the learning effect of each method, and comparing food group or food item consumption in addition to comparing energy and nutrient intakes